3 – Lian Yu (2)
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'' Oliver, wake up!''

I rubbed my sleepy eyes and slowly started to get up from my improvised bed.

As I slept I had a 'dream' and in that dream, I gained more memories of old Oliver. Now I have his memories until I was 7 years old.

''We're close to the drop point! Get ready.'' My drowsiness went away as I remembered where I was.

'Oh, shit..' I got up and grabbed my pillow/parachute and strap it in place.

Which, in turn, surprised me. Because I had no idea how to do that. It was almost instinctive. After that, I went and got a bag full of weapons and food that Amanda gave me earlier.

After putting everything in place, I approached Esther, ''How much time left?''

'' 2 minutes, tops.'' The newbie pilot who didn't look like a newbie at all was super focused on her horizon, with her eyes bulging and almost coming out of her eye socket.

' I guess people really think that Lian Yu is cursed based on her reaction.'

''When you get back, tell Amanda to hurry up and send someone to 'rescue' me.'' I said and Esther nodded.

''Remember, you won't receive your money until I arrive in Star City.''

Esther looked at me, ''Don't worry, I'll talk to Amanda as soon as I arrive, boss.'' She said that part with a lot more enthusiasm.

'5 million is a good motivator... That's the power of money, huh.'

As I was lost thinking about how much money I now owned, I finally saw the Cursed Island, Lian Yu.

To be fair, this looks really creepy. Everywhere I looked there was a forest. It was so big I was awestruck for a moment. No sane man would live here, but I think some people were crazy enough and I was one of them.

Besides the dense forest, there's a fucking Vulcan on this island, some other places on the ground looked like they were bombarded with something that left no trees or grass around that location.

' I guess some people lived here and Oliver fought them off..? And I never would've guessed that there was a Vulcan here.'

While I was lost in my thought I heard Esther, '' Get ready Oliver.''

I nodded and went to the back of the plane and waited. I watched Esther press a button and the door slowly begin to open.

''Thank you, Esther.'' I decided to give her a 1 million tip as well. Others pilots did not want to come and only she accepted it. She deserved it.

She just give me a thumbs-up and said nothing.

As the door opened, I heard, '' GO, GO, GO.''

Which I did. I jumped out of the plane and started my free fall.

' What a nice feeling. Imagine being able to fly all the time... Superman, what a lucky bastard.'

Just as I was enjoying my first parachute ride, I remembered that I didn't know where to land.

I didn't panic so much because I still have a lot of ground to think about and make a decision.

The Vulcan is not an option because it's too dangerous. The forest is even worse, I would probably be lost in minutes.

The only place left was the place that didn't have trees around or grass, but I don't know what happened there, so I was hesitating.

Just as I was thinking hard about where to land, my body again started to act instinctively, with me having almost no control over it.

'He' started to go straight down the forest. I was panicking inside because of this, but then 'he' opened the parachute and started to navigate through the trees.

I had no control over what I was doing, so I saw 'myself' land near an airplane carcass.

As everyone had already guessed, this was 'his' hideout, so 'he' came back here.

After landing, I finally managed to get full control of my body again. Let me tell you, having someone else control your body is fucking annoying.

As I was wondering what the hell is happening with this thing of losing control of my body, I entered the plane.

I thought it would be messy, but to my surprise, it was very organized.

On the right side there was a box filled with arrows, on the left side there was a map with every place the old me went and in the cockpit, there was a simple bed.

I just woke up so I didn't need to sleep, which left me plenty of time to think.

'It's time to think about my situation.' Before coming here, I had no time to process what happened to me, because I woke up in a very strange situation and any wrong movie could've killed me.

I opened the bag full of weapons and food Amanda had given me and looked for a notebook and pen.

After finding it in the midst of food and weapons, I started writing down everything I thought was important.

'1 - I was Oliver Queen, billionaire, and the Green Arrow. If this is anything like any of the DC universe, I'm stupidly rich just like Bruce Wayne or even more. It's almost confirmed that I was rich by the reactions of the pilots of Argus and Esther. If the Queen's went bankrupt she would never agree to pilot for me. '

While smiling thinking I had so much money I didn't know where to spend it, I wrote the number 2 on the list.

' 2 - The memories that haven't come yet. This can be a problem, since in the media on my old universe when the memory is not aligned with the new soul, it means that something is wrong or incomplete.'

Which could explain my body being 'possessed' by the old Oliver or something along those lines. It has happened twice and on those occasions, I had no control over my actions and I was just a passenger in my own body.

Maybe for some reason, our souls haven't merged yet.

I racked my brains for a quick fix for item 2 on my list, but nothing came to mind. I can only wait and leave these problems to the future me.

Item 3 is also very important.

' 3 - I need to test my accuracy and fighting skills. Because, while Oliver was in DC's top 5 fighters, I only knew how to defend myself at best.'

Accuracy is easy to test, so I went to the right side of the plane and got the bow that was there and some arrows inside the box.

As soon as I did that, it was almost like I was another person. I was filled with so much confidence holding that bow that I thought I could face Superman and win.

The super me took another arrow and put it in my hand, then I went almost inside the cockpit and threw the arrow that was in my hand out of the plane.

After launching the arrow out, my body automatically went into a stance, pulled the bowstring, and shot an arrow toward the other one that was still in the air.

I started grinning after shooting it because I knew the result. Oliver in the comics rarely misses a target, so I can't miss either.



I missed.

The next chapter will be the last one spent on the Island and will be long. After that our MC will go home and then we will continue from there.