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Three weeks passed by in a blink of an eye.

All of his Theríon Recovery Pills were long gone. To compensate for that, Feng Luotian had always picked up some herbs with a similar effect along the path towards his training and around his camp like the Moon Lotuses floating on the river. Ten Moon Lotus's seeds would provide him the same Theríon recovery rate as one Theríon Recovery Pill.

There were hundreds of Moon Lotuses which contained dozens of seeds each, this made Feng Luotian able to keep up with his training agenda every day. Subsequently, he broke through and became a Five Fangs Fighter ten days ago.

Today, he woke up and checked his Kronos status. His skin became tanner, his body was much firmer than he was three weeks before with the muscular's lines clearly shown around his body, making him look much more manly.



Name: Feng Luotian

Level: Five Fangs (21%)

Skill 1: Pinnacle Flash Lightning Level 2 (822/1,000)

Wrap the user's body in lightning. Speed +300% (+35%). Lightning Resistance +30% (+13%). Attack +20%.

Ability 1: Last Dance Curse Level 5

Increase the user's power level by 1 for 9 (+2) minutes. However, the user has to collect 10 souls within 9 (+2) minutes, otherwise, the user's level will be decreased by 2.

Ability 2: Momentum Eyes Level 5

The user can see the momentum and projectile of every object within 40 (+20) meters.


Feng Luotian had his breakfast and was about to return to his training session, however, something happened out of usual today.


Feng Luotian suddenly heard a girl's scream. He abruptly changed his course to the direction of that scream. Better safe than sorry, Feng Luotian activated [Pinnacle Flash Lightning] and rushed there with his maximum speed. Seconds later, Feng Luotian passed a small hill and found four figures at the base.

Two of them appeared to be bandits threatening the other two people who were likely to be a pair of mother and daughter with their large axes. In the hand of the mother, there was a basket full of precious herbs. As for her other hand, it was blood-soaked obviously being cut by the bandit when she screamed earlier.

Just one glance, anybody could discern the situation that this was just another daylight robbery.

One of the bandits said: "So, you're not going to hand me the herbs, huh?"

The daughter who was just like a 7-year-old girl stood strong between her mother and the two bandits: "Never!! These herbs will be used to heal people in my village who were hurt by you!! We will never give them to you!!"

Another bandit said: "If you don't know what's good for you, then die!!" He raised his ax and swung down at the girl, while the mother quickly dropped the basket and brought her daughter into her embrace using her own body to receive the brunt attack of the ax instead.

But before the ax reached the mother, a flash of lightning appeared and gave a kick to the attacker's face. That man was sent flying until he hit the tree a hundred some meters behind him. His partner was startled by what had transpired. He immediately raised his shield to block whatever came from the front. Never did he know that Feng Luotian already appeared behind him.

Feng Luotian kicked up between the man's leg causing him to drop the shield instantly and covered his hand on his crotch as he twisted in pain on the ground.

Feng Luotian turned to ask the mother-and-daughter duo: "Are you alright?"

The mother answered: "Yes, we're fine."

The bandit who got kicked in the face woke up shaking his head to get rid of the dizziness in it. Once he saw clearly who attacked him, he picked his ax and charge towards Feng Luotian shouting: "Who are you to interfere with our business?!"

Killing intent surged from Feng Luotian's cold gaze: "And why are you so looking forward to dying?"


Name: Xiong Fan

Level: Six Fangs

Bloodline: Heavy Paw Rice Bear

Bloodline Ability: Ruthless Paw

Drastically increase the hand strength of the user on their next attack.


After he heard someone 'without cultivation' threatening him, the bandit named Xiong Fan became enraged. A black glow was concentrated into both of his hands as he activated [Ruthless Paw].

Feng Luotian told the mother and child to retreat: "Please leave." They had no choice but to comply in this situation. However, they did not go far, just a distance safe enough for them to stay out of the battle.

Xiong Fan stormed his way towards Feng Luotian. He was about two and a half meters tall, so his body was quite large. The momentum he created could give a pressure strong enough to suffocate most cultivators of the same level or lower. Xiong Fan leaped up high and slammed his ax down upon Feng Luotian.

A loud explosion was followed by rock and debris flying around. After the commotion was settled, Feng Luotian could not be found anywhere in the area of impact. Xiong Fan looked around and only found his partner lying at the side.

A lightning figure dropped down from the sky and landed an elbow on Xiong Fan's head.

It appeared that Feng Luotian had already fled from the impact point before it hit. It was just that his speed was too fast, leaving only his after image for Xiong Fan to aim. Just before the attack hit the ground, Feng Luotian jumped up high to deliver his next fatal attack.

The elbow-drop from Feng Luotian entirely cracked Xiong Fan's skull. Blood started to flow from his orifices as his knees hit the ground.

Feng Luotian swung his body and used his both knees to grip Xiong Fan's head as he sat on it. Following that, he made a little momentum before spinning his body three rounds to twist his opponent's head off.

The sound of head dropping rang as a body fell down into a bang.

The mother and daughter's complexion became pale white as they witnessed how ruthless their savior was. Amongst the gratitude they felt before, fear started to blossom as they were in awe.

Feng Luotian proceeded with his soul collection.


Soul collected.

Energy: +5% at Five Fangs

Level: Five Fangs (26%)

Benefit: Increase your hand strength by 3%


He continued to another person lying not far from the battle. Right now, terror already trumped pain as another bandit kowtowed before Feng Luotian. Xiong Fan was stronger than him, yet his head was twisted off in just a few exchanges. That meant the youth before him was even stronger, no, much stronger than him.

Feng Luotian asked: "Not begging me to spare you? Or is it that you're too afraid to speak?"

Well, it was actually the latter.

Feng Luotian continued: "Answer some questions for me, and I'll consider sparing your life. Only if you're worth it, that is."

The bandit stayed silent and he tremblingly nodded accepting Feng Luotian's condition.

Feng Luotian began his interrogation: "First, who are you guys?"

"W-We are Vulture Bandit Troupe."

Feng Luotian pointed at the mother and child as he asked: "And why are you attacking their village?"

"Boss wants something in the village but didn't tell us what it is."

"What is the purpose of this Bandit Troupe?"

"K-Kill and plunder."

"How many people have you killed?"


"Never killed anyone?"

"I never k…"

Feng Luotian suddenly stomped on the guy's head like a watermelon.


Soul collected.

Energy: +1% at Five Fangs

Level: Five Fangs (27%)

Benefit: Increase your defense by 1%


Feng Luotian shook his head and sighed: "It's really true that there's no peace wherever you are." He picked the herb basket, then walked towards the mother and child.

The mother bowed down to show her gratitude as her daughter imitated her action: "Thank you, benefactor, for saving us."

Feng Luotian quickly moved forward and stopped the mother from bowing to him: "Don't bother with the formality. Let's treat your wound first." He touched his spatial ring and fetched a few healing herbs and bandages to treat her hand.