67 – Devil’s Game, Part 2
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Content warning: politics.

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Realizing that Campbell probably was upset after all the allegations thrown around at the conference, Amara decided to find him next. Eventually her search brought her to Andrew’s office, where the elves and the pope were caught in a bitter conversation.

“Can anyone explain to me?” Aleesha asked with a frown as she moved her gaze between the two humans. “What is going on? Why are they going to war because of those rumours? I’m sorry, but it seems….ridiculous.”

Well, they’re using it as an excuse by the sounds of it. But I’d like an explanation as well.

Campbell turned his eyes to Andrew. “You’re the expert. ”

After meeting his gaze, the owner of the room cleared his throat as he shifted in his seat. “Well...if you ignore the lies in the rumours and consider what is true, then there is only one person who would have overheard all those parts.”

The pope knit his brows. “...Amin?”

“Yes.” Andrew met the looks of the surprised elves. “He is the only one who knew about the circumstances of your race’s past, other than yourselves and Amara, right? So your conclusion was correct in that Amin told someone.”

“Then, was he really kidnapped?” Aleesha asked anxiously.

Campbell shook his head. “From what we can tell, he left of his own will...meaning that he told someone willingly.”

Amara raised an eyebrow at the news. So he must have met up with someone last night...and was attacked? Was he betrayed by those he met, or were they targeted as well?

Andrew nodded seriously. “And that someone mixed the facts with lies to make the rumours seem credible, before spreading them in order to get the representatives to point fingers and start the war. Based on what happened today, I think there are two people he possibly told.”

“Who?” Campbell asked with a dark expression. 

“The first option is Prince Louis.” Andrew replied. “As for why Amin would do that...perhaps he saw it as an opportunity to start a war in order to claim his mother’s throne.”

Amara twisted her lips. Somehow...I doubt that. When he mentioned the ‘Queen’, it was as if he revered the person. Unless he somehow changed his mind, he respects her too much.

Aleesha frowned with a confused look. “Amin would do that to gain power? I’m sorry, but I find that a little…”

Campbell nodded. “I agree. He may have held secrets, but he didn’t seem the kind of person to do that.”

“It’s just a simple guess.” Andrew let out a sigh. “But I agree that it’s a little far-fetched.”

“Then you have another, more reasonable option?” Campbell asked.

Andrew nodded seriously. “Queen Celene. After all, she is Amin’s mother.”

Amara raised an eyebrow. What? How does that make sense?

The room was silent before Aleesha spoke in disbelief. “But...doesn’t that mean she directed those rumours at herself?” Moving her gaze between the two humans, the elf looked increasingly confused. “It makes no sense. Doesn’t it mean she’ll get more enemies?”

“Well...I have some speculations.” Andrew said hesitantly. 

“Please.” Aleesha insisted. 

Andrew took a deep breath. “First of all, the purpose of the rumours isn’t to point fingers at herself. Rather, it’s to isolate both the church and you - the ambassadors from another world - from the rulers of the other nations.”

...That’s pretty sly, if true.

Aleesha frowned. “Why?”

“You’re only here because you want an alliance against the demons.” Andrew met the elf’s confused gaze. “The queen pointed that out clearly so that even if there is a war, you won’t be taking sides. But she also knows that even if you’re only here for the war against the demons, that forging ties with you will come with benefits - such as trade of goods and knowledge. By bringing up the circumstances of your race’s past-”

“Unconfirmed circumstances.” Aleesha interjected.

Right. I need to ask Ezme next time about that.

“...As you will, but it puts doubt on your people. And the representatives would then of course be curious to see if there’s even a hint of truth to those rumours. Seeing that they weren’t completely unfounded, they had to test you, and see how you react when pressed.” Andrew paused before he continued. “Then, the queen sweeps in and offers a helpful hand in that situation. That puts her in a good light, and you will remember that when you were under fire, she was the one who helped you. Even if the others change their tone, it’s already too late because you remember how they treated you prior. Which means that in the future, you will be more inclined to forge relationships with her than anyone else.”

Amara listened to the man's monologue with surprise. Holy shit. That’s exactly like in the novels!

If she did that, she'd be awesome! Wicked, but awesome! A real life villainess!

Campbell chuckled skeptically. “Isn’t that a little bit…”

“Do you have any idea what the women of high society are like?” Andrew looked at the pope insistently. “Inciting others to give the newcomer a hard time, then sweep in and help them save face. My wife says that kind of thing is not only a common occurrence, but it’s like a rite of passage. Those women are scary, I tell you.”

Can’t be as bad as in some of those novels, though...

[Bang!] “Are you saying I’m scary?!” (?)

A few of the people in the room, most notably Andrew, jumped in their seats as someone banged on the wall from the neighbouring room. Andrew’s lips twitched as he looked at the wall. “No love, I’m not! Are you eavesdropping again?”

No!” The woman’s voice was silent before it soon sounded again, but louder. “You can sleep in your precious office tonight! Why not ask Campbell to stay overnight with you!” 

Andrew knit his brows anxiously as he muttered. “...What did I do wrong this time?”

Amara covered her face with her palm. You’re spending too little time with her, you fool. And how can you not realize that you’re embarrassing her?

When there was no response from behind the wall, Andrew let out a sigh as he turned back to the confused people in the room. “I’ll have to find out and make it up to her later... Anyway, yes. The queen spread those rumours to get in your good graces. The only difference between her and other noble ladies, is that while the others do it the domestic social circles, Celene does it on the international stage.”

Campbell raised an eyebrow. “If it’s true, then she’s quite frightening.”

And bold.

Andrew nodded. “Then there’s the matter of the rumours regarding Amin and Amara. Most likely, she spread them just to implant the idea that the prophet is false. By doing so, everything he said to you becomes a lie - like the fact that Amara can only speak to us through her prophet. From the outside, it looks like someone has tried to put the church in their pocket.”

Crap, he’s right. Damn whoever agreed to that part. It was Tom, wasn’t it? Bastard!

“...I suppose it would.” Campbell let out a sigh.

“Then comes the revelation that the prophet is Queen Celene’s son.” Andrew continued. “And suddenly it no longer matters whether he is the true prophet or not. In either case, the queen can use him to change the church’s doctrine, and nobody will be able to know whether or not the words come from Amara or from her.”

Damn it, he’s got a point there too.

Aleesha frowned and cocked her head. “Then why was Amin not present? If Queen Celene is behind it, then wouldn’t it be better for him to be at the conference and therefore reveal his ties to her? Now it was revealed because I happened to mention his name.”

“I think the queen believes things went perfectly.” Andrew replied. “If he were present, he could be appraised by an independent source, and thus revealed to be the true prophet. His absence made the others wonder why, and therefore suspect that he is in fact a false prophet.”

Campbell nodded in understanding. “Giving more credence to the rumours, and that she is grasping for the church’s power.” 

Amara shook her head at their conclusion. But that assumes Celene told him to hide. But since she doesn’t know where he is...it means that she didn’t hide him.

Or is she acting that way on purpose, even though she doesn't know where he is?

“Yes.” Andrew turned and gestured at Aleesha. “Since you were the one to reveal it, it seemed like an unintended slip, but she probably would have revealed it later if nobody else did. And now-” Andrew nodded to Campbell. “-you’re left with a choice.”

Campbell raised an eyebrow. “A choice?”

“Do you intend to reject Amin as Amara’s mouthpiece?” Andrew asked.

“Of course not!” Campbell retorted. “I...I admit that since he is the queen’s son, there is the possibility that he will be asked to fabricate Amara’s words. But he is still Amara’s prophet, and I think that most, if not all, of what he claimed were indeed the words of our goddess, and not those of the queen.”

Snap. That’s true...no. As far as I can tell, Amin hasn’t been trying to manipulate them in any way. So far, it doesn’t seem like he’s said anything on his own and claimed it was what I said.

“And Celene knows it.” Andrew replied seriously. “She knows that you will continue to see Amin as an important individual, despite the revelation. Therefore, you’ve become a problem to every nation except the Alarice Kingdom. No matter what the church claims from now on, there will be resistance from those who believe that the church’s stance is a result of Celene’s manipulations. They will be resistant even if they don’t believe that, if they don’t like the church’s claims and similarly use the excuse that the queen is behind it. Your only choice in order not to face that, will be to disavow Amin as the prophet.”

Campbell’s expression darkened. “...I can’t do that.”

“Of course you can’t. Your job is to interpret Amara’s will, which means siding with whoever can speak for her.” Andrew let out a sigh. “But that means that most kingdoms won’t allow the church to maintain the influence they’ve had. So the queen spread the rumours that Amara is at odds with Alarice, and that she is a demon, in order to give leaders an excuse to reduce the church’s influence in their countries. At best, the church and its priests will be heavily scrutinized, and at worst...”

Damn, Andrew’s sharp. He already realized what Louis is planning to do with the church.

Campbell hung his head, hiding his expression. “Then why did she offer us help in relocating to her kingdom? Wouldn’t it be better for her, a follower of Alarice, that the Amaran Church lost influence?”

“The main part is not about your influence.” Andrew shook his head. “It’s about the priests. Most of the healers are priests, trained by the church. If you and the priests choose to go to the Alarice Kingdom, she will have effectively deprived her enemies of their healers - which are crucial to maintain a lengthy war.”

Amara raised an eyebrow. That’s...genius.

“We don’t partake in war!” Campbell roared. 

“Officially, indeed you don’t. But has there ever been a time where the priests haven’t been in the camps, treating the injured when the battle is over?” Andrew asked. 

Campbell fell silent for a while. “...Even if we go, we wouldn’t be allowed to express our faith. She wouldn’t allow us to hold sermons.”

Who cares about sermons? ...Actually, don’t they pray during sermons? I take it back. Sermons are good.

Aleesha frowned with a confused look. “I don’t understand. What’s the point in spreading the rumours to isolate us?”

“Divide and conquer.” Andrew replied. “If Celene really is behind the rumours, which I’m certain she is, then she wanted this war. And her reaction to the declarations of war seem to confirm her desire for war. By isolating you, she’s trying to force you to only deal with her, depriving others of any possible benefits. And by throwing discord between the church and the political powers, she’s sowing the seeds of revolt in the kingdoms that follow the Amaran Church - which she might be hoping will bloom during the course of the war. This also weakens Amara’s influence, who she might view as an enemy since Celene is a devout follower of Alarice.”

Amara supported her head by resting her cheek against her fist. So...she wants to reduce my influence. Because she’s a follower of that bitch? First Alarice tries to stop me from getting together with Fluffles, and now her followers are working against me in my own domain?

Damn that bitch. She’s nothing but trouble.

“...If she really planned all that, then she’s terrifying.” Campbell muttered in a low voice.

“Like I said. Women of high society are scary.” Andrew nodded in agreement.

“But…” Aleesha hesitated, still with a look of confusion on her face. “I’m sorry, but why does she want a war? And isn’t it a bit ridiculous that the others are going to war because of those rumours?”

...Yeah, good question.

“The rumours aren’t the reason. Rather, they are an excuse...that Celene provided on a platter.” Andrew leaned back in his seat. “Prince Louis has had a bone to pick with the Alarice Kingdom for a few years, and he’s secretly been trying to get the other nations of the western continent to go to war with the Alarice Kingdom. All that was needed was an excuse...and the implications of Celene having influence over the prophet was not only a perfect excuse, but probably a deciding factor that made them all go to war. If they don’t deal with the Alarice Kingdom now, Celene will use Amin to grow her influence for the rest of her life.” 

Amara frowned. Still, that is assuming Amin is doing whatever Celene tells him. Which he doesn’t seem to have done this far. Maybe he did tell her everything he knew, but he hasn’t been trying to use his position to gain influence for the Alarice Kingdom.

Campbell frowned. “I understand that it’s an excellent opportunity in that regard, but...Queen Celene has never been impulsive. Perhaps in her private life, but never regarding matters of state. Considering how reluctant she has been to wage war against anything other than demons in the past, it’s strange that she would suddenly seize such an opportunity and start a war.”

But she did. 

Andrew raised an eyebrow with a mysterious smile. “What makes you think she’s reluctant to wage war against other kingdoms?”

“Well…” Campbell made a hesitant pause. “I mean, there’s been rumours that she’s been preparing for war many times, right? But she never did anything, despite everyone pointing fingers at her and claiming that she was going to start a war. Not even when the other kingdoms invaded the Alarice Kingdom during her war against the demons did she declare a war, and simply stopped after repelling them. She’s a ruler that has always exercised restraint.”

“That shows how little you know about her.” Andrew gave him a knowing smile. “Don’t think of the incidents in the past as isolated events. Think of them as one, large plan.”

Campbell frowned as he looked at him. He lowered his thoughtful gaze towards the floor, while Aleesha watched the two humans with confusion apparent on her face. 

Suddenly, the pope muttered in a low voice. “...No way.”

What’s with the theatrics? Just tell us!

“Yes, exactly.” Andrew replied and let out a sigh. “Queen Celene has been preparing for this war ever since she rose to the throne. Maybe even longer. The arrival of the demons may have disrupted her plans, but they also brought attention away from her. And now...now that it’s clear that the new goddess isn’t going to interfere, there’s nothing to hold her back. She always intended to grow the Alarice Kingdom into an empire.”

“That’s….that’s mad! Impossible!” Campbell exclaimed. “Are you saying that she’s been preparing for this war for over twenty years?!”

“Probably even longer than that.” Andrew replied confidently. “So it’s no surprise the other kingdoms in the west are on edge. They might even have been the ones that approached Prince Louis first, because they feared they might no longer be able to defeat Queen Celene on their own if war breaks out.”

Amara crossed her arms as she fell into thought. A lot of that seems accurate with what I overheard. Celene does seem quite confident in the outcome of the war...and as if she has anticipated a lot about how things will play out. Maybe she really has been planning this war for a long time. But over twenty years? Really?

The room fell silent for a while, until Aleesha broke the silence. “I have another question...but why fight amongst yourselves to begin with? Why not use that...energy to fight the demons?”

Yes, thank you Aleesha. The voice of reason. Amara let out a sigh. Really, the elves seem pretty rational and peaceful. So far, it seems like things would be better if they were in charge.

The two humans gave each other stumped looks. Andrew cleared his throat before he began his explanation. “Well...normally the reason is because of a lack of resources, like the land can no longer support the population. If there’s a natural disaster and the people are starving, a war against a neighbour is a natural choice.” 

“But that doesn’t seem to be the case?” Aleesha asked as she tilted her head. “Rather, it seems like...it's a war fought based on emotions, rather than necessity.”

“...I understand that elven society is different, Aleesha.” Andrew let out a sigh. “A lot of it has to do with how our society works. If a war is lost, then the losing kingdom faces the risk of being dissolved and absorbed - and those who were in power lose everything. Their wealth, power and even their lives. So they’ll do anything to prevent that.”

“I suppose that explains why the kingdoms on the western continent are willing to oppose the Alarice Kingdom.” Aleesha nodded in agreement. “But what about Queen Celene? And Prince Louis? Why do they want a war?”

Andrew had a complicated expression as he fell into thought. “I don’t know why Celene wants a war, other than that she intends to expand her kingdom. It would mean that she’d gain resources and more people under her, but...she didn’t strictly speaking need them as far as I know. They have a thriving economy that is more than capable of supporting their nation as it is, even with a large military.” 

“There has to be some reason, right?” Aleesha tilted her head. “I mean...there has to be.”

Andrew and Campbell both looked at each other, before they both chuckled. 

“I’m sorry, Aleesha.” Andrew shook his head with an amused smile. “We humans have fought wars over ridiculous reasons. The reason for the queen to start a war could very well simply be because she can. But I suppose the driving force could be the desire to leave her name in history, or to leave this world with the Alarice Kingdom stronger for her descendants.”

Aleesha frowned. “The last part might make some sense, but still…”

“I don’t know, Aleesha. I’m sorry.” Andrew shrugged with an apologetic smile. “You’d have to ask the queen herself. But I don’t know if she’d offer you a satisfying answer, if any answer at all.”

Campbell took the chance to speak in the pause that ensued. “What about Prince Louis? He’s your crown prince. You said he was at odds with the Alarice Kingdom, but what is his reason?”

“...Since we’re neighbours with Bavara, who has ties with the Alarice Kingdom through Queen Celene’s marriage, the prince has been worried that Bavara would ask for her help in a war against us. As I understand it, Prince Louis wanted his sister to wed the crown prince of the Alarice Kingdom to avoid that possibility.” Andrew let out a sigh and shook his head. “But an...incident occurred that made Louis furious. He demanded an apology and for the engagement to swiftly proceed as compensation, which Celene promptly refused. Our relations have been tense ever since...which led the prince to approach Celene’s enemies in the west instead as an alternative.”

Aleesha raised an eyebrow. “So the reason he declares war now, is because he felt threatened?”

Andrew nodded. “That, and because he feels insulted. And with Amin being revealed as the prophet, the threat is even greater.”

“I see.” Aleesha nodded before glancing between the humans. “But...if Amin’s ties to her are such a threat to everyone’s authority, then shouldn’t she be afraid that everyone will be against her? Couldn’t more countries declare war on her?”

“I suppose that’s a possibility…” Andrew said thoughtfully, before suddenly turning his head towards the pope. “...If it weren’t for the fact that everyone has demilitarized since the last conference.”

Campbell’s eyes widened, and his reply was barely more than a whisper. “...Which was something Queen Celene suggested.”

Andrew nodded seriously with an intense gaze. “Exactly.”

Aleesha interjected sharply. “I’m sorry, but I don’t follow.”

Andrew met her gaze with a complicated expression. “Ten years ago, when the armistice was declared, Queen Celene suggested that in the face of the changing times, we should not wage war with each other while we find out more about Amara and the circumstances we were faced with. Everyone more or less agreed to that, though some minor skirmishes have occured, mostly in the regions close to the barrier.”

Campbell nodded in agreement as he turned to Aleesha. “With the promise of no wars for the near future, there was no need to maintain large armies. Now, if anyone wants to prepare an army after such a period of peace…”

“It will be met with resistance. Even if it isn’t met with resistance, it will already take time and resources to gather the troops and send them to the western continent to fight her. All the resources that were spent on the army are now being spent elsewhere....” Andrew let out a long sigh as he leaned back and stared at the ceiling. “...And all the while, Celene has been keeping her kingdom in a perpetual state of war. Preparing for this day. It’s...genius. She’s fooled everyone, making them lower their guard.”

Campbell nodded. “Amin becoming the prophet might have been an incredible stroke of luck for her. But if that hadn’t happened…”

Andrew frowned. “No. She still would have gone to war in the west, once the circumstances of the armistice and Amara were revealed to be as they are. But now…” Andrew frowned, sat up and gave the pope an intense gaze. “She didn’t need to imply that Amin was under her influence to conquer the western continent. Yes, it will help a little, but it's changes little in the west, where they are already at odds with each other and war was imminent.” Andrew wetted his lips before he continued. “Instead, if her goal is to destabilize the eastern continent...to keep us weakened, and divided...and we will be, as long as Amin is alive!”

Campbell’s jaw dropped. “You don’t mean…”

“Yes.” Andrew met the pope’s shocked gaze. “I’m convinced that Celene doesn’t intend to stop after conquering the west. She intends to build the Alarice Kingdom into an empire that spans the world. That's why she invited you to move the church to her kingdom! If you go, she deprives the east of their healers and she will have the goddess on her side. If you don't go...then the rulers will suppress the church, which will not be appreciated by the public. In both cases, she is sowing discord between the rulers and the people across the entire eastern continent for years to come, and consequently undermining their capabilities to wage a lengthy war.”

Amara realized that she was holding her breath in the pindrop silence that followed Andrew’s statement. Taking a deep breath, she watched the grim expressions of the people inside the office that reflected her own. ...Amin.

You and I need to have a talk.