Side story: 1
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In the Kingdom where James was summoned.

Princess: have you found him and the one that kidnapped him?

Messenger: no Princess but we found traces of them.

Princess: good search for him don't ever let him escape or ELSE.

Messenger: Y-yes Princess...

Before the door was closed inside the king's hall, the holy maiden entered.

Holy maiden: Have your subordinates found him?

Princess: No but we managed to get traces of him.

Holy maiden: That's good I'll send the details across all the churches about the hero, if we manage to get him I'll tell you.

Princess: Remember our promise don't let us betray each other as that will only halve our time getting our hero.


???: How?! How is this possible, How can he be a Hero but with the only charm as a skill?!

Someone heard the elf inside screamed.

Assistant: Lily is there any problem...or not.

???: yes there is! Look! He got nothing but only charm as a skill!

Assistant: Is there any problem with that?

Lily: Yes actually this might actually be the Hero the Princess and the church are looking for!

Assistant: So? I don't really have much interest in politics but why are they even looking for him.

Lily: He did something then all of a sudden the princess overthrows her parents and crowned herself the same with the Holy maiden overtaking the Pope's position.

Assistant: then that might be a problem...


In an eerie castle.

Inside was the Demon Queen hearing reports.

???: Seems like Mawee has deserted her duties even killing the informants, That's what we have to a conclusion after seeing thunder marks all over the cave.

Demon Queen: hmm that seems to be a problem, losing our best Assassin

???: What should we do now?

Demon Queen: Don't ask me you are the one in charge of her, now leave.

???: Yes your majesty.


James: blegh the food here doesn't taste good.

Mawee: what do you mean doesn't taste good? Master this is the best dinner to have in this town.

James: Can I just cook some myself?

Mawee: You can do that master but...

James: But?

Mawee: Hunting is bothersome, I don't want to leave you.

James: ...

(Shit its that again.)


Police: Hey do you really think the truck hit something?

Investigator: Seems like it but isn't it weird? Look at the damage of the truck it's like it hit something then blood splattered on it but no body was found.

Police 2: About that sir, We saw in the CCTV that he got hit by a truck but afterwards he disapeared but the blood that was splattered all over the place.

Investigator: So found anything that would prov-

???: Investigator William I am Luke, I'm the android sent by CyberLife.

Investigator: Do what you want to do just don't bother us.

Luke: Affirmative.

Investigator: so uhh are you really sure officer that this is real and not some fake ass pranks?

Police: we are sure of it as many witnesses have noticed it, With the truck crushing unto this house which might have killed someone based on the bloodstains.

Luke: William I have come to a conclusion about what happened.

Investigator: That fast!? Sure is technology is growing fast.

Luke: it seems like the person was killed and was in fact still holding his phone, which might be the reason for the smashed screen. Then as he was hit he disappeared without him bouncing back after he was hit directly.

Investigator: Ah that damn case again?! Why is it every now and then that all you "sent by CyBeRlIfE" are only giving us the mysteriously disappeared result?!

Luke: Sir William even within the best of my calculation it is impossible to not make the conclusion of him not disapearing.

Investigator: Dammit! Even if sometimes you Androids are better at crime scenes you all are still obsolete!