warm3C1*There’s no way a writer could keep writing his novel after a 3 year hiatus.
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My walk back was an adventure that made me think that perhaps a social experiment with my life would not be very interesting and in any case a spectator of something so mundane needs to get some kind of entertainment out of it. If I were to turn on the television and see a schoolgirl unable to write a novel and buying canned food, I would definitely change the channel.

<<That's why something has to happen, yes, if this really is a show on television, then something entertaining must happen. The writers, even if they didn't tell me, they have to have something planned for me. I can already imagine it... and when that happens the background music will be the album "≋京≋都≋市≋" by "Eterneal".>>

As I continue with my walk, I notice that the rain begins to stop, letting the sun slowly peek through the clouds. I cover my eyes as if the sunlight were a beam of energy meant to render me completely blind.

<<No, this must be a sign.>> A ray of light landed on a cardboard box as if it were a video game. <<An interactable object!>> I staggered from side to side without being able to see where my feet were. Taking a step closer to the box suddenly a white stain emerged from it.

—Meow. —The furry creature shook, splashing me with water. I couldn't even be mad, honestly, it was already wet on wet...

Just right after, a car passed behind me, and the water from the street rose above me, as if it were a tsunami. <<This is not a coincidence, now they are trying to test my patience.>>

—Never mind, I have a novel to write. In fact... I think I've heard of an internet sale... Do I even have money for that? Maybe I should sell one of my virtual monkeys. —I said as I walked away from the cat, I had begun to speak my thoughts out loud with the intention of being heard by the audience.

<<Wait a minute... but this is too much of a coincidence to be just that. The cat didn't even leave...>> A shiver ran through my body. <<The writers, or whoever is writing this... I already know this trick!>> The reality was that a couple of days ago I had read a light novel where something similar to this happened.

<<The young man meets a cat... but in reality that cat... is a woman with large breasts who is willing to be part of his harem in a fantasy world. I'm already a schoolgirl, I'm not far from being the protagonist of a harem.>> A wise smile appeared on my face and I proudly turned to meet my beloved cat girl.

The cat looked at me confused while eating the remains of a dead pigeon. Before I knew it I was walking to my apartment with the cat under my arm. There was no complaint from him, probably because it was the pet of one of the neighbors and I was just taking it without permission.

<<The cat girl may be shy, I'll take the cat with me just in case.>> A wise man once said: "A cat is fine too!". Even though the sky had already cleared, there was no trace of a person. Probably for the best, after remembering what happened with the girl who attended the supermarket, I decided that talking to people is not my best option.

I moved forward in silence for a while, my mind clear of thought. <<What is happening? This is a perfect situation to do a monologue about the conflicts a young mind might have with society. I feel like I've matured three years since the last time I did a monologue like this.>> Why three years? What an irregular number. That number came to my mind as if it were an external factor to the novel itself.

<<Throughout human history, the number 3 has always had a unique significance, but why? The ancient Greek philosopher, Pythagoras, postulated that the meaning behind numbers was deeply significant. In their eyes the number 3 was considered as the perfect number, the number of harmony, wisdom and understanding.>>

<<Although I don't think that has anything to do with it, in fact, I don't even know how I remember that information. It feels like it's been three years since I studied philosophy in high school.>>

My mind was a mess, probably a sensory overdose from being outside my apartment. I was already missing seeing the same walls in the dark and the light from the monitor. <<A protagonist of a harem... Fantasy?>> I looked at both sides of the intersection to see if any vehicle was going to run me over and make me be reborn in another world. No luck, I just had to walk defeated to my own prison.

—What do NEETs do anyway? —I opened the door to my room, stumbling into what now seemed to be complete darkness. The cat jumped out from under my arms and went straight into one of the corners. —Welcome home! When you are ready to become the anthropomorphic manifestation of my virginity you can let me know. For the moment... I have canned fish. —I told the cat, of course, he didn't understand my words.

Then I felt a certain alienation, as if before I saw the world through my own eyes, but now someone else was seeing me and narrating what I was doing from a different perspective. Almost like... someone was making fun of me.

—So you are a NEET. —The cat said from the shadows. —I-I'm a successful author, and a schoolgirl. —I answered as I closed the door behind me. Ding! The sound of the computer announced a notification, it was a review for the novel that I just finished writing.

"I have never read something so good. 10/10" Finally, someone had recognized my talent. A few seconds later another review appeared, written by the same user. "Wrong novel, how do I delete a review? 1/10" I closed the page immediately.

<<And to think that I gave so much effort to write that novel about a protagonist who breaks his neck while trying to do a backflip and revives as the god of a new world capable of destroying galaxies with his mobile phone, but nobody understands my genius .>> Immediately before I thought about it I was struck by a revelation.

—Perhaps this is what the writer was planning, the director of this television series. They want me to go crazy! —I said outloud so that my audience could hear me, not remembering that someone else was in my room.

—Sounds like a plausible theory. —answered the cat.

—Well, I'm not going to let them, I'm going to make my life as mundane as possible. Because I'm not crazy. —I replied to the living talking cat inside my room.

A sound similar to a beep informed me that my download was complete, it was time to detach myself from reality through an online video game.

—Because that's what this fictional novel needs, elements of Lit-RPG. —The cat commented to the viewer of the television series.

I heard the sound of canned laughter. The water keeps leaking through the ceiling.

This novel is the worst thing ever. It's so unfunny it hurts. See you in 3 years... hopefully not.