Chapter 15: Dance at the Ball
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After introductions, the king gave a long speech about the proud history of Acone and the military prowess of the kingdom. He managed to work in the despicable acts of the demon race and the terrible demon lord on several occasions. Apparently, the humans and demons of Praecantio had been in conflict for ages.

It was a good thing Bella and I were used to long lectures, because he went on and on. Demon lord this, Acone’s proud knights that. Here a treaty there a treaty everywhere a treaty.

To make things even more awkward Bella and I stood between the royal family and the nobles. Meaning we were in everyone’s line of sight. Moving in any way might have been seen as rude to the king.

“…Finally, I would like to thank our heroes. Yes, the two heroes Ulla saw fit to bless and give to Acone…”

Wait a minute. ‘Bless and give to Acone?’ I didn’t like the sound of that.

“…Heroes. I not only bid you welcome, but great thanks for the task you are set to undertake for all good and honorable races of Praecantio and proclaim that with great deeds shall come great rewards.”

Rewards? Like what I wondered. Well I suppose I wasn’t actually a Praecantian hero so I probably wouldn’t receive anything. But Bella might share.

With his speech concluded, the king called for music. The Queen took his hand before the two strode past us to the center of the room and began to dance.

Amazing. To be able to compartmentalize so completely was truly amazing.

“It is customary for the heroes to dance as well,” the prince said, walking behind us.

Dance? But neither of us know the dances of this country. Not to mention I wasn’t much of a dancer anyway. I had studied a few different common dances like Earth’s ballroom dances, but only had a few chances to actually practice. Still if I were forced to dance with someone, at least Bella would be in the same boat.

“Would you do me the honor?” The prince said to Bella giving his hand.

Oh. He was asking Bella to dance. Wait he was asking Bella to dance? Does that mean I’m going to have to dance with someone else or will I become a wallflower?

Bella gave me a glance before smiling and taking the prince’s hand.

“Great Hero,” I heard an overly unimpressed voice say. “Would you do me the honor of dancing with me?”

It was Alea! The princess.

Why? Why did it have to be her?

I looked to the prince who merely gave a smile and a nod. “It is tradition,” he said.

I extended my hand and to my great surprise Alea took it. The royalty of this land were really good at compartmentalizing.

As the prince and princess led Bella and I to the dance floor, I heard the Prince asking Bella if she liked to dance.

“I do,” she said. “But it can be difficult to find a partner.”

Was that a dig? I wondered. Bella and I have danced many times at school dances. We danced for fun as friends. However, despite what she said, Tara told me that I wasn’t much of a dancer. So I tended to stay off the dance floor.

With the princess’ hand in my own, I felt incredibly uncomfortable. Her hands were slightly callused in places, yet soft in others. It made me wonder how the calluses had occurred. Typically a princess wouldn’t be doing tough work right? Then I remembered her strike with the sword. Was she a skilled swordswoman? That might explain it.

I wanted to ask. To strike up a pleasant conversation as we began to dance, but I was far too nervous. After all, she had outright attacked Bella. What was to say she wouldn’t do the same to me?

“Do you know how to dance?” she asked as I placed my hand on her back. “I don’t really want you to be stepping on my feet.”

I swear I knew how to dance. “Yes, although I am uncertain whether the dances of my homeland will match the dances of yours.”

Yes, I had given myself an out. No wait, what if Bella danced well? ‘what if?’ of course she would. Then it would be on me again. With all eyes on the three couples dancing, I was under a lot of pressure to perform.

‘just remember the basics of ballroom dancing,’ I told myself. ‘the music has the same beat as a waltz, so the dance steps should still work.’

“Well?” Alea said, her face now uncomfortably close.

Right, I was listening to the music and thinking about how to dance. I actually needed to start.

With a slight pressure I pushed on her outstretched hand and moved my left foot. Hoping the Acone dance started with the same feet positions as the typical waltz. I waited to see if I would step on Alea. Nothing. Her foot moved out of the way! Excellent. We began to move with the beat of the band. I focused heavily on the movement of my feet and leading her correctly.

She moved gracefully. So much so that I felt her movements were masking any clumsiness of my own. I suppose it made sense that a princess would know how to dance really well. I just felt bad that I wasn’t a better partner for her.

“Not bad,” she said quietly. “I half expected to be nursing stubbed toes and bruised shins all night. I assume you have a dance similar to the pramuta in your homeland?”

Pramuta? Was that the name of the dance?

“Um yes. We call it a waltz,” I told her.

“Well I hope you are as skilled with a blade as you are with the waltz,” she said staring into my eyes.

Was that a threat?

“To be honest, the only blade I’ve ever held before was a knife,” I joked. Hoping to lighten her mood.

“What!” she said half sighing. “Laeanna passed away bringing you here and you don’t even know how to fight?”

Well it’s not like I’m a soldier or anything.

“Isn’t that usually how these things go?” I asked. “A person is summoned and are taught to fight and use their abilities by the nation?”

At least that’s how it was in the stories.

“The last hero summoned to Acone was known throughout the land as a natural swordsman. He was skilled before he arrived on Praecantio and his skills improved to an unimaginable level due to the blessing of Ulla. So no, it is not normal for a hero to not know how to fight.”

 Oh. Bella and I would definitely need to be taught. Unless she picked up a skill in college I didn’t know about.

But it was doubtful she had any extra time in a pre-med program.

“You seem like an incredible swordswoman,” I said, trying a bit of flattery. “Perhaps you could teach me?”

“Me? Teach you,” she said without hiding her disdain. “I would rather join my sister.”

With that the music ended. Alea took a step back, gave an insincere curtsey, thanking me for the dance and headed off into the crowd.