Chapter 20.5: Last Boss Of The First Quest.
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This man broke his limiter and finally managed to write two chapters in one day.

I stopped patting the wolf.

"Okay, buddy, I have a place I need to go, and I need to go there fast, so please keep up with me." I reached to my pack and grabbed a piece of dried meat but stopped as I remembered where I got this meat.

"On second thought, maybe I will find you something later."

But I don't want him to move hungry.

I moved towards the bear I killed minutes ago and cut some meat from its corpse. I don't know how tasty it will be, but better than nothing.

But as I turned towards the wolf with meat in my hand, I saw it eating something.

"Of course. I forgot the reason why you got into a fight with that bear was for food."

I dropped the bear meat I harvested in front of the wolf and sat next to him.

Watching it eat was somewhat peaceful, but I don't know the reason. Maybe that's because it reminded me of a memory.

"Now thinking, are you a boy or a girl." I lay on the ground to see what was under the wolf.

"Nope, not a girl, definitely a boy."

I waited a bit more for the wolf to finish his meal. I got up from the ground when the wolf finished his meal.

"I was planning to sleep, but I can go for a night run. Come on friend, let's go."

Once again, I began running towards the direction showed me, but this time with a friend on my side.


The last two days were pretty monotonous. Nothing happened. Not even a single draugr, goblin, or anything tried to attack us.

But I reached the point where the final boss stands. Or at least I am close to it.

In front of my eyes, a castle was built between two mountains and covered by river stands.

The only way of getting in or out seems like the bridge at the front.

It looks like nothing can successfully siege this place unless they wait until defenders die because of hunger.

"Come on. We are almost there." I pat the wolf from the head, and we both began moving towards the castle.

"The place doesn't look lively, but maybe there is a chance of humans living inside, don't you also think that?" I turned towards the wolf, but the animal didn't answer me. "Yeah, I am losing my sanity."

After a short walk, we reached the front of the bridge. A knight with a sword in his hand and riding a horse comforted us.

He was riding a skeleton horse, but nothing surprising anymore. I won't be surprised if he's also skeleton and the boss.

Knight opened his visor, as I expected, another skeleton.

"We were waiting for a long time. So tell me, are you a challenger or just a poor soul lost in this forest."

The skeleton talked? Okay, now things are getting interesting.

"Pardon me for asking this question, but how the hell did you manage to talk?"

Knight laughed before asking my question. "Of course, it is normal for you to be surprised after seeing all of our mindless cousins in the forest. Well, unlike many undead, we high skeletons still have part of our intelligence even though we lack the memories."

Well, that was a spot-on explanation.

"Thank you for the explanation, now could we just move into I fighting against the boss and leaving part. It's been a long time since I've been wandering this forest."

Skeleton directed his sword towards me. "Of course, you can challenge our boss, but first, I must put you through several trials, don't worry, they will be short. I only want you to prove yourself by defeating enemies I will send."

Okay, that will be better for me.

"Oh, I almost forgot. Keep your dog away from the battle."

I petted the wolf's head and pointed to a place a few meters away. "Sit."

Wolf listened to my order and sat at the place I pointed.

"Now, as I took care of that, start your trial."

I dropped my pack to the ground and raised my polehammer to the air.

"Then let's start." Skeleton laughed and pointed the door with his sword. "Send our boys out."


The first trial was a group of eight ordinary skeletons.

I easily defeated the skeleton group by either throwing them off the bridge or crushing their head before they even got close.

Skeleton knight looked excited as he watched my quick victory.

"Very well! Send the second ones."

This time four skeletons come out. Each of them carries bows.

"Now, the first one was quite simple. Now try to survive countless arrows rained towards your head by them."

That doesn't sound pretty hard. I only need to avoid the arrows, or do I?

I raised my cloak towards the skeleton archers.

"Hit me," I said.

Skeleton archers released their arrows, but yes, as I expected.

Arrows hit my cloak but didn't manage to penetrate it.

"I used bows, primal and modern, and I know what a proper arrow looks like." I grabbed the arrows bounced from my cloak.

"These can only hurt me if I wasn't wearing that."

Skeleton knight was surprised by my words.

"How could you even see that?"

I pointed my cloak. "This fur is pretty light for its durability. I know that because I even barely managed to penetrate that using all my strength."

While I designed the cloak, I forgot about talking about a single point. Between the two layers of fur, there are other materials than the bones I placed.

Cartigeles I got from the wolf. Not hard as bones, but much more flexible therefore allowing me to hide them between the layers.

"I call this one your win. You don't need to hurt our boys. Go back inside and send the guards. Now them will make you happy."

Two skeletons, they were at least tall as me, got out as archers entered the building. Both were in light armor, and both of them were carrying spears.

Skeleton knight directed his sword towards the guards.

"Come on, do your job."

I hate getting orders from a skeleton, but for the sake of finishing these trials, I won't say anything.

I dashed towards the skeleton guards, and before they managed to reach, I kicked and smashed one of them to the ground.

Others tried to attack me with his spear, but I blocked the attack with my weapon and grabbed his spear.

Skeleton was strong. I must say that, but not as me.

I pulled the spear from his hand and crushed his head with one strike of my polehammer.

The other guard tried to get up from the ground, but I crushed his head as well.

Skeletons will be skeletons, the weakest monster amongst every creature in this forest.

I moved next to the skeleton knight.

"Now, did I pass the trials?"

Skeleton knight laughed and pointed his sword towards me.

"Only one more enemy is left. Pass me, and I will let you challenge our lea-

Quickly, I grabbed the skeleton knight from his arm and pulled him out of his horse.

Then to ensure my victory, I began pressing him to the ground from his chest by pushing him with my foot.

Skeleton knight tried to raise his sword while lying on the ground, but I locked his weapon by pressing it towards the ground with my polehammer.

Skeleton knight laughed. "You are free to go and challenge our leader, but beware because you will have the same end as many others.

I released the knight. "If I turned back when I first heard that word, I wouldn't be there."

Skeleton knight's laughs continued as I moved inside the castle.

"Don't say I didn't tell you!" He shouted one last time.


I climbed the many stairs inside the castle until I reached a big iron door inside a large hall.

The room didn't have any glasses, but inside was filled with crystals that emitted light.

I moved closer to the gate to inspect everything.

Engravings of a story are on the door. Probably a legend popular amongst the folk who once populated this place.

First, knights and priests were moving through a forest, but a giant dragon suddenly attacked them for some reason.

Knights and priests fight against the beast with everything they got, but the beast defeats them in the end.

But a man moves to the frontlines. He holds a sword at least twice as long as himself.

This mysterious man fought against the beast alone, and he won the fight! What a tale.

"That's enough storytelling." I pushed the large door and entered a massive but almost empty place.

A room only filled with large and long columns.

While there are huge windows with pictures of several people made of stained glasses, which are pretty, the room itself isn't much decorated.

But my concern is not the art nor the decoration. It is the knight with a long red cloak and shining sword waiting in front of two thrones.

"Here comes the last one."