Ch-37 Everyone is terrified
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While travelling, Zhang was feeling very excited. 

When he noticed that his surroundings were clearing, and he reached somewhere, his excitement went up through the roof.

He was excitedly thinking about travelling to a new world, when suddenly, his eyes were met with four powerful attacks coming towards his way.

The attack could have killed him, if not for them being absorbed by the space.

Nonetheless, he still got hit and felt too much pain.

Zhang was angry, he wanted to shout and curse at these people but could not because he realised that he was in midair.

!!!!! Looking at how high up in the sky he was in, Zhang got the fright of his life!.

He was about to fall down, when suddenly out of instinct, he hurriedly grabbed the woman behind him by the shoulder with his right hand.

'Huh!!!' Futian was just shockingly looking at the mysterious person that appeared in front of her, when he suddenly grabbed her shoulder.

The triplets and the short black haired woman were fearfully looking at the person that suddenly appeared.

They saw the mysterious expert suddenly grabbing Futian's shoulder like they had a close relationship.

To outsiders, Zhang grabbing Futian's shoulder looked like a carefree uncle greeting a nephew in a funny way.

They could only speculate that Futian had some kind of relationship with this mysterious expert that suddenly appeared. After all, he even saved her from that earlier attack.


After suddenly being grabbed by Zhang, Futian wanted to run away, as she was afraid of being held by a powerful person that could potentially take away her life.

She wanted to do something, but felt powerless to do anything because of the mental pressure and panic she was feeling.

Being so near to Zhang gave her some kind of heavy mental pressure and fear in her heart.

After a while, she started feeling that her cultivation realm was also being sealed by some kind of force!.

'No!!!!' Futian used everything inside her to resist it!.

Her body started shaking, and sweat appeared on her head.

After a while, she finally relaxed with some lingering fear. She successfully resisted the sealing of her cultivation realm.

Now looking at Zhang, she was even more scared, her body kept shaking like a kitten.

Futian could notice that the mysterious person wasn't really trying to seal her realm, otherwise if he did put in some effort, then her power would have been completely sealed by now.

'This must be the punishment given to me by the expert, afterall because of me, he got hit by the attacks.'

She thought that Zhang just randomly transported here without knowing that a fight was going on in the exact same place that he was transporting to.

After getting hit, he realised the situation and got angered.

He punished her lightly byshowing her a glimpse of utter despair and warning her to not anger him anymore.

Realising this, She calmed down a bit and weakly looked at Zhang with her beautiful almond-like green eyes. She felt that if she acted cute, then maybe Zhang would not be too angry anymore.


Zhang just came back to his senses and awkwardly turned his head to look at the woman, on whose shoulder he had put his right hand on before hurriedly looking away.

He didn't know what to say, it was hella awkward!

The silence from the surroundings also contributed to the awkwardness. It was almost killing him from the inside.

The woman was a beautiful female with green hair, although her height was short reaching 5.1, her body was that of a thick sexy model. Chest not too big and waist having a good curve.

The sexy cultivator robe that reveals the legs a bit too much also contributed to her sexiness.

All this could not have been noticed at just one glance by any other ordinary chap on the street. Zhang could, because he was quite experienced in this.

After staring at the green haired woman, he started inspecting his surroundings.

Gasp! After looking at the surroundings, he gasped inside his mind, because all he saw was a vast expanse of destroyed land, and a big dome structure as big as a mountain!.

Below him, on the ground, he saw thousands of cultivators.

Except the ground, the whole surroundings looked like a typical xianxia setting from a manhua or novel.

This made him a bit emotional and mentally shocked, afterall he only read about these things in novels or comics, but today it was happening right in front of him, in reality.


The people were not saying anything for a while and only looked at Futian and the mysterious expert.

They noticed how Miss Futian acted like a weak kitten around the expert and became even more certain that they definitely knew each other.

The short black haired woman was nervously looking at them with clenched fists

'Who is this person? When did Futian have any relation with someone like him?'

She was anxious, as she had never heard about it before, even though they both knew about each other quite well.

Suddenly one of the triplets moved and sneakily ran away, the other two reminded the short black haired person about their current situation and ran away with her sneakily.

While running, they would turn their heads from time to time to check whether they were being chased by the mysterious person.

Seeing that they weren't being chased, they heaved a sigh of relief and concluded that the expert wasn't interested in chasing after them.

'He must be interested in the inheritance, so he didn't chase after us, if we had stayed longer than we might have been killed by now.' This was what all four of them were currently thinking.

The short black haired woman kept thinking about the previous situation and bitted her upper lip.

'How does she know someone so powerful? She is far too lucky!'

She was jealous of Futian having an expert to protect her from dangers.

After running far away, they stopped and looked at each other.

One of the triplets seriously asked "What do you think about the previous situation?"

The short black haired woman replied "She must have had some relation with that person, otherwise he would not have come to protect her from our attacks."

The other two nodded.

"What do you think about his strength?" One of them asked.

Someone began listing all the abilties that were shown by Zhang "He stopped all the four attacks of transcended realm experts and came out unscathed, we couldn't sense his power even after trying very hard, instead our consiousness almost got sealed and he can travel through the voids..."

The person saying all this realised the amount of unreasonable things that he was spouting, and cold sweat appeared on his head, even having some trouble breathing.

After litening till here, everyone became silent for a while.

They were terrified of a possibility that suddenly out of nowhere appeared inside their head.

The black haired woman hesitatingly asked "All this things can't be done by a person in the level of transcendence realm… it" She didn't dare to speak anymore and became silent.

The leader of the triplets solemnly said "Yes Lady Ming, it seems like we had encountered an living immortal just now...."


One of the triplets fell down with a terrified expression on his face.

"It can't be…..are immortals still alive to this day and age?"

The one who said that they might have encountered an immortal, seriously nodded his head to show his confidence. "I am sure of it, even if someone had an immortal treasure, they won't be able to use it unless they were immortal themselves. This is a knowledge that was passed dwon from many years ago."

This time, lady Ming fell down on her knees with a shocked exprssion.

"How can that Futian know an immortal? It is not possible...I have known her since a long time ago."

Looking at the terrfied expression on these people, the leader that spoke about the immortal sighed. "We cant be sure that he really is an immortal but there is a very high chance, as travelling through voids can only be done by immortals."

"For now, we should report back to the base and stay hidden for a while."

With that, he floated up and flew away.

Looking at his disappearing back, the other people also stood up and left one by one.


Back at the destroyed forest, where the big dome was located.

Zhang awkwardly kept looking at his surroundings.

This was seen as a carefree attitude by the people on the ground.

After a while, Futian suddenly asked something.

"Um….Senior, can I go down now?" Futian couldn't take it anymore, she felt too much pressure being close to him.

Zhang after listening to her request realised something.

'It seems like this girl is thinking that i am some powerful expert.'

He decided to start acting like one from now on, so he cooly nodded his head and said.

"Yeah, go down if you want to."

Hearing his reply, Futian became delighted.

After saying in midair for a while, She was confused.

'Is he not going to take his hand away? Sigh, it seems like he is not going to."

Since he wasn't moving away, she went down.


After reaching the ground, Zhang could have directly moved away but directly doing so would look suspicious.

It would look as if he couldn't fly in the sky, that was why he was so tightly holding onto her.

Zhang decided to keep holding her tightly for a while and act like a carefree expert.

After thinking about all this, he noticed many people on the ground staring at him.

Some with respect, some with fear, some with gratitude and some even with jealousy...wait jealousy?

He noticed some people being jealous and wondered why they were jealous.

'Hm...maybe they are jealous of my strength and arrogance? They must be jealous that I can act so arrogant, and they themselves want to act like this. Yeah that should be it.'

"Hi, how are you all? Good?" He raised his left hand and made a hello sign while saying this.