Chapter 9: To Be Kim
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Chapter 9: To Be Kim


Once we had settled some finer details on our photoshoot deal, Brittany left my room. This would be the first night I'd be sleeping in this bed. It felt comfy, so there was that to be considered, but I didn't fall asleep.

What I had learned in the past hour was too much on my mind for me to have called it a night.

First, I wanted to relock the door. After learning about Greg, despite me not being his type, I just didn't feel comfortable knowing he used to be interested. To be honest, if he really wanted to get in here, a locked door was not going to keep a big guy like him out.

Secondly, I wanted to look through Kim's PC a little more. She had photos of a life I knew nothing about. ’Maybe she had some documentations that I could read through?’ Like a conversation in a text message, a journalized series of updates on social media, or a simple diary saved in a folder somewhere. I was already glad her PC wasn't password protected.

Getting all bundled up in the blanket, I sat in her swiveling chair and righted myself until perfectly situated for a night of research. The very first thing I brought up on the screen was the photograph that I found of Kim. She was leaning back against a fence gate to someplace really luxurious.’Maybe a mansion or really extravagant hotel?’ Couldn't tell without having a larger scope of the background and building. Of course, Kim was the focus.

I thought about how I looked and compared to how Kim had once appeared. Under these scars, I could see both myself and Kim. It was like we had a daughter. Over my body, I could see the blend of our figures. I was definitely still a full female, but I had to wonder why there was more Kim here than there was Chase. It may have to do with the fact that this was originally Kim's body. If we did swap, maybe Kim had a similar issue where she's fully male, but we’d look about the same as if we were siblings.

I had to figure this all out. The main reason I wanted to learn about Kim initially was to not appear crazy. After Dr. Anstone, I wanted to become someone better than I was as Chase. Once I met this family, I didn’t want to see them get hurt with knowing their Kim was gone. Now I wanted to discover how much between us was really one or the other. And while I did that, I could try to trace everything back to the point of when this all happened. An answer, or at least clued in on what Kim may have done on this end. ’Maybe she was involved in something that caused us to transit from our worlds this way?’ I knew for a fact that I didn't do it.

As I stared at the photo, I tried to picture Brittany and Shelly to compare the differences they had with Kim. In the face, hair, and even the posture, it was impossible to tell them apart. I got that Brittany and Kim had similar personalities from our recent conversation. Their sense of fashion was in question though. This photo was with Kim wearing a dress that wasn't very businesslike. She looked ready for fun and games in the sun. The only dressed person I’ve seen who was outfitted for this weather. ’Maybe she was on vacation in this photo?’

I'd have to find more to figure that one out.

One after the other, the photos of Kim I discovered were her almost always in the same kind of outfits. Thing was, it looked like it revolved around the same locale too. I was going to make it an almost confirmed that this was a vacation spot. She appeared to be really happy or enjoying the moment.

I paused looking for her photos. A little curiosity got in me to find another photo of that locale. I could get an idea who was behind the camera as an extra credit. I was certain that Kim had to have swapped places or taken a photo with whomever it was snapping pictures of her. ’Unless she was asking a passing pedestrian?’ That was possible.

My search for the photographer came up empty.

Getting back on track, I decided to move onto other photos that were not around that vacation spot. Some of them were outside this home, others inside of a restaurant, a couple by the streets, and at least one that looked like it was a class photo. Only reason I figured it was a class was because they all wore the same two uniforms based on gender.

In the class photo, I took note that she wasn't looking at the camera. There was someone she happened to be grinning at. Unfortunately, I wasn't sure who. She faced in a direction that either had her looking to her side or over the shoulder. It could have been anyone in that wing.

Looking over that wing, I went over each person in detail for a few minutes before I stopped. "What am I looking for?" Closing that photo, I decided to move onto locating some text messages. I could learn a lot more from her conversations with others than I could by a photograph.

I had brought up an account that luckily was on auto-fill for the site. When I got online, it showed me a number of people that were her friends and had at least conversed with her once or twice. One in particular was in several occasions, but before I could click on it to explore the past messages, I got messaged.

JC|Kim! Where have you been?|

Taking a look, I saw the name 'J.C.Kegan' highlighted up top and a 'JC' tag next to the texts. ’Was this a guy or gal and how do I turn off the online status for me here?’ Taking a moment, I found the scroll tab and clicked my status as offline. It didn't stop this JC person.

JC|Please Kim? What has been going on?|
JC|Kim? Are you okay?|

More texts from this person kept coming in, but I was focused on these initial ones. It looked like this person might not know what happened to Kim. Actually, I began to wonder if they knew anything had happened to Kim other than going offgrid for over a month. It was possible that no one knew that Kim had been hospitalized. That I had been in that hospital for over a month.

Seeing the texts were not stopping, I tested typing to see if it would change my status at all to being back online. It didn't. So that meant I could converse with this person without alerting anyone else. ’Question was, would me talking with this person be a good idea? I could learn from them, but would I do so acting as the former Kim? Maybe say this was someone else? I could play the same amnesia card that I did with the family?’

I'm going to rule out acting as the former Kim. I still didn't know who JC was and pretending I did would probably fail. Saying I'm someone else might cut me off from this person if they find it offensive that Kim's account was compromised. Being me was the only thing I was good at right now.

I started to reply. It took me a moment, clicking away at the keyboard, but as I saw my name highlight that I was responding to JC, the person halted their messages. I guess they saw me finally making contact and gave me a break from their towering texts of worry for Kim.

KO|This is Kim.|
KO|I'm sorry. I don't know who this is.|

I waited. My goal was to have them ask why I didn't know who they were and I'd inform them of my supposed memory loss from an accident. If I could get that through to them, maybe they'd start feeding me details on what Kim's life used to be like.

This JC was not responding right away. ’Maybe I had scared them off?’ “Did I fuck up?”

Then they replied. I breathed out a sigh of relief, at first, but I read their message and wasn't so relieved anymore.

JC|If this is Kim, please turn on the webcam.|

“Seriously?” I looked up from the screen to see where this camera was at. It took me a little over a minute to figure it was installed into the frame of the monitor. A little lense with a light that would turn on right by its side when on. No button to flip it on, so I guessed it was turned on by some software program.

I closed my eyes and thought hard about it. ’Do I really want to let this person know what I look like?’ They might’ve recognized Kim under this… my current face, but the number of questions would be scary. I didn't know who this was and had no clue if I could trust them. Brittany had made it clear that no one was supposed to be aware of my existence.

JC here appeared to be eager to get back in touch with Kim. Before I decided, I wanted to see some of the previous conversations. That would help me understand who this was.

KO|Give me a moment. I want to learn who you are first by reading our previous conversations.|
JC|I'll call you.|

Thinking about it, I guess that would make sense. If I had a series of private conversations with someone and didn't know who was on the other side right now, I wouldn't want them snooping either. Whoever this was, they at least appeared to trust me enough that I wouldn't peek anyways.

Now came another question. ’How were they going to call me?’ I didn't have a cell and there didn't appear to be any phone in here.

Waiting a couple minutes, I saw JC's typing a message.

JC|Pick up?|


KO|No cell or phone.|
KO|Home phone? Living room might have one.|

Oh, okay. I guessed whoever this was, they've been in the house before.

KO|Give me a moment to go down.|

I took a quick look around.

Getting out of the blankets and sheets, I walked over to the bed and knelt down on the floor. Beneath the bed was drawers. I pulled on one and discovered it was actually one giant drawer. Inside were kinda what I was looking for. Clothes, but they were definitely meant for nightwear.

I had a choice of wearing PJ's, a few Nighty's that were a little transparent or too feminine for my comfort, lingerie that was enough to cover the essentials, and a pair of bathrobes. Out of all of them, I picked a pair of PJ's just because it was the most neutral between genders. It was a very light blue one, like a clear sky, and had a smooth texture that reminded me of satin. Unfortunately, it was a little big on me. I tied the drawstrings tightly to my narrow waist first because it kept trying to slip off me while buttoning up the top.

Going back to the PC, I quickly typed.

KO|Heading down now.|
JC|What have you been doing?|

As an afterthought, I didn't think they needed to know I hadn’t been dressed, but too late now. Shutting off my light, I unlocked the door and padded out while quietly closing the door behind me.

It took me a minute to check and be sure the coast was clear. I didn't want to explain to anyone that I was about to receive a call. As a matter of fact, I didn't know how I would explain that one.

Keeping silent and quick, I dashed through the living room and into the kitchen. Not seeing or hearing anyone following after me, I went for the basement door. Once I was downstairs, I hunted for the phone that was supposed to be down here.

If it weren't for the sudden noise it made, I wouldn't have found it. To keep it from alerting anyone, I pounced and dived for it by one of the couches. Falling on a shoulder and elbow, I grunted in discomfort, but saved the phone from ringing twice.

Sucking my painful crashed landing up, I rolled onto my back behind the couch and brought the phone up to the side of my face. "Hello?" It wasn't until after I had spoken I realized something. Back in my room, I hadn't heard the phone ring the first time JC called. In other words, I did a Daredevil stunt absolutely for nothing. I whispered to myself, "Idiot."

"--im? Tha -- ly you?" I guessed this was JC. A guy. I wondered about the bad reception. ’Was it me being in the basement causing the interference or his end that had the issue?’

I let out a sigh before answering. "Yes. Who is this?"

"Jer-- It's -- emy." I should have looked at those conversations if he was going to be this difficult to talk to. This could be incorrect, but I think he said his name was ’Jeremy?’

With as slow and restrained a tone I could muster, I relayed what I wanted to text him earlier, so he could understand my situation. "I. Had. An. Accident... I. Don't. Know. Who. You. Are."

"... --ha --ned? Why --n't you kno-- I am? Wh-- --ave -- been?" Not sure, but I thought that last part was him asking me, ’Where I've been?’ ’Did this mean he believed I was Kim?’ Might as well ask.

"I can't explain that. I was told not to --"

"Who?" Huffing in frustration, I slowed my speech down for him.

"The. Hospital. Told. Me. Not. To. Say. Anything." 

"--at abo-- --rents?" I had no idea what he just said. ’At about rents? What about... parents?’ I thought he asked me, 'What about parents?’

‘...What about them?’ Oh, I had enough of this word game.

"Look, I think if you knew my condition, you'd understand, but I can't -- I'm not supposed to." I shook my head. "I'm not supposed to even be talking with anyone. I mean, Brittany might be okay with it, but the others will flip if they find out I'm on the phone with someone." There was a silence on the other end for a moment. I heard a noise from his end, but couldn't tell what it was. "You still there?"

"Ye -- ry." ’Was that was an apology?’ Another moment of silence and then he spoke up again. "Do m-- avor?"

"Uh, what?"

Another pause and then. "--ide?"

"Huh? Could you repeat that?" This was getting irritating.

"Out--" ’Outside? He wanted me to go outside!?’

I guess he was receiving more static than I was. This was a basement and the reception might not be perfect. Going upstairs would improve things, but there was the risk of being seen or heard by my family. Thing was, going outside didn't sound like a bright idea.

"I kinda do mind. I'm in a PJ's."

"Jus-- th-- --oor." I think I heard 'door' in there. ’Just outside the door, maybe?’ I supposed that wasn't as bad. It wasn't like I would be walking around the block talking on the phone. Still didn't like the idea very much. Maybe I could grab something to use as a weapon in case if someone, like this Jeremy guy, decided to unexpectedly showed up out there.

"I guess. Give me a moment." Rolling onto my side, I set the phone down a moment to get up. Grabbing the phone back, I went over to the wall where the pool sticks were hanging up. I nabbed one of the long poles off the wall and twirled it in a fluid motion around my wrist. "Oh, cool. Uh..." I didn't mean to do that, but apparently I knew how to handle a short staff to some degree.

Once up the stairs, I had shut the door behind me and carefully went out the backdoor to the driveway. I decided to sit down on the ground and leaned back against the door. This way, I would be hidden from the door's window in the event anyone had a midnight snack craving. I doubted it, considering this family were in incredible fit shape, but one could never be too careful. With that in thought, I had the pool stick propped up and ready to poke someone's eye out if they get too close.

"Okay. Can you hear me better now?"

"Yeah, one second." Smiling, I did a victorious arm-pump with the pool stick in my excitement. Finally, we could hold a clear conversation. "Here." I faced and raised a brow at the phone. My eyes drifted from it to the sight of headlights shining for a couple seconds before they were shut off. A car had just parked out front of the house.

"Hey, I didn't -- fuck." I dropped the phone in my haste to stand up, attempting to run back in. The phone would be okay out here, but I needed back inside and pronto.

Then I heard the car door shut and make a clicking noise. Locked. Not sure why, but I started shaking.

Suddenly grabbing the doorknob proved difficult. It was just like in the hospital and before I got home, but worse. ’Was it because of my spiking anxiety had fucked with my nerves or something?’ Each time I grabbed at the knob, I either missed because my hand trembled and slipped or my grip became so slack and loose that the knob simply didn't rotate. It was like I had lost any and all strength when I needed it the most.

"Fuckfuckfuck." I stopped, took a deep breath, bowed my head, and slowly let the air out of my lungs. Taking a little longer this time, I wrapped my hand around the knob and began to actually turn it this time.

"Kim?" Startled, I jumped in fright and nervously hopped away from the house.

I wasn't sure why I did retreat from the house until, by some reflex, I swung the pool stick around. That made sense in that instant. If I had attacked with the pool stick that close to the door, the stick wouldn't have had enough room for a full swing, hitting the door or wall of the house by accident, or if I had swung it vertically the impact would be dangerously close to his head when I hit him.

All I saw was someone with nearly the same height as Greg stop me in mid-swing. Or rather, I had finished my attack and the stick did hit him, but I felt the shaft vibrating from the sudden halt. I lost my firm grip on the pool stick, but still had it loosely between my hands. Very last thing I registered was the stick bouncing in my palms and instantly slipping out of my hands for some reason before the thick end of it shot towards my face...