C.3 : A Modern World
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"Why does it remind me of Earth? Where are the fantasy races and magic I thought existed?" Ai blinked her large eyes in disappointment because she might as well be on Earth now.

"The system is still there, but I can tell that Hameiesura isn't hanging around anymore. I'm on my own now..." Ai simply knew all of her abilities like the back of her hand and scaled her strength down from ten tons to one ton.

She moved forward, moving between trees and plants while noting that the colors were far less than the Eternal Sea of Chaos. Ever so often, she'd slap a tree and watch it fall over, amazed by her outrageous strength.

When the trees cleared and a road became visible up ahead, Ai walked to the road and looked at the sign. Words she shouldn't know were there, but she automatically knew them after a glance.

"A giant city is the closest thing to me?" Ai turned and stretched for half a minute and then increased her strength to five tons and stepped forward. Ten thousand pounds of force hit the ground and she shot forward like a rocket tearing the air apart.

In less than five minutes, she sealed her strength to less than a hundred pounds and looked at the giant city, huge even compared to those on Earth and kept walking as it grew nearer and larger still.

Vehicles became frequent passerbys but everyone who saw her looked at her with shock and admiration, so she added a hood to her shirt and pulled it up, looking at the differently branded vehicles that were still similar enough to be called cars.

"Instead of being handsome, I'm beautiful. Well, I did choose this precisely to troll people, but if everyone stares, that's gonna be embarrassing." Ai made it to the city's entrance, a sign saying welcome to Regis City and continued on her merry way.

Because of how her hood was designed, her face was hidden, but even if she was short, her legs covered by black colored tights drew a bit of attention from both males and females.

"Good, phone's are a thing. It would suck if they used neural implants since I don't have a brain." Sure, she was shaped like a human being, but she was basically a layer of flesh encasing a distortion in the world's fabric known as Chaos.

"Hey, little missy do you need a ride?" A car rolled to a stop besides Ai and a voice came out the front window. A man in his late thirties called out, his eyes bright and face relaxed with a slight but well groomed mustache.

"I don't have any money." Ai looked at the man who couldn't see her face because of the hoodie and watched his expression, but it didn't change aside from a tinge of pity appearing in his eyes as well as surprise.

"Who would let their child walk around when the sun is about to set? Get in, I'll send you home. You don't want to be out at night when an Abyssal Beast shows up."

Because Ai had no knowledge of the Realm, she did as he said and made herself comfortable. From the interior, the car was pretty nice and comfortable to her.

"What's an Abyssal Beast?" Ai asked the man who looked at her figure in the mirror and frowned. It wasn't exactly common to not know about such a major threat to humanity, was it? 

"There's some place called the Abyss and the beings from there sometimes come over. They're quickly killed by us, but more often than not, some people die. You must be very sheltered to have not heard about it."

"Oh. Thanks?" Ai looked out the window at the buildings and people of different colors. Even though it was a different world, some things were unchangeable like suits and such.

A sound chimed and the driver answered his phone and then hung up a few moments later and looked at Ai who hadn't yet told him where she lived and then asked lightly.

"Do you know where you live? I have to grab my daughter from The Academy too." Ai debated on what she should say, but she knew no locations so she couldn't tell him drop her by a park, right? No, actually, she did just that.

"A park is fine." Ai saw the man frown and then shake his head. Even if she was fine going to the park, what if she was attacked by an Abyssal Beast when the sun fell?

"How about I bring you to the station after I get my daughter?" The man offered so Ai just shrugged. Whether she went in after being brought there was a different matter.

"Okay then." The man looked relieved she didn't insist on the park and navigated the streets until he arrived at a pair of intimidating gates with lots of students streaming out in the distance through the other window.

"The Academy teaches courses on Abyssal Beasts since we fight them so much." Ai looked at the crowd and then turned her attention to her window and looked at the other cars filling the parking lot.

Ai stared until the car's passenger door opened and a cheerful voice sounded. A girl in her late teens with disheveled blonde hair and green highlights got in.

"Hey dad!" Perhaps because Ai didn't move much, she seemed to not realize there was a third person in the car until her father looked her in the eyes and pointed at the back seat.

"Hm? What's in the bac- Ah! I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were here." Although she couldn't see Ai's face, she could see she was a girl and probably a really beautiful one at that.

"It's fine, I didn't say anything either." The girl's eyes brightened when Ai spoke, so much so that Ai wondered if she was okay until she explained why she looked shocked.

"Sorry, I didn't expect you to have such a beautiful voice is all. My name is Erica." The girl extended a hand to Ai who had to take her hand from her pocket and shook them.

"Nice to meet you Erica, my name is Ai." Ai took her hand back when Erica didn't seem intent on letting go, and was confused when the latter stuck her tongue out playfully at her.

"We're gonna swing by the station to drop off Ai Erica." Hearing her dad, Erica shot him a questioning glance so he explained what happened earlier to his daughter.

"So she doesn't have a home? Then can't she stay with us for a while? I have an extra bed in my room?" Erica looked at Ai, or more like her hood until Ai nodded in agreement much to her delight.

"Then we're going home then. Don't forget your chore after you finish your homework Erica. Ai, don't learn any bad habits from my daughter okay? " Seeing her father look concerned, Erica slapped his shoulder with a pouting look.