Chapter 11 – If He Doesn’t Fear Giants Yet, He Will Soon.
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"What are we going to do?" Meena looked at Cera in concern.

"I've never come across a feral heat that won't dissipate. She's fucked every mare that belongs to her, and some are lining up, but she's flagging in energy." Cera said quietly.

"What happens if she runs out, but she's still in heat?" Meena asked.

"She'll stress her heart." Cera sat down quietly. "She fucked that bunny first, right?" Meena nodded. "What if the act flushed it out by half, but locked it? He's got a manna core. He is unique." Meena closed her eyes.

"I think I understand what you're inferring. Yra is with him right now." Meena said softly.

"Send word to bring him to the mountain. Once she sees him, if we're right, she'll take care of it herself." Cera rolled her eyes.

"Poor bastard. If he doesn't fear giants yet, he's going to be terrified this time."


* * *


Yra watched Baris rest, and shook her head. She gathered up the three wolves he killed, and smirked.

"You certainly don't do things normally." She said. "These furs are ruined, but the skins are intact. The leather will make you a few silver at least." She chuckled, but turned a few seconds later.

"Footfalls. Fast ones." Yra could recognize that the weight of the runner was high, and thought it might be a messenger. She sighed when she saw a familiar figure.

"Cala, why are you here?" One of the wives of her sister, Cera, appeared out of the forest. She looked down at Baris, and came up to her. She whispered in her ear. Yra groaned.

"You're sure?" Yra asked, but sighed immediately. "Of course you're sure. Alright, looks like I'm on my way. Send some ghosts out here to gather these things up. He will need it to live off of." Cala nodded and quickly made her way back into the forest.

"What's wrong?" Baris was still laying on his back as his balance was still poor.

"There is an emergency at home." Yra said, and knelt down. "A stallion asked me to bring you home as fast as I can."

"Stallion? I thought you said all giants were women." He said and groaned. She reached out her hand and pulled him up.

"They are, but it's a complicated story. Your legs are too short, and you're weakened. I'll carry you on my back and run home." She said quietly.

"Will this vertigo subside while carrying me?" He asked.

"Yes. Your manna will balance over time." she said, and hoisted him over her shoulders. Baris groaned, but slid down her back, and wrapped his arms about her neck.

"Good. I would hate to be sick when we get there." He said. "Do you know how long it's been since I've been piggybacked?" He said.

"Piggybacked? Ah, so that's what you humans call this." Yra smiled. "You're just my back bunny." she grinned and started to run through the forest.

"Bunny. Why do you call me a bunny?" He asked and groaned. He barely heard her response as he felt so uncomfortable.

"You're small like a bunny, and we like to pet small soft things." She said. He groaned again.

"I guess it would seem like I'm pet sized to a giant. How tall are you in comparison to the others of your kind?" He asked and rolled his eyes.  As soon as he spoke, he regretted his words, but quickly realized that this was not Earth. He immediately regretted the eye roll, and closed his eyes. The forest passed impossibly fast, but the ride was surprisingly comfortable.

"I'm what humans would consider a teenager. I'm only a hundred and fifty years old, but giantkin measure their lives in decades, not years." She said. "As to my height, I would say that I'm on the shorter side. I'm only eight foot tall, the same as Lena, my niece."

"Smaller? Really?"

"Yeah. We range from eight to ten foot tall. Cera, my sister, is ten foot tall, and one of our elite stallions. She has a large harem." Yra said with a smile.

"She. Harem. Stallion. I am confused, Yra. Humans are male and female, but as far as I am aware, a stallion is a male horse." He said quietly.

"A stallion is the title of a type of giant. We have mares, and stallions. We are all female, unlike humans, but some of us make the mares pregnant. We still look like each other, without having a separation between us." She said softly. "Stallions are born one in a hundred, as compared to humans where males are one to one."

"I see. So that's why there are harems." He sighed a bit. "My head is clearing now." He held on to her neck. "I'm not too heavy, am I? You're nice and muscular, as well as strong, but I'm not a light person, and you're a woman." She smiled.

"Aw, Baris, are you concerned about me? Don't worry, little bunny." She grinned. "Giants aren't like your human females. We aren't delicate and weak. We are feminine, and seductive, but we aren't weak." She lost her smile not long after.

"If we weren't strong, the humans would have harmed us long ago. Our mares outnumber the stallions, so we are responsible for most of our business interactions with humans. Most on the watchtowers are also mares. We wouldn't risk our stallions on the front lines, as they are too valuable to our kind." Yra said firmly.

"Makes sense. Sorry. I do not know the common sense of the giants as you are the first one I've talked to." He said, and looked at the side of her face from her shoulder. "No human ever tries to seduce a giant?" He asked. She smirked.

"They are too afraid of us, little bunny. Once, long ago, an army tried to invade our territory, but a small squad of mares pushed them back. We could loft large stones that could crush a man, wield large swords that swept them away with every swing, and our shields block their arrows from ever harming us." Yra growled. "Not only that, our magic overwhelmed them easily."

"That would make you frightening to those with evil intentions, but no human was attracted to your kind? I find that hard to believe." He said. "Yes, your size does make you quite intimidating, but I learned something else while I was on my ass."

"Oh?" Yra asked.

"You are incredibly gentle, and understanding." Baris said. "If an army invaded my territory, and I was a king, that species would automatically be put on the shit list in my mind. I was weakened, but you didn't show me any contempt."

"Don't misunderstand us, Baris. We have long ancestral memories. Some hate humans with a passion, while others only hate after they've been exposed to the disdain of the humans they've encountered." She said quietly. "You may be exposed to that contempt, so I hope you don't judge all of us harshly because of it." Yra felt him put his head down on her shoulder.

"I won't, Yra. I judge each person on their own behavior. Even if all other giants hate me, I'd be happy if Yra didn't." He said quietly.

"Such sweet words from such a little bunny." Yra said softly. "You're going to make me regret taking you home instead of taking you out into the forest and keeping you for myself." Yra grinned, but inside, she didn't feel happy.

She already knew that Rhana needed this bunny to get over the remainder of her seasonal heat, and it may not go well for him.

She would feel incredibly guilty if Baris was injured by Rhana, and hoped he wouldn't hate her for what her kind wanted of him.