019 Loose ends I
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Depiction of cruelty ahead in this chapter and the next. You have been warned.

“Unbelievable, Your Highness.” Sera stared at the buxom beauty that was sleeping so soundly with a smile on her face even as she was being laid on the bed. “Another woman already?”

Augrun shrugged with a smirk. He had brought Lucia back to the tower after he fucked the lights out of her in the inn. During their copulation, he had told Lucia everything except for the part that he was someone who had reincarnated. Whether she heard him or believed him was another question altogether. Regardless, she would learn the truth when she woke up.

There was a twitch in Sera’s gaze. “Say, isn’t she the wife of that man who tried to court Amara, Your Highness?”

“She is,” Augrun answered.

Sera sighed. “Your lust truly knows no bound. You don’t even discriminate against women who had already been taken.” 


“As if, Your Highness. She is but a human woman. I’m afraid she wouldn’t last long if you mate with her without restraint.”

“I know but rest assured, she has already made a contract with me. She may not be as strong as you or Iora, she’s still stronger than the average human.”

“I somehow doubt that would help much considering your bottomless lust, Your Highness.”

“I suppose so but better than nothing.” Augrun chuckled. “Be nice to her, alright? She had gone through a lot.”

“Sounds like something you should be telling yourself, Your Highness.” Sera nudge her head at Lucia. “I’m not the one that put her in that state.”

Augrun tittered. He bounced up from the bed and got in front of Sera in a blink of an eye. Before she could even step away, he had already wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her in for a kiss. After their lips parted, Augrun took a whiff of Sera. “You have been touching yourself, haven’t you, Sera?”

Her face blushed deeply but she did not turn her gaze away. “That’s because you didn’t embrace us last night, Your Highness…”

Augrun smiled wryly and looked over to the bed. Beside the soundly sleeping Lucia, there was Rynn, who was still sleeping. Iora had long woken up and was training in the usual place. Kara was also still sleeping but she was in another room. She was still doubtful and suspicious of Augrun. Though she hadn’t recovered her memories, she was getting along with Rynn and Iora. She was also starting to warm up to others but Augrun was the only one she was still dubious of. Augrun couldn’t exactly blame her either. If he was in her shoes, he would have the same notion too. Kara even refused to have her scars and past bruises treated. That was just how vigilant and wary she still was but Augrun wasn’t worried as it had been barely a day since their acquaintance.

“Well, sorry about that, Sera,” Augrun apologised and kissed Sera again, this time on the neck too. “What about Iora and Rynn? Did they… touch themselves too? Or did they touch each other?”

“Neither, Your Highness… I think.”

“You’re not sure?”

“I suspect Iora did touch herself when she went to the privy at night. She came back looking… dazzling. The maids told me just this morning the privy was unused.”

“I see… how naughty. Well, I can deal with that later.”

“Later? Are you going somewhere again, Your Highness?”

“Back to Luxton.”

No more explanations were needed for Sera. Lucia wasn’t naked but some of her scars and bruises were peeking through and Sera immediately piece the puzzle together. “I understand, Your Highness. Come back safely.”

“You’re not going to stop me or tell me to reconsider or anything at all?”

“Whatever I have to say has already crossed your mind, Your Highness. And you are the Prince. Who am I to tell you else wise?”

Augrun cupped her cheeks. “You are my bride and consort, Sera. If you have any dissatisfaction with me, just say it. If you can’t accept this privilege you have over me, then I order you as your Prince to be honest with any dissatisfaction you may have with me.”

“I do not have any dissatisfaction with you, my Prince. Not truly. I have minor qualms but then again, everyone does have minor qualms of just about anything.”

No drama. No whining. No complaints. Accepting and understanding. Only in another world would a man be this fortunate, Augrun thought. He couldn’t help but recall the brief times he was in a relationship. It was more tiring to sustain a relationship than to plan an assassination scheme. After learning the awful truth of being in a serious relationship, he discarded that idea and had only ever had one-night-stands since.

“I’ll be back by nightfall,” Augrun said and gave Sera another kiss before turning to leave.

“Wait.” Sera stopped him, grabbing his hand and spinning him around.

“What’s wrong?” Augrun asked but the answer came immediately when he saw how heavy Sera’s breaths were becoming and her gaze was becoming restless. She was also getting warm. He grinned after smelling her womanly scent coming from under her. “Someone’s impatient.”

“You made me this way, Your Highness…”

“You truly can’t wait?” 

Sera did not answer with words but with her actions. She got to her knees and began unbuckling Augrun’s belt. 

A quickie won’t hurt, Augrun told himself. As much as he wanted to finish tying up the loose ends as fast as possible, he couldn’t exactly find it in himself to reject his woman’s dire plea for his love.

In just seconds, Sera had pulled down his trousers and fished out his cock, which was still flaccid. But it wasn’t a problem for her. Even limp, her Prince’s breeding rod was still around the impressive length of seven inches. With her gaze upturned, she brought his cock into her mouth without breaking sight of Augrun’s face.

Augrun moaned softly at the warm, fleshy, and snug embrace of Sera’s mouth. The way she just made her mouth into a vacuum was so tantalising that his cock immediately sprouted into full vigour and attention. The warping of Sera’s expression was a sight to behold as his breeding rod grew beyond the size she was able to take in. 

Sera was forced to let out around half of the total size but she kept the other half firmly and snugly in her mouth. Her tongue twirled and danced around the juicy and robust meat that was throbbing in her mouth, all the while drawing out moans and groans from pleasure from her Prince. To accommodate his ever-growing size, she began bobbing her head up and down on his cock, tracing her tongue all over his length as she did so. Gradually, she was beginning to feel it herself as she sucked on her Prince’s cock. She was wet and only getting wetter the more she blew her Prince.

Augrun kept his moans as quiet as possible since Lucia and Rynn were still asleep. If they woke up now, they would surely want to join and it would further delay his duties.

How cute, Sera had thought upon seeing the face of her Prince, who was struggling to keep himself quiet. Though she would love to help him, she wanted to see him squirm and struggle even more. Knowing that her fellatio was able to give her Prince so much trouble in controlling himself was making her pride as a woman swell. It was also making her cunt wetter and wetter as seconds passed.

To appease the burning itch welling up inside her, Sera started fingering herself as she sucked hard on her Prince’s cock. She was moaning too but with that massive cock in her mouth, all of her noises came out either muffled or gagged. 

Aside from touching herself, she was also trying to fit more and more of her Prince’s cock into her mouth. She couldn’t accept the fact she could only swallow half, even if she gave it her all. In the future, she knew her Prince would surely be surrounded by women who would all be impressive in their own right. Though she knew Augrun would not abandon her, she didn’t want to be just another woman in his harem. She wanted to be the woman and she needed to cement her role for that, starting by being able to swallow his colossal size of a cock completely.

She lost track of time as she tried her best to take every last inch of her Prince’s cock into her mouth. She was gagging and retching. Tears were welling and trickling down her cheeks. Saliva was leaking from the corner of her mouth. The more she let into her mouth and throat, the slower she was bobbing her head. 

Augrun would glance down at Sera every few seconds and each time, he would see her face contorting further as she tried desperately to deepthroat him. He also noticed she was touching herself. He wanted to help her but he refrained. If he did, this would no longer be a quickie.

Sera had managed to fit around three-quarters of her Prince’s rod down into her mouth but she was still unsatisfied. She wanted to swallow all of it. 

At the same time, Augrun was nearing his peak and the gradual and steady pace of Sera’s attempt at deepthroating him had already stimulated him enough. He decided to give Sera a helping hand by gripping the back of her head and thrusting his crotch into her face, plunging the whole length and volume straight into her mouth.

Augrun’s moaned his last as his seed burst forth and gushed straight down Sera’s throat. 

Sera came right then and there. The sudden thrust had hurt but knowing that it was her Prince who was the one doing this to her and the full length of his cock finally went into her mouth completely, pleasure immediately erased the pain and dominated her senses. Her juices and honey went spraying in gushes all over the floor as her whole body shuddered limply in ecstasy.

With the amount Augrun was releasing, his semen overflowed Sera’s throat capacity and brimmed in her mouth. However, she did not let spill a single drop. She swallowed back down all that threatened to ooze out of her mouth. She kept her mouth shut after Augrun pulled his cock out. She was still cumming after her Prince had finished. For the entirety of her orgasm, Sera did not relent and kept all of his seed inside her mouth, gulping down every last drop into her belly. When she had fully swallowed everything, she opened her mouth wide to show her Prince the evidence of her astounding capability.

“You swallowed everything,” Augrun said. “Good girl.” He patted Sera on her head.

Just being praised and caressed by him was enough to Sera cum again but it was much lighter than the one before. Nevertheless, she came. “T-thank you, Your Highness…” she said in between her breaths with a feeble sorrowful smile.

Augrun bent forward and kissed her on her forehead. “Don’t worry, Sera. I’ll be giving much more than this tonight.”

Sera shuddered ecstatically from hearing those words. With her drenched thighs rubbing against one another, she nodded with a widened smile that was shivering in anticipation. 


“Damn it all to hell!” Brandon cursed out loud as he tottered with a makeshift crutch through the alley. “Where did that fucking bitch went?!”

He was cursing and groaning all the way as he walked across the alley to get to the main street. A few of his ribs were shattered and coupled with his past injuries, he should be bedridden. This degree of injuries would normally cripple a person for life but with magic, he had avoided that fate. It was possible for him to recover to his optimal state but that would take at least a month even with magic.

Morning came and went. Noon was near. In spite of that, Lucia was nowhere to be found, seen, or heard. He knew Lucia had gone out last night to whore herself out in order to pay for his expensive miracle treatment. He had let the healer have his way with her just so he could get a discount on the treatment fee. The healer must have enjoyed his wife very much since he gave him a whopping fifty percent discount. Despite that, there was still a steep amount left to be paid. He had even sold his weapons but the balance was still a hill for him.

He expected Lucia to be back by morning but she wasn’t. At first, he thought to wait but as he was hungry and he had finished his painkillers, he lost his patience and decided to head out by himself. Unlike how a proper husband would react, Brandon wasn’t too worried about her. He figured she might have been raped or gang-raped and was left in a ditch somewhere after the rape. And it wouldn’t be the first time it had happened. 

“That bitch better not get all of my money taken…” was all that Brandon was worried about as he thought of the possibility his wife might have been sexually assaulted. “Curse my luck! If only another woman as stupid as her would come my way again… Hmm, maybe I should just sell her to some perverted noble and use that money to buy a slave. Yeah… that could definitely work. But before that, I’ll let everyone in this town fuck her once more before selling her off. Yes, this is a good plan.”

“Thank god I held off from killing you,” came a deep hollow voice behind Brandon. 

Brandon widened his eyes and spun around as quickly as he could. Something came at him fast. his crutch was struck away from his hand. He fell without his crutch but before he could hit the floor, a shadow appeared before him and sent him flying backwards with a kick. As Brandon was already in pain, that kick overwhelmed him in agony and it only got severely worse when he went bouncing across the ground.

“Cuz that would be letting you off too easy,” continued the voice.

Clutching his ribs with a furious grimace, Brandon pushed himself to his knees with one hand. “Who the fuck are you!?” he snarled regardless of his state, causing himself to wince from his, once again, broken ribs. “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” His frustration flew right off his tongue.

Augrun was donned in his Urux Armour. His voice was distorted. His appearance was concealed. There was no way anyone could figure out who he was underneath unless one knew him well.

“Is there something you’re dissatisfied with about my wife?” Brandon asked without an ounce of shame or a shred of hesitation. He was utterly convinced Augrun had assaulted him because of his wife.

Augrun responded with his actions. He sent his foot into Brandon’s face and the man went tumbling head over heels.

“Alright! Alright! Just stop hitting me!” Brandon screamed, waving his hands around in a pathetic attempt to stop Augrun from hitting him further. “Do I owe you money?! Is that what this is?!”

Augrun snorted.

“Look, I don’t have any money right now but… my wife is very pretty and she’s very good in bed. Take her. I’m sure the people who sent you will find her extremely lovely. And don’t worry about her being defiant. She’s dumb as a doornail and very meek and very slavish. Your bosses will surely like her a lot.”

Augrun had half a mind to just tear him to pieces right here and now but that would be too merciful for him.

“What say you? Oh, did I mention? She’s a mage too. I know the organs of mages sell for a good price in the underground markets.”

Augrun was silent and unmoving.

“S-so… do we have a deal?” he asked with a smile that was spelling out his misunderstanding.

Without a word, Augrun produced a vial of potion from thin air and tossed the potion to Brandon. 

He received the vial with a confused expression.


Without any hesitation, Brandon downed the contents of the vial. In an instant, all of his wounds and injuries were healed. He was absolutely shocked that he was being given such a high-grade potion. He was now able to stand up straight on his feet. “This is incredible… a magic potion that completely heals all. I guess my wife is worth something after all.”


 “So we have a deal,” Brandon said with a wide smile. “I don’t know where my wife is right now but if we look around together, I’m sure we’ll find her. If we do find her, I’ll let you have a taste of her, as thanks for this wondrous potion.”

Augrun held out his hand.

Brandon took it without any hesitation and shook it.

“And I thought Sera was presumptuous.”

“What? Sera? Who’s Sera?”

Augrun squeezed the hand in his grip fiercely until he broke every bone in that hand.

Brandon cried out his agony. The pain made him drop to his knees as he tried to pull his hand back.

“You want to know who I am?” Augrun asked and let go of Brandon’s hand.

Brandon did not reply. He was just holding his crushed hand close to his chest, wailing and whimpering in the pain.

“I am your former wife’s current husband.”

“F-former wife…?” Brandon pried his gaze away from his mangled hand and stared Augrun in the eyes. “Current husband?! Preposterous!”

Augrun chuckled. “Why so?”

“She would never leave me!” he spat.

“You’re seriously delusional,” Augrun scoffed.

“I know my wife!” he bellowed. “She doesn’t have the guts to leave me!”

“Clearly you know nothing about your former wife.”

“She’s still my wife!” he roared. “And I know my wife! She’s a fucking whore! No one else can accept a whore like her but me, and she knows that! She won’t leave me! You are lying!”

“Honestly, it doesn’t matter to me if you believe me or not. I’m not your truth-bringer. I’m your tormentor,” Augrun said and drew his Runic Revolver that was holstered behind his waist.

“A g-gun…” Brandon stammered in incredulity. 

The sales and manufacturing of guns were tightly regulated by the kingdom as it would be a disaster if the common folks could easily get their hands on guns. The whole country would rapidly descend into a state of anarchy if that was the case. As the proliferation of gun usage was acutely overseen, even one who was in possession of a gun would not use it willy-nilly. The punishment and penalty was death and that wasn’t all there is to it. The offender’s family would also suffer some damning consequences. 

Augrun thumbed down the hammer and took aim at Brandon.

“Now just hold on a minute there, buddy!” he shouted, sounding almost like a squeal. “I know what that thing is! It makes a very loud noise when you use it. If you use it, the guards will surely come running. You will be surrounded in no time. So just… don’t be rash, alright? You can have my wife. Just take her. I don’t need a loose bitch like her anyway.”

Augrun pulled the trigger, The cylinder spun with a reddish-golden glow and fired a beam straight through Brandon’s left shoulder. Though Augrun poured only a drop of his magic, the output came out as strong as a pistol. The sound of the Revolver firing bounced between the wall but never travelled out of the alley due to the Mute Spell in place. Augrun did not cast it himself but through the use of a Spell Stone that was enchanted with the Mute Spell.

Brandon fell back from the impact of the projectile. He screamed, clutching his injured shoulder while wriggling on the ground in agony.

Augrun pulled the trigger again.

Brandon screamed louder than ever as his other shoulder was shot. 

Augrun pulled the trigger again, twice, hitting Brandon’s legs right below the knees.

Brandon’s scream turned soundless. He was too much in pain to have any spare energy left to give voice to his suffering. 

Augrun holstered his Runic Revolver and approached the silently writhing Brandon. Their gazes met but there was no longer any traces of defiance or insolence in his eyes.

“M-mercy…” he begged, weakly.

Augrun produced a dagger with Soul Armament and tossed that dagger at Brandon’s crotch, severing his petty dingus from him. 

Brandon did not scream even then. He wasn’t able to as he was going into shock with his body quaking like electricity was coursing through his body.

“One down, one more to go,” Augrun muttered with conviction and indifference.