Chapter 32 I need to be Strong.
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As we were having our sweet moments at the table, Alex arrived with seven burly bodyguards, causing a commotion. The bodyguards were intimidating, and one glance could make anyone shiver. But that didn't have an effect on me, as I ignored them and continued to gobble up my food. 

“You punk. Where is your haughtiness from before?" Alex smirked at me. 

Hearing the commotion, the hotel's manager rushed over and begged him, "Mr. Alex, I am extremely sorry for the inappropriate behavior you experienced earlier, but please do not disrupt the environment here." 

“Who are you? Did I let you speak, huh? If you do not want to be beaten up, stay out of it. Or don’t blame me for not reminding you earlier." 

“Sir but-” 


“Didn't I tell you to keep quiet? Then why are you poking your nose into my affairs? Get lost.” With that, Alex kicked the manager aside as he strode towards me. 

Shanaya was furious after seeing the commotion he was causing, but she waited patiently to see how Ryan would handle the situation. Feeling somewhat bewildered, Kayla chose not to get involved, for she was unsure of what to do in this circumstance. 

"Listen, I am having dinner with my family, and I am not in the mood to bother you, so you better get lost." I answered flippantly. 

“Hah! Why are you scared now, huh? Also, I would like to see who would come to save you. Those pretty ladies sitting beside you? Ha! After you’re dead, I'll play with them for a month.” He smirked.

Suddenly he felt a tingling sensation on his throat just as he was about to finish. Sensing something was off, he touched his throat and felt crimson liquid flowing over his hands. His throat was stabbed with a fork, and he was unable to feel anything. Alex lost consciousness as blood vigorously spurted from his neck. Witnessing this horrific scene, everyone there gasped and trembled. 

As for Stephanie, Leona, Nashy, and Shanaya, were drumstruck and in disbelief when they saw the horrific scene. For they never imagined that Ryan would have the guts to stab him, for uttering just a mere horrible word. While contemplating her next move, Shanaya noticed that the bodyguards had surrounded Ryan and were preparing to charge at him. 




"Ugh…" The bodyguard who took the lead collapsed to the ground, unconscious. But, just as Ryan was about to proceed, a guard stealthily stabbed a knife into his back. 




Leona charged forward and punched two bodyguards, leaving them unconscious. Shanaya went to one of the guards and slit his throat with the knife she always kept in her back. Among them, Stephanie was the most ruthless, easily twisting the necks of three guards, killing them on the spot. Nashy, on the other hand, immediately embraced him and sobbed as she sprinkled water on him. "Darling, please wake up. Baby, please do not scare me. Wake up, my dear." She hurriedly told Leona, "Leona, prepare the car also take that asshole; I will prepare a feast for him." 

Nashy, who was always gentle, was looking like a fierce tigress, who would kill anyone getting in her way without sparing a glance at them. 

Shanaya also desired to inquire about my injuries, but Kayla restrained her. She drew her aside and said, "Shanaya, are you forgetting that you are no longer with Ryan and are divorced? You should move on, too, because he already has someone in his life.” What Shanaya did was out of reflex, so she couldn't think rationally at that moment. But now that she had relaxed, she accepted and took a seat back. She felt melancholy and nostalgic as memories of their past flooded her mind. Her eyes closed, and she dripped with tears. She reclined in her chair, murmuring under her breath, 'Honey, I hope you are fine. When will you come back, dear? I'm truly sorry for what I did to you earlier. I hope you will forgive me, forgive me.’

At the hospital, Nashy went to settle the bills. And I was admitted to the intensive care unit after the operation went off without a hitch. The knife was removed, and a deep scar was left on my back, though it was not severe. Overall, I had two scars, one of which was healing, and the other I earned today. Leona sat beside me, staring at me with a dejected expression. The door creaked open, and Stephanie entered. Then she eyed Leona to give us privacy. Stephy sat next to me with two streams of tears flowing. Softly grabbing my hand, she said, "Ley, why are you so notorious, huh? Can't you feel anything about me? Why are you so reckless, as if your life doesn't matter to you? You know I'm worried sick of your behavior. When will you stop playing such life-death situations?” 

I chuckled and felt moved. "Why worry when I have such a tigress beside me? Also, if I do not get hurt occasionally, how would I know whether you truly love me or not?" 


What I got back was a smack on the head. I could tell she was angry, and I enjoyed teasing her. But she pinched my ears and yelled, "If you dare say such a thing again, I will bite you, got it? Who gave you the right to judge and play with my feelings, huh? Also, let me remind you: starting today, you'll be under my wings. You'll listen to everything I say, and if you dare disobey me, then be prepared for the consequences.” 

“Hehe. Well I ought to listen to your every command, Lieutenant General. You are my only family, my sister, and my mother." I trailed off. 

Although Stephy was beaming with happiness, she soon started to cry when she heard me call her mother. Rolling her eyes at him, she expressed her profound emotion by asking, "Where did you learn to placate with honey-words, huh?" 

However, in her heart, she swore, ‘God, I am so lucky to have him as my little brother. Though we are not related by blood, yet he treats me as if I were his own. Ley baby, since you addressed me as your mother, I will never abandon you in this life and will shower you with unwavering warmth.’

“Stephy, I need to be strong. I am not sure how often I will have to come to this cubicle if this keeps up." I said with determination in my eyes. 

She rolled her eyes and said, "Let us think about it after you get well quickly." 

“Stephy, believe me, I'm not kidding. I really want to be strong. Tell me, if you weren't there today, where would I be now? A dead corpse.” But before I could finish, Stephy pressed her fingers against my mouth and yelled, "Shut up! Just keep your mouths sealed. If I hear such negative emotions in the future, mark my words: you will face serious consequences. Such punishments, that my enemies stay 4 Km away from the battlefield. So do you want to have a taste of it, huh?” 

“I.. Forget it.” Looking at her emotions, I sighed and turned aside. But then I asked, "What about Joseph?" 

What I saw was a cold gaze, as if I had fallen into the abyss where only I could only feel coldness. I shivered and quickly tangled myself inside the blanket to avoid her cold gaze. Seeing this, she smirked and continued patting my head until I fell asleep.