Chapter 12 – I – The Marquise of Monfort returns!
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Chapter 12 - I - The Marquise of Monfort returns!


Dude, really, the ‘break’ of Her Holiness sure became one heck of a roller coaster ride.




I mean, just look at the events that happened.  I’m not sure how I could go through all of that.  I guess I had a certain amount of mental fortitude within me…


Well, I won’t be a teacher if I don’t possess such a skill.  Ah anyway…




The engagement party almost became a disaster.  However, instead, it turned into a weird festival in which the commoners and nobility took the time to socialize with one another.  I guess the obstinate Duke of Rubinforth reconsidered.  He was allowing the commoner masses to come by to his manor just like how it’s been during the time of his late wife.  For the duration of her stay in Fen, the Saint was visited by several esteemed people in the land of Chersea and beyond.  They noted how she became even more beautiful with her transformation, and she was now happier than she was before.




As for that demon merchant, Devras?  After that incident where I got ‘killed’, I have had no contact with him again.  He simply disappeared, perhaps he made a lot of money after I won that second-round battle with the Grey Knight.


I did plenty of advertisements for him!


And speaking of the guy who slit my throat, though he was arrested and was placed on watch, he was found dead one day in his cell.  I guess we’d never know the truth about who ordered my murder.  But as long as I’m alive, I guess I’d be fine.  Maybe I should keep away from the Kingdom of Nerfes for the time being, just to be safe.


Griffyth and the Band of Oak members became a popular item after the match.  They became the most sought-after mercenary group in Chersea and beyond.  The same goes for Winters and his Band of Brothers mercenary company.  Well, for Kevin and Stephan’s Golden Territory Warriors?  Hmm…I don’t know, they stayed around as an amateur hired-hand group, even with all the offers and praises they received after the tourney.


For the Imperial Prince, after the incident, they were forced to depart back to their territory in utter haste.  Truth be told, most kingdoms in the northern half of Chersea had little to no love for the Empire since the last Human-Demon War, and with the Imperial Prince insulting the Saint in the most vicious manner, I didn’t think that mended the precarious relations…




Alright, I know there are still some things that need to be clear…



After that botched engagement, the Human Saint became noticeably attached to me.  She would spend a lot of moments in the cottage where I stayed, mostly with her maid Lily tagging along, and sometimes with Her Fluffy Holiness too.  However, this time, she came alone.  I didn’t know if her father the Duke knew about this, but I tried to make her go—subtly, of course.


Nah, don’t worry, Papa and Lily were both properly informed.”


I stared at Her Holiness, trying to see if I should believe her or not.  But well, I guess I couldn’t turn her away forever; this was her house, after all.  I’m just a guest.


“Oh?  You’re going to draw something?” I noticed a canvas and a drawing set with her, “In that case, I think you’ll like it if you sit by that chair over there.”


“And what about you?” Her Holiness asked, “What will you do?”


“Just read some books your little brother lent to me.  Make yourself at home; this is your place after all!”


“Well, I’ll do just that then!” the Saint gladly put her drawing materials on the table nearby and set up.  From my spot, I watched her from the corner of my eye as she tried to get a favorable angle from which she could start her work.  She had a rough start, but I guess she found her comfort zone in the end.




Silence filled the room as we both mind our businesses.  However, though I try to never mind a girl inside my place, I couldn’t help but to check on her from time to time.  What made me suspect that something was up was because there were those moments that I would catch her looking at me.


Well, she’d quickly turn away if once it happens.  What, is she drawing me?




I almost jumped in surprise when I heard her things fall.  Her Holiness desperately tried to pick it up as fast as she could; nevertheless, my interest got piqued up, and I went over to her to check on her art…


“Kuro!” I heard her voice almost shout, “Please…stay where you are!”


Hmm?  I was wondering what you’re drawing, Your Holiness.”


“Stop!  It’s a private matter!” she desperately pleaded.


I smirked when I saw her face turn red from embarrassment.  Looks like she’s drawing something ‘lewd’ with that expression.  I guess I need to back down now?  


Of course, it’s just a joke.  I’ll have to see that, no matter what!


“No!  Kuro, no!”


What is that, Your Holi—






My eyes almost popped out from their sockets when I saw my face on the canvas, beautifully drawn and painted by Her Holiness, as I read the book.  The ‘me’ in that painting had the gentlest of expressions, even if I compare it to my ‘selfies’—edited with picture-beautifying apps—before…


And wow, the softness of the colors tells me she put the effort into doing this.


“Your Holiness…this is beautiful…”


“Indeed, you are, Mister Kuro…” I heard her reply.  Her Holiness had a proud face on her; but the moment I looked at her, she tried to clean those talented hands of hers.


“But, Your Holiness…”




Uh…isn’t my body way too ideal in this?  And why am I not wearing any clothes?  And uh, why is there a ‘sensual’ expression on my face here, complete with a blanket covering my—”


“Awawawawawawa!!!”  Her Holiness was in panic-mode.





I didn’t know, but after I pointed out some ‘weird’ things about her work, Her Holiness quickly grabbed her painting and teleported out of the cottage.


“…” I was left bewildered by the experience.  And, in my mind, I only had one concern…


That painting—no matter how I looked good in there—should be destroyed.




I mean, come on.  I knew I shouldn’t belittle myself, but what could be Her Holiness’ plan for that drivel?  Was she planning to blackmail me into doing her bidding, or she’s going to keep it around and show it to everyone to play jokes on me?


Or can it be…




Fuck, is she trying to bewitch me and put a curse on me?


Well, my heart would beat fast whenever I’m close to her.  It’s as if I’ve fallen in love…




What the hell?  What is she trying to do to me?  Oh, fuck that.  Her Holiness wasn’t a person who’d do such things…I’m ugly as fuck!




Your Holiness, I had to get that painting and destroy it!




Oh, hello there, Lily!”


“Hello, Mister Kuro!” the head maid greeted, as graceful and as polite as ever, “Good thing I saw you here.  The Duke of Rubinforth wishes to see you.”


Huh?  What for?”


Hmm…that, I wouldn’t know.  But I guess, with everything that happened, it’s not bad this time.” Lily answered, “Don’t worry; the Duke is a reasonable person.  I’m sure he’s just going to ask you some things.”


“In that case, I guess I need to prepare.”


“Indeed, you are!” Lily then forced herself into the cottage, “Thankfully, I brought over some bathing implements.  We better need to get your bathwater heated!”


Uh…Lily, I think I’m good at bathing alone.


“Nonsense!  Let me clean every nook and cranny of your—”


“Get out.” I never let the head maid finish; I quickly pushed her out (but gently) and locked the door…and covered the windows too.


Uh, medieval life was hard.  I didn’t have an enclosed bathroom; just some bathtubs in full view of anyone who’d peek.  No showers, too.  I had to get water from a nearby well.  If those were not enough; I had to go out half-naked in full view of everyone else.  Fortunately, there’s no one around in this place since it’s just meant for servants.  And about the peeking…


Well, who would try to peek at me, anyway?


Oh, right…there’s Lily.  I already covered the windows, so tough luck.


Chapter 12 - II -


Oh, it’s you, Mister Kuro!” the Duke greeted me the moment I appeared in his private study room.  According to Lily, he had called for me for unknown reasons; and because of past encounters with him, I’m on my guard.


Ah, how are you, Your Excellency?”


“Well, I’m pretty much fine…though I can feel the age in my bones.”


Hmm…honestly, I do think you’ll live longer.” Well, I’m not giving him the lip-service.  I guess he’ll live long…I mean, if I would try to give an estimate of his age, I’d say he’d be an adult with around 48-52 years of life.


Ah, thanks for that.  I wanted to see my grandchildren before I go to Annie’s side…”


Oh, you will, Your Excellency.  Just stay positive.”


Ah yes, I’m positive.” the Duke folded the newspaper he’s reading, “By the way, what do you think about Maddie?”


Ahh…this question.  Heh, I’ve read a lot of romance novels and watched romantic movies enough to give me an idea that this could be a trap question.  You see, if I try to answer, let’s say, ‘Your daughter is a wonderful woman or a beautiful lady’, he might interpret it as a sign that I’m gunning for his child.  




And if I told him that ‘She’s my friend’, he could get angry and ask, ‘Do you mean to say that my daughter is not attractive?’.


For now, let’s try the safe route, “Well, Her Holiness is a kind lady to everyone who needs help.  I think this land would benefit from her reign as the human Saint.”


Pah!  That’s not what I mean, you daft boy!” the Duke slammed the newspaper on his desk, “I’m asking you as a man who asks a fellow man.  What do you think about Maddie as a woman, personally?”


Well, shit.  He didn’t take my diversionary tactic.  I guess I got no choice but to tell him the truth…


Ahem…Sir, with all due respect…” I tried my best to appear as discreet as possible, “Your daughter is a wonderful lady.  She has her quirks and faults in her character, but you know—despite all that, over-all she’s a great, beautiful soul.  I like her best when she’s relying on me since I feel like I’m being of use to a good person like her.”


“That’s very nice…”


“Yes, and that’s my honest thoughts about Her Holiness.”


“What about your feelings?”


“I love her—”


“Great.  Spoken like a true boy in love!”


“Wait—uh, Sir, I think you’re misunderstanding something.”  Hold on, you didn’t let me finish!  I was about to say that I love Her Holiness for being herself.


“Maddie, did you hear that just now?”




Much to my horror and embarrassment, the door that led to the terrace of the Duke’s private study room opened.  The Saint stood there, all beautiful in her teal dress, and her lovely face was blushing.


“I told you your Mom’s way to make someone confess is effective.” the Duke laughed, “She ensnared me that way, and we loved each other ever since.”


Uh, Your Holiness, I…I, uh…


“M-m-m-mister K-Kuro…I understand…d-don’t worry.”


Well…ahem…as long as there’s no further misunderstanding, I guess it’s fine.  Good thing she read my thoughts.


“I like you too, you know.”


I thought my heart stopped beating for a moment.  It’s the first time—the ever first-ever time (it isn’t a grammar mistake)—that a beautiful girl confessed to me.  I’m so happy I could cry now…


But wait—isn’t this…


“Just tell me when you’re going to get engaged, and I’ll do the preparations.  Invite everyone we could invite, even from the other races.”


“Thanks, Papa.”


This was going fast.  In fact, way too fast!


Uhm…Your Excellency, aren’t I am commoner?”


Hmph!  You know, you made me realize something.  Noble or commoner, what matters is the character, not the background or pedigree.” the Duke flashed a grin, “I still couldn’t forget how you defended the honor of my daughter from that obnoxious Imperial trash, even though you’re a mere commoner.  As a parent who loves his children, how can I not be moved by that?  My house will be secured if you add to our family!”


Add into?  What am I, a pok*mon?


Never mind that.  How about the Saint?


Uhm…isn’t this too fast Your Holiness?  I thought you’re against marrying early!


“Well, what can I say?”  The Saint was all-smiles.  I could see some hearts popping out of her head as she reeked of happiness and romance, “I resemble my mother…she’s also hunted my father.”




Good lord, I shouldn’t underestimate the power of genetics!



Congratulations, brother-in-law!”


What the fuck, this is going out of rational proportions!


The next thing that happened was that when we went outside the Duke’s private study, Her Holiness’ siblings had come to us, all excited.  They were wearing celebratory hats on their heads, and their guards even cast some magic that caused tiny confetti to appear.


“Your Excellencies—”


“From now on, you’re not allowed to call us that way, you understand?” Sophia demanded, “You shall call me by my name, Sophia, big brother!”


“And of course, I’m William, big bro!”




Well, it’s not that I’m pissed or something, but it’s been awkward for me since I’m used to calling them the ‘formal’ way before.  I mean, hey, didn’t they think that everything’s going way too fast?  Didn’t these siblings care for the love-life of their sister anymore?


I’m just a commoner!  Why are they so ecstatic when common sense dictates I’m of a lower status than a noble?  Shouldn’t they be disgusted with this kind of situation?


“It seems my siblings finally opened up to you, Kuro.” Her Holiness commented, “See?  They really like you!”


Haha…they’re cute kids…” Yeah, so cute you’d die from stress…


The Saint chuckled, “Oh, and I know I’ve told you about this before, but Kuro…”


“Yes, Your Holiness?”


“Please refrain from calling me that.  From now on, I’m Maddie.”


Oh…right, Your Ho—”


I saw the Saint pout her lips; her beautiful, silvery-blue eyes glared at me.  Good lord, she’s way too cute!


“M-M-Maddie…” I’m having difficulty trying to say it; but, well, I had to do it.  I guess there’s a difference between calling a student and saying your ‘lover’s’ name.


“Right!” Maddie smiled ever so sweetly, “I understand it will take a while, but I know you’ll get used to it.  Please take care of me, Kuro, your student!”




Uh, Your Holiness, did you just misunderstand what a teacher and a student are?