Silver 01
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Silverstone - Pokémon Rancher

By BigTofu

Anthony Silverstone

The door to my home creaked before banging closed behind me as I stepped onto the porch with a mug of hot chocolate in hand. Silver mist crawled across the lands as the sun cast its glow illuminating the morning dew. My boots idly jingled a bit with the sound of my spurs landing with each step as I approached my porch seats.

The more I walked, the heavier the belt around my waist felt. It was a two-fold thing, I had put the guns down to live a gentler way of life and the second was the bright white and red orbs. Anyone from my world would be able to recognize them on sight alone.

There were six on my belt, and each felt heavier than the last as I ran my hand over them. I then gave the last ball a flick as my hand ghosted over the activation button. The poker all snapped open with a hiss as bright red light flashed before me as it condensed into a large form. The red lights gave way to orange tiger stripes.


I watched dispassionately as Arcanine growled at his surroundings before he gave a chuff and sniffed me a few times. I should have been scared; hell, I should have been many things, but calm damn sure should not have been one of them. Yet, as I sat there and watched the massive canine Pokémon take in my scent, I couldn't bring myself to care.

ROB sent me here and wanted my life to be interesting. I doubt he would kill me off at the start of this little adventure with one of the Pokémon I requested from him. Yeah, it would be better and more authentic to the experience to go out and catch them myself but fuck that. I wasn't a kid anymore to go running all over the place, along with the added fact I could catch anything I wanted later once I got the ranch running smoothly enough.

Arcanine sat down on his hunch at my side, prompting me to swap the hand my hot chocolate was in. I ran my fingers through his warm fur as I thought about the deal with ROB. I was now Anthony Silverstone, owner of the Silverstone Ranch, which spans 820,000 acres along the border of the Silver Mountains range and the frontier into open lands.

I was truly and honestly in what was known as frontier lands in the Pokémon world. I was basically forced to play Cowboys and Indians in the modern era. The ROB made me very aware that this was not only an Alternative Pokémon universe, but he had even taken a few tribal themes from my mind and mixed them into the world. My ranch could sustain itself, but I would need to do most of the work to get it all up and running.

I didn't have a thousand cows like the Dutton Ranch, but it was near close, like the horse. I had about 30 Rapidash in my stables, along with roughly 20 Ponyta. The Tauros herd was pushing roughly 600 plus and from what memories I had. They were already out to pasture on the southside. A frown was on my face as I thought about all I had to do to keep this place and make sure it ran correctly. I doubt that 80 million in the bank would last long, there was just so much to do. I was trying not to think about it, but it was all going to be a money sink unless I could get some stable outside income.

I was gonna have to think outside the box and maybe see if any of the unique Pokémon in my head were discovered already. If not, I just might have a way to survive all this and make a living while I'm at it.

Getting up from my chair, I went for the door and held it open for Arcanine as I entered right after the best boy. Dropping my cup into the sink, I went about gathering the meats, berries and other foods needed to feed the goodest boy. If my own dog back home didn't get that kibble shit then neither would Arcanine. I took the steak, chopped it, removed the bone, diced some veggies and sliced up half an oran berry before mixing it all up and putting it in a bowl for the goodest boy.

As the best boy ate, I went to my walk-in armory in the den and checked on my weapons. Staring back at me were 4 pump shotguns, 3 Lever action long rifles, and my grandpa's collection of revolvers.

There were none of my blocks, Sig Sauer, Rugers, full auto rifles, none of my sweet sweet firepower that I had hoped would give me an edge in this wild new world. Sitting in the middle of the room on the ammo storage container that also doubled as a tabletop was my recently purchased gun belt and a note that went about not wanting me to have such a massive leg up. I should be fine since my people were cowboys and tamed the wild lands of America. The real twist of the knife was reading about none of the modern weapons being able to work for me. If I wanted anything that really go bang, I would have to make it all by hand.

ROB also offered a request as long as it was within reason to be used within the next 10 minutes, or it's gone.

Okay, okay, don't freak out; what do I need the most right now, I had to focus. Yet, it was the lights flickering overhead as the pull on the batteries faltered. That was it; that was what I needed. I needed a tinker on this ranch and not some shifty tinker from Worm. I needed a mistress of technology and fucking science. Then, it hit me as I figured out exactly what to ask for.

Squaring my shoulders and looking upwards, I spoke. “I want Bulma Briefs as a companion.

ROB - Too vague.

What the shit, okay, okay, don't panic, let's think. “I want Bulma Briefs after that wish for the perfect boyfriend.”

ROB - Too young

Shit, okay then, let's rework this. “Send me a Bulma Brief in her mid to early twenties After the perfect boyfriend wish fails. Hasn't hooked up with Vegeta yet, and she has the current dragon balls to make a new wish while alongside the Z-Fighters. Also, leave the backdoor open for them to wish her back, but shift the time scale so one year in their reality is three years here.” I held my breath and crossed my fingers.

*Granted - She was upgraded with the companion package, enjoy.*

Before I could yell out in celebration, I heard muffled yells from upstairs, followed by a large bang of someone falling. My hands came up as I palmed my face and released a burst of air. Okay, I got this; I can sort her out and then drive into town and pick up a few things. I would need a transceiver, a Pokedex, a portable laptop, and a main desktop.

Arcanine looked up from his bowl, licked his chops as he thought about following me before deciding against it and going back to eat. Leaving the goodest boy to do his thing, I went upstairs to find Bulma. I found her holding up what was clearly the dragon radar as she turned one way or the other.

“You, where am I?” Bulma questioned with a finger gun aimed my way.


With a snort, I leaned against the wall and raised a brow at her, “In my house of course.”


It was then Bulma’s turn to scoff and roll her eyes at me, “Well, duhh, but why can’t I pick up any of the dragon balls? My friends should still be in that general location of the dragon. I gotta find them, so I'll bring you back with me.”


I grunted at that, “Yeah, that's not going to be possible.”


Bulma narrowed her eyes at me, her hands went to her hips and I could already see the head of steam building, “Why not?!”


“Simple really, the being I made the bargain with is far more powerful than your dragon. Unlike you, though, with my wish, I made sure you can go back home.” I replied with a shrug of my shoulders as I felt Arcanine approaching from behind. Turning, I made enough space for him to stick his massive head into the room. “Coming to say, high buddy?” I questioned as he gave a chuff.


“What the hell is that thing?” Bulma questioned as she took two steps back.


“This is Arcanine; he and a lot of the creatures on this world are called Pokemon,” I stated as I ran a hand across his massive domed head. “I thought you were given information on this world.


“Yeah, but knowing something and seeing something are completely different, okay,” Bulma yelled from her location at the other side of the room. “WWAAAAHHHH!! I WANA GO HOME!! WAAAAHHHH!!”


Okay, this was on me, I had to pick the high drama companion who had no inside volume when things got stressful. This was all my fault, and ROB was enjoying every moment of my suffering. I really forgot how much of a mess she was in the early years of Dragon ball and Dragon ball Z. 


“Look, I get that this is not what you wanted, but you will be able to go home eventually, I would appreciate it if you could get your shit together. This world has living, breathing psychic types that can and will read your emotions and mind.” I stated as I pinched the bridge of my brow. “The last thing the both of us need is a tip-off with the police force and to get thrown into a lab, so you are going to need to adapt really fast because I can not carry any dead weight with the amount of stress piled on my shoulder. I requested a tech genius, but you are being a liability right now.”


Then I looked to the sky and sign because that was more than a little rude of me; shit, I couldn’t even ask for forgiveness because that was a complete dick thing to say and do to her. “Okay, let's rewind a bit, I’m Anthony Silverstone; you don’t have to forgive me, but I do apologize for my attitude. There is alot that needs doing right now, and the supreme being that I made a deal with has given me a rather large situation to deal with.” The goodest boy bumped my side as my hand ran through his fur for reassurance. 


“Its gonna take three years before you can go home, but you can and will be able to go home. This is my life now, I could really use your help with things, but I also understand if you dont want to help. I gotta go check out the rest of the place and figure out what I need to get in town later. Explore the house and when you are ready, meet me by the truck. 


At this point, all of the fight had left her, and she was just on the bed looking a little listless. Of all the Bulma’s that ROB could have picked. He got me one with the maturity of a damn tea-pot. I was not a happy camper, but she was all I had, and I had far too many other things to do than to deal with the live bomb ROB threw in my lap. 


I also hated the fact that I just might be her Vegeta. I wasn’t generally a rude person, but there was alot I had to deal with, and princess syndrome was not something I was expected to get tossed into my lap right now.


Once I was back on the first floor, I went out the back door and ran my hand across my belt. Instantly the area around me flashed with lights as all of my Pokemon appeared. Before I could say anything, they rushed me with hugs, kisses, and licks as they took in my scent, and we shared affection. The ones that stood back with stoic dispositions were Arcanine, Charizard, and my massive Pidgeot. 


For them, it was clear that getting in close for hugs and kisses would ruin the cool auras they were showing as if they were the tough guys of the crew. Since I was an animal lover, I still gave them rubs, scratches, and treats right alongside the rest of my team. 


Gardevoir hung off my back like the maiden she was as both Pikachu and Porygon almost started a fight over who would get the head pats. I wanted to sigh as I figured that maybe I should have let each of my Pokemon out at a time as Milotic tried to force her way into my chest for hugs. Meganium was the only one not fighting for my affection as she used her vines to help me sort out the others; she’s such a good girl.


“Alright team, it's time for the naming.” I stated with a smile. Before I could say more, Arcanine barked, but that brought out the challenge in Charizard. The two alpha-mons stared off against each other and I stood to the side as Charizard expanded his wings while also standing to his full height. Arcanine wasn't even phased as he growled low, his tail went from wagging to a slow lazy wave with slight movements.

Neither got a chance to fight as both Gardevoir and Milotic got between the two. The girls were not pleased at all as they forced the two to look at them. A grunt left me which drew the attention of my Pokémon as I took a step forward. “Alright, let's do this.” I said as I went through their names.

I took a deep breath, then launched into names. “Acranine - Nova after our star, Gadevoir - Rosie because she is the best girl, Pidgeot - Ace because he will be the ruler of the skies, Charizard - Champ because he will be known as the Champion amongst his species, Meganium - Sweety the best flower. Porygon - Pixel because he gives me memories of Tron, Pikachu - Chewy can’t lie; those cheeks are too cute, and Milotic - Princess because she is the prettiest princess.”

Once I finished, I caught my breath after dishing out so many names, then there was also the feeling as if I had run a mile. It felt as if something left my body with each name as my Pokemon perked up as they were given a proper identifier other than their Pokemon species' naming. Princess came to my side and nuzzled me as I stood back up while catching my second wind.

I gave her a scratch under the neck as I waved to the others to follow me as we went around the rest of the ranch. The Miltanks were let out of their barns and out into one of the larger pens. Rosie helped me get the feed out with her telekinetic holds as Chewy kept an eye out while he perched on my shoulder and various things with height.

Already, my Pokemon were showing their personalities, and I was alright with that. Both Champ and Ace flew off once I gave them permission, but I made sure they understood that I would be calling them back soon. Ace gave a mighty caw, then vanished in a burst of speed. Champ had far too much pride, so he was here to stand guard just like Nova. Clearly, the two already had a rivalry started, and I would need to keep an eye on things.

When I got closer to the horse's open stables, the sound of marching feet drew attention from the herd. There was no blink-and-you-miss-it moment, but it was damn near close. ROB had really outdone himself when I asked for a stud Rapidash to be part of the herd I would keep on the ranch. This Rapidash was clearly a shiny variant like in the game, with ice blue flames as his mane and tail hairs. This was a true stallion, and he didn't stand at no five feet at the withers, no this thoroughbred was easily over six feet and a bit more. I could easily see that when I compared him to the mares of the herd he left to come stare me down.

Yeah, I was going to name him Prince, and when I get a chance, I would see if Bulma could create a psychic-type generator so I could build a psychic terrain and breed me some fairy Ponyta to sell. Already, I could see a way out of the deep hole that I was in. When I approached the edge of the fence, Prince wasn’t too happy with that and let me know with both a glare and a snort of fire from his nostrils. Too bad for him because I had balls of fucking steel and a little bit of bad attitude wasn’t going to scare me away.

With a bark, Nova was in Prince's face on my right while Champ towered over Prince from the left with a baleful glare on his features, flames licked at both their maws.

I called them down as I stood right in front of Prince and stared him back in the eyes, “Me and you are going to fight it out, and you will either submit, or I’ll die, and I have no plans of dying anytime soon.”

Sometimes, they say a man at the end of their ropes would do the most insane things, but even I could admit that I was beyond all that. All I had was my sheer grit and a promise from a ROB. I would survive and make entertainment for him, and I would be kept from the void upon my eventual second death.

So there was no way in hell I was about to stand down to some animal, no matter how intelligent they might be. I was a man, and my people evolved to conquer the world around them. So, with that being said,  I stared down the massive flame-blue Rapidash.

Rapidash snorted, and turned to trot away; my lips shifted into a smirk when the bastard struck. With a twist, he was in my face once more, flames pouring out of him as the fence he was against rattled as it nearly buckled underneath his powerful frame. First, my eyes went wide at the intimidation tactic, and then my flight-or-fight response kicked in.

My instincts chose to fight, and Prince was not ready for my reaction as I reared back, then came forward, slamming my head against his own. With a mighty neigh, Rapidash reared back as he shook his head, not expecting my reaction at all.

“Heel,” I barked with such ferocity and intensity that all sound stopped across the ranch as I held both arms out, stopping Champ and Nova from jumping Prince. I watched as the massive Rapidash did a few dazed steps like it was drunk while shaking out its head at the sudden and swift pain.

At my sides, Noza had some real intense flames flickering around his maw while Champ had both arms glowing as his claws glinted with light. As Prince shook off what must have been a minor headache, he eyed me from where he stood; then his gaze shifted towards the two at my side. He was not impressed, but that was alright; he would learn.

A snort of amusement, Prince took off with what was clearly a light trout for him but very swift speeds for anyone else. Both the Pokemon at my side were neither intimidated nor were they happy with Prince's response, but I was alright with it and that's what mattered.

“It's alright guys, don’t let him rile you up,” I stated, my hands on the both of them to keep them in their spots. It was already clear that ROB gave me a few trouble-mons to deal with, and that's okay. I would get to them when I got to them, for now.

I had other things to take care of.

With my team back in their poke-balls, I decided against one as I released Nova and held open the back door so he could sit across the backseats. The goodest boy got in, twisted around as he got comfortable, and then stuck his head out of the window after I closed the door.

“WAIT!!!” Someone screamed from the house, and when I turned to look, I found Bulma running over from the house. She stopped next to the truck, bent over, and tried to sort out her breathing. Once she finally sorted herself out, she put her hands on her hips and glared at me. “Take me with you.”

Shifting my weight to a leg, I hooked my thumbs into my belt and looked at her with a raised brow, “Why?” I asked her while keeping a neutral expression on my face. “My first impression of you is that of being a liability.”

“Yeah, well I didn’t think I would get swept away to some crazy place when I made the wish for the perfect boyfriend.” Bulma retorted with her volume a lot higher than what was proper for speech.

I grunted at that, “Either use your inside voice, or this conversation is over, I refused to be yelled at all the bloody damn time during this companionship.” I replied with narrowed eyes.

Bulma gulped as she noticed how serious I was being with my statement. “Fine,” She huffed with a half-body turn. “Well, where are you heading because I don't want to be left on this farm alone with nothing to do in some strange place.”

I hung my head with a sigh, “If I take you with me, will you behave yourself because I really don't want to be locked in some damn lab or something crazy. This world is a lot like your own where some parts are crazily advanced, but also extremely backwards.”

“Well, I need new clothes and the capsules I have with me..” Bulma stared but that was all she was able to get out before I was in her personal space.

“You brought Capsules with you, the hoi-poi capsules?” I asked my eyes wide with sudden intensity that made Bulma flinched.

“Ye.. yeah,” Bulma squeaked as she pulled out a small pack from one of her pockets.

Ohh, this was just too good, a smile spread across my face as I placed my hands on her own and pushed the capsules down. “If we got you the tools, and materials will you be able to make more?” I asked and there was no way to hide how desperate I truly was.

Bulma looked from me to the capsules in her hand and then back to me, “Yeah, I even made improvements to my dads designs, but I don’t even know what the technology is like around here.” Bulma then started to run on into technical jargon, but I had already heard what I needed to hear.

“That's fine,” I stated as I cut her off, “We are heading into town right now, we can easily pick up what you need and order the rest.

Bulma then did a fist pump, then ran around the truck, and jumped into the passenger seat. Walking to the driver's side door, I gave one last look upwards as I sent off a small prayer to all that was holy to grant me strength. Once I was finished, I hopped in, started my truck, and took off down the road as the GPS gave me a route to Goldenrod City’s department store. It would be an hour of driving to get to the Johto city, but I was alright with that.

Adventure waited for no man.

Author Note’s ::::

So, with that being said, I’m going to cannibalize a lot of Beyond Horizons and put those ideas into this. I figured since the trainer going to the gyms to get a badge are a dime a dozen. So my plan was to do what I do best. Write a story from another angle that no one has ever tried before. Hell, one of my fav Pokemon stories is called Hard Enough, and I only know of 1 other story like that, and he’s part of the Elite Four.

That being said, yes, this is going to be a lot of frontier-style action. Sure, there will be Pokemon battles here and there, but he lives on the edge of society, so I want to make sure that things will be different.