Kigal-Note/Monsters/Reptiles: Vile Viper
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Name: Vile Viper
Rank: D+
Type: Serpent
Lifespan: 200 Years
Attribute: Poison
Traits: Reptile, Serpentine Monster


Vile Vipers are some of the more monstrous D-ranked monsters. They spread poison and diseases wherever they go, but make sure not to create enough to harm their environment which they use to hide from even greater predators. These creatures normally live in swamps and forests.

The subjugation of Vile Vipers is an always-active Quest in the Adventurers' Union, so to prevent the potential birth of Vile Venom Vipers.


Vile Vipers are gigantic snake-monsters that could be confused with C-rank monsters if one didn't know better. They are covered with ink-black scales and they have a set of horns on the top of their head that takes the appearance of a vicious-looking crown.


Average HP: D Average MP: E+ Average SP: D
Average STR: D+ Average VIT: D Average MAG: E+
Average RES: E+ Average SPD: D Average DEX: E-
Average INT: C Rarity: D+ Danger Rank: D+

Vile Vipers are one of the few gigantic-type creatures with a racial rank D, something it makes good use of by using its large body to put pressure on its prey. It also has an enormous amount of stamina to match its large build. It can survive more than two months without food or water.

In addition to being built big and sturdy, the Vile Viper has access to a horrible toxic that can bypass even [Poison Resistance]. However, due to its large body, it rarely needs to use its fangs to inject the venom. Instead, it hurls large clusters of poison from its mouth, which can be a hazardous obstacle and a vicious attack if it hits.

Luckily, all Vile Vipers are known for not being the greatest sniper, so as long as one finish of this vicious viper before the whole area is contaminated with poison, the monster snake should have no other ways to fight back.

Lily's comment: Wait, that guy's supposed to be in a forest? Not the desert!?

Garami's comment: Congratulations. You have now become a true member of the Voyagers, the Guild filled with trouble-attractors.