Chapter 30 Our foolish actions.
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Born from Ashes by Axl Rosenberg

POV Mari

"Mari: Congratulations Kate."

"Kate: Thanks. Heh, you've actually found the time to come over. Can't say that we will have the same leisure tomorrow."

'Yeesss, the paperwork. It should have been simplified into a few documents, not a few dozen for each member.'

"Mari: Yours is that bad too?"

"Kate: Yeah, we need to go over a few documents with the clubs. Each and every club! Try finding the representative of each 3-5 members club! It is a damn nightmare! They! Should be sending out their representatives and asking for our time!"

I can't help but agree. We interact more with the faculty, who are easier to find and reach out to. Clubs with no official room and barely known members are practically ghosts.

'Not something that will get done in a day for sure. 'Sigh. This week will be packed with activity.'

"Mari: Would you like us to set a table with some desserts for a tea break? Sweets do help improve the mood. As soon as we get some more things done, we can lend a hand with finding the right people too."

"Mitsuko: Sweets!! I want sweets! Please Miss Mari! I'm the one pulling the most weight around here! I need some sugar!"

"Mari: Sure thing Mitsuko, we all can take a break together and give our first impressions of our new positions."

"Kate: Haaa… Thanks. Grab me something with strawberries, for Risa… 

"Risa: Apple crumb pie… and ice cream."

"Mitsuko: Mmm… I don't know the menu…but some pastry would be nice, and cake!"

"Mari: I'll get an assortment of freshly made treats for everyone in addition to what you've asked for, in case they don't have exactly what you want, we can pick whatever we like then."

I don't want to distract the girls too much, so I go for a walk to the restaurant by myself. It is a nice and cool feeling under the trees shadows, and the insects aren't that active to be an annoyance yet. A relaxing, short stroll.

As I near the building, I hear laughter coming from the rooftop.

"Valentine: And you thought it would work!?! HAHA HA HA! NOOB! You NEVER start a date with extreme sports! Haha ha ha!!!!"


"Valentine: So what, if YOU like the feeling of free falling?! That's not where your focus should be! He he he! Start with some gifts and grooming!"

"caw Caw Caw"

"Valentine: Naive! Don't be a simple show off! It will get you attention, BUT if you try forcing them to do something unfamiliar, it only ruffles their feathers! Cover the basics first!

"Caw! Ca!  CawacawCAW"

"Valentine: Hey! I know what I'm talking about! If you'd listened from the start, you'd be dining with a nice girl right now!"

'What is going on? Is he … having a full conversation with one of mine? It sure sounds that way.'

I also talk to my crows sometimes, and they respond, in a nonverbal way. It is more of a spiritual interaction. An exchange of feelings. We understand each others behaviour, aura, mood and have learned to work together over the years. What I'm hearing is different, it sounds like two people talking.

I'm not sure how to proceed. 'Is he just talking to himself? Supplementing the other side's responses in his head? Will he think that he is acting crazy if I walk in right now?'

There are plenty of people that have conversations with animals. I don't think that it is out of the norm, but some treat it as a private affair and get defensive about it.

'Well… He is quite vocal, so I doubt he will mind my intrusion.' Making up my mind I walk in and wait for a lull in their conversation before announcing my presence.

"Mari: Hello! Chef Valentine!"

"Valentine: A moment please!"

'He doesn't sound distressed or nervous, I must be overthinking this.'

I ask a few casual questions about his wellbeing and mention that we will be swamped with work a little bit longer. I make sure to inquire about his time alone in the dungeon, mildly expecting him to try going to the third floor alone, again. Seeing as nothing has gone horribly wrong on his side, I relax and talk to him about my purpose for coming here.

"Valentine: Mmm, yes, I see. Hm…hmm… There, that, that, none of that…So, only for six people, with a possibility of Anna's group dropping by. Sure. Give me a minute."

Receiving our sweets order in good humour, he goes behind the counter, starts taking out things from the fridge and packing them up.

"Valentine: I'll get the apple crumb pie ready by the time you'll need it. You can take the pudding with you for now. We'll get the rest sorted."

I am handed a bag with puddings and nothing more. 'What? We? What does he mean?' I can't follow the conversation, obviously we are thinking about different things. Before I can express my sincere confusion, he bellows out in a commanding tone:


Norse King on Hippogriff by Carlos Amaral

Norse King on Hippogriff by Carlos Amaral

Retrieved from


"Valentine: Sierra Bravo Foxtrot, report in!"

From the rooftop, five of my crows descend.

"Bravo Tango. I need a supply line operational. Take charge of the first supply run. If your combined abilities are insufficient, you are to pass down your responsibility to Charlie Echo and requisition support from other units before leading them to back to HQ. I need three runs, so make the right call. Load up and move out! Flap those feathers soldiers!"

'What? Is? Going on?' The new arrivals grab three little bags with pastry and fly back outside, presumably towards our new office. Before I can start feeling scandalised, or actually process what is happening in front of me, Mr Valentine gives a loud laugh, excuses himself to the kitchen and starts cooking!

I'm in shock! I feel as if a deeply personal part of me was defiled! 'You dare! Trash! To command MY friends around! You will BURN for this!'

I almost snap in a blind, murderous, deluge of mixed emotions, but before I can get myself out of stupor, I feel a familiar weight land on my shoulder.

It's the leader of the group of five. I focus all of my senses on it, trying to get the picture as clear as possible before I start tearing things apart.

As their feelings are conveyed to me, I start calming down from anger to doubt. 'It would seem that I'm at fault here? Tch. Who am I supposed to be mad at right now?'

I can tell that they are helping him by their own will. Trying to get stronger for me, to be of use to me, to help me in the dangerous place, I disappear to. I want to be mad, to berate everyone, to…make myself believe that I know what's better for them.

'I haven't asked if they wanted to help me or how they felt about being left behind while we face danger.'

It would've been much easier to get caught up in my emotions, to beat the stuffing out of the man and forbid him from speaking to my crows ever again. 'I could do it with one hand. It would, make me feel better for a moment, but won't solve the issue at hand.'

"Mari: `Sigh. I'm going too. Go, lead your friends to our office, Meiko will be there to receive you."

I'm too emotionally stressed right now, so I don't give any goodbyes when leaving. I take my time walking back through the forest, trying to put the whole situation into a new perspective. 'Have I been trivializing our actions and how they affect the people close to us? I… don't think that we have been completely caught up in the moment. Hmm… We take plenty of precautions during the explorations of the other side. I've made sure that everyone understands the possible danger of every action we take.'

Haaa… I did exclude my little helpers completely. There are benefits to having scouts in the sky, but it is very dangerous for them too. It's not just coming across some flying monster, the environment itself is trying to devour everything that wanders in!

"I know that there are a few safe hours, but! It isn't proven to be completely safe! There is always a 'what if'! What if my observations are flawed? What if I didn't use the right parameters in my assumption? What if they just get unlucky? `Sigh. That applies to all of us too. I'm being a hypocrite."

It's not a pleasant realisation and objectively speaking, it is an obvious fact that I was blind to, due to my selfishness.

I return to our office while still in a contemplative mood.

"Meiko: Lady Mari, I have received the delivery, are we having guests over?"

"Mari: Mm, can you please set the table for six people? I'll have a look if Anna's group will be joining us."

I give Kate the heads up that we are setting the table and go to the gym, looking for our seniors. It so happens that only Yumi is here today, Anna is out for personal reasons and Tai is out shopping with her family.

"Yumi: Thanks for the invite, but I'll have to decline. Don't let this big sister intrude on your party, besides I'll need half an hour to finish my training and then take a shower. Hehe. I'll visit that place in the evening. I heard that Hana made him learn and practice giving massages. It's my turn tonight."

'Hana…What? When and how did that happen? Haa…I'm losing my touch.' I helplessly shake my head and wonder if I've been too focused on the USC to take notice of everything else happening around me. Too little time, too much to do.

POV Juliana



Another Day. Another loss. byAndrew Theophilopoulos

Retrieved from


I watch as my little girls play some colourful game on the large TV, not being exactly sure what is happening on the screen.

Part of the reason are my damaged eyes. Another is that the game is about splashing things with paint and the screen intermittently gets covered in it too, making it all the harder for me.

When my idiot, foolish, moron of a husband accepted a call from some old Russian mercenary friends I've got a really bad feeling in my gut. The damn adrenaline junkie didn't listen, saying it's just one side job with friends. He just couldn't get settled down for good, always whining that his skills weren't fully utilized in civil life! And I've had a good paying job in security, earning enough to provide for our family and then some! 'Should have let him go alone!'

What did we get out of that side job? A dead husband, a crippled, single mother and practically orphaned children. If my curses can reach hell, I'm sure that they are playing on repeat as he is made to suffer.

'I've always told him that the Russian soldiers are like brothers, but the higher-ups are all turncoats! The fucks don't give a shit about the hired mercs! Filthy pigs care only for money and finding ways to cut expenses!'

This has become my daily life for the last two years. Complaining to the Gods about the injustice of this world and thanking the people who came to help.

Way back in the day, after we were the victims of military budget cuts, we've moved to private security and mercenary work respectively. The only reason that my daughters and I are taken care of, is because the Kurihara family didn't drop us into the abyss after I've had to resign. The big boss Man himself had taken oversight on things, and I imagine that the reason was mostly because of my daughters. 

'The old fool has a heart too kind for being a businessman or is he helping as a fellow parent? I'm pretty sure that my value is in deep red for the rest of my miserable life.'

There were also his visits during the last week. He looked like what I imagine my condition was for the first month after the incident. He came with the resolve of a death soldier and started reading out a private contract. It sounded like something a celebrity bodyguard would have to sign and not a useless, half dead cripple. Before asking me if I wanted to sign, he added something only a madman would.

"A.K: If you sign this, you will be restored to full health, limbs, organs, everything. You will get to start your life over, and your children will get to have their mother back. On the other...hand… As a father… I swear...if you break a single clause on your own volition… I will bring down the wrath of God upon everything you even remotely care for."

'Yup, he has gone mad.' Is what I first thought, before pictures and videos of miracles were shown to me. His aura isn't one of a cruel comedian, so I took my time reading the stupid thing over and over again… .signed TJ.

-- -- -- -- --

Saturday is the day of the big reveal, whether the boss Man has gone mad or not.

'Sigh'. What am I even doing, believing an old fool? He must have been tricked or something. Too kindhearted and naive.'

"Driver: Ma'am. It is time to head out. I will get your seat ready. Please excuse me."

"Juliana: Girls, I'll be back by the evening."

'I can't even give a proper hug to my children. Curse you stupid fool! At least, the contract guarantees that my children will want for nothing their entire lives, even if the boss Man has gone insane. Money is money.'

I am loaded like luggage, into the spacious back of the car and driven around a wealthy part of the city. Eventually, we stopped behind a gated academy building and I'm unloaded back out. 

Another car comes by not five minutes later and the boss Man himself gets out.

"A.K: Miss Juliana, good morning. Driver. The car won't be needed today anymore, please take it back and continue your day. Thank you."

He dismissed MY ride, before pushing my wheelchair towards the back gate. As we get past, he looks around nervously before taking a sudden left into the woods.

"A.K: I should have prepared a better wheelchair, the path forward is barely keep clear. I don't imagine it being comfortable for you either… Excuse me, but may I carry you for the next 10 minutes?"

'No shit it's not comfortable! I'm a fucking sack of shit down here!'

"Juliana: Sure boss, take it away." The fucking rocking chair is left behind and I'm gently carried deeper into the forest.

'Well, at least I get to catch some fresh air.'

Slowly, we make our way in. 'I haven't been outside much lately, maybe a trip to the park can be arranged. Heh, arrangements! To go to a damned park! Can't Fucking just stand up and go!'

I feel my ride stiffening as we make our way under the sun.

"Valentine: We HAD AN understanding!"

I was admiring nature and missed someone approaching us. It almost sounds like an animal growling at us.

"A.K: This is Juliana. She has signed... a contract. She will keep silent and protect Mari after... you heal her."

"Valentine: Heh he he he bla ha ha!!!! Fool!!! Utter fool! Mari will hate you for the rest of her life! Using a desperate woman!! She will curse you to hell and back!"

I feel the grip tightening around me as the second crazy man is laughing aloud.

"A.K: I don't care. If she is protected long enough to curse for so long, it will be… worth it."

The venom in his voice is almost dripping on me from the words spoken, and ones left unsaid.

"CAW caw cawcaw"

The chatter around me suddenly stops, as a crow lands on the laughing man's shoulder.

"Valentine: Who? How far? Full report soldier!"

"Caw ca caw CAW CawCaw."

'Wow, this one is completely nuts...and now he looks ready to drop dead on the spot.'

"Valentine: .. .. .. ..


'??? Marching drum? The hell? Is he having a heart attack?'

"Valentine: You killed us. `Badum`Badum`Badum`Badum.

Sierra Bravo Foxtrot `Badum`Badum. delaying tactics, 3 minutes.`Badum`Badum.. Triple pay.`Badum`Badum. Move soldiers!"



A murder of crows dive from the building upon the first one's signal.

'His heart is definitely going to burst.'

"Valentine: You've made this clusterfuck happen. I'm not staying here to die… Chiyo followed you here… And as for you Juliana, when Mari gets here, ask her to terminate your contract. You will get double of what you were promised with no penalties."

My ride has turned to a stone statue, and the other crazy guy is running for his life. 'I should have asked a while ago, but WTF is going on here?'


'Sigh', a statue with a loud clock. A fabulous garden decoration.'

I can hear the crows getting closer to us, whoever it is that has spooked the two is very close.

"Chiyo: Dad! What are you doing here?! Answer me! Why is everyone keeping me away!? Even Mari is actively trying to stop me now!"

'Oh… family drama and I have a premium seat…mmm, not my favourite genre. The chair is also getting wet with sweat. I'd prefer a couch.'

As the girl approaches closer, she finally notices the little ol me. 'Sigh'. I've already signed the contract, can't let anyone argue that I didn't play my part.'

"Juliana: Hello, little Chiyo! I'm Juliana, your big sister's new assistant. Your old man was showing me around, but I think he overexerted himself and fainted standing. I've heard that Mari was coming over here for a greeting too."

Suddenly, the forest bursts into life, hundreds of crows cry out and start circling above us.

'Wooho, there's a whole black splotch up there.'


Ravenstorm by Sjoerd Provoost

Ravenstorm by Sjoerd Provoost

Retrieved from


Startled by seeing me and the sudden wave of birds, she debates on something before moving closer and giving me a smile.

"Chiyo: Hello Juliana, I'm Chiyo. It looks like Mari is coming here very soon and very angry. I'm a bit worried that you might have picked a… bad chair to sit on. Do you mind if I move you to another one before this one collapses?"

'Umu, the growing number of birds is giving me that bad feeling in my gut. And I should trust my gut wholly.'

"Juliana: Sure, I'm ok with that."

I'm easily carried in as the bird storm outside intensifies, turning into a typhoon of black feathers. 

'I'm not so sure that the boss Man will get out of there alive…or have much left behind, for that matter.'

I have no idea WTF is going on, so I can't tell little Chiyo much either way and we decide to wait for Mari to arrive.

"Chiyo: I haven't seen Mari this pissed yet. Honestly, I'm not sure that we'll get anything out of her today."

'What is she? A queen bee? And those are her soldier rallying for war? Yeah, that crazy one was right to run for his life. Good survival instincts.'



witch by Mah Na

Retrieved from


Some 5 minutes later, a tall, black haired girl comes in, undisturbed by the bird hell outside. She gives the room a once over, before focusing on me. Even half blind, I can feel the gaze on me. One of pity. Something I've gotten used to feeling over the years. There is also a touch of understanding and calculation going on behind those eyes.

'Feels like she is used to dealing with problems. I wonder what will come out of this. Game time Jul!'

"Juliana: Hello boss Mari! I'm your newly contracted assistant, Juliana!"

"Mari: …the fool… . Hello Juliana, Chiyo. I see that you have come unannounced today, looking for answers I presume?"

"Chiyo: Y-yes. I am."

"Mari: Haaaa… It's one thing after the other… Gods know that I need to catch a break. `Sigh. Miss Juliana, I am guessing that healing was promised. You are free to terminate your contract after that. You will be paid double to keep your silence, I'll make sure that father's behaviour is set straight."

'Yikes! I sure hope that my children aren't that strict with me when they grow up…and…real healing.'

I can't help it but swallow some saliva. 'Is this for real? Not an elaborate joke or some shit?'

"Mari: I figured that my little sister would be too clever to not notice anything. I just hoped to deal with some problems first. Haaa… Please follow me and I will explain as you see things happen."

I'm almost trembling from emotions, if what I saw in those videos and photos is true… Then I'll get my full health back. I'll walk again, hug my children, recognise their faces from a meter away!

'I don't care if I signed a contract with a Demon, Saint, or a madman. I'll get my life back and see my children growing up for the many years to come! Killing some fucking monsters is a price I'll pay twice over! And this Mari girl feels like a tough cookie that won't need much protection.'

I tune out their conversation, in favour of making my resolve ironclad and going over my contract again in my head. I'm not a moist sheet of toilet paper, to break, when I'm dependent on. I have enough self-respect to pay back my dues for the goodness shown to my family.

"Mari: The hot springs room. Get Miss Juliana out of her clothes while I get her something else to wear."

'She must be going down to give orders to the crazy one while Chiyo is busy with me.'

If these baths do what I believe them to, I'd gladly crawl into one by myself. The help given feels more like a luxury right now.

I give little Chiyo a bit of advice on what to unbutton and untie first, to make it easier on the both of us.

"Mari: Good, you are ready. First. Miss Juliana, I want you to be comfortable in there. We will lay you down with your head above water, when you get all of those parts fixed, we'll help you to dip your head if you can't manage it on your own. You will be fatigued, so no need to push yourself. Also, you may find it easier to close your eyes while you wait."

As I'm placed into the water, I can feel it getting absorbed by my body. Taking the advice, I close my eyes and relax. Every now and then I can hear little Chiyo make noises, but my focus is mostly turned inwards. 'It is happening. It's really happening. I can feel my body get heavier as my limbs regrow.'

I start feeling water on my missing body parts. I feel the muscles flex, fingers bend, constant pain becomes replaced with fatigue. I need to clench my teeth to stiffen my sobs from coming out. 'I've had it enough with the tears! No more!'

I scoop water with my own two hands and wash my face. I do feel horribly weak, but it's not enough to stop me from getting my eyes back.

'Fuck it!' I take to drinking a bit of the water while I submerge my head. The stinging, I take as a pleasant confirmation that it's working well. I take a breath and submerge again until every little sting is gone from my body. Then, and only then! Do I open my eyes. Both of my seeing eyes.

I'm sure that the little girl is making more noises. For me, it's mostly in the background, as I look over my completely new body.

'….' My mind is blank as I try to rebuild familiarity with my working limbs. 'Worth it. Anything and everything is worth this miracle. People went to war and died for far, far less.'

"Juliana: I'm going to honour our contract boss Mari. For everything your family has done for my children and me. I swear my loyalty to you, contract or none." As a mother, I also feel the need to add in a quieter voice. "You know that he's asked my help out of love and worry, like any parent should. I would have done it too."

I can now fully see her expression and notice the tinge of resignation and acceptance in her eyes.

"Mari: I do." A low murmur is my answer before I'm helped out of the water and brought down the stairs into a room with a single bed.

'Freshly vacated, made to look unused. Yeah. I feel like going into hibernation for a month. Good night.'



A bird's nursery rhyme

Well now! My 5? 7? readers? I know there are at least 3.

The last member to get system membership has arrived. Getting enough Ep for a system upgrade, to increase the 10 people limit, I imagine will take 1-2 years story time. Yeah, that turned into a roadblock.

Haa...It's all in the chapter name, it applies to everything in the story.

But I digress. KUHUM!

Anyone got any ideas for sea/ocean/plane of water themed floor? Seafood must come soon.

And as always, hope you have actually enjoyed reading and didn't get a case of extreme CRINGE.

P.S. How have I come back to the crow theme again? It was done with many chapters ago. I must be going crazy IRL.
