Chapter 49: The Tale of Two Maidens (Part 2)
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Disclaimer: There will be some events that happen in this chapter that can be upsetting to some people. Read with caution that there will be the following in this chapter. Sexual Violence, and the rich being the rich. Now that the disclaimers out of the way, have some Happy Reading!


After that first day, a few months passed. I’d like to say two, but to be clear here, those few months went by so fluidly that it was hard to remember. I would like to say it was around two, but it could very well be less or more. Depending on how I feel, of course. 

I would always go to the orgys whenever they occurred. It was always on a Sunday, and would start around ten at night, ending at four in the morning. At least that was their time schedule. For me, it was a lot more narrow than that. Because of my school obligations, I would always leave at around eleven or midnight, then return to the school at two or three. There’d be enough time for a few hours of sleep before the first bell rang, which I’d wake in a groggy mess.

For the first month, Tiffany would have to wake me up on Monday mornings. I hadn’t gotten used to only sleeping for two hours, and I would wake up with red eyes and a nasty bite. Both literally and figuratively. The first time she woke me up, she asked me why I was so tired, but I made up an excuse. I told her my ADHD was acting up last night and because of it, it was hard to get to sleep. She nodded as if she understood, then helped me out of bed.

There were a few good things about the school. For one, I could get away with a lot of things by using my ADHD as an excuse. My classmates had almost no understanding how it actually worked, and even the teachers, to some extent, let it slide. They didn’t want to deal with chewing me out if it got in the way of precious class time, so there would always be a few hours before I was held back in the classroom.

Before I threw away my virginity for simple curiosity, I wouldn’t get into too much trouble. I would lose focus in class often, which would send a ruler snapping at my hand, but otherwise, I was a model student. My grades, although not straight A’s, were pretty fair for someone in my position. With all my years in school, never once have I received less than a B for a grade. I studied my ass off for those grades since if I tried to wing everything I do, nothing would ever get done. I’d get bored and begin making a musical with random stuff around me.

Tests were always the biggest nuisance that came up time and time again. I would study night and day with Tiffany’s help and go into the class thinking that I knew everything and that I’d ace it in a minute. But as soon as that paper touched my desk, and I read the first question, it looked like I was reading a foreign language and all the studying that I did flew out the window as I tried to figure out why a woman would buy five-hundred batches of apples.

I’m pretty sure that most people in my position would think that they’d be unable to keep up the normal stream of grades with everything going on. The constant sex, alcohol consumption, and sleep deprivation would destroy anyone without a learning disability, but it would only magnify with people like me. At least for normal people, that would be the case, but one thing I took pride in myself in was that I was the furthest definition away from normal. 

True, Mondays were a pain in the ass. Since the orgies were every Sunday, I would stay out late, drink, and fuck with wild abandon. If I didn’t have a cock in me, I was drinking. If I wasn’t drinking, I was having two rods shoved in me at once. That led to some of the worst Mondays imaginable, and Mondays are already fucking terrible. 

Anytime I had a test on Monday, I would just give up and write random answers that had some relevance to the topic at hand. That led to a professional shouting competition as my teacher tried to outdo herself to see how badly she could damage her throat. It turned out it was so bad that she had to be sent to the hospital later. I didn’t care cause I was too busy thinking about how many men I would ride next week. 

Every other day of the week was fine for me, which, in turn, helped keep my grades up. They dropped a bit, but not too much. When we got our progress reports and I saw a single C on my paper, I will admit I kind of freaked out. Then I remembered that I just don’t care. Why would I care? Everything else was fine, and I got the opportunity to wash away my troubles once every week. 

I smiled and crumpled the paper in my hands and threw it away. It didn’t matter since they have copies anyway, which they would send to my parents. I didn’t want to have such clutter on my desk.

In fact, the falling grades actually helped me. With the excuse of wanting to study more and blaming my grades on my ADHD again, I could go into the library every day without so much as a whisper of suspicion. By keeping a few tabs open, I could successfully hide what I was actually doing on the computer. I wasn’t actually studying. I was keeping in touch with the people that I met at the orgy.

When I first talked to them after the party, they told me how good I was despite it being my first time. I sucked cock like a pro. Every man that dug themselves so deep inside me until they touched my womb had cum less than a minute of being inside me. My first time having sex ended in a creampie cause according to them, the first time having sex should end like that. It’s sort of a congratulations. They wore condoms afterward, though.

We would discuss other things too. One of the many things we would talk about is the intricacies of sex. I actually didn’t know as much about sex as I thought, because surprise surprise, our school didn’t teach it that well. Yes, they would talk about stuff like semen and the bunch, but beyond the basic knowledge, we weren’t told much. They never actually taught us how babies were made and what contraception even was. I didn’t know a condom was a thing until the orgy. 

After I graduated, I asked the principal why exactly they didn’t discuss everything, and he said that it wouldn’t be right passing on impure thoughts to impressionable teenage girls. Well, Mister Principal, how well did that turn out? Everything I learned about sex actually came from them. I learned about STDs, where babies come from, and even the basic knowledge about my own body. I knew that I bled from my vagina once a month, as well as how to deal with it, but I never actually knew why it happened. It terrified me even more when a teacher said that the bleeding was caused by my body fighting back the impure seed of the devil. 

So after everything that happened, like the naïve teenager I was, I expected every day to go by like this. I prayed that everything would be fine as long as I do everything within my power to keep it all under wraps. But when I opened the window one fateful Sunday, and Tiffany sat up in her bed, my heart stopped.

We looked at each other for a good minute or two. What could we say exactly? Hi, what are you doing trying to leave out the window? Nothing much. Just going to get my brain fucked out of me. That’s not realistic at all.

After a long uncomfortable silence, Tiffany spoke up. Apparently, she knew I was escaping by the window for a while now. In fact, she even saw me escape the first time. After I had left, she watched as I crawled under the hole and escaped. When she saw that, she was thinking about telling a teacher in the morning, but something made her stop. She was just like me. Curious about the outside world, even if a little frightened.

So, she asked me where exactly I went every night. With no other options, I told her exactly where I had been going. I could’ve just lied about it and said I walked around Juxten and stared at the pretty nightlights, but I didn’t. I wanted someone that would come with me and experience the same things I did. I wanted someone to hang out with. Someone to talk to. Someone that knows me for me, and not only accepts me, but can relate to me. 

When I finished telling her everything, I asked her if she wanted to come with me. The way I described it to her made it sound much more grandiose than it really was. It was a way to free your body and mind. By having a dude fuck you in the ass until a warm sticky liquid flows in your insides, you will become as enlightened as the heavenly Buddha. 

I stood by a pond with fish swimming about. Pulling back the rod, I flung the bait forward and waited. After a few minutes of sitting in still silence, watching as fish darted back and forth, narrowly missing the bait, I finally felt a tug. Reeling the rod as hard and fast as I could, I pulled the fish out of the water. She took the bait and said she would come with me.

So, in the dead of night, we got her dressed for the occasion, and snuck out the window. The wind was blowing that night, sending a cold breeze into our pores. Fall was making itself known to us before it came inside our houses and stay with us for the next three months. 

We made our way to the nightclub with me directing her to the location. I grabbed her hand along the way and I noticed it was shaking. At the time, I assumed the wind was getting to her. It blew so hard that our hair was flying all over the face, so it would make sense that she was getting cold. Now that I think about it, it was probably fear taking over her body. What should have tipped me off was how it trembled harder and harder the closer we got to the destination. Every time I would say that we were almost there, it would spike, and I ignored it.

We made it, and I knocked on the door. Thomas came and opened the door like normal and he greeted me. Then he looked to my right and saw Tiffany standing awkwardly. I told Thomas who she was, and that she wanted to try out sex too. He smiled understandingly and welcomed us in, calling out to everyone that I brought a friend. 

People cheered and welcomed us in, and I immediately began stripping my clothes off. Tiffany watched me in a trance as I unhooked my bra and let it fall to the floor. After that, I stripped off my panties, and I was completely in the nude. She looked at me with doubtful eyes, and I told her that if she wanted to have sex, she’d have to strip to. She looked hesitant, so I did it for her. I took her clothes off while she did nothing but stand there, looking confused about what was going on.

When I reached her panties, she finally came to her senses and covered herself before I pulled them down. I smiled and pushed her hands out of the way, grabbing her panties with my teeth and pulling them down. She yelped like a scared little puppy, and everyone witnessing the scene was cheering me on.

Once her underwear was off, the people seeing it cheered for her and complemented how good she looked. It didn’t seem like she heard all their compliments, however, since she looked like she was staring off into space. 

I thought what she needed a nice little push to get things started. So, I pushed her into a man’s arms. He grabbed her and they both fell back onto a chair. His dick was already erect and because of how they fell, she was already spreading her legs for him. When she noticed her pose, she covered herself, trying to keep as little dignity as possible. 

I forced her hands apart and began licking her pussy like Thomas’ girlfriend did for me. When she did it for me, I got wet almost right away. I thought all women reacted the same when they were exposed to sexual pleasure. They’ll be uncomfortable at first, then slowly succumb to the pleasure over time. However, no matter how long or how hard I licked her, she wouldn’t get wet. 

I asked the man she was with to kiss her, thinking that she’s like that because she’s still on guard. I read on a random internet article that whenever a woman is kissed, she’ll let her guard down and be more open to sexual pleasure. When I came to the orgy, I experimented on a few guys, and I got more wet than when I wasn’t being kissed. 

He grabbed her chin, turned her head around, and french kissed her. I could see his tongue digging deep into her mouth, exploring with an intense curiosity. I took this opportunity and began licking her much more fiercely. My tongue explored regions that no one had yet explored before. I felt like Christopher Colombus discovering an untouched land filled with rich dreams and prosperity. 

I moved away from her and saw a tiny bit of love juice leave her vagina. She was finally getting somewhat wet, even if it’s very little. I looked up and saw tears dripping down her cheeks. Tears of joy, I told myself. 

I let the man know she was ready, and he departed his lips from hers, and before Tiffany could catch her breath, she already had someone knocking on her door. I rubbed her head and told her that the first time will probably hurt because she still has a hymen attached. She didn’t say anything. In fact, I don’t even think she was breathing at that point. 

With one determined push, the man pistoned upward and pierced her vagina. Tiffany’s mouth opened, but nothing escaped. She looked like she was in deep pain, but I knew it would go away quickly. It did for me, so why wouldn’t it for her also? 

Blood trailed down her legs, but the man ignored it and began pumping inside her over and over again. Pained grunts and moans escaped her, so I patted her head and told her to have fun. Then I left her. I left her and approached two guys who were having a beer, and asked them which hole they wanted to fill.

An hour or so passed by while I had the time of my life getting blasted in my asshole. I listened for Tiffany the entire time, and although it was hard to hear her over the other moans, I managed to spot her out. She was getting fucked by two guys, one in her pussy, the other in her mouth. Her body rocked back and forth as they humped her from two different angles.

A feeling of pride swam through me as I believed I helped another person feel as great as possible. I had planned to end the night with us having a threesome, or maybe even a foursome. 

However, there were other plans that night. Plans that I never even had the chance to discuss, since no one can discuss plans with fate. Fate just decides to do whatever it wants. 

Who am I kidding? This wasn’t fate. It was all a result of my stupid, stupid decisions.

After the man that was fucking me came inside since he wasn’t doing my vagina, a man approached Thomas and me. Thomas was busy plowing his girlfriend with another dude right next to me. He told us something wasn’t right with Tiffany and that we needed to call an ambulance. 

I got moving immediately, approaching where I last saw her getting railed by two men. When I found her, what I saw took my breath away. 

Tiffany lay on the floor, completely covered in semen and other fluids. Her breathing was shallow and her eyes looked almost gone. If I were to describe her eyes, it would be like looking into the eyes of a corpse. What was even worse, blood spilled from in between her legs and dripped onto the floor. 

Thomas got down on his knees and checked her pulse. He breathed with a sigh of relief, realizing that she was still alive. He told everyone to clean up, get dressed, and get ready for Plan F. 

Meanwhile, I didn’t do anything. People tried telling me to get some clothes on, but I was too busy looking down at her naked, broken body. I saw her head move, and I gasped when I saw she was looking at me. 

“It hurts. So much.” She squeaked out before returning to being silent. 

After that, her head lay back down on the floor. 

Thomas shook me out of my delirium and pushed my clothes in my hands. He explained to me what Plan F was and the steps to take. I was to leave as far away from the building as possible with Tiffany in my arms. Once I was far enough away, I was to call 911 and get an ambulance to help us. Once that happened, if the doctors or police asked about what happened, I was to say that she was raped and I didn’t see the perpetrator. 

Except I saw the perpetrator. I am the perpetrator.

Before we were sent off, they did their best to clean her up, both inside and out. They cleaned out as much cum as they could from her vagina and mouth before letting her lean on my shoulder.

After that, I did what Thomas told me to do. I headed as far away as possible and called for an ambulance. They arrived, I was asked questions, and I told them she was raped. At least I tried to, but every time I opened my mouth, all that came out was gibberish cries and tears. My mind was swirling around and it was hell to try to keep my act together. 

They asked me who we were, and I told them. When they looked up our families, it would be an understatement to say they were stunned. Once we made it to the hospital, they contacted our parents and told them to make it here. 

The first to arrive were Tiffany’s parents. They rushed in and looked at the condition she was in, then began crying over her, wondering how in the hell it happened. They thought she was in the school, so they begged her comatose figure on how she got out and who did that to her.

My parents never showed. They were too busy to deal with the mess I got myself in, so they sent my butler, Harvey. By the time he showed up, I was kicked out of the room since I wasn’t directly related to her. From what Harvey told me, he found me in the waiting room, my face soaked with tears and snot dribbling out of my nose. 

He tried to get the details out of me, but I was crying so hard that everything I said was masked by a gurgling sound. It didn’t take long for the truth to get out. Tiffany had woken up shortly after Harvey arrived, and she told her parents and doctors exactly what had happened. 

Her father rushed out of the room and approached me with his hands out, ready to strangle me. Before he could get to me, Harvey stepped in between us and subdued him, pinning him to the ground. All he could do was shout about how I could do that to his daughter, and how much of a monster I was. Meanwhile, all I could do was cry.

He tried to sue my family for what happened and put me behind bars, but nothing came out of it. My family just bought everyone off. Not to mention we have some of the best lawyers money can buy. He may have money, but he was just a high ranked manager. Trying to fight against my father was the last thing he wanted to do, so in the end, he just took the money and transferred Tiffany out of the school.

After my father beat me senseless for putting him in such a state, I managed to convince him to buy off everyone else, too. After Tiffany told the police about the orgy party, a few of them were caught. Not everyone, because Tiffany’s memory was fuzzy about the events, but she managed to identify Thomas and a bunch of others. 

I didn’t want them to go down for my mistakes, so I managed to convince him to buy them off. He did, under one condition. I was to never speak of the event again, and if I got in trouble again, then he’d take me out of his will and not help me when I’m sent to prison.