Ecchi Scene (PG-13 Peoples!)
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26 September 2020

When I opened SH Discord’s #general, the chat was dead. I was so sad. I needed some horny in this middle of the night because I was high. Well, maybe I would spark some drama later. Huh, you thought there would be narration? Sike, this was just me doing a monologue in the past tense. Baka readers, hmpph.


I said the chat was dead, but this horny user just said something in the chat.


IdleLelouch: I am done with you @GDamnMiku-chwan

IdleLelouch: You are the worst girl I’ve met ever.

GDamnMiku-chwan: :blobwoah: (._.)

GDamnMiku-chwan: @IdleLelouch do you hate me now?

IdleLelouch: Talking about helping Miku. She will insult you in reward. Such a disgusting creature. :blobglare:

GDamnMiku-chwan: Don’t make me use my ultimate move!

69PositionLord: Dewit!

GDamnMiku-chwan: Love you lulu.

IdleLelouch: Wait, who are you?

IdleLelouch: :blobblush: (>///<)

GDamnMiku-chwan: Touch me a lot. More, pls. I love getting trampled on!

IdleLelouch: :blobsweat: Miku broke. I broke her.

GDamnMiku-chwan: It’s my and Lulu time!

IdleLelouch: :blobsweat: You can’t be Miku! You are an impostor!

BetaProtagonist: Miku isn’t an Impostor. Two Impostor remaining.

GDamnMiku-chwan: Sadly I need to go write. I will come back to kiss Lulu.

Blobpheria: PG-13 peoples!

Stealz: :kekv: (:V)

GDamnMiku-chwan: Bruh, being a killjoy.

IdleLelouch: I hate killjoy. :blobnopls:

GDamnMiku-chwan: Lucii. Kissu.

IdleLelouch: :blobmelted:

AngryPupperofYuriUnion: :blobcatglare:

IdleLelouch: Why is everyone ignoring Miku’s new persona? :thonking:

Stealz: When has he not being weird?

EeeeDuke: Kim Dong Un issues apology [omitted news]