1-6: Departure**
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The next day went by fast, filled with packing, practicing fighting while the maids and butlers tried to save the fragile decorations, and me using all the things I had managed to get Fredericka to tell me she hated about Vern that I hadn’t noticed to annoy them both. Honestly, we bitched at each other about things that annoyed us more than we slept that night. My opinions towards her personality and choice in men aside, she was at least someone who could keep me engaged in conversation. I mean it wasn't like I could sleep with her snoring like a damned bear. Vern of course was fine, rested and calm the next morning which only made me try to break more fragile objects while sparring with him across the mansion.

On Thursday afternoon, we got our horses laden with bags and other such things and began our journey. I think they might have been smarter to send us with pack mules, with how old my horse and how overburdened Vern’s was.

“So, who do you think the other chosen chumps are?” I asked as we rode on the main road leading to the capital. It had been built since dumb heroes used to try to take dangerous, yet shorter paths to the capital and often got killed before arriving there when called. Falling off cliffs and bandits were the most common causes, but some had just gotten lost and starved or just got bucked off their horses when they saw a very spooky looking tree. 

“I just hope they’ll be good people. Twins know we aren’t.” He jested, trying to fix his ponytail with one hand. It wasn’t going well.

“I hope one of them can cook.”

Vern laughed, “Oh, I’m sure they’ll all cook as good as me.”

"Oh, brother. I can see it now: ‘Heroes Dead of Food Poisoning.’”

“That would be pathetic.”

“Not as bad as that hero who died by being smothered by a cat sleeping on his face.”

“That is pathetic. But he was a just a lower-case h, hero. Besides a lower-case shield like you should be more careful.”

“I’m uppercase, dumbass. I had to file all that paperwork even. It’s not my fault I had to be 'chosen' as one so late.”

“Yeah. I know. You think any of them will be you know….” He whistled.

“I will make it my mission to make so you get no cats or chickens from any of them.”

"How so?"

"I'll just let them spend time around you."

“I’m fucking leaving you in the capital dick.”

The sun glared down on the ground, drying it out. We took our horses off trail and towards a pond to graze and drink. As we stood letting them enjoy, Vern called me over.

“Well now Earth, I have something for you to do.”

“What, my lord?” I gave a little bow.

“Wow, sarcasm. That’s a new one. Anyway, I think you should write down my story. For posterity or history or whatever.”

“Why don’t you just do it yourself?”

“The common view resonates better with common people. Not to say that I’m not a common view, but I’m the hero and… look mostly I just can’t see myself having the discipline to write it every day or remember stuff. You know me, Earth.” He explained. Honestly, I really didn’t think I could do it consistently either, but I could at least try. I thought about saying that but held my tongue.

“So, should I start with, you know… that day?”

“What. No. You need to have some mystery in the novel. Don’t give everything away to early. I think by Chapter Six you can be safe to say it straight out.”

“Okay, then. Though what if I made each chapter one page long?”

“New rule. Each chapter must last at least ten pages.”

“I’m not going to mention it unless or rather until... well, you know.”

He looks towards the lake, “Yeah, she is probably going to be someone we meet by the end of this.”

“Both of them. I mean you think she isn't going to come up.” I motioned down at the dark marks on our arms.

“Yeah… but I think I can handle the ram. Can you handle the deer though?”

I shrugged, “Vern, worry about yourself. You’re the hero here.”

He smiled, “Yep, and you’ll be writing my praises when I defeat them.”

“If you defeat them.”

“You could be a little supportive, brother.”

“That would be going against my common view.” I replied as we both remounted and continued on our way.