Chapter 139 – Cold VII
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The party made their way through the crowded market, most of them hanging back a bit while Paraklytus and Teyva spoke quietly with one another. Elat scratched at his chin while he walked next to Azrael, glancing over now and then at his sister who seemed a bit nonplussed. Azrael kept her mouth shut, her eyes fixed on Teyva’s back. She twitched a little when Conrad spoke up to her left.

“Teyva’s changed, hasn’t she?” He asked, his eyes moving from Teyva to Sari who flinched a little at the mention of the woman’s name.

“More than you realize,” Azrael said and let out a sigh, “Daunting, really, she was so scared when I found her. I never thought she would end up so fierce.”

“You don’t have a problem with it? She’s already proven to be quite ruthless when she has to be,” Conrad said, rubbing his neck.

“It’s what happens when you go through what she’s been through,” Azrael said, “Besides, I swore an oath, regardless of what she becomes.”

Sari glanced at Azrael and then at Elat who shrugged, grinning ear to ear with pride. Sari looked away, rubbing her arms and staring at Teyva’s back. The woman seemed to be enjoying her conversation with the undead. She laughed and waved her free hand, holding her child carefully in the other. Sari glanced back at Elat and raised a question; “Who’s the father?” She asked.

“There is none,” Azrael said, “Stella was born from Teyva’s powers and a rilk queen egg.”

“The child is a rilk?” Sari asked, dumbfounded.

“Not exactly,” Elat chuckled, “Stella is… Stella?” He looked at the others for a better explanation but they all shrugged and shook their heads. “Maybe Teyva will let you hold her some time and you’ll understand.”

“Doubt it,” Azrael quipped, side-eyeing Sari, “Looks like Teyva’s little crush got under her skin.”

“Crush?” Sari asked.

“Teyva totally was eyeballing you when we first visited the village. After we took care of the Bound One you’d already left so she didn’t get to make an attempt,” Azrael said, “It's been a while now and the first thing that happens is you piss her off. She’s one scary lady now, I’d watch myself if I were you.”

Their gossip was cut off by a delighted laugh from Teyva who punched Paraklytus in the arm. Parakltyus crossed his arms behind his back and shook his head before turning to her again. He said something else and Teyva seemed to freeze up a little, she shook her head and looked back ahead before coming to a complete stop and darting toward one of the nearest shops. The group stared as she started pointing at various things the shopkeeper was selling before coming back with a load of five boxes in one hand. She passed it off to Paraklytus who bowed his head.

“The hell did she buy?” Azrael grumbled, storming forward, “Hey Teyva what are you up to?”

Teyva blinked and turned to her before breaking into a delighted grin, “Some coats for the trip north!” She said, putting her hands on her hips, “I hate the cold!”

Azrael stared at her dumbfounded and rubbed her face, “Isn’t your skin, like, perpetually cold?” Azrael asked.

“People say so, but I can’t feel it,” Teyva said, scratching her nose.

Azrael gaped at her, “Teyva, if you can’t feel how cold your skin is from magical cold, do you think your body is going to be bothered by actual cold?”

Teyva blinked a few times, looked at the boxes in Paraklytus’ hands, looked down at Stella, and then looked up at Azrael. “Huh, now that you mention it.”

Azrael let out a groan and slapped herself on the forehead. Elat approached and burst into laughter while Conrad just shook his head and chuckled. Sari watched them all, gobsmacked before glancing over at Elat and clearing her throat, “Are you sure the Queen isn’t just an idiot?”

“That’s just Teyva,” He said with a shrug, “You’ll get used to her.”

“I sincerely doubt that,” Sari grumbled and made her way to join them. She jumped when she heard a shout nearby and looked over to see a pair of individuals in traveling armor hurrying to their position. One of them looked like they wore the armor of the Osan Royal guard. The other was of a race she’d never seen before, glowing blue eyes and white hair on pale skin. 

“There you are, Batel, I was just about to call for you,” Teyva said and took the coats from Paraklytus, “Can you take these back to the carriages?” She dropped them in his arms before turning to Abba, “Can you have Nephral watch Stella for me? I would rather not take her into an Aspect Being’s den,” She said, putting the baby into Abba’s arms. Abba cradled the child she’d helped care for and gave a polite nod.

Azrael frowned, “You’re keeping them?”

“No refunds,” Teyva sighed, shaking her head, “Besides, you all could use some weather gear, right?”

Batel looked down at the boxes and up at her, “Of course, Queen Mother, but-”

Teyva waved her hand, “You can continue your little date with Abba after you drop them off,” She said with a dismissive wave, “I don’t mind one bit, have fun.”

Abba cleared her throat, “I don’t mind a bit of a walk, let’s go, Batel.”

“D-date?” Batel babbled, “S-since when was this a-?” He was cut off as Abba grabbed his wrist and dragged him away.

Teyva stretched and let out a sigh, “Okay, I’ve had enough fun, we should really get to business and head out. Perry was right earlier, the sooner we leave the better chances we have of avoiding the winter snow. Also, Conrad, after we visit the Patron here, you and I need to have a conversation, understood?”

Conrad blinked but inclined his head, “Of course, my Lady, I’m at your disposal.”

She grinned, “Good man,” She glanced over at Sari and looked her up and down before frowning, “You’re still coming?”

Sari chewed her lip and cleared her throat, “You won’t scare me off that easily, I’ve explored the dark corners of this continent, a little show of Mana isn’t going to deter me from following my interests.”

Teyva raised an eyebrow and glanced at Paraklytus who remained still as the grave. She shrugged and turned away, “Have it your way, Sari,” She said and turned toward the path, “You’re welcome to join us for now. Don’t worry about earlier, either, I get testy when it comes to my daughter. Apologies if I scared you.”

“No problem,” Sari said numbly, watching her go.

She continued walking, leaving the others to catch up as Paraklytus moved alongside her. The lich inclined his head and his eyes flashed delightedly in her direction. “You wear your mask well, Teyva, that was good.”

“You think so? I feel like I kinda went overboard,” Teyva said rolling her neck, “At least some of the tension is gone. Azrael is going to have to cool off a bit though.”

“Let her be, they need to sort their relationships out themselves,” Paraklytus said, waving a hand.

“So what did you think Perry?” She asked, keeping her head facing forward.

“Sari is quite powerful, at least three aspects, without a doubt,” Paraklytus said, “Unfortunately while she has the foundation she does not possess the power of an outsider to allow her to grow into it. She could become a mighty healer and a powerful asset if she was brought into your influence,” Teyva had figured there was something more to her than met the eye, her status the last time they met had seemed suspicious. Not to mention her unusually high level.

Teyva crossed her arms behind her back and eyed the bridge that would take them to the Central Spire, beyond it the Central spire spread out around what looked like an impact crater that had been centered with a miniature mountain. A decorated archway hung over the entrance to a cave at the base of the mountain. Teyva side-eyed Paraklytus and kept walking, “Do you think she’d be willing to join up?”

“Not easily,” Paraklytus said, “One look at her and she strikes me as a free spirit, not the kind to swear an oath of loyalty like Lady Azrael or Lord Conrad. I have some Aspect Stones in my inventory that may interest her.”

“I want you to figure something out,” Teyva said, “You have free reign.”

“Even if it happens to be cruel?” Paraklytus asked, turning to her. “This is Elat’s sister we are talking about. Essentially your sister by marriage.”

Teyva rolled her jaw and let out a breath through her nostrils as she stepped onto the bridge and began her approach of the Central Spire. She mulled his words over, considering it, she’d never actively given an order that would be considered in any way morally gray before. She rarely gave orders to begin with. Most of the group worked well enough independently. Even so, now that she was out here and on her own she wanted to spread her wings a bit, strengthen her authority and gain new power. If she found someone useful along the way, it seemed foolish not to find a way to bring them on to the team. 

There was also the point about her being Elat’s sister. Plotting like this was tantamount to betraying his trust. She chewed her thumb's talon. She knew Paraklytus wouldn’t actually do something truly inhumane but she also knew when she was being tested. She glanced at him again, meeting his glowing eyes. He knew that even if she looked at it from a cold logic perspective, she needed a healer that was effective, not a blubbering mess.

After all, “I made a promise to Myself and Conrad that I would bloody Katal’s nose one day. I need as many good people as I can get, do what you have to, Perry. I want that healer.”

Paraklytus bowed his head, “And you will have her, my Queen.”