Kigal-Note/Monsters/Beastman: Minotaur
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Name: Minotaur
Rank: D
Type: Beastman (Ox)
Lifespan: 180 Years
Attribute: none
Traits: Beastman, Bovine


The Minotaur is a Beastman that is evolved by certain bovine Beastkin. They are a more feral evolution compared to the other options the Beastkin has, which results in a slightly lower intelligence.

Compared to the rank D Beastkin of the bovine type, the Minotaur is physically superior. However, they lack the ability to use magic efficiently, making them complete front-line warriors compared to the Beastkin who can also be decent magic-users.

The Minotaur is technically classified as a monster, and they are often seen in Dungeons as well, however, they are still considered part of the Beastkin line, so as long as they obey the laws of the land, those individuals will not be a target for subjugation. 


The Minotaur is a huge humanoid with the head and lower half of a bovine, with the rest of their body is that of a normal human, albeit one size or two bigger. Even the smallest Minotaur has a height of around 2 meters. Minotaurs are also noted to have muscular bodies.


Average HP: D Average MP: F+ Average SP: D
Average STR: D Average VIT: D+ Average MAG: F+
Average RES: D Average SPD: E Average DEX: E
Average INT: C- Rarity: C- Danger Rank: E

As mentioned, Minotaurs have a bad affinity towards anything magical. At most, they can use skills that provide the same effects as magic, but that is the limit.

On the physical front, however, you have to search long and far between to find a better front-line warrior. The Minotaur is a prime example of a musclehead and they can be great defenders as well.

Also, Minotaurs obtain a power-up to all their stats while in a structure that can classify as a "labyrinth" thanks to their inborn [Labyrinth Walker] skill. This is true whenever the Minotaur is protecting the labyrinth or invading it.

Flint's comment: Another weakness is that they're slow, both mentally and when faced with unexpected incidents. 

Lily's comment: ......Beeeeef... crap! My inner thoughts-!