Chapter 9
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Shiro and I were eating our treats quietly, which was unusual given that Shiro is not a silent person. Perhaps she became more active because she was with Ganta.

I tried to start a conversation.

“So, how was your day?”

“I ate lots of sweets, and I met a new friend.”

Talking to children is so hard that my brain must have had four aneurysms thinking of how to start a conversation, which wasn't as fruitful as I hoped it to be.

What the heck happened to the bundle of energy she was supposed to be? Do I look scary or something?

If someone looked at us right now, I am sure we would look like brother and sister. We both have pale skin, white hair, and red eyes.

‘Could it be that? Nah, there's no way she is angry for that reason…’

“Shiro, Do you want to see something cool?”


I did the only thing any sane person would think of while playing with a child.

I used my blood to make a string and started making some interesting figures with it. I could see the shine in her eyes.

“How did you do that?”

I told her the rules of the cat’s cradle game after successfully gaining her interest. It was a pretty famous game in Japan.


“I'm not playing anymore; you are cheating...”

"Alright, then let's play something else.”

Then I made blocks of blood, and we started playing Jenga. This was helping me increase my blood control as well as making Shiro happy. It was a win-win situation for everyone.


We played until Shiro got tired and started feeling sleepy. I carried Shiro and put her on the bed. She changed positions until she was covering the whole bed.

You could see saliva pooling in her mouth and falling on the bed after traveling through her cheeks. She looked so normal right now.

I didn't really need sleep, so I just sat down on the floor with my legs crossed and tried to feel my whole nervous system using the blood that was flowing through it.

I wanted to specifically know the nerves that helped in feeling pain so that, if need be, I could stop the flow of blood in them.

Not feeling pain can be a boon in many situations, even though I think I have good pain tolerance.

But I'm not going to be able to do anything like that in the near future, as the nervous system is too complex to navigate through.

The second best thing I could do was cause internal injuries to increase my pain tolerance.

I was doing all these things because I knew my regeneration was a massive advantage that could only be hindered by something like a lack of pain tolerance.

“I really should start focusing on my combat skills too. Only my power shouldn't be the main focus, as my strong body is also something I should take full advantage of.”

I got up and started practicing the things I was taught in basic combat classes in the army. It was a pretty crude fighting style that didn't really have any cool factor to it, which was not really to my liking. But I didn't have time to recreate any fictional martial arts or create my own.

“I should annoy Karako for some spars and training. She is a close combat fighter, and I am sure she practices some martial arts.”

The whole plot was going to be moving pretty fast until the whole deadmen thing was revealed to the world.

“I have not gotten any rest in a long time, I guess.”

Then I also fell asleep, knowing that resting is not going to be an option for quite a few days in the future.


Awakening from a dreamlike state, I gradually became aware of my surroundings. I could hear birds singing. I yawned, sat up, and ran a hand through my hair.


After I listened closely, I understood this was just some recording being played throughout the G Ward. It seemed that the authorities went to great lengths to provide the highest levels of luxury for those residing within the confines of G Ward.

Glancing over to the bed, I noticed that Shiro was still sleeping on the bed, undisturbed by the sound. I was sure she wouldn’t be here by tomorrow, having gone through the vents or some other route.

I silently approached the bed and gently shook her to wake her up, but her eyes still remained tightly shut. I made a thread of blood and controlled it to tickle her nose, which caused her to make a cute sneeze.


That sounded weird; it almost seemed like she was saying fuck you, but there’s no way Shiro would say that…

I could hear some footsteps once again, which were getting louder. I walked towards the door and waited for it to open while making a small ball of blood, which I started playing with. I glanced back and was not at all surprised to see the empty bed. Shiro vanished once again, like some ghost or specter.

‘I wonder how scary she would be if she learned assassination. Just her powers alone can make her so scary. All the people would be deathly afraid if they knew ‘The Wretched Egg’ was very good at silently walking up to them too. Eh, this seems more in line with some anime trope than skill, probably...'

I waited for quite some time, only for the footsteps to disappear.

‘That was embarrassing, it seems like they were going somewhere else. There goes my cool moment in the drain once again.’

I could only surmise that the world just doesn’t want me to be cool. That is the only answer I could think of about why my chances of having cool moments always failed.

‘Is this my curse for interfering in this world’s plot or something?’

I went back and sat on the bed. Just as I settled on the soft mattress, the door unexpectedly slid open.

‘Well, that is certainly unexpected.’

I was caught off-guard by who I was seeing. I knew that I was going to meet her, but I didn’t know it would be this soon. The world surely is trying to keep me on my toes by throwing unexpected things here and there.

‘Here we go again. Let’s just hope this time the plot will give me enough time to rest somehow. If this were a fanfic, I would be pretty sure the author is trying to not show his incompetence at writing interactions by keeping things fast, which was not the case here for sure I mean who is gonna believe they are living in some fanfic...’