Chapter 11 – III –
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Chapter 11 - III -


The engagement ceremony in Chersea was a solemn one, almost like a marriage in its seriousness and custom.  Many elaborate rituals were being performed before they get into the actual engagement event.  Because it was the Saint herself who was involved, the Grand Mother Templar Superior of the Holy Palatial Gardens was the one in charge of the celebration.


“And now, as a proof of your promise to wed one another, here are the rings of our Lord, Gaius, and his consort, Arame.  Both of you are their heirs, and so it shall be, from this moment forward…” the Grand Mother Templar Superior began blessing the rings before handing it down on the Imperial Prince and the Human Saint.


The Imperial Prince made his oath, “I, Jean Anton V of the Empire of Chersea, swear by the name of our holy father Gaius, and his holy wife, Arame, that I will take this woman Madelaine Ann, as my only consort ‘till the day I breathe my last.”


The entire hall erupted in cheers and claps.  Even the Grand Mother Templar Superior had joined in the festive crowd.


And now, it’s Madelaine’s turn to declare her oath…




There was an intense round of silence as everyone settled down with their noise to hear what the esteemed holy woman would say.


Uhm…I’m sorry, I’m nervous right now.” Madelaine admitted to the crowd, “I mean, it’s my big moment, and it’s all so sudden…”


A chorus of laughter erupted from the crowd as a response to her confession.  However, they soon realized that their Saint was serious, for she neither laughed nor smiled.


“You see, well…before we…uh…proceed…” Madelaine could feel her heartbeat wildly, “Uhm…there’s something I’d l-like to s-show you, everyone…”


The esteemed dignitaries never made a sound.  It’s as if the hall froze in time.  Seeing that she got their attention focused on her, Maddie slowly chanted a spell…


“!!!” Lily, who was there in her royal clothes, quickly recognized that chanting was for dispelling the disguise of her friend.  She tried to stop Madelaine, only to be prevented by the crowd who stood in her way.


“You see, everyone…I’m just a human, even though I have the power of the gods…” a bright light shone around Madelaine that temporarily blinded the people in that main hall.  And then the next moment later, everyone was dumbfounded on what they were seeing—their Saint had become fat and ‘ugly’.


“!!!”  All who were present held the breaths.


“Who are you?”  The Imperial Prince cried out in horror as he realized that the ‘ugly’, fat girl beside him was the Saint that was about to be engaged to him.


“I’m sorry for tricking you, everyone.” Madelaine bowed, “Just a season ago, I did a big mistake that led into this.  I tried my best to get back to my old, beautiful appearance.  But not only was I unable to do it; I also caused someone close to me to suffer even though he’s supposedly an outsider.”


“No…N-No way!” The Imperial Prince laughed mockingly at her at this sudden turn of events.


“Your Imperial Majesty…” Madelaine turned to the shocked prince, “Will you accept me as I am?”


“What are you talking about, drivel?” he shouted at the top of his lungs, “You tried to trick us with your magic—appearing to be beautiful and yet you’re uglier than a well-used prostitute’s arse!”


Madelaine kept her mouth shut.  But one could tell that she’s about to cry from the expletives being hurled at her by the Imperial Prince.






Everyone’s eyes fell on the old, bald man on the other side of the table:  the Duke of Rubinforth.  His face was red, and anyone could tell that he’s seething in anger.  His daughter, Sophia, was trying her best to hold on to his arm, as she vainly attempted to calm him down.


“Don’t you ever call my daughter like that, you mongrel!” he countered, “One more word, and I couldn’t promise that my sword would stay in its scabbard!”


The Imperial delegation then rose from their seats, with their hands grabbing the hilts of their swords.  The Duke’s guards, upon seeing the threat posed by the guests, also reached for their weapons.  The others were frozen in their seats or let themselves out quietly.


“This is why I hate the northern barbarian kingdoms!” the Imperial Prince said in spite, “Come and try me, Duke!  Let’s see if you can take the might of the entire empire, head on!”


No one dared to move for a few moments.


“See?  You’re all cowards!  All that you can do is to rely on an ugly ‘Saint’ for protection!  You couldn’t even lift a finger against me!”


Madelaine tried in vain to diffuse the tension, “Please, Your Imperial Highness.  I wouldn’t take offense with your words, but please, stay your hand.”


“Stop with this farce!  You’re not the Saint!  She’s beautiful as a goddess; you’re just a shitbueeh!!!


“!!!” Everyone was stunned when they saw the Imperial Prince flew down the ornate table that was set up for the engagement party.  He crashed like paper, much to the horror of his father, the Emperor.


“For fuck’s sake, I intend to hit Her Holiness’ head to instill some common sense into her, but I found my fist flying towards this fucker’s face.” it was Kuro, shaking the arm he used to punch the prince, “Who’s this disrespectful fellow, anyway?”


“K-Kuro?” Madelaine’s eyes were round in utter surprise, “That’s…the Imperial Prince.”


“He is?” Kuro then realized the mistake that he had done, “Oh shit…”


“You!” the Imperial Prince was helped by his father, “You’re that commoner who won the tourney on the first and second rounds!  I thought you’re dead?”


“Well, I’m still alive…thanks to the fat Saint over there.” Kuro reached out with his hand to him, “I’m sorry buddy, but I didn’t intend to hit you.  I just went ballistic when you kept on throwing ugly words on my friend; get what I mean?”


The Imperial Prince slapped his hand away, “Don’t touch me, you filth!


“Alright, alright…My apologies for causing that beautiful blue and violet bruise though…”


“!!!”  The Imperial Prince quickly asked for a mirror which was given to him.  Much to his shock, there was indeed a prominent bruise on his cheek, caused by Kuro’s fist, “You insolent peasant!  Look at what you’ve done to my beautiful face!  Do you know who I am?  I’m the Imperial Prince of the Empire of Cher—”


“Yes, we know who you are, Your Imperial Highness.”  This time, it was Lily’s turn to intervene.  On her hand was a big battle-ax, and though smiling, she was shrouded in an intimidating aura.  Soon, the other guests rallied behind the Nerfes princess and had their swords drawn out as well.  Lily continued, “However, we can’t allow you Imperials to hurl insults at our Saint anymore.  Now if you please excuse yourselves, the exit route is over there.”




With no other choice than to retreat, the Imperial Prince, as well as his father, excused themselves— followed by their retinue, and hurried to the exit.




No one could move for a few moments, but one could tell that the general atmosphere turned from one that reeked of tension into a relaxed and relieving ambiance.  And with that, the Human Saint’s engagement was called off, and for the first time in the history of the Tri-Skill Tournament in Chersea, no one was declared the winner…


Oh, and Kuro’s infamy increased even more.  He’s now known as the ‘Fist of the North Lands’.  Probably he’ll get disgusted once he learned he became a cheap rip-off of a famous muscle anime…





The commotion finally died down.  The invited members of the nobility were ushered in one corner by the servants of Her Holiness—led by Lily, and the maids from the Rubinforth house.  I guess they’d be entertained later; but first things first, it’s the Saint who gets the priority among everyone present.


After all, upon witnessing such an episode, all wanted to offer their sympathies and support for their demi-goddess.


Her father, the Duke of Rubinforth, was consoling his daughter.  His face had a grim expression, and he never put his sword back in its sheath.  Her siblings were also there to stand with her, and they too—particularly Sophia, were visibly mad.  Well, I think it’s pretty much understandable.  


But what I’m concerned about was Her Holiness; she’s kind of conscious about her figure, after all, “So, you finally got the courage to reveal your real image, Your Holiness?”


Ah, yes…well, it’s kind of unpleasant at first, but I guess it’s fine with how it played out in the end.”


“Don’t you think our efforts to hide it were in vain?”


“It’s okay.  I finally realized, I wanted to be myself, and so I resolved to do it and reverse the mistakes I did in the past,” she explained.


“Why are you so adamant about your image, anyway?” I put up that question on her, “It’s not like you’ll die from being seen like that!”


Hmm…you know, I wanted to always appear beautiful as any young girl would like.  And also, dealing with humans?  They always require a great deal of image projection to have them respect you.”


Well, she had a point.  Humans always judge others based on that famous ‘first impression’ principle.  It’s annoying, but probably it’s our nature…


“As I’ve said before, I’m still human, even though I’ve got godly powers.  I desire things any normal human would.”


“True enough.  But man, you’d spare us a lot of trouble if you just decided to reveal yourself early on.”


“I’m sorry.” Her Holiness sheepishly asked for my forgiveness.


Nah, it’s fine, you know.  You’re still a girl, no matter how holy of a Saint you are.  Just be yourself; laugh, cry, throw tantrums from time to time…And I’ll always be a friend to you, just like how Lily treats you.”


“Of course.  You’re the only one who understands me, aside from Lily.”  she winked at me.


Then, the Saint turned to her guests, who were still in shock at what happened, “To everyone here present, thank you for supporting me, even though I have my flaws!  Thank you for defending my honor!”


The other nobles and esteemed commoners knelt in reverence to Her Holiness.  Perhaps she didn’t need to hide her imperfections in the first place; I think that’s what makes her human, and it’s what connects her to these people…


I saw the Saint flashed me a sweet smile, “Thank you, Kuro.”


“Yeah, as always Your Holiness.” I also bowed in reverence to her as well.  I guess I already did my part; she’s fine, and she may now determine her life’s direction from this moment forward.  Ah, just like the good old times back in school, Kuro!  She reminds me of my students…


However, the Human Saint stayed around me for a few minutes longer.


Hm?  Why are you still here?”


Uhm…Kuro, I’d like to show you something…”


“What is it?”


Her Holiness then uttered a few words for a spell, and then her fat figure dissipated.


Err…you brought back your disguise?”


“No silly!” she laughed softly, “I put on that ‘fat’ disguise to know the true nature of the Imperial Prince.”


“Oh…” I couldn’t help but be impressed, “That’s a nice strategy of knowing your potential partner’s character before you swear to forever!”


“Yep, it is!” the Saint grinned, “I already trimmed down my figure, thanks to your ‘work-out’, Mister Kuro!”


“Well, look at that!” I couldn’t keep myself from patting her head, “You did great this time, Your Holiness!  Congratulations!”


The Saint was ecstatic and all smiles.  But then…




She gently took my hand and held it tight close to her heart.  I was so surprised by the gesture that I could not speak for a moment.  Heck, I think any guy wouldn’t; her chest was so soft and warm, I found it difficult to keep my eyes off from it.


I inadvertently glanced at her father, who was just sitting near us.


“I’ll allow it for now.” he was turning a blind eye to what’s happening.


“Papa…please don’t spoil my moment.” the Saint protested.


“Sophia, William!  Let’s get some food, I’m hungry!” Mister Rubinforth stood, sheathed his sword, and made his way to the dining table.


“Yes, Papa!  Coming!”  The Rubinforth brats also went after him; but not before Sophia giving me a silent but stern warning.


Yes, I know.  I’m a gentleman pervert, kid.  I keep my desires in their proper places.


With her family out of the way, Her Holiness spoke, her dreamy eyes looked tenderly at me.  She never let go of my hand… “Kuro…I know it’s quite bold of me to ask, but, if possible, can I…”




“Can I be…your student?”




