Chapter 26: Lovely Thorns
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“Well, spank my ass until it’s grass. Why the fuck is a white background with polka dots worth millions of dollars?” 

As we waited for Harmony’s break to come around, Miranda decided the best way to pass the time in between customer visits is to show Harmony and me the lovely world that is modern art. I’ve heard horror stories but never believed it until I saw it with my own eyes. A painting of polka dots in varying colors lined up in four by four rows somehow costs more than most homes do. Who in their right minds would find any worth in this bullshit? 

“Wait, can we go back a minute?” Harmony asks.

“What? To the ketchup sprayed on a drawing of a duck?” Miranda asks.

I look at her, confused. “It’s a bathtub. Where did you see a duck?”

“No, not that.” Harmony waved her hands. “What did you just say?”

“Spank my ass until its grass?”

Harmony nodded, and the realization came to mind. Of course, she wouldn’t know what that saying means. It’s an in joke from when I was a teenager, and now that I think about it, this is the first time I’ve used it in a long time.

“Anytime I did something dumb, my father would shout that he’d woop my ass so hard I wouldn’t like to sit on grass. Then one of my buddies turned it into that phrase anytime we did anything stupid and it kind of stuck. I just haven’t really gotten a chance to use it.”

I looked back at the monitor as Miranda continued to scroll through different paintings that sell for millions but look a million times worse than the shit in here. One of them looked like all the artist did was pick up a paint can and tossed all its contents onto the canvas. Yet, the reviews from people that have seen it read so pretentiously that it made me cringe. One of them went on about how the splatters break the paint down to its essence, which both sounds confusing and infuriating and pitiful at the same time.

I mean, if I wrote a book by putting a blindfold on and proceed to smash all the keys on my computer until it reaches three-hundred pages and then sold it, I’d be ridiculed and mocked. But these people do it and they get called geniuses? What a world we have here, folks. I turn to Harmony to complain about the double standard, but she was focused on other things.

Harmony looked at the only working, non sellable clock at the top of the door. The second hand ticked notch after notch. If it wasn’t a silent clock, the sound would be the only noise echoing around the store. It didn’t make any noise though, so the only source of noise came from the occasional car driving by.

Once the second hand reached twelve, the minute and hour hand moved a notch and Harmony shot up from her seat.

“Break time.” Harmony said. 

Miranda yawned and looked at the clock. “Yeah, I guess it is. Alright, you can go. Be back here in thirty.”

Harmony nodded as she darted to the front door. I sigh and follow after her. I’m getting more and more used to going out, but that doesn’t mean I have to like it. Someone can get used to eating cow manure, but that wouldn’t mean that it’ll taste good after a while. All that means is they become numb to the experience.

Harmony looks both ways across the streets, sees no cars coming, then dashes to the other side. I trudge after her, not exactly excited to see Karina after all this time. She may not remember it, but I sure as hell do and it’ll be an awkward meet up after everything. 

Then again, she apparently partied late last night and with how Miranda looked, that could mean that she’s not at work today. If I stayed up that late partying and drinking, I wouldn’t be able to wake up for days. Especially with the inevitable hangover looming over me anytime I do drink. I haven’t touched a beer since I was a teenager after I experienced a hangover for the first time. I don’t understand how people can continue drinking, knowing that they’ll go through that shit.

We make it across the street and enter the store. The first place I look at the moment we enter is the counter where the cashier sits. And what do you know, she’s here.

“Harmony, is that you?” Karina yelled and waved from behind the counter. A customer having her groceries scanned looked back and forth, wondering what the commotion was.

As for Karina herself, although she seems like her normal energetic personality, I could easily notice the bags under her eyes. Her eyes were bloodshot too, making it look like she’s on something. As far as I know, she isn’t on anything, but anything can happen at parties. 

Karina went back to scanning the customer’s items while Harmony and I grabbed a buggy and began shopping. Even when we got further away from Karina, I could still hear her chatting up a storm with the woman that just wanted to leave as soon as possible. I feel you, girl. I don’t want to be here either, but it’s either I shop or starve to death. Granted, I’d dehydrate before I starve, but neither option is particularly better than the other.

We had to hurry with our shopping since Harmony had to be back at work fast. We’re here for a purpose, and we’ll fulfill said purpose so we can get back to what we want to do with our lives. Eggs were grabbed as we sped past. Bacon was tossed into the cart along with a pound bag of seasoned fries. We grabbed item after item, filling out buggy in less than five minutes. It was record time and I’m pretty sure if I recorded it, I’d be placed into the Guinness Book of World Records as the fastest shopper.

Suddenly, as we made our way in the sweets aisle to grab a package of cookies, we met up with an unexpected person. Zihao was looking around for something while his daughter, Lai, was talking to him about something.

“Do you see it?” Lai asks.

“Hold on, Lai. I’m trying to find it. They might have sold out.”

“What? That’s not fair.”

“I’ll ask Karina if they have any in stock when we check out.” He reassured his daughter. 

He rose and looked around the aisle one last time. His gaze came toward us and when he saw us standing in the aisle, he smiled and waved. Lai looked at where her father was looking, and when she saw us, specifically me, she gagged. I don’t think I blame her either. I haven’t showered in a few days, so I probably don’t look the best right now.

“Look who it is. The girl who defeated Thomas and the antisocial guy.” Zihao says.

“It’s actually Ty.” I correct him. He’s not wrong, but I have a name for a reason.

“You shop here?” Harmony asks.

Zihao nodded as he looked back at the shelves. “Yeah, I’m not the wealthiest man alive. This is the cheapest place in the city to shop at.” He tore his eyes away from the shelves and looked back at us. “Have you guys seen a certain package of cookies anywhere? I don’t remember what they’re called, but they’re chocolate chip cookies coated in chocolate. We got some here last time, but I don’t see any now.”

I shook my head. “I know what you’re talking about and no, we didn’t see them.”

Is this what I think it is? It can’t be? It simply can’t be. Is this an actual conversation with nothing weird as shit going on? How long has it been since I’ve talked with someone that talks vaguely like a human being? High schoolers have no clue how to talk without exaggerating everything, fans either gush or talk shit, people in books talk dramatically as hell, and the people I’m seeing now, despite being called human - and one cubbi - don’t talk like humans at all. They talk like the people I read about inside of books. This is the normal adult conversation that I’ve never experienced except when people try to portray it in books. My God. This is a miracle!

“Ty! You here?” Karina pops into the aisle and approaches us with a smile and hop.

For the love of God. I finally had a normal conversation and now she’s here. I must sulk in the pits of my mind, like those people that never grow past their teenage years and can’t express their emotions outside of brooding. For the love of all that is wholly, take her away.

“Karina, I got a question?” Zihao asks.

“Anything for you Zeehoo.”

I could see him hold back his rage at another mispronounced name. I’d think he would’ve gotten used to it already, but it seems to get on his nerves more than last time. 

“It’s Zihao, but anyway, where are those cookies that are dipped in chocolate?”

“Oh yeah, I bought the last pack an hour ago. I was eating them while on shift.”

“They just let you do that?” Harmony asks.

Karina nodded. “Yeah, as long as I pay for it and don’t take too much, then I’m good.” She turned her attention back to Zihao. “If you want some, there’s still half a pack left.”

Before Zihao could give an answer, Lai raised her hand and stood on her tiptoes. “I want some!” Despite how excited she sounded, she still had a frown on her face. 

“Alright then, why don’t you and I have some fun while your daddy shops.” Karina bent down to meet Lai’s height.

It looked like Lai hesitated as soon as Karina made the offer, but I could see drool trickle down her cheek. Her discomfort near Karina might be strong, but her kid nature of wanting anything high in sugar is even stronger. She nodded and Karina shouted in joy, grabbing Lai’s hand and dragging her back to the counter. Zihao reached his hand out, but when Lai disappeared around the corner, he sighed and dropped it back to his side.

“So I’m guessing you two are dating or something?” Zihao asks.

“No, we’re just roommates.” I tell him.

“Oh. Sorry that I just assumed that.” 

I blow his worries away and we get back to shopping again, but now we had a new conversation buddy. Zihao shopped along with us as we grabbed the rest of our stuff and entered our conversations like he was one of our friends. I didn’t really mind that, however, since he was an overall chill guy. A chill guy that keeps a picture of his daughter in his pocket at all times, but a chill guy nonetheless. And I’m not exaggerating about that. He took it out and showed us.

We were about finished shopping and about to leave, but then Zihao brought up something else. 

“I don’t mean to be rude, Ty, but why don’t you like hanging around with other people?”

I groan, wondering why he’s asking me this again. “It’s not that I don’t like it. It’s just I would rather do anything else but be around people.”

“That just sounds like what I said, but longer.”

“But I did not repeat my lines in a manner to which it had similar meaning to your minuscule defined perspective of my interests and dislikes.”

He said nothing for a bit, then coughed into his hand. “Okay man. Whatever you say.”


“See ya.” Harmony waved as she closed the door. 

It’s been nearly half an hour since we left to go shopping and I’m left to put everything up from the shopping spree. I worried that she wouldn’t make it to work, but knowing how fast she is due to her cubbi genes, I know she’ll make it. After all, she’s Harmony Yulyss, the cubbi who will prove to all of humanity that her species aren’t a bunch of demons. If she can dream that big, then she can make it to work on time. And if there’s one thing I don’t doubt, it’s that she can accomplish those dreams.

That begs the question, though. If she’s dreaming so big that her ambition is miles skyward of her actual position, then why is she here? For such a big dream, she needs to get started on it now. What will becoming my roommate and working at an antique shop help accomplish? Nothing, that’s what. So why? 

As those questions boil and stir in my mind, I bend down and pick up a package of bacon and bring it to the fridge. As I place it where it belongs, I hear a knock at the door. I jump, startled, and look at the front door. Why is Harmony back here? Did she forget something? If she did, she does know that she doesn’t need to knock on the door. I don’t remember locking it when entering, but now that I think about it, I should. I don’t want a break in while I’m still here.

I walk over to the door and I can’t help but feel a sense of uneasiness creep onto my back. It’s like my mind is telling me that if I open that door, I’ll never see the sun again. That’s just my anxiety talking, though. It’s probably just Harmony, and if not her, then a random person who I can shoo off my porch. 

I open the door, the uneasy feelings becoming stronger than ever, so much so that I tense my muscles as I open it, and I see nothing. I look around. Left, right, up, down. Nothing.

No. Not nothing. I do see something. Something so strange and out of nowhere that I can’t help but question if what I’m seeing is real. On my front porch, right in front of my feet, is a red rose. It lay there, moving in the wind, nearly taking off from the strength the wind began blowing.

I step outside and look up at the sky. I didn’t notice it before, but the sky was filled with gray heavy clouds stretching across everything. It stretched so far, day turned evening, and the air feels so wet that my palms began sweating from the amount of moisture hidden within the molecules of oxygen and nitrogen. 

I look back down at the rose. Did Harmony leave this here? Did she run back, knock on my door, place it down, then run away again? No, that sounds ridiculous. Then why is it here? 

I bend down to pick it up and as soon as my finger touches the stem, I wince in pain and draw my hand away. My thumb begins bleeding from a tiny hole, which stops immediately since it wasn’t too severe of an injury. I look back at the rose and notice a thorn sticking out of the stem. I never even noticed it because it was so tiny, yet so sharp. Some blood got on it and painted a tiny red dot on the stem. I was thinking of using it in one of the bouquets, but now that it’s stained I can’t anymore. That doesn’t mean I can’t keep it, however. I can just fill a cup with water before planting it in soil outside. 

I grab it, making sure to avoid the thorns this time, and take it in. Before I shut the door, I sharply turn to look back at the street. I look everywhere, but find nothing. A single car passes and nothing else changes. For a second, it felt like someone was watching me. I shiver with that thought fresh in my mind, and close the door, locking it this time.


It began raining not too long ago. Harmony still has yet to get back from work. I turn on the T.V. to pass the time as I think about what to do with my book. The first thing that appears is the news. They found a new body.