Chapter 1- laugh like a villain
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hey guys, BLuU here, nope I'm not disappeared, I have been working on some projects this being one of them. I am editing chapters of Hana Hou and Neighborhood whore, and I'll probably post a new chapter for each within the week. The chapters for this story i haven't edited yet so you're getting it kinda raw. I have a few oneshots coming out, to give impatient readers a full blast of RNTR(Regretotare) look forward to it. If you have any questions please leave a comment or message. Thank you.

    The setting sun leaves the sky in golden light. The horizon looks as peaceful as a painting illuminating the red bricks in the sidewalk next to the main traffic filled road. Step off the brick walkway that's attached to the mainroad and duck into a side alleyway with a dirt path. On one side a concrete wall 2-meters high, on the other, a few local shops that sell souvenirs, adult videos and toys, as well as a bookstore. All connected together like a very tiny strip mall. At the end up the walkway you come to pavement once again. A rather narrow road with a low speed limit as it leads to a residential area.

    Along this paved road you'll see apartment complexes while at the end you'll find some small family homes. This area used to be very run down, as if poverty leaked out of its very soul. It wasn't a crime infested area,.just one that had hit an economical crisis. The apartments were no longer popular places to visit for students seeking non-dorm lives. The resident college had closed down and with it, a lot of jobs. This area became the epicenter of the region's monetary problems.

     Crime began to pick up in areas of the town as decent work was for only more qualified individuals and much farther away in the city. As it seemed things would continue to fall into a negative trend, something happened a couple years ago and thats where we are now.


      Stepping off the paved road onto one with gravel and grass, a small stone walkway introduces us to what was once a rundown apartment building, falling apart at the seams, barely fit for the roaches that stayed in only the best of its rooms. That was not so long ago, but now it looks very…..  plain. For all intent and purposes it looks like an average apartment complex with a nice and new paint job. The 2 story 12 room apartment complex was a very nice addition to a newly gentrified neighborhood. All the walls were freshly painted gray, the doors were painted burgundy, but the concrete stairs on the side of the building, standing firm and strong, were painted white. 


[Rumor has it]

The landlord allegedly cared so much for his tenants that after one of them tripped on the stairs after a night of drinking, he personally painted each step bright white and added a bright yellow glow strip to illuminate them in the dark of night. 


    The apartment was plain as it was immaculate. Extremely clean and all parts looming brand new, it's simple design helps keep a wholesome image of a time when things made more sense to us all. It looked like nothing was out of place at this ordinary apartment complex, until you looked inside.

The 6-rooms on the top floor have been completely decked out with the latest products; toilets, furniture, televisions, showers, all the way down to 60,000 yen rice cookers. Each 1LDK room was arranged with almost no walls to increase space, but every wall has been sound proofed. Every floor was made of mahogany wood, every countertop was marble, every kitchen knife was a folded blade, every appliance was voice operated. These rooms belonged to the residents of the apartment.

The ground floor was an entirely different situation. Only one door on the ground floor worked, room 101, and inside of it were chairs and tables, a stage, and an entire bar. Three of the bottom rooms had there walls broken down to create a hidden bar. As soon as you open room 101, you are greeted by the bar counted created on the opposite side of the apartment, with very small tables surrounded by stools in-between you and the bar. Looking further into the apartment you see more tables and a very skinny stage about  2meters wide and 2 meters long.behind the stage is the first wall of the downstairs and on one side if the stage is a curtained area where the "performers" freshened up. On the other side of the stage was a walkway leading to a door.

Behind the stage led to 3 apartments worth of small booths, 4 on each side of the wall. The shower and toilet of each room are intact, but made smaller to accommodate the booths.The booths looked like small rooms, there is a kitchen at the end of the apartment complexes and each book has enough space for up to 3 people. The special part is that all booths are closable if someone needs privacy. The toilets and showers of the lower apartment were still in working order. The workers walk around in black fishnets and thongs, with a single black strap across their breast to bind them, preparing for the day. Prepping their drink mixes, sliced fruits, kitchen arrays, and their make up if they are trying to catch someone's attention.

        The uniform is changed inside the apartments and never outside. Every waitress and bartender wears the same outfit regardless of gender, the girls for the stage wear as they please, and the special guests are provided special costumes. The bouncers are the only ones who dress casually as they must enter and exit the rooms the most, the guests must wear regular business suits, but blue gatorskin shoes are mandatory. Without the shoes you will be removed.  

Every person must come to work at specified times to not arouse suspicion. All guests are to park a kilometer off site and are shuttled in so their cars don't draw attention. Some even uber in. Weapons are checked at the door, everyone is allowed a gun but with a one bullet restriction.

*click* *clack*

The red door opens allowing the last glimpses of daylight in. Silhouettes of men who seem to have come from a business meeting enter in slowly, all are wearing their blue gators. 12 men trickle in followed by one large man in the back who had to turn sideways in fear of hitting the doorway.

       At 177cm and weighing 152KG he's wearing a red silk button down shirt and white slacks that have almost a color changing quality to them. His dark skin shines with the golden light of the sun as the door closes behind him. The man has a small goatee, tidy mustache, and a fancy pair of shades. He takes his shades off as he entered and closed the door. The man has a large frame and surprisingly small gut for his weight.

"Rakishi-sama! Rakishi-sama!" A 146cm 42KG woman with short Bob cut black hair just long enough to let her bangs cover her eyes was waving from the bar. She wore a strap like everyone else, but she had absolutely no chest. She was absolutely petite and had a large thigh gap but the way her thong snuggled on her you could tell she had some meat on her pussy. She wasn't the flat no lipped loli of some little girl hentai, this was the legal aged pettanko beauty.

"Oh? How can I help you Anne-chan?" The large man spoke in a deep voice as he approached the bar she's almost too short to work at.



Some say Anne-chan has inverted nipples, meaning her chest is completely like a boys unless her nipples harden.


"Have you seen Wishbone-sama? I need him to sign some shipping manifests."  She asked with a smile.

"He is spending time with his mother," Rikishi grinned, "you know how she gets every now and then, she might even go on stage again tonight." At his words Anne's smile turned bashful and she blushed, causing Rikishi to go wide eyed.

"W-W-W-WHAT?! S-S-STOP LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT." She yelled out as she covered her eyes and shook her head back and forth.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Rikishi let out a boisterous laugh. "You are still so shy?? Didn't he and his mother let you in their bed?" Rikishi asked with a naughty grin.

"I-I-I-.... Well…. y..e….a..h." Her face turned crimson, "B-b-but I couldn't! He-he-he," the words stuck in the woman's throat, until she looked down completely and began to kick her own foot. "He's….. too big so he's…."

"If you can't say what he's doing, how can you expect him to actually do what he says?" His words sparked the girl.

"He has to," she sighed before finishing, "he has to train my naughty tight pussy before he can use it as he wants because Papa doesn't want to hurt me."

*silence* 3 seconds 

*silence* 10 seconds

"HAHHAHAHAHAHA…. BWUAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA." Rikishi is holding his sides in as if his organs are trying to escape, he pats his chest trying to gain his breath. "DID YOU….. DID YOU SAY 'PAPA'?" He continues to laugh as Anne raised her head looking a little annoyed at the man, "YOU!.... YOU!... HA… HAAA...HAHAH… Your like… HAHAHA… 10 years older than him!"

"IT'S ONLY 7 YEARS!" Anne snapped. Puffing what little cheeks she has.



Allegedly Anne has a dad kink and dad bod kink. Supposedly she accidentally called Wishbone-sama "papa" and that triggered a protective sense of wishbone and refused to have sex with her until he's sure her body can take him.


"Hahaha! I'm playing." The large toothy smile on the dark face was very conflicting as he said, "it seems your training in obedience is coming along nicely, surely he'll be tearing your pussy apart in no time." His words, though vulgar, caused a bashful blush on Anne as if they were talking about childhood love. "but what would Tak-kun say to you coming home with a loose pussy I wonder?" Rikishi teased causing Anne to sigh out loud.

"Tak-kun is sweet and I don't want to leave him, but we have been together for 6 years and knew each other since middle school, he still hasn't even……" Anne looked down, "broken me in yet."

"Yes, yes everyone knows your story Anne. Your lover is so sweet that he doesn't have the balls to break your hymen. So you guys only do shallow sex, but do you feel alright with your boss breaking it for you?"

"I-I-I would've done it myself!" Anne stood up straight, "Tak-kun is kind, too kind, I even begged him to be rougher with me, but he…… he just doesn't." Anne bit her lip, "I was going to rip open my hymen so I could finally feel more of him, but I thought how unfair it was. How I had to beg my lover to try and feel closer to him, how I had actually contemplated tearing the Maidenhood I saved for a loved one all these years, just because he doesn't want to hurt me." Anne looked at Rikishi with a sense of determination, "I saw how the boss makes his women feel, I saw how he dominates themselves, and I see everyday how he treats the ones he actually cares for. The boss is someone special to me, if Tak-kun won't take it, the boss is someone I also feel deserves it."

"Ok, I guess that's enough of that." Rikishi said as he pulled a little device from his shirt pocket. "Ill show the boss your determination with this recorder and I promise you will be fulfilled….. your wish I mean, hahahaha!"

"W-w-what! W-w-when did..?" Anne turned scarlet red at the confession she just did.

"When I was laughing I turned it on. I was asked to find out your motives to having the boss take your virginity and that took me," Rikishi reached in his pants pocket and pulled out a phone to state at the screen, "an entire 27 minutes since he asked me to do that."

"H-h-he wanted to know…..?" Anne's eyes sparkled.

"Hahaha OF COURSE! You know our boss is capable of MANY things, but he wants to treat the right people, the right way." Rikishi's eyes widened as if remembering something. He digs in his back pocket and hands Anne a photo. "Speaking of treating people, here is another one for the wall." Anne takes the picture and sees a naked girl with her head on the floor and ass up in the air with the hand welt the size of a basketball on her ass and thigh.

"She's very pretty." Anne scowled a little bit as she stared at the picture, "does she know how lucky she is I wonder~." Anne said coyly

"She won't feel lucky and instead of jealousy you should feel pity. Different people end up on that wall for different reasons, but one thing remains the same," Rikishi said as  Anne turned around, revealing her back for the first time this evening. Her entire back was painted red, black, and white. The white being her snow like skin while the red and black were transformed into a geisha holding her fan for a dragon, symbolizing the master-servant relationship of the two. "anyone, on that wall cannot be touched by anyone except the boss."

Anne added the picture of the girl to a wall on the side of the liquor bottles on top shelves. Once a picture goes up, a small biography of the person is displayed underneath, what is not posted, is the reason someone made it to the wall. Anne looked at the wall with admiration, hoping to one day join its ranks. There were several dozen pictures on the wall, hung up in the chronological order they made their achievement of reaching the wall. Looking at some of the first pictures you will find Rikishi and right next to Rikishi is a middle aged Japanese woman that was suppose to be Wishbone-sama's mother, but the picture is old and looks nothing like her today.



The workers and associates of the club have created tiers for the untouchable wall. Depending on how you are showcased in the picture (i.e fully clothed, smiling, holding something) determines the status you have achieved on the wall. Anyone holding weapons got there by earning respect, anyone holding an item related to them got there by earning admiration (such as cooks or teachers), naked women got there by being a sex object or lover, but the highest tiers of people got there by the boss loving them as they are, even Rikishi was in his old Sumo gear. Wishbone's mother was one of those people, he put up a picture of her that held for all these years. Anne's problem, a problem she shared with many others that are close with Wishbone, is………


The hardest part for Anne was the first picture. She could understand most of the pictures on the wall, but the first picture actually lights up a bit of rage within her. The first picture was of a bright faced tanned blonde gyaru in her early teens. The picture was taken when Wishbone-sama first met her, she was Wishbone-sama's closest person for a while and helped him get out of….a bad state of mind…. Anne won't question Wishbone-sama, but Anne really wants to…

"One day I'll punch that traitorous bitch in the face."

"You say something?" Rikishi said, shocking Anne out of her thoughts and causing her to turn around.

"N-n-nothing! Just please let Wishbo-"

"Don't worry," he smiled, "I'll let him know," he said as he flashed the recorder at her causing her to blush, "about the manifests among other things…. hahahahhaha" Rikishi said as he left the bar counter.

"Man, why does he laugh like an evil villain." Anne said with exasperation.