Chapter 34 Face the Consequences.
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My heart was thumping so hard, it felt as if it would burst out of my chest as I paved towards the room. The thought of getting the punishment she yelled an hour ago was creating more uneasiness than the expected intimacy. Just as I was about to knock on the door, I heard Nashy on the phone with someone named Reva. I shuddered while listening to the duo's conversation, since the call was on speaker. 

"Reva, could you tell me the best positions for dominating my lover in bed, since you're so proficient in that aspect.” 

"Huh, Natasha, you have a boyfriend? When? I assumed you would die single." From the other side, Reva spoke hastily.

"Hey, cut the crap, will you? Also, he is not my boyfriend; he is my future husband. In other words, my fiancé. Also, don't waste my time; if you have anything in that little brain of yours, just spit it out." Impatient, she yelled. 

"Hey Brigadier General, why are you so agitated? I was simply taken aback by the disclosure, as everyone in the battalion is aware of your crush. Could it be that your fiancé is your crush?” Intrigued, she asked. 

“Are you craving a beating, huh? Also, yes, I found my crush not too long ago. But until we tie the knot, I am giving you a warning not to disclose anything about our relationship. Is that clear?” 

“Natasha don't you trust me? Anyway, best wishes for finding your lost mate. And I'm sending you some tips in the mail, checkout once it is delivered to you. I hope it suits you, hehe.” Reva hung up the phone and sighed, ‘I wish that man must be exceptional in physically and have the best endurance; otherwise, he won't be able to get up, after losing so much energy.’

The thought of being dominated made me shiver. ‘Is this woman who tends to love by dominating her partner? Huh, oh come on Ryan you are single, how come she would dominate you without your consent? Yes, I need to be brave, or she would squeeze me until I am a corpse.’ After that, I took a deep breath, encouraging myself, before knocking on the door. 


“Come in.” 

Upon entering, I noticed Nashy engrossed in her phone, which only served to further aggravate me. I just stood there like a rock, racking my brains trying to think of a way out of the predicament. As I was about to say something, Nashy said, "Close the door and take off your clothes." 

‘Huh, what the fuck? Is she for real?’ I thought as I closed the door, but didn't dare remove my clothes. Nashy, who was on her phone, looked up and frowned, glaring, “What did I told you?" 

Meekly, I responded, "Um, Nashy I… I am sorry for deceiving you. Please forgive me.” Nashy set her mobile aside, curled her fingers, and pointed at me. "Come here, sit beside me." Despite my hesitation, there was nothing I could do, since my idiotic brain had fallen into deep slumber. So I moved slowly and hung my head down. Seeing this, she smirked and teased me, "So baby, what did I tell you earlier, huh?" 

"To comply with you." I responded. 

"Hmm, did you listen to me? No. Instead, you lied in my face. And you know what I despise the most, dear? Being duped and betrayed. And you did it without any hesitation. As a result, you should face the consequences, right?"

I nodded and said nothing, afraid the tigress would attack without batting an eye. Nashy then pushed me while sitting above me. She then began to unbutton my shirt gradually, until I was half naked. She, too, threw her shirt somewhere, leaving herself only in a bra. But what horrified me were her six attached abs, which fueled my desire. Her ample round busts and sexy figure sparked a desire within me. If someone peeked at her, they wouldn't believe she is a high official in the military. There were curves in specific places that required her to enhance her ethereal beauty. She was truly on par with Jessica. Hers was a sensual and gorgeous figure, while Jessica was voluptuous and curvaceous. 

I gulped hard as I looked into her eyes, to which she smiled. "Do you want to feel those? Then why are you hesitating? It's all yours, as I have kept my chaste preserved for you only.” 

I slowly raised my hands and felt her abdominal muscles; they were thick and lovely to the touch. Suddenly, I looked at mine, comparing it to hers, but I only had four, which were deflating day by day due to a lack of workouts. When she noticed this, she laughed and said, "It’s okay. You don't have to worry about that. They will emerge in two months once you begin to dedicate your body to your own development. Besides, you can enjoy playing with me; what do you say?” 

I nodded and felt touched. Suddenly I asked, "Nashy, could I ask you something if you don’t mind?" To which she gave a green signal as I probed her, “Why do you love me? I mean, what is it about me that you find so captivating?”

Though she was perplexed, she laid on me, as her strands of hair fell on my face. "Baby, I understand why you have doubts in your heart, but remember, I am not like your ex, who is unreasonable or chases after material desires; all I truly want is You. I don't feel lust for those since I have enough wealth and properties amassed in my account.  Even though I know you won't believe me so early, all you have to do is trust me once, and you will never have to worry in the future. I won't object to you if you have female friends or talk with them; that's your personal thing, and I won't interfere. But all I want is for my man to be focused on his life. He should be aware of his purpose and objectives. The rest, I don't care. Even if you work as a clerk, I won't mind because you're a man, and you need to shoulder your responsibilities as a man. Also, you must be skeptical now, since your ex said those similar words, but what did she give you? Her forbidden fruit, in exchange for being, wrapped around her fingers, but I won't do that. I know everyone seeks freedom, much less a cat or dog. So, why should I do something if my lover dislikes it, as this will only create a lot of misconceptions.” 

I was genuinely touched by her speech's conclusion. I could see the determination in her eyes. Then Nashy whispered seductively, “Baby, now it's time to receive your punishments; are you ready?” I could only nod as she began giving me hickeys on my collarbone and neck. She scratched and squeezed my back with her fingers. 

After much foreplay, she eventually took off her pants, exposing a pink vagina that was dripping. I gulped as we met our eyes, as she blew in my ears, "Baby, from now on, you are only mine. You belong to me, and I am your woman, got that?" Asserting her dominance over me, she slowly slid her vagina into my cock, which was already saluting her. The next moment, I felt as if I were landing on a cloud or something smooth and soft. She began to hump slowly to extremes, and clenched my cock as if attempting to suck every seed from me. 

As she drew me into her bosom, I could detect the scent of her sweat mixed with her perfume, which produced a distinct aroma. As she was on the top, she asserted, “Baby, promise me one thing.” To which I asked, “What is it?” 

“You won't meet with your ex from now on, since you now belong to me. Also, if you have any issues bothering you, come to me, alright?” 

I knew it. Up until now, every woman I have encountered or been in relation with has been envious of other women. How come they are so blatantly jealous of one another? It's beyond me.’ Even so, I kept my word to her. 

"Would... would you cheat on me in the future?” 

"No, no, I won't.” I panted. 

“Um, Nashy, could you please slow down a little?” 

“Hmm, no... As I said... it's your punishment... Also, don't bother me. I… It's ecstatic, ahh.” 

"Baby... now cum inside me.” Her words jolted me, and I hurriedly pulled back my cock just in time before spurting on her legs. When she saw, she became enraged and bellowed, "Why did you do that?" 

“Nashy, I… I am not in a position to have children too soon. Also, we weren't using protection.” Suddenly, realization dawned upon her as she chuckled and pecked my forehead. “Oh, I'm extremely sorry, baby. I thought we had used protection. Anyway, it isn't your fault. I love you, my Ley, I'm extremely happy.” She kept kissing me until her breath became unstable. 


Just then, Leona knocked on the door and asked, “Nashy are you busy?” Irritated by her nagging, she said, “Leona, why can't you leave us for a few hours? Please don’t bother me while I am having my intimate sessions here.” Stunned, Leona dashed into the living room, exclaiming to Stephanie, "Stephy, they really did the deed. I believe we will soon be promoted to aunt." Stephy, too, was ecstatic. "Yeah, I am eagerly waiting for a junior Ley." 

Just as they were wildly imagining, Nashy stepped in and teased, "I am sorry, Stephy, but I have to let you down, for you cannot be an aunt so soon." The living room went silent as the two ladies exchanged glances before blurting out, "What do you mean?"

"Well, the farmer indeed has plowed the land and was ready to sow the seeds, when he suddenly had an urgent matter to attend to before spurting the seeds on the wrong spot.” Nashy shrugged as she entered the hall like a penguin.

The dream of being an aunt burst like a bubble. It was as though someone had dumped a bucket of chilly water on them. Stephy experienced both happiness and sadness as she cast a look at Nashy. She was relieved to see that Nashy was having difficulty in walking but disappointed to not receive the anticipated news; as a result, she said, "Yes, it’s too early to expect a baby." 

Leona chimed immediately, “There's a way if you want a baby?” 


“By getting yourself married, hehe.” Leona chuckled. Stephy's gaze became cold as the room temperature dropped. She then stated firmly, "I promised dad that I would never marry and will always be by my brother's side until my death. So, as the eldest daughter, how could I deceive my late father? It's impossible. Also, I'm not interested in marriage. All I want is to see my Ley happy and give me a nephew or niece. Concerning the rest, they don't bother me that much.”