B2 Chapter 14: Beauty attracts Trouble
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“Hey Niko, what do you think of this?” Mera whispered to Niko who was standing by her side. In her hand was a bolt of linen, Niko ran his hand over the smooth material, its vibrant blue hue resembling the midday skies above.

“I think it looks nice sis. I’m sure mother could craft something exceptionally beautiful with that.” Apollonius would have said more, but his sister interjected before he had the chance to do so. “Thank you, brother… but I did not ask you, I asked Niko… So, Niko. What do you think?” Niko looked from one sibling to the other, it was clear from the exchange that it was Apollonius who was the meek one of the family. He was far more willing to compromise and less combative or devious, which stood in stark contrast to both his mother and sister.

“Sorry…. I needed some time to think anyway. I think it looks great. I don’t know much about clothing, but I think a lighter green colored cloth would be better. I think it matches your and your mother’s eyes.” A hint of a smile could be seen on Mera’s lips. “That’s actually a perfect idea, why don’t you come and help me find something like that.” Mera grasped the hem of Niko’s tunic and led him away towards the racks of cloth, not even affording him the chance to accept or deny the request. He had little option but to be dragged along, with the other three watching and snickering as bolt after bolt was piled into Niko’s waiting arms.

A few hours had passed since their group had first arrived at the market, even now the place was busy, with money and goods changing hands regularly. Twice Niko, Paulus and Spurius had to run down a thief attempting to pilfer their goods. Luckily it was often the case that the thieves could or would not get too far before they were brought down and handed over to the port guards. Most of whom were incredibly responsive, the instant they heard who the thieves had stolen from, any nearby guard converged upon the area. Nearly tripping over themselves to offer their assistance to the woman in the red dress.

“My Lady, nothing would please me more than to offer you three gold talens per bottle, but that would ruin me. What say two gold talens per bottle of Aether, and you and I can discuss future sales over dinner perhaps?” The merchant was a man with few outstanding qualities, with the many gaudy rings and golden jewelry adorning his body an obvious sign of his wealth. Yet other than that, he was average in every sense of the word.

“Three gold talens a bottle, four for the Findwale and five silver for a jar of the medicinal pastes. I’ll throw in a barrel of Qarnamese honey mead for free, and instead of hard currency for the Aether we will take three bolts of Medean silk and eight bolts of Kurtian Linen. Ioakim, you do this every time, I don’t have time to discuss this over dinner, as you know Lord Amyntas is a busy man and there is much work to be done… So do we have a deal?” Leucena extended her manicured hand out over the table towards the merchant.

“Could you at least allow me to introduce my eldest son, your daughter is of age and quite a beauty herself. I am sure there are many who would fall over themselves for her hand… not a surprise with such a beautiful and intelligent mother.” It was difficult to deny the merchant’s charms, what Ioakim lacked in the looks department, he more than made up with his charm. Which did make sense, as it was necessary to possess considerable mercantile skills for one to do business on Orlika island. Especially for a trader who was unaffiliated with any of the noble houses or with one of the larger mercantile guilds.

“You flatter me Ioakim, but as you can see you are my last stop today and I really must be going. Perhaps next time, but that is also not a promise. As much as I enjoy your company, duty calls, and we really must be going.” Ioakim although on the surface appeared to show a bit of disappointment, the reality was different. Both Mera and Apollonius showed less animosity, even a slight bit of acceptance toward the man. Something they did not reveal towards any of the other merchants they dealt with earlier in the day.

The reality was that Ioakim was only able to maintain his independence as a general trader in large part to Leucena and House Amyntas. Each bottle of Aether could sell for up to five or six gold pieces thanks to the increased disruptions from piracy. With both Aether and Findwale being in high demand, the Capital’s doctors at the Medical Institute often requiring it for surgeries on those nobles willing and able to pay for such treatments. Whereas Leucena and other Temrenosian merchants could sell such medical goods at extremely high prices, as the cost for production is only around a single silver, with medical pastes being considerably lower. Yet, the stability Ioakim offered as an independent trader far outweighed the momentary gains, and that always ensured that he provided the best levels of service and goods to those merchants arriving from Temrenos.

“It always a pleasure doing business with you my dear. Please come and visit us again soon, we would be happy to provide you with any assistance we can.” Leucena and Ioakim lightly shook hands before they departed, his men loading up the goods onto the cart while removing their purchases.

“Well, we should be on our way now, it is already almost evening, and I would like to be within our residence before nightfall.” No one disagreed with Leucena’s reasoning. Even if they were in the Capital which was considered the land of their leader, it did not mean they were perfectly safe. There were those who could target them due to their affiliation, their wealth, or even their appearance. It was also policy that those within the city were not to stroll around while armed, currently they possessed only small hammers or thick oaken sticks and lacked armor of any kind.

“Today appears to have been a fruitful day, the merchants will arrive at our residence tomorrow to unload the remaining goods and deliver the items we purchased. So, how about we go get something to eat?” No one bothered to complain, the time for lunch had passed and neither the men nor women had the chance to fill their bellies. The few Murzani kabobs were not enough to satisfy their hunger, but the thought of fresh seafood had the men drooling in anticipation.

The city was bustling with life, filled with vibrant colors and people chatting as far as the eye could see. There were all kinds of people, from the wealthy citizens riding atop their palanquins, down to the lowliest beggar. Even here on Orlika Island where the wealthy isolated themselves from the masses, the poor and downtrodden could still be found. It was however rare, as the reality was that the guardsmen would quickly converge and drag them away, out of sight of the wealthy patrons who graced the streets.

Yet the streets were filled with plenty, the main market was packed with stalls throughout the central square encircling the central monument, an ornate engraved column depicting the war victories. The small-time vendors were busy hawking their goods to every passerby, from handwoven baskets to cured meats, fruits, even some caged exotic beasts. Even Mera and her mother could not help but pause every so often to examine an accessory or good which caught their fancy. The pair was especially interested in a matching set of gold bracelets, featuring an indentation for a stone or crystal as well as an intriguing swirling pattern along the edges.

However, just as the two women were about to inquire about the price of the bracelets another individual interjected themselves within the conversation. “I must be blessed by the Goddess of beauty to wander across such exquisite works of art. My ladies, you are monuments to beauty crafted by the gods themselves, such baubles would do you no justice. Perhaps you would grace me with your company so that I might gift you with jewels more befitting your charms.” The young man appeared to be only a few years older than Apollonius. Yet he held himself with the authority of a man who believed wholeheartedly that the world revolved around them, and them alone.

The young aristocrat appeared to have no issue spouting such ridiculous lines in front of a packed crowd, so sure was he of his value. As if his very breath and presence was a gift granted to those of lower status. His attire fit his personality perfectly, the embroidered toga, gaudy jewelry and the engraved palanquin resting on the ground a few feet away spoke volumes. That he was someone of status, the half dozen rough looking men at his back helped to intimidate those nearby who may have spoken out against his disruption of the market. However, more than the guards it was the engraved sigil upon the palanquin which intimidated the crowd, it depicted a blue pearl set within the center of a rounded shield.

“I can tell that you ladies are struck silent by my charms, the beauty bestowed upon me is a curse I understand. However, I will grant you the privilege to speak in my presence. Leave your servants behind they will only muddy the experience… Now come my beautiful flowers, bask in the glory of a real man, let me show you a brand-new world of luxury and passion.” Mera and her mother were dumbfounded, unable to understand how they were to respond to these embarrassing overtures. In contrast to Mera and Leucena, the surrounding local women appeared smitten by the vainglorious noble, his narcissistic ego seemingly overshadowed by his rakish good looks.

The young noble may have been correct in labeling the mother, daughter pair as flowers, yet he was unaware of how thorny these roses truly were. It did not take long before the barbs came striking out in response. “Your glory… I am afraid neither my daughter nor I have time for a spruced-up peacock. No number of tasteless baubles would have me spend even a single moment with you. Judging by your unblemished skin and powdered cheeks, I would have taken you for an evening companion. In either case you are not to my taste, I prefer sturdier men, those with the intellect to hold my attention… You are none of these, so, run along and suck on your mother’s teat; for I have nothing to share.”

Everyone in the vicinity was struck speechless, dumbstruck by the sheer audacity and viciousness with which Leucena lashed out her insults. The noble had appeared unable to comprehend the situation, slack-jawed in disbelief. Yet that lasted only until the raucous laughter broke out, Mera held her stomach as she could not stop howling. A reaction that was quick to spread through the rest of the crowd, as the story was passed from one individual to another.

Even the young noble’s guards had trouble holding down their laughter, their jaws tightening as they desperately attempted to keep the sounds from spilling out. For his part the young man’s mind finally caught up to his body, first his face and cheeks turned beet red. Then came the fury, the teeth grinding against one another as his eyes stared daggers at the older of the two women.

“HOW DARE YOU! SOME LOW BORN BITCH DARES TO INSULT THE SCION OF HOUSE DURIS! The man screamed hysterically, pointing his finger in the direction of Leucena and her party. His guards understanding what was about to happen brandished their clubs, with Apollonius moving closer to his mother. While Niko and the brothers Spurius and Paulus covered the flanks, with weapons at the ready.

“GET THOSE TWO BITCHES! I WANT THEM ALIVE! Once we return to the mansion you can do as you, please to them, then we will see how composed they remain. Kill their servants, I will have my father help cover up the incident, there is no need to worry about the consequences.” The noble’s words were like a storm swept through the market, the shoppers and stall owners had fled, scurrying away, and taking distance from what was about to occur. Leaving the street bare except for the two opposing parties.

All the while a smile was creeping across Mera’s face, her fingers hidden within the folds of her stola.

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