Facing floor 99: The three sisters of fate
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Rae's POV

I have landed in this area but this area is not like the other ones. It feels completely different to the domains of the other Valkyries. I almost feel like I have stepped into another realm. While my Mana sight is feeding me spatial information I can't seem to get a read of where I am.

"Sister, is she the hero you saw in your visions? The one that is supposed to fulfil the prophecy."

"Yes, she is one of the forces that will end the reign of the supreme one."

"But doesn't she seem very weak?"

"Yes I see what you mean sister but you of all people should understand that growing a seed into a tree takes time."

"Well, yeah we have waited a few millennia for her to arrive so what is a few more years."

"Excuse me who are you three and what is this prophecy all about?"

"Of course, how uncourteous of us. I am Verdandi, she is Urd and she Skuld. Together we three are known as the Children of Norn, Norn sisters or Sisters of fate. 

The prophecy we speak of is one where entities not of this world come to disrupt and dethrone the rule of the Supreme one and finally unify the realms. "

" So do you mean me?"

"Yes we mean you and another are meant to battle and defeat the Supreme one."

" How do you know that I am not of this world."

" We see all as we are in control of the past, present and Future."

" So am I supposed to battle you and kill you to pass"

"Ha!ha!ha! Don't be absurd. Unlike the others, we cannot be killed by you."

"The only beings able to kill us are the supreme one and our mother."

"...But I thought to advance I had to kill every Valkyrie I come across."

"Well, while that may be the case for the others we are a little bit different. Besides, you can't truly ever kill a Valkyrie. We are the protectors of the dreamscape thus meaning we can't ever die unless the supreme beings decide to be done with us."

" Dreamscape?"

"You don't worry about that."

"So if I am not going to battle you to the death how am I to proceed."

"Well that is simple, we are going to test your time to see if you are worthy"

"I thought you could see all."

"While that might be true, the future can become quite unpredictable. To truly confirm you are one of the ones we are looking for we need to test your time."

"Ok, so how exactly are you going to test my time?"

" We will blast you through your timeline looking through cracks in your past, present and future"

"Ok, so is this all going to happen in my head or will you transport me physically to see it."

" Physically is much more effective since we get to see you as you physically."

"There is a problem with that."

"Which is?"

"I am now technically blind, I can't even tell what you three look like."

"Oh, right the self-impairment of your vision. Urd do you think you can fix her eyes"

"Of course, turning back the time of her eyes back to the time when she could see is no problem. The problem comes in when it starts to move forward in time, so we will be back to her being blind."

"What about if I turn that past into the present."

"Yeah, that should work Verdandi."

"Okay, let's do it then...

Can you now see?"

" Yes in fact I think I can."

It was a short while but man I missed seeing with my eyes. Wow this is quite the surprise. I can't believe a young girl, a middle-aged woman and an elderly woman are calling themselves sisters.

"Okay good, now let us begin the test."

A sudden wave of darkness engulfed me bringing back unsettling memories of the eternal abyss. After a while light pervaded the darkness revealing my room back on earth.

I believe this is the time when my mother was pregnant with my sister. I think I was three years old. While I could see all that was happening I could not do anything or move anything just like how it was when I travelled to the past before.

And there he is, my dad. It has been a while. I had even forgotten what he looked like.

"Hey, there my little scientist. How are we doing today"

"I am doing great, today I just managed to use Elisa to infiltrate and fix all the vulnerabilities in our preschool's security cameras."

Wait that isn't right. I created Liza when I was five not when I was three and her name is Liza, not Elisa. 

"{Is that Urd girl really sure this is my past?}"

"{Yeah, this is definitely your past}"

"{But this is not how I remember this day.}"

"{I am not wrong you just continue reliving this day}"

"That's great just don't make it a habit hacking into people's systems is wrong and can get you into trouble."

" Even if I am fixing their problems?"

"Even if you are doing so."

"Okay, Dad I understand."

"Well, son today is the day I go back to the base."

" So soon, you just barely got home."

"Well, that is a soldier's life for you. When duty calls you have to answer."

" Even if it keeps you away from your family?"

"Don't worry I will always be with you. This is the best way to keep you, your mother and your coming sibling safe."

"Okay, I also want to keep you safe so do you think you could go with Elisa? I am entrusting your protection to her." 

" ...It's really thoughtful of you to name your AI thingy after your departed grandmother but I don't think I am allowed to."

" But I think with her you might be able to..."

"I am sorry champ but bringing foreign software to the base is against the rules."

"Okay, Dad I understand."

Against my dad's wishes, I still upload Elisa into his phone and instructed her to infiltrate the base once it was within range.

Then my dad left for the base. A few days later there was a news alert that one of the bases just got attacked and due to software sabotage, many casualties were incurred. It was my dad's base.  My dad survived the attack but was found to be the culprit and because of this, he was sentenced to death.

Wait my dad was sentenced to death? How I thought he was still alive... I am just realizing...Was I the actual cause of his death sentence?... No, I think this is a lie. This can't be the truth. My dad is still alive. This is just some sort of error.

"Gene, are you okay?"

"No, I am not Mom."

"I understand. I know the pain of losing him is too much to bear."

"No, you don't understand Mom. I, I am the one who has made dad die."

"No you are not he was killed by the government he struggled so much to serve."

"That government killed him because of me...I forcefully gave him Elisa and now he is gone forever...I killed him, mom!!"

Over the next few days, I grew to be very depressed. My mom saw this and decided to fix the problem using science. She gave me various drugs and used various methods to calm me down until I forgot the whole thing. While it worked it come at a cost, my emotions and colour about the world disappeared and what remained was that singular objective that is my hunger for knowledge.