Little bird
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"...Yes you should hold her like this Your Majesty and then swing her up with your arms in the air " Mother happily demonstrated as she threw me into the air 

"...I see " the Emperor nodded 
He stretched out his hand to me a little hesitantly and then retracted it again.

“…I’m afraid that I won’t be able to do that.” He shook his head vigorously there. “Such a small child, I feel that it will break when I touch her.”

I think it’s a bit ridiculous.
Although I am young, I am definitely not going to break like glass.

"eh?" Mother picked me up again 

"It's not really that hard Your Majesty all you need to..."

My mother was only 23 years old extremely young and tended to be a bit over-excited 

The emperor Theudoric is 36 years old

he picked me up reluctantly for the second time in my life(the first being when I was a week old)

I really wanted to turn invisible and escape (I had a spell for that too!) instead I just resigned to my fate and let the Emperor throw me up


I floated in the air while the crowd politely applauded

"Fae make a circle"

I performed a pirouette

"a down and up! do a"

after all the air acrobatics I performed for nearly an hour I felt like puking my lunch out
"How was my daughter my majesty ?"

"surprisingly well" he answered without much enthusiasm

 most of our journey was thankfully uneventful there was one incident that definitely caused an uproar
no, we didn't have a mid-journey ambush but while nearing the royal capital (the sun city) we stayed at the mansion of a minor nobleman who lived just a few miles from the city walls

It was a modest and graceful house with 80 rooms

I was provided with an elegant bedchamber on the second floor with my mother while the Emperor retired to the adjacent room

The lady of the house had sent a maid to do my hair. She sat me down at the dressing table, clucking and fussing over my hair 

Soon after, the royal family walked through the long corridor towards the banquet hall 

The two gatekeepers bowed deeply behind us as the doorman slowly opened the door of the huge banquet hall.
The gatekeeper raised his voice and shouted into the door:
“His Highness, the Light of Adel, the Heroic Wizard-King Emperor Theudoric Ainhadt!
 with him the fourth Empress Lady Lynn Ainhadt,  and-“

I took a breath.

“The fourth Princess Fae Ainhadt is here!”

Hearing his voice, the noblemen in the grand hall all knelt down.

At this moment, the nobles happily wanted to see Fea

So far, the fourth princess of the empire has not been exposed to the outside world.
For security reasons, it is not new that the royals do not appear on formal occasions. But the situation of Princess Fae is quite serious. Except for the staff at the Green Hills Palace, no one has seen her. 

The fact that the Emperor himself participated in the Homecoming procession of this princess, something he had not done for any of his other children made them wonder what was so special about this child 

This is what they want to know.
Silky black hair, soft  lustrous white skin(fun fact Fae actually felt it made her look like a ugly pale glowing ghost), pink chubby cheeks,two big silver eyes,Lips like a red rosebud and most prominent feature was a short pointed ears that made her look like a fairy in the eyes of the nobles 

Those noble who were truly awakened mages were able to sense the extremely dense mana from her 

They could also see a soft warm light enveloping her and heard strange faint melodious song that sounded whenever they glanced at her

The earl and his wife set a lavish feast in our honour
Servants streamed out of the hall, bearing platters piled high with meats, pies, and fruit
there was toast of the finest bread, dipped in wine,, with no less than seven kinds of pottage(stew or soup), all served on silver plates.

Then came ragouts, made of every kind of game bird and wild bird, A swan sat on each table, surrounded by a flock of stuffed partridges, geese, and ducks.

roasted lamb slathered with a wine sauce followed by roasted boar, glistening with mint sauce and several pies stuffed with minced meat and spices

Finally,sweet pies, fritters and fruit tarts and cheese for desert 

Mushrooms were everywhere: broiled in juicy strips, placed standing  together like towers or carved in the shape of castles amid moats of gravy or baked in cream and cheese  
Interestingly the nobels seemed interested in a fork

I am not kidding the earl even proclaimed that he had received it from the third prince himself 

The Third prince known as the erratic is the inventor of the fork

...he invented the what ...never mind the food will get cold

I ate a sort of mushroom pottage,a quail,the pork was juicy and tender 

Then the three main highlights happened after the banquet 

Highlight 1

"You can talk !?" The Emperor asked me when I greeted the first noble 

I never really talked at all throughout the journey (partly because no one spoke to me and because I saw no need to besides I talk a lot with chatbot)


"You spoke not once with me "

"You never asked me to speak with you though...."

It was definitely worth seeing his face while he was trying to come up with a counter to that logic 

"... Talking with me freely from now "

"Yes, Father"

Highlight 2

"Oooooohhhh" the crowed applauded and exclaimed as they saw me fly into the air 

Understandably my Mother wanted to show off how great I am 

Minutes later I was sawmed with several nobles who seemed to be like professors of magicology or something 

After flying a few times the declaration that such things had never happened before and that I am a genius 

Highlight 3

I ate two sweet purple fruit that made me feel a bit dizzy (later I learnt it was pears poached in wine)


I lifted myself into the air. My body shook at the effort because my mind was still spinning from the alcohol but with these short legs, I can't even walk in my state

Maybe that's why one must not consume alcohol especially if you are underage

I learned an unique discovery that one tends to move faster in the air. .


I blinked at the voice in my head and shook my head

 I could only randomly go in a direction but I just got more lost. Damn it. I sat down on the ground.

‘I wish I had a map.’

It looked like it would be simple to find my way to the the bedroom when I got lost in a maze of rooms I wanted to ask people passing by for directions but, oddly, there was nobody here....oh right they are in the banquet 

"What are you doing here " a sudden voice called out

I bobbed up and down in mild suprising feeling air headed

I tried to say something but only a yawn came out of my mouth 

"Are you feeling fatigued ?" the voice asked again 

I nodded my head 

The last thing I remembered was being carried by someone 

The whole mansion was on a uproar when they realised that the princess is missing 

She was eventually found sleeping in a room with the emperor's cape as a blanket and the Emperor was by her side watching over her intently

When a guard spoke he just looked at the unfortunate gurd with a death glared that shut him

"Do not disturb her sleep "

Of course this didn't stop the nobles and the Empress from coming in very quietly 

The Emperor even refused to let the Empress from carrying the princess to her room least it disturb her.

The Royal family decided to sleep in that room while the nobles respectfully and quietly exited the room.

The rumours would speak about an princess who looked like a fairy despite her oddly shaped ears and was a genius in magecraft despite not having even a single circle 

The said princess was adored by the emperor who got upset that she won't talk to him and even carried her to bed himself and watched over her as she slept even falling a sleep on the chair as a result