Chapter 46. The Demon Hunter Still Goes to School?
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The next day, Andrine knocked on Roger's door early.

"Honey, today is your first day of school." She handed Roger a new suit.

"Dress up handsomely, the girls in Bay Town High School will definitely be fascinated by you."

As she spoke, she patted Roger on the shoulder and gave him an encouraging look.

Roger pretended to be happy on the surface, but deep down he didn't like going to school at all. With these time, he wanted to exercise his body well.

But seeing Andrine's expectant eyes, he could only nod helplessly. Since he lives here, it doesn't seem like a thing to stay at home alone every day. Going to school is just a good way to systematically understand the human history of this country and master some useful knowledge by the way.

Andrine asked for leave on purpose, and after breakfast, she drove the two of Roger and Amanda to Bay Town High School.

As for little Jack, she dumped her to her sister again. Sometimes Roger even wondered if Jack was actually Andrine's son.

Bay Town High School is the only high school in the town and has a long history, which can be traced back to nearly a hundred years ago.

It is close to the coast, and the fishing industry is well developed. At that time, some businessmen in the town were considered to have small assets, so they raised funds to set up this high school.

It is said to be a high school, but it has gathered the junior high schools in the town. After all, the population of the town is limited. In order to concentrate teaching resources, it is more reasonable to put the sixth grade to the twelfth grade together.

Junior high school grades six to eight.

High school grades nine to twelve.

In Menia, the specific educational system was quite different from what Roger had been exposed to before.

There is not much difference between primary and secondary schools. But after high school, things started to change gradually.

In comparison, when the high schools here are promoted to the tenth grade, they have to take courses they like, participate in activities and competitions, and prepare for choosing a university in the future.

When applying for universities, the usual performance is as important as the final test scores. Of course, at the time of graduation, there is the most traditional prom in the entire Menian Federal School.

These things are what Roger has learned recently. However, he expressed no interest in all the above information.

He was exposed to mysterious things and extraordinary power, and ordinary school life really didn't appeal to him at all.

Now he can't wait to soak in his hut for 24 hours, and then improve his strength crazily.

As for going to school to pretend to be a bully, pretend to be a top student or an all-around sports student.

Roger said totally... Uh... think about it.

"Of course, the main reason why he agreed to Aunt Andrine was to gain knowledge and investigate some things along the way."

Roger hinted to himself over and over again.

"I'm just here to learn."

In front of the school, Roger noticed the town emblem of Bay Town for the first time.

Is that a... Murloc?

"This is an ancient worship from nearly a hundred years ago." Andrine explained with a smile.

"At that time, the residents of Bay Town often went to sea, so they would naturally pray for the protection of the sea. When you have the opportunity to read the history of the town, you will naturally understand the inheritance of this unique culture."

"Maybe it's just a coincidence."

Roger didn't say anything, and followed Andrine into the school. As for Amanda, she was separated from the two when she got off the car.

Groups of students walked into the school with smiles on their young faces. The attacks in recent days did not seem to have affected their lives at all.

"It's a simple pleasure, too."

Seeing Roger's face, many students stopped, and he could even hear some bold girls discussing his appearance and figure.

Seeing his gaze, someone even chewed gum and gave him a clear whistle back.

"What a group of young people."

Although the appearance is the same as them, Roger does not think that he is the same kind as these young people.

With a glance from the corner of his eyes, he noticed a figure who was walking away in a hurry. The image seemed to be somewhat similar to the Bob he saw not long ago, but that person looked much thinner than Bob.

Under the leadership of Andrine, Roger came to the principal's office. After simple inquiries and basic test paper surveys, the school had a preliminary understanding of Roger's education level.

"Besides mathematics, literature, history, geography..."

The principal is a middle-aged woman with pale skin and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses on her nose, looking a bit mean.

"IMHO ( In my humble opinion ). His other subjects are really a mess. I should even suggest that he start over in ninth grade."

The headmaster glanced at Andrine.

"Stay in school every day after school to make up lessons."

Staying in school?

Roger couldn't accept this anyway, and he looked at Andrine for help, after all, the two had an agreement before.

Andrine gave him a comforting look, and then asked Roger to wait in the corridor. It seemed that she planned to have a private talk with the principal next.

Roger was leaning against the corner by himself, looking around boredly. It was almost time for class, but there were still many students in the corridor, and everyone gathered together in small groups.

Some were chatting about popular movies and games, and some were discussing entertainment gossip. At this moment, a voice suddenly came from their ears.

"Hey, you're that Roger, right?"

Roger turned his head, and a red-nosed boy with short brown hair was slowly approaching with his hands in his pockets.

The boy's appearance was acceptable, but the acne scars on his face ruined his original beauty, and his shoulders had been slumped all the time, making him look a bit wretched.

Roger nodded, "Uh... If you're not mistaken, it should be me."

"Who are you……?"

"I'm Thomas."

The boy took out his right hand from his trouser pocket.

Looking at the wet sweat stains on his hands, Roger hesitated for a moment, but still didn't have the courage to hold it.

"Is there anything you can do with me?"

Roger said nonchalantly.

"I'm in second grade, and I heard Amanda mention that you'll be in the same grade as me." Thomas rubbed his hands.

"I heard about you."

His voice was slightly lowered, "You are really amazing to be able to face a wolf alone, can you tell me about it?"

"To be honest, I have always been very interested in wild animals since I was a child. It is exciting to think about a real wild wolf."

Is this the rhythm of meeting fans? Roger froze for a moment, but when he was about to answer, Amanda's voice came from afar.

"Roger, what are you doing here...Thomas?"

Seeing the teenager standing beside Roger, Amanda's face changed, "What are you doing here?"

Thomas smiled awkwardly, "Roger and I just became friends, we were just discussing..."

"Stay away from him!"

Amanda had a bad look on her face. To be honest, Roger rarely saw a similar expression on Amanda's face.

"Alright alright."

Thomas raised his hands, he glanced at Roger, "Let's talk next time."