Chapter 35: Castle Falaris
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Lilian and Anna’s group was tired. Not just physically. But also mentally. They had been traveling to much, to fast. They knew it. That they were all in need of some serious rest.

It had been a couple weeks since they had left the swamp. They were making great time because of it all. But they also had a couple close encounters.

One being the paladin squadron returning back from their patrol. They had to make a dash into the brush to escape that night. But luckily they had not been spotted. With the paladin avoided. They had a mostly smooth journey.

They also ran into a caravan of a wealthy merchant. But they were able to make use of Anna being a human to divert their attention from the rest of their group, as they hid underneath their cloaks.

After dealing with these incidents. The group were able to continue on without further trouble. They were just cresting over a hill when Anna saw the view in the distance for the first time.


“Oh holy shit! Wow!”

The Mokra’Torcs all lined up next to her. Lilian by her right side. Her hand naturally finding hers.

“Beautiful is not?” Lilian asked her.

“Immaculate.” Anna told her.

Anna stared at what was the first time in her life at seeing a real life castle.

The castle stood tall upon what some might see as a large hill, or a small plateau. The walls of the castle stood as Lilian had described. Well over a hundred meters tall. With the walls of the castle much larger than that. The castle had five spiring towers that stretched above the walls protecting the castle itself.

The central section of the tower rose up from the center standing tall over all the other towers of the five spires.

The castle town that surrounded the castle itself was also nothing to sneeze at. From what it looked like to Anna, the town stretched out like ten miles in all directions from the castle walls.

Each area of the town, had ever increasing heights and thickness of walls, the closer you came to the castle of Falaris.

So even from a distance, you could tell where the new sections of the towns started, and where it transitioned into the older parts of town, near the castle walls.

This brought a chortle out of Lilian.

“If you think the outside looks immaculate, wait until you see the inside.”

Anna did a double take at her love.

“You’ve seen the inside?!”

“………….. A few times……..” She looked at Anna with a sad smile. “I told you did I not? My mother is a big shot in Falaris.”

Harks snorted.

But Anna didn’t pay-attention.

“Yeah… you said she was. Guess that makes sense. So what? Were you there for a ball or something?”

Lilian shook her head.

“I was attending because of the Queen’s birthday, I was just turning the age of eight… That was also the day my mother stopped being my mother to me, when she took me, then left me with my father.” Lilian told her.

Anna smiled at her sadly.

I keep bringing up the worst memories for you. Sorry.” Anna apologized.

Lilian shook her head.

“It is… it is not your fault.” Lilian assured. “Come though,” She said, changing the subject. “We must not tarry, we need to reach the Queen as fast as possible. The sooner we do that, the sooner we can return back home.”

At the mention of home. The group in-front of Lilian all had their own thoughts of home and being back in it.

Harks thought about traveling once again, but this time, just to go on a journey.

Grak’Horve thought about his mother and sister back at home that he wished to see again.

Safarti thought about his mate and their children; his son and daughter.

And Anna thought about their hut and all her friends they had left behind. How she wanted to show Tharhym her progress with her training now that she had Agra’Yala’s gift.


It was ironic however. That the one who posed the question, was the only one melancholy about the thought of home.

For Lilian, her thoughts were of her and Anna’s old home back in the mountains. Within the cave, with just the two of them together. But she shook off these thought, because she knew they were selfish. Not only for herself because it was something that only she wanted. But also because it wouldn’t be fair to Anna, or the people that now relied on her.

They started making their way towards the city.

They decided to take a more leisurely approach for the rest of the journey. Since that, now that they were within four days of the castle on foot. It would be foolish to attack their delegation now, out in the open. There would be no way for whoever it was to easily assassinate them while making it look like an accident.

So they now traveled by day, and rested during the nights.

The closer they came, the more they began to see people. Humans. But people none-the-less.

At least it beat animals and fields of grain. Anna thought.

Though, even as she thought this. The looks they were receiving were ones of freight and distrust.

Whenever they were recognized as orcs.

The only reactions they were garnered were ones of scorn and fear.

Once they were within two hours walking distance of the outside gates of the city outskirts, Anna received a message.

“≈It would behove you daughter of mine, to hide the fact that you are the Warchief’s mate until after your group meets with the Queen. Also, keep it a close secret between all of you that you are a shaman. You must, for your group’s safety. There is something within the walls that is hunting your group. It will reveal itself and its intentions to you once you are nestled within the city.≈”


Anna was startled to hear Agra’Yala suddenly.

“Guys. We have a problem.” Anna told them.

“What is wrong?” “”What’s up?”” Lilian along with three other of the orcs asked her at the same time.

Lilian glared at them before focusing back on Anna.

“Rayala just gave me, or, more like, gave all of us a warning.”

“What did she say?” Harks asked.

Lilian threw a glare his direction this time.

“Well, she told us that it is imperative that we don’t mention or let anyone find out I’m a shaman.”

Harks Harrumphed.

“That goes without saying.” He made a gesture towards her. “You’re our ace in our pockets. There is no reason to let people know about you that don’t need to know.”

“Yes, I agree.” Horrik chimed in.

With the twins nodding along with them.

Lilian grit her teeth at how she felt like she was being left out of the conversation, like her opinion didn’t matter.

Oblivious to her mates raising anger, Anna continued.

“She also told me the reason why. Someone inside these walls will be hunting us.”

Harks scoffed at this.

“Pretty obvious by this point Mother Rayala. That seems like old news.” He comments.

The other three nod in agreement.

“I think it is more than that.” Anna contradicted. “I think that, more than just being hunted. I think they are looking to see if one of us is a shaman.”

“Okay? But why?” Horrik asks.

“I am… not sure. But, she did say to be wary and watch out, that are enemy will come to us and make their intentions known.”

“So, this means that the planet mother is blind within these walls. They must be blocking the spirits.” Harks comments.

“”Blocking the spirits?”” Anna, Horrik, Safarti and Grak’Horve ask as one.

“≈It is as he says. Within these walls my child. You will be on your own. It is one of the many reasons I wished for you to have Lazrator on your journey. They will be able to help you where normal spirits are not able to tread.≈”

“Wait? What do you mean?” Anna asks Agra’Yala, but Harks thinks she is talking to him.

“It means that the mages, witches and elven sorcerers have made it so that spirits are probably expelled from this land.”

“But wait? If they do that? Won’t the land become stagnant?” Anna asks him.

“I… Am not sure?” Harks shrugs. “Again, I know it is possible to expel spirits, elemental or otherwise, but not how, or the repercussions of it.”

“}>≈We can explain how.≈<{“

“Ah! Lazrator!” Anna calls out to her friend and companion.

“}>≈Hello our friend,{ partner,< master,≈ we can explain how this works: the land does not need a spirit to thrives and to continue to exist; it needs it to grow. Without the spirit feeding its own energy back into the elemental source, the land, or source of elemental energy will only have a certain amount of energy it can produce.≈<{“ Lazrator explained to Anna, who in turn, told her group.

“I see.” Said Harks. “So, if the energy of the place wasn’t used at all, or, more to the point, if it wasn’t damaged or over used. It would remain as it were, like if no one was using it at all. Is that correct?”

“}>≈Precisely. As long as the source is not damaged, the energy would eventually replenish and come out as excess from the source, seeping into the land again.≈<{“

“But wait!” Anna called out. “If it does that, wouldn’t the elemental source just feed back in on itself? Shouldn’t that excess energy just seep back into the source?” Anna asked Lazrator.

“}>≈No, and the reason being is, that this is where a subject of thought has confounded Shamans, but has been grasped by mages.≈<{“

“Huh?” Anna made a noise of confusion after repeating this to everyone.

“AH!” While Harks made a noise after having an epiphany. “I see. This is mana theory.”

“”Mana theory?!”” The whole group, besides the sulking Lilian with her arms crossed, as the group shouts out in surprise around her.

“Right, I… know mammoth shit about this. I just know that this is equal to what mages have said to me as mana theory. Why they are able to take ambient energy; or in their case, mana, from the air, to convert it into spells.”

“}>≈Quite right Harks. There is more to it than that, but we do not have the study or knowledge of mages works. Only the rudimentary understanding of it, the same as you. But from what our old master theorized while they studied this phenomenon. Was that after energy leaves a source, whether through a mortal body, spirit, or elemental source. The energy cannot be reabsorbed. Their theory behind why, remains mostly unfinished, but suffice it to say: they believed that energy expelled is turned into a different form of energy all together. Thus is why magic user; namely mages, cannot cast indefinitely. Because they cannot simply absorb the mana from the environment around them. But they are able to use it as part of their spell work.≈<{“

“Thus the reason why they gave usable energy the name mana.” Anna pondered aloud.

“}>≈Just so.≈<{“ Lazrator affirms. “Sounds about right.” Harks also confirms.

“But then? how do spirits feed a source their elemental energy?”

“}>≈Much like we explained before: Once a spirit finds an elemental source, takes on that elemental source’s properties. Thus making a link and connection to the source itself. This is why are master theorized that, what we fed back into an elemental source wasn’t its own energy, but the same type of energy converted from a spirits essence.≈<{“

“So wait? That means that— but you also said that sources absorb energy from the world around them! That is how it eventually replenishes itself!”

“}>≈Correct, they absorb what is essentially the waste of the world around them in terms of energy. This is why, while full, they produce an abundance of excess elemental energy for spirits to feed on. But while they are depleted, take a while to fill. Because they feed off of the byproduct of what is used from energy itself, or in this case, mana.≈<{“

Anna blinked at what Lazrator explained to her.

“Oh my God this is so confusing!” She said while holding her head with one hand.

“Yeah… I am definitely not becoming a shaman. Give me an axe to hit things with any day.” Grak’Horve commented.

Horrik and Safarti nodded in agreement.

“Can’t say I disagree…” Harks nods along with them.


“Well! That is all well and good people! But are we not forgetting something?!” Lilian chimes in during the lull.

“What is that Lilian?” Anna asks her casually.


“WARCHIEF! DAMNIT!” Lilian snaps at Anna at having forgotten to address her by her title.

This makes Anna shrink back away from Lilian, in what felt like the first time since their initial days with each other.

“…Anna.. I—“ Lilian calls out gently to Anna while reaching towards her with a hand. But Anna shirks away from her touch out of her old habit. This causes them both to flinch, which makes Lilian drop her hand.

At the same time as her hand was dropping, Harks and Horrik stand in-front of Anna, staring at Lilian with narrowed eyes. Grak’Horve and Safarti stood on either side of Anna’s shoulders.

Anna looked at their backs in confusion at their sudden stance between her and Lilian.

“What?!” Lilian shouted at them. Her fist clenched tight at her sides. “Did you think I was going to hurt her? You think now that she is a shaman or that she has helped you with your problems recently, that it gives you the right to stand in betWEEN ME AND MY MATE?!” Lilian yells the last few words as she was speaking.

Birds that were hiding within the wheat fields flutter and fly up into the sky at her yell.

But her soldiers stood firm between her and Anna.

Anna was staring at Lilian with a wide eyed worried expression.


“Warchief. We swore an oath to you to protect your mate from any harm. Right now though, you are the thing that concerns us the most at the moment.” Harks told Lilian firmly.

Lilian looked from each soldiers face with wide eyes before she settled back on Anna.

“Lilian?…” Anna called out to her gently.

But Lilian narrowed her eyes and  clenched her jaw tightly, before she turned to walk away from them. She was headed down the path, towards back towards the castle city.

The group all looked from one other after their leader departed from them. Before all their eyes settled on one person.

Anna sighed before saying to them.

“I… I am fine guys… thank you. You… you probably shouldn’t do that in the future. Not that I didn’t appreciate it. But I really don’t think she will hurt me. And… I… I don’t think that has help Lilian and I’s problem… we need to work through it. Even if it means you guys have to listen to us argue: which I apologize in advance that you might have to suffer through our drama.” She told them with a downcast expression.

But Harks smiled at her before slapping her gently on the back.

“Are you kidding lass? You’ve had our back. Now we’ve got yours.” He assured her.

“Yes,” Horrik comments. “Don’t worry Shaman. We just thought that the Warchief was getting to hot there. If you wish for us not to intervene like that, then we will respect your wishes.” He adds.

Anna smiles at face looking down at her. She wipes away some errant tear from her eyes.

“Thank you guys!” She tells them. “I am glad you understand. I hope you will continue to show us support in the future.”

“Yeah well… your mate is rough around the edges when it comes to leading people.” Harks commented honestly, before glancing down at Anna. “But if she has a mate like you at her side, I am sure you can help round her out.” He told her.

“Indeed. She is a fine leader when she needs to be. She can assess a situation and make appropriate calls during them with a level head. But she seems to get hot under the collar when it comes to you.” Horrik also adds.

“Yeah… she, umm… needs to learn to trust you a bit more. At least, that is my opinion.” Grak’Horve comments.


“Thanks guys. Really, truly. And, well… I am not sure about all of that. But I do know that, if Lilian and I are ever going to trust each other again. I am going to have to get her alone to talk with her. Just one-on-one. So we can let out everything, and I think…… that we might end up having to start our trusting each other back from zero, before we can move forward again.” She told them lamenting smile.

She looked at all the faces before stepping forward.

“We… we better catch up.” She told them as she walked past.

They traveled in a somber walk for the rest of the way towards the main gate of the city.


Lilian was out in-front of their group, with Horrik, Anna, Harks, Grak’Horve and Safarti following behind in this order.

There was a huge line of wagons with guards lining both sides of them as they traveled down the path towards the gate.

“Lots of people here now all of a sudden…” Comments Grak’Horve.

“It is not all of a sudden. They just came down different paths that connect the different kingdoms to Falaris, these are people that are trying to get into the city with goods to deliver from all over. Normally, a city gates take at least ten to twenty minutes per cart to inspect for contraband or illegal substances before they are allowed entry. Plus, if this place is corrupt, which I am sure it is. Even if just a little, everywhere has some corruption. Then there are times when some merchants prefer to come in at, just so they can get the guards on duty they want, so they can bribe them to let them through.” Harks explains.

“I see.” Said Safarti. “I had no idea it was so complicated.”

“Yeah, a lot goes into these gates. Both literally and metaphorically.” Lilian commented from the front. She looked back at them with a smirk. “But that is only if you are delivering cargo. If you are entering or exiting the city, it is a lot easier.”

“I see… Is that why we are just walking past this line?” Anna asks. “Because we don’t need inspection?”

“No,” Lilian says more aloud than towards Anna herself. “It’s because we expected and part of a delegation. These are just some of the perks we haven’t been able to use so far.”

“”AH!”” Came a collective sound of revelation from the group behind Lilian.


As the made it to the front of the gate, the guards there barred them entry.

“Halt! Where do you think you are going? Do you believe you are above inspection? Do you think you can just waltz in here?” A large pot belly guard in leather stops them.

He is flanked by two other, more well dressed and armored guards.

“Are you the captain of the gate?” Lilian asks him calmly.


Lilian had a neutral expression as she spoke again.

“We are part of the delegation of the orcs from the wetlands. I am the Warchief, here to meet your queen and—“

“ENOUGH OF YOUR LIES!” The man shouted “You will either get to the back of that line! Or I swear by the holy light! I will have every crossbow men on the ramparts fire at you!”

Lilian stepped forward and grabbed the man by his collar.

“What are you!—“

“SHUT UP!” She yelled at him while looking into his eyes. “Look at my eyes! Tell me I am lying! And you answer my question! Are you the gate captain?!”

The soldiers all around them were all at attention and pointing their weapons towards them.

The man stared fearfully into the orc’s violet colored eyes.


“You! Your!—“

“That is right. I am. Now, tell me? Are you the captain at this gate?”

“N-N-N—No… I am not…” He answered pitifully.

“Well then,” Lilian tossed him on to his rump. “Go and fetch your captain. Tell him the orc delegation that the queen has been waiting for is here, that we are in need of an escort towards the castle. If you delay us any further, I will let the queen know personally that a rude, rotund man had delayed us on our way towards the castle.” She threatened him.

“Y-Ye—Yes ma’am!” He said while scrambling to stand up. “R-Right away ma’am!”

He ran away from her, past the gate and around the corner.

Lilian stood there with a satisfied smirk on her lips.

“Umm… Was that the wisest decision Warchief?” Harks asked her from behind while eyeing the weapons trained on them.

She waved a dismissive hand towards him.

“We will be fine. I did not actually cause the man harm. The must have a clear reason to attack us. While I provoked him just now. Their weapons have already been trained on us since before we were talking to the man.” She explained.

“If you say so Warchief. I will differ to your opinion on this, this is your realm of expertise.”

Lilian felt a tug at her heart because of his words. They reminding her of what her and Anna had once said to each other.

“Right… Thanks…”


Not long after.

Another man in full plate armor came walking around the corner.

“You there, are you the Warchief?” The man asked with a point of a finger towards Lilian.

“Yes, that is me. I am Lilian Dracogusse, Warchief of the Mokra’Torcs and leader of this Delegation.” She told him.

He gave her a decisive nod.

“Very well.” The man stood straight and pulled his helmet off his head. His short shaggy blonde hair waived free from it’s hold of its confines and his sharp piercing blue eyes trained on Lilian. “I am the gate Captain Noland “Truthbringer” Lokasha. I am here to welcome you to our fair city. And to also apologize to you for my Lieutenant’s misbehavior.” He lifted a hand and waved two fingers.

At once, all the soldiers withdrew their weapons. Most moving to go back into their proper places. But the two who had their halberds pointing towards Lilian and her group, moved back to stand next to the gate Captain.

“Already, this is turning into a much more agreeable welcome than what your Lieutenant had given us.” Lilian said to them.

“I do apologize about that.” The Captain said to her. “I do hope you can let this little incident slide, we wouldn’t want to much fuss about this would we?” He said with a suggestive smile.

“Of course not. Your little Lieutenant matters very little in the grand scheme of things. I am sorry myself, as I had to get a bit handsy with him to get my point across.”

“We can assure you. That nothing here today will be held against you. Since it was our side that provoked yours first.” He Assured her.

“Now then,” He said to her as her stepped aside. “I cannot leave my duties here at the got. So I hope that my Corporal here will suffice with being your escort. Along with a couple extra guards.”

“Oh that will be quite fine and will suffice Captain. I assure you, that it is not us, you have to protect when it comes to altercations.” She told him with a thinly disguised threat.

“Quite.” He looked behind her to the rest of Lilian group. “Is this your entire party then?” The Captain Noland asks her.

“Yes, this is my entire delegation. Along as my personal guard, they will also from other clans to testify the happenings within the marshlands.”

“I see… and this one? Is she with you also?” He asked by pointing with a lazy finger towards Anna.

“Yes, she is—“

“I am this man’s mate!” Anna threw out at the last seconded, cutting Lilian off. She reached out wrapping her arms around Horrik’s arm.

Lilian did a triple take towards Anna. Her face a mixture of pain, betrayal, and disbelief.

I am sorry my Ashu’Rágé! Please! please realize! Anna thought hard while looking at Lilian, hoping to convey her thoughts to her love.

Anna wasn’t sure she was successful. But Lilian’s face turned back into a neutral expression with a slight smirk on her lips that she had been using while she was talking to the Captain. She turned back towards him.

“Well! You heard her! She is his mate!” Lilian told Captain Noland through gritted teeth.

The paladin Captain raised an eyebrow at them. He could sense the lie coming off of both their words. But he wasn’t going to intrude.

Seems rather personal. Noland thought to himself.

Noland shrugged his shoulders.

“I see.” He looked at Lilian and gave a crooked smile. “Very charitable of your leader to allow you to bring your wife.”

Anna giggled.

“We’re not married yet!” She told him. “That is one of the reasons we’re here. I am hoping to convince the love of my life to marry me while we’re here.” She said while glancing up at the man her arms were around.

The orc himself was staring at her with a look of fear, while throwing furtive glances at his Warchief.


“……I like to think I am a generous leader, who thinks of other before themselves……” Lilian said through gritted teeth.

“Right… in any case.” He move to go towards his men near the gate. “I wish you all welcome to our fair city of Falaris.” He smiled with a crooked grin. “Please enjoy your stay.”




“As you can see, this is the newest addition of the city. Many new merchants and the middle class families make their homes. There are also many other parts set aside around here for some of the less wealthy as well for our more regular commoner folks.” Corporal Daniela explains much like a tour guide.

They were following behind the Corporal that they were introduced to at the gate. Lilian out in-front next to the Corporal. Listening to her explain the new parts of the city.

The other five were followed by two guards taking up the rear. It seemed to Anna that Lilian was avoiding them. More specifically her.

No… She is definitely avoiding me… and who can blame her! I basically,— No, literally told her we weren’t mates. Even if it was pretend, and she caught on to that. To surprise her with it like that is just……

Anna was scared at the moment. She needed to talk with her. She needed to talk with Lilian. But Lilian had been avoiding being alone with her, and talking about their problems, as much as she was blatantly ignoring the issues.

I know. I get why she is mad,— or was mad at me before. But now this is ridiculous.

Anna muster up some courage to walk up to Lilian and talk with her.

“Umm… Lilian? Can I please speak!—“

Lilian glanced sideways while still walking to glare at Anna. Her gaze cut like a knife.

I deserve that.

“S— A—…… Anna… Whatever you want to say to me. Whatever it is that is wrong. Just do not. Alright? Just do not. Not here, not now.” When they were speaking to one another in town now. They were using the Mokra’Torc language.

“Is there something a matter?” Corporal Daniela asked Lilian.

Lilian looked at the Corporal and gave her a thin smile.

“Nothing. As you were saying before. Now that new low town had been added. The next section is now named the lower-mid-town correct?” Lilian reminded her.

Daniela gave her a wane smile.

“That is right,” She pointed out towards some buildings. “Since the expansion. There were many relocations and plans for parts of the city. The queen asked people who wished for a part of the new city to help pay for the expansion, in exchange for lower taxes on their plots, with the additions that they would also receive a subsidiary towards the building they would build in the area they purchased. She also offered all owners and previous tenants these same conditions, who already had homes, houses, lands, businesses or storage facilities in other parts of the city a chance to move their locations if they wished to have a part in this deal. They were also offered a bonus, if the property they were moving from could be used for parts of the queens plans and expansions.”

“Hmm… very generous of her.” Lilian commented.

This brought a giggle out of Daniela.

“I would like to think so. But I also know she is a shrewd business woman. She almost had the entire expansion paid for, without a single drop of it coming from taxes or her own expenditures or undercutting. She also encouraged many wealthy merchants a chance for noble status if they would make donations towards this project.”

“Yes, I see. Very shrewd of her indeed.”


Anna couldn’t believe it.

Well… I could, and I do… but it still hurts.

Lilian was pushing her and their problems away.

And it is all my fault. Just like everything I do. Maybe Sheila was right… I do just set myself up for ruin……

Anna fell back a step to walk with the rest of the group.

“What was that all about?!” Horrik whispered furiously at her. “Your mate is most likely going to shank me in my sleep tonight!”

“……Yeah…… Me too probably……” Anna agreed with a automatic melancholic response.

“……………….. You could at least deny it please!” Horrik told Anna in a panic.

Harks who was standing near them both also chimed in.

“But seriously though lass. I doubt you did that just to get you and Horrik killed. So what gives?”

“……………There was a third part to Rayala’s message……… She suggested that we try to keep Lilian’s and I relationship from being found out until after we talk with the queen.”

“Did she give a reason?”

“I…… Never got to ask. After talking to you guys about the other things. Lilian yelled at me about the Warchief thing and…… *HIC*…”

As much as Anna didn’t want to and hated the idea of being so pathetic when she knew she was at fault. She could help herself but to cry.

I’m hurt too! Damn it Lilian!

She but her hands to her head and covered her eyes as she cried.

Anna cried for most of the tour through the new addition to the city and missed most of its explanation.


“So that concludes most of the outer parts of the city, being that of inns, homes, or small businesses.” Daniela explained. “Through this next gate, is the what people call the lower-mid-section of the city. But really, each section has a proper name. This here is what is called: The Trade District. Where all the major artisans call home. If you need something, anything made. You can come here to find it. This is also where the banks and courts are held, along with a couple of auction houses. There is also the monster hunter guild and the bounty hunter’s guild here respectfully.”

Anna was just calming down as they approached the gate to transition from one part of the city to the next, when she turned her head because she saw a bit of movement to her left.

She gasped at what she saw.


There in a back alleyway behind a couple stores. She watched as a couple of women were making out with each other.

One was a blonde woman, her cloths brown and plain, with a white dress shirt that was pulled down to the side with her left breast exposed as the other woman was groping it.

The other woman who had the smaller blonde woman pressed against the wall had short, but shocking red hair. She had slightly fancier clothes on, with a white cloak of all things, covering most of her back.

Wow! Guess we really are in the big city… Anna began to realize. Guess weird shit happens even on this planet.

Anna could see why they had caught her eye though. They were being subtle and were far back in the alley. But it was the spirit that was lingering near them, moving back and forth over the shoulders of the white-cloaked-red-head that had caught Anna’s attention.

“Something a matter?” Horrik asked her.

“No!… Nothing.” Anna denied.

He looked at her skeptically, before shrugging his shoulders.

As they move through the lower-mid-gates, they came into a large open market area where there were stalls of all kinds, selling goods from fresh food, to silks and bolts of cotton.

There were also many other venders; ones that sold armor, some that sold tools, crafting supplies, there was even a vendor there selling wood.

Man! Anna thought to herself. If my larping buddy could only see this, he would bust a nut.


As they were passing through, what was known as, the four wides trading hub, where if you waited a week, every good you could hope to find would be available on one particular day at some point.

Or, at least that what Daniela had been telling us.

Anna could tell, that unlike that first section of the city, this place had a much more polished and refined feel to it. Where there was clearly a class of difference here.

“Most people don’t make there homes here. Because this place stays pretty busy, even during the night. So the noise levels of the Trade District is just not worth it to live and call home. But on the other hand, if you are looking for a drink, then you are not going to find a better tavern here in town then the Raging Griffon.”

“Ah! I heard of that place. Never got to visit it, but even that place was known to me as a child.” Lilian said back to Daniela.

“Oh Gods! I bet that place was a sty back then! That was before the expansion. It must have just been a dive at that point. That was what? Twenty years ago?”

“Sixteen.” Lilian told her.

“Right! Sixteen… gods! I wasn’t even living in the capital at that point.”

Lilian chortle at the look of revelation on the woman’s face next to her.

“Time sure passes by, right?”

“You’re telling me!” Daniela says to her. But then seems to remember herself and who she is talking to. “I mean, quite right. It does indeed seem just to fly on by.” She says with a hint of embarrassment present on her cheeks in a blush.

Anna watches on, feeling dejected at seeing her partner have a good time with someone else while she is feeling miserable.

I suppose I deserve this as well… it is nice to see her getting along with people though.

They continued on their way from the Trade District, making their way to the upper-mid-section, where all the lower nobles lived, along with extremely wealthy merchants, and some high class artisans. There was also the merchant guild nestled here, along with a high class auction house, a theater, and the main cathedral and home of the priest’s covenant.


Anna let out in wonder as she looked around the old style architecture around her.

They had to pass the cathedral to get to the last gate.

“And this is the last city gate before the castle walls. This leads to high town, or the Nobles Courters. Here you can find: the knights order, the Paladin order, their respective training grounds, along with the five great houses of high nobles, along with the lesser ranks below them.”

Lilian had a pensive and confused look on her face.

“Where is the casino?”

“Pardon?!” Daniela asked incredulously.

“The casino, I distinctly remember a casino here when I was living here before.”

“……AH! Yeah! That is right! I heard they turned it into that, but I never believed them.”

“Turned what? into what?” Lilian asked her.

“They tore down the casino by the Queen’s orders and demolished the golden statue of the previous king used that as part of the present and low commoner relocation efforts.” She pointed a direction down the road. “It used to be over there. But that is now the paladin order’s training grounds.” Daniela explained.

Lilian’s eyes went wide at this.

“I see… Seems m— seems the Queen has been hard at work to wipe out what remains of her father around here.”

“Yes, but it is truly for the better. But don’t tell the stodgy old nobles I said that. Their are some who still supported the old King once Queen Falaris took the throne.”

“How did the old codger die?” Lilian asked her.


Corporal Daniela looked around before she said anything.

“She killed him.”

This shocked Lilian into a standstill. Her feet stopping where she was.

“What?” She asked her.

Daniela nodded her head.

“Yeah. Long story on that one. Suffice it to say. She lead a coup against her father after she built up enough support. Then took over the Kingdom. She did not inherit the throne. That is why she is so beloved by her people. She wrote all the wrongs her family has done over the past three hundred years. Or she is trying to at least.” She told Lilian with a sad smile.

“Pfft! Good for her.” Lilian said sarcastically. “Sti… a… rible… ther…”

Daniela looked at Lilian with narrowed eyes.

“What?” Lilian asked her as she received Daniela’s glare.

“Remember who you speak about.” Was all she told her. “And where you are. Your status, does not save you from insulting the Queen. So be careful on with whom you talk as such about her majesty. Most might not be as tolerant.” Daniela warned.

Lilian blinked in surprise at this woman’s fierceness.

“I will keep that in mind.”

“Do so.”

Lilian nodded before she started walking again.


As they continued on. They came up to the inner walls, or also known as the castle walls outer walls. The last gate and defense before the castle itself.

As they came closer. There was a group of paladins and knights standing at attention in-front of the gate.

“Hello there Corporal Daniela.” Said a dark haired man with a large bushy mustache at the front of group of soldiers. “I see you have delivered to us our long awaited or emissaries.”

Corporal Daniela stood at attention once they drew closer. Giving the man a salute.

“Sir! Corporal Daniela reporting in with the Warchief and her delegation in tow Lord General Duke George.”

“At ease.” The Lord General told her. “So. Rumors were true. When the paladin that reported in told us recently that the orc Warchief had violet eyes, everyone almost wanted to disavow them. The Queen herself was also beside herself that such a thing would come to pass.”

Lilian shrugged.

“I just look at it as my birthright… all things considered.” Lilian quipped.

“Right… So you’re here. You made it. Normally this is where I would take you to see the Queen: to report in on your arrival before you are dismissed to rest before she schedules you a time for you and her to have your public meeting.”

“Right.” Lilian nodded in agreement with what the Lord General explained.

“But right now, she is already in a meeting, so your timing is both auspicious and unfortunate. Because we cannot receive you at this exact time, but also, at the same time. Once she concludes her meeting she is currently in session with, she will be able to receive you right away without you having to wait for another time, or for her majesty to ready herself.”

Again, Lilian nodded along with what he was saying.

All standard protocol. Nothing I did not kind of remember from my training.

“So, if you will follow me. I will take you to the antechamber to await the Queen’s summons.”

“Very well.” Lilian agreed.

The Lord General looked over towards the Corporal.

“You and your men are dismissed. Either return to your duties or retire for the day.”

“”SIR!”” The three escorts saluted to him before turning to walk away.

Daniela turned towards Lilian before saying.

“Until we meet again Warchief.” She told her in Mokra’Torc. Which surprised all of them to hear.

Lilian, while shock, did not miss a beat.

“Until we meet again… Corporal.”

Daniela graced her with a smirk before trotting off, back the way they came.

All the Mokra’Torcs and Anna watched as she left. Their eyes following her.

The produced a chortle out of the Lord General.

“Surprised?” He asked Lilian in Mokra’Torc.

She snapped her gaze back towards him as she heard his word.

“Extremely! But… also not in a way. The question I have is. How?”

“How?” He asked her.

“This suggests that the animosity towards our people has lessened. My question then is: how was this done?”

He shrugged.

“It is not really gone. As I assuredly have no doubt that you have encountered the stares or harsh bigoted words. But rest assured Lilian. Her Majesty is trying her best. So that makes us also want to try our best because of her efforts.”

Lilian wasn’t even sure how she should take that.

The large broad shoulder man in plate armor turned swiftly around.

“Come!” He told them. “Let us escort you the rest of the way.”

He then moved to walk forward towards open gates. Another thing Lilian remember differently.

These things were always closed.

Lilian followed behind the Lord General as her group followed behind her.

The General’s knights and paladins also flanked either side of their groups ranks.

A total of nine people escorting them.

“A bit much just for a delegation, do you not think so?” Lilian commented to the Lord General.

“Lilian…” He said to her sternly. “This is for your protection. As we have discussed: there are many out there that would see you harmed. For many reasons. Most of all being that you are a catalyst of change. If they can provoke you into causing a problem, then they might have the influence they need to incite an attack against the Mokra’Torc people.” The Lord General Duke George explained to Lilian.

“I see. So this really is necessary then…”

“Sadly yes.” He agreed.


After walking through the gate, the climbed up a long flight of stairs that was known as the royal bridge. The only thing that connected the palace o royalty to the common folk.

Which was a misnomer, since there were plenty of lifts and ramps that led carts, crates, and other goods and sundries into the palace proper.

But, the more you say something, the more people think it is true. Lilian thought discussed at the rumors of the legendary staircase.

After climbing almost a hundred steps.

Eighty-seven to be exact!

They made it to the top of the plateau. Where most of the group was sort of winded. Anna looking dead on her feet.

Lilian was staring in wonder at the castle before her.

Marble white. Glistening high stone walls and towers. Wide fields of green luscious grass. Private fields for the crops strictly for the royal palace. A dark obelisk like tower.

Wait… what?

Lilian took in the structure that was off to the side.

It wasn’t as tall as some of the other towers. So you could be forgiven for missing it from a distance if you were looking at the castle from the outside.

But now that Lilian was standing here.

She stared out the large. Very weirdly out of place structure that seemed placed over out of the way near the edge of the property of the castle. Outside the castles actual boarders.

“That is new.” She said with a point towards the tower.

“Huh?” The Lord General look at where Lilian was pointing. “Ah!” He said in surprise.

“Right! You would not have known.” He said more thoughtfully than towards Lilian. “That is “Magus Auspice of the Gifted for Ethereal artS.”

As he told her the name, she quirked an eyebrow at him.


He held up a hand in surrender.

“Look… I didn’t name the thing, damn it! It was that girl! Damn mages…”

This made Lilian chortle out loud at the fact that the soldier had no love for whoever named or ran that tower.

“Shall we get going General? We must not keep her majesty waiting.”

After another moment to catch his breath some more. The General straightened out.

“Of course. Know the way from here?”

She smirked at him.

“I think I can manage.”

Lilian lead the group more or less, with the Lord General at her side.

It is strange. Lilian thought to herself. She rubbed her fingers on the inside of her palms that had built up sweat.

I am really nervous right now.

Lilian couldn’t remember the last time she was nervous.

Scared. Yes.

Terrified. Yes.

Worried. Yes

But nervous?

She wondered if it was before she dropped off with her father, or during the whole thing.

Either way. Lilian swallowed down her nervous anticipation as she climbed another set of stairs that lead to large double doors. Sitting in the center of the castle.

“I’m home…” She whispered.

This was the first time she took a step through these doors, in over sixteen years.