Chapter 19 – The Tragic Rescue
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Tyrannus blinked and slowly opened his eyes. His body felt badly beaten up, with broken ribs, injured limbs and his face bruised. His arms and legs were tied together behind him as he was carried naked by one of the red metallic creatures. 

He looked around and found that the others were similarly tied and carried by other Azure and black metallic creatures in a line towards a central hall. 

In the middle of the hall, the other tied up contestants who were not released by them were hanging in their contraptions and brought one by one to the center of a platform. 

In the middle of the platform was a cloaked being who had what looked like earthen urns brought to him.

Tyrannus watched as a naked female teen was brought to the cloaked being, he would remove a glowing orb from the urn and press it into the head of the captured teen. The orb phased into her head as if it was intangible and her head glowed.

The girl screamed, but after a short while, she calmed down. Other black metallic creatures released her and untied her bonds. As she removed her head bindings, she smiled and walked off the platform.

Tyrannus watched as one by one, more teens were brought onto the platform and the glowing orbs were placed into their heads. One by one, the teens were released and they obediently walked off stage. 

"They... they are being taken over by those orbs!" Tyrannus realized. The other escapees realized it too, but like Tyrannus, they were bound and carried by the metallic beings and were unable to resist. 

One of the escapees was in front of Tyrannus, a girl named Aishwara, a dark skinned girl who had darkness powers. Tyrannus remembered releasing her, but she was unconscious. He also remembered defeating her in the tournament.

The whole ritual was done onto her and as she was released, Tyrannus noticed that her eyes were now different. They were cold and lifeless, and had an uncaring look about her as she looked at him as if he was completely beneath her. 

The next in line was Tyrannus and while he tried to struggle, the red metallic creature, who was a level 6 sage held him firmly, keeping him in a prone and helpless position. 

The cloaked man looked at him with black eyes that seemed as if there was no soul in them. 

"You are quite powerful. I think you shall be honored with one of our empyreans." he cackled and brought over a different looking urn. 

He brought out the orb from the new urn that seemed to burn brighter and was twice the size of the other orbs and phased them into Tyrannus' head. 

Tyrannus felt his head throb as if it was about to explode, then he heard screams. To his surprise, it was not he that was screaming, instead it was the orb that entered his head. 

Suddenly, the glow around his head sputtered out and Tyrannus was left staring at the cloaked figure, with a confused look on his face. 

The cloaked man was stunned. "What did you do? How did you do that?" he yelled as he slapped Tyrannus' face. 

Tyrannus grinned at him and stared at his defiantly.

"Bring one of the imperial souls. I want this to hurt" he commanded.

"This is one of your commanders, Rathelon" the red metal creature said

"Rathelon? Good" the cloaked man said.

Another urn was brought and an even larger and brighter  orb was brought out and pushed into Tyrannus' head.

Again Tyrannus felt his head throb, again he heard screams that were not his and again, the orb was destroyed.

"You.....Rathelon...." the cloaked man seethed with rage. He brought Tyrannus to the other side of the platform and tied him up to the contraption. 

"You will tell me how you are doing that!" the cloaked man said. "TELL ME!" he yelled. 

The other escapees watched in silence as the cloaked man started to torture Tyrannus. He whipped Tyrannus, stabbed his thigh with a knife, but Tyrannus simply stared at him silently. 

"Alright, I've had enough of you" the cloaked man said as he went towards Tyrannus' face. 

The female escapees turned away and the male escapees flinched as Tyrannus started screaming. 

"Now you are screaming. Good. Now tell me how you destroyed two souls of my loyal followers. TELL ME!" the cloaked man yelled. 

He moved away, revealing Tyrannus' face with both his eyes gouged out. The cloaked man held his eyeballs in his hands that he ripped out of Tyrannus' eye sockets. 

Tyrannus kept silent as blood flowed out of his eye sockets and instead spat at the cloaked man. The cloaked man crushed Tyrannus' eyeballs threw them to the floor angrily. 

"Alright. I don't even care anymore. Since you won't talk, I will make sure you never talk again" he said as he moved towards Tyrannus' face again. 

The escapees teared up and looked away again as Tyrannus screamed in pain. 

"There. Don't talk. I will torture you to death for my enjoyment instead" the cloaked man said, holding up Tyrannus' tongue that he had cut out of his mouth. 

Tyrannus started coughing out blood as his wound in his mouth kept bleeding into his throat. He screamed in sorrow and pain from losing his eyes and tongue. 

"Now, lets enjoy this together" the cloaked man smiled evilly as Tyrannus felt hands touch his penis and testicles. 

Tyrannus screamed again, suddenly feeling intense pain from the area. While he was unable to see what happened, he knew he had be castrated. 

The cloaked man held Tyrannus' cock and balls up and crushed it with his hands, then throwing it onto the floor and stepping on it. 

"Now lets continue the ceremony as he bleeds to death" the cloaked man said. 

Suddenly, there was a loud explosion as Tyrannus suddenly heard a familiar voice shouting his name. 

"Tyrannus!" yelled Mara as she and Ragnar entered the hall, killing and destroying multiple black and azure metallic creatures. 

Kitsune, Gandorf and Azlan the sword hermit joined them as they attacked and freed as many teens as they could. 

"Ragnar! Mara! What a wonderful surprise to see you here!" the cloaked man said

"That voice! It can't be! We kiled you!" Mara said as Ragnar looked on

"Killed me? I will only come back stronger" the man laughed as he revealed his face

"Galtar! You took Galtar!" Ragnar said in anger. 

"Yes, as you both killed my body, I found the nearly dead body of your top commander Galtar. This body served me well" the man laughed.

"Who is he?" Gandorf asked

"That's the void emperor!" Ragnar replied and charged together with Mara.

"The... the void emperor!" Kitsune gasped. She was told the story by Ragnar and Mara about what happened to them all those years ago. She had informed Gandorf too, but the rest of the world have been ignorant about this history. 

Ragnar confronted the void emperor while Mara released Tyrannus. Tyrannus could hear what was going on, but his body was now critically injured and was helpless. 

"Kitsune! Take Ty and as many as you can out of her" she said, passing Tyrannus to Kitsune and then charging at the void emperor.

As Mara joined Ragnar, she saw that Ragnar was already injured. While both of them were level 6 Sages, the void emperor was a level 7 Immortal!

Gandorf withdrew with Kitsune and Azlan, rescuing as many as they could, including Tyrannus, Alita the sword hermit's prodigy, Sierra of the Phoenix Kingdom, Ariana of the Dragon Clan and several others.

They fought their way to the portal, but several of the escapees were killed. 

"Go! I'll try to guard the portal" Azlan said. "No! Master don't" Alita said in tears. She knew her master was only a level 6 Sage, while there was even a level 7 Immortal here.

"Go mother. I'll stay to help as well" Gandorf said as Kitsune carried Tyrannus.

She nodded and fled through the portal "Come back alive" she said as she faded away with the escapees.

Back on the platform, Ragnar was on his knees, both his arms were chopped off. Mara was desperately fighting as she defended her husband from the Void Emperor's attacks. 

The Void Emperor was standing over them, throwing attacks at them while Mara desperately blocked. Her dress was torn revealing her naked breasts and she was bleeding from injuries all over her body. 

"While you left our dimension, we managed to find other portals to other dimensions. Who knew, we reentered your world which had been split apart from our earlier incursion and started our Church of Light. Now over the thousands of years, we have grown strong, stronger than before. With the resources from your world, a few of us are even Level 7 Immortals now" he laughed. 

Suddenly, Gandorf and Azlan attacked, distracting the void emperor. 

"Run!" Gandorf said as he threw many spells at the void emperor while the hermit swordsman Azlan attacked with his famous sword Twilight. 

Mara grabbed Ragnar and his severed arms and ran towards the portal at extreme speeds. In her peripheral vision, she saw the void emperor kill Azlan easily with a swipe of his hand while his other hand blocked Gandorf's attack. 

Then with his next move, he punched Gandorf's chest, collapsing his ribs inwards. By the time he landed on the floor, he was also dead. 

She realized that the Void Emperor could have finished both Ragnar and herself off easily, but he was toying with them. 

Mara had entered the portal when the Void Emperor appeared right behind her, preparing to follow her through the portal. 

"No.. Tyrannus" Mara thought and activated her destruction ability while inside the portal, destroying the portal from within. 

"You bitch!" yelled the Void Emperor as he turned around and fled away from the portal as it collapsed from both ends. 

Mara and Ragnar screamed in terror as they drifted into the unknown void in between dimensions.