Letter 25 – 03/21/1985
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Dear Sam,

It’s good to hear that Alex is feeling better. If the flu that’s going around out there is the same one as here it’s a real nasty one. Half the staff at work have had it and they just seem miserable. Two of them even ended up having to go to the doctor for it. Me and Julie have been lucky enough to avoid it so far, but I doubt if that luck is going to last forever.

Speaking of Julie, she was wondering if you’re going to be able to make it for Passover? She’s planning on making her famous brisket and I’d hate for y’all to miss out on it. Gonna be even more delicious than normal. I mean it’s always good but food is always better when you’re sharing it. Sarah’s driving down and Mary and her boyfriend are coming up for it too, so it’ll be a nice time for catching up. I still can’t believe she’s gonna be a junior in college here soon. Every time I think about it my back starts aching almost as much as my heart. Of course, it could also just be all those peppers Julie put in her three bean chili yesterday. I don’t know how she can eat that and not feel it. I love that about her though. I just love her.

I really do hope you’ll be able to make it. I’m planning on asking her to marry me after dinner and I want you there for that. I mean, I know we can’t do anything legally, but it’ll mean a lot to me just to have the ceremony. We’ve talked about it before, in hypotheticals, so I know she’s on board and I talked to the Rabbi and he’s willing to perform our ceremony. I even got a ring. It’s nothing great, but I also couldn’t spend too much without her noticing when we came up short for the bills. I don’t mean this to be some kind of a guilt trip and I get it if you can’t come all the way out here. I know just how much of a pain it is to go from Washington to Ohio. 

Send my best to Alex,


And that's all folks. A letter from the author is up next that tries to properly express just how much I appreciate you, along with a link to download a free pdf of this story, but its worth saying again:

Thank you