Chapter 13: Essence
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      What am I, Rain couldn’t help but ask herself.

      The question lingered in the back of her mind as she felt the bulbous tip of Brostins erection bouncing off the back of her throat. There was something about the taste of his skin that tickled her nerves, and warmed her loins. It was raw, powerful, and somehow exhilarating. Rain could feel it quivering against her tongue, and his heartbeat throbbing between her lips. There was pleasure in satisfying this man, which was something Rain had only recently learned.

      Her mother was a human, her father an elf. This complicated things. Mankind saw her as nothing more than a knife-eared bastard. Elves saw her as an abomination. She lingered on the periphery of society, longing for what romantics called ‘true love’. Comfort, safety, compassion, these were all virtues she valued in a man. For some reason, Brostin seemed to embody them as he eagerly laid her on her back to reward her for her efforts.

      He gladly, without even a hint of hesitation, slipped his own tongue into her slick folds. The tongue quickly found her pearl, and played it like a fiddle. The way he circled it, applying pressure with each swirl, drove Rain over the edge. That and his fingers exploring her fertile depths, rubbing the spot along her inner walls that made her clench. 

      She admired him for his skill. For every release she provided him, Brostin slavishly returned the favor thrice times over. He was a good man, something Rain had been without for some time.

      There was little left of Rain’s sanity when she felt his girth spreading her lips wide. The sudden pressure was tantalizing. He delved deep between her legs, she could feel every square inch of him reshaping her carnal passage. Her womb throbbed! It was so empty, yearning to be filled. 

      With insatiable lust, Rain wrapped her legs around his firm buttocks, forcing him to release his climax while buried in her warmth. The sudden heat of his seed shot her eyes into the back of her skull. Rain arched her back as every muscle in her stomach clenched. An eruption of pleasure was unleashed, and quickly spread through her stomach like a tidal wave. 

      Her brand marks began to glow. 

      Rain found it difficult to go a day without taking part in such trysts. It was so strange; before, during her life in the alienage, it was rare for her to enjoy a sexual partner. Rain’s options were few, and far between, for no-one wanted anything to do with a half-elf. 

      Since her curse brand wrapped over her shoulders, and cradled her torso, she hadn’t gone a night without sexual congress. For some reason, Brostin was eager to provide. 

      According to Tjere, Rain could only get pregnant during a harvest moon, so she didn’t have to worry about unforeseen consequences. What she did have to worry about, was what would happen if she didn’t accept someone’s seed for a prolonged period of time. It was a hunger that was deeper than the darkest canyon, and sharper than the keenest dagger. It pained her greatly not to go without sating the ache in her womb for long.

      The vampire, Count Greave, was long spent. His body was thin, and his hair falling from his scalp. It was apparent to Rain, that draining his life force had been predominately taxing on his soul. Rain hadn’t enjoyed using him, but his abundance of magical reserves fueled her power like none other. 

      Strangely, Brostin wasn’t drained in the same manner. At first, his life force was suckled tenderly. It was a warming fire, compared to the vampires frozen tundra. After a while though, Brostins life force seemed…steady, rather than drawn out. 

      Rain no longer fed off his essence the same way as before, but merely shared in its comfort. Perhaps, in a way, the vampire’s magic sated her enough so that she didn’t need to siphon the man’s essence to the same extent. Or maybe human’s only had so much essence to give.

      Whatever the cause, Rain smiled as she looked at Brostins exasperated grin of pleasure. She leaned forward, bringing his face to her breasts. His chest hair tickled her bare skin. The stubble on his cheeks scratched against her nipples, which wasn’t as pleasant. Rain would enjoy him a bit longer while waiting for Tjere to return. 

      She sensed it wouldn’t be long now. Rain could feel her servants apprehension in the wind, and sought to sate her hunger a bit more before the dhampir arrived. 

      What am I? What have I become? Rain asked herself again. The world melted away as the glow of her curse marks illuminated the surroundings. She worried that a time would come, when she simply wouldn’t care.