Introduced special items & Soul shop (Spoilers)
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This page will contain introduced items, skills, buildings and so fourth and their special effects. I'm trying to write my novel in a way that it's fun to see it's progression. That your curious about what will be unlocked or gained next, etc. It would be a serious waste of your reading experience to read into all of this now. Do not give in to the temptation of curiousity, use this page the way it's meant to. To look back into items that you've already seen and read about in the story. This section will be updated as chapters get released.


All those special things and their details take up characters and space, Filling my chapters with info dumps repeatedly isn't fun for anyone. So I try not to put them in excessively and for those that occasionally need a reminder, here you can find it.



Chapter six:

[Blood Axe] (Crimson red axe with a black handle)
> 0/100 blood stored.
> The blood Axe can consume blood to repair or strengthen itself.
> The Blood Axe can store consumed blood and use it to enlarge itself.
> The blood Axe rejects wielders who it isn't bound to.
> The blood Axe can be stored within the wielder.
> Soul bound
[Blood shield] (Viking like round shield that's crimson red and midnight black)
> 0/100 blood stored
>The blood shield can be fed blood through the blood axe
> The blood shield can consume blood to repair or strengthen itself.
> The blood shield can be stored within the wielder's blood.
>The blood shield rejects wielders who it isn't bound to.
>The blood shield is capable of controlling the wielder's blood.
> Soul bound