Chapter 133 – Knocking at the door of heaven (18+)
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Vernon's sudden action surprised the madam. She looked at the hand he grabbed without letting her touch his face and then turned to look at him with an expression of wonder on her face. As she thought if she had somehow angered her lover, she was astonished by his next action.

Vernon roughly yanked her hand aside and turned her away from himself. Madam stood shocked with her back now turned to him gazing at him over her shoulder with a question in her eyes.

"Baby, why…," she asked with a trembling voice but was interrupted by a shove to her back. She took a few steps from this sudden push and her legs hit the side of an armchair that stood in front of her. 

Losing her balance she bent her back over the armrest, grabbing the backrest with one hand and leaning on the seat with another to not fall flat on it.

She barely caught herself from falling before turning over her shoulder to glare at Vernon, but before she could turn she felt another strong push on the back of her head that made her bow her head down. At the same time, his strong fingers sank into her hair and then painfully yanked her head back up forcing her to look back at him over the shoulder with pain in her eyes.

"You looked happy, standing there with the master, smiling at all those guests," said Vernon with a kind of brutality and anger in his voice. At the same time, his other hand grabbed her ass squeezing it firmly. The grab was hard enough to squish an orange and no doubt left dark pelts on her ass cheek where his fingers sank into her soft bun, but a strange and wicked pleasure spread through her lower body with the pain.

"Looked satisfied with your place at his side," said Vernon, gazing into her astonished and scared eyes

"No, baby, that was just an act…," she started to patter but was silenced by a slap on her ass cheek that made her jump forward but the armchair at her feet and his hand yanking her painfully by the hair did not allow her to get away.

Tears filled the corners of her eye, yet she was astonished by a wave of pleasure spreading from her burning ass cheek, right into her groin.

"I don't want to hear your excuses, slut," growled Vernon after delivering the slap and pulling her hair to make her stand up. "You have to be punished for enjoying his company in front of me," he whispered to her ear standing inches from her face. These words brought shivers down her whole body. 

Madam could not understand what was happening to her body. She felt pain, she felt anger, and displeasure, but then fear and incredible lust from this rough treatment.

Before she could dwell for long in her thoughts another loud crack sounded in her ears as his palm smacked her butt again. And then again. And yet again after that.

She stood in astonishment at her lover's actions, with her eyes wide open and her tears streaming out of her eyes. Yet for some reason, the moan coming from her wide-open mouth was not anything she would make out of pain. She was moaning with pleasure.

While feeling a burning pain at her ass cheek where he was slapping her and feeling his firm hold on her hair, anger, and fury momentarily filled her with thoughts: How dare he treat her this way?! He, a mere servant of her husband, that she could order to kill at any moment! But strangely her moist from all the anticipation of their rendezvous pussy, became instantly drenched from such brutal actions. And soon after all she felt was tranquility and belonging.

Yes. This was what she wanted. She wanted to be taken. Wanted to be conquered. To be dominated by this wonderful male.

At the same time, his words were spoken in an animalistic growl-like voice so close to her ear that she felt the heat of his breath on the skin of her earlobes made her tremble with excitement.

/No!/ She suddenly thought with the last bits of rationality flaring to life in the last struggle to gain control of her thoughts.

This was so wrong. Her Vernon wasn't like that. Always gentle, and loving, almost worshiping her in their lovemaking times, unlike her heartless arrogant husband that would barely hump her a few times and walk away without caring for her pleasure. This Vernon was so unlike the tender man that she was seeing behind her husband's back. It is his loving, soft treatment of her that made her anticipate the meeting with him. This was not what she sought in him

This Vernon was so wrong and strange… yet… felt so good! 

As Vernon stopped his slapping for a moment he grabbed her breast that was almost falling out of her skimpy dress and pinched her nipple. The feeling of lust spread through her like wildfire, breaking the last specks of her rationality. Every place that he touched her, even in such a brute, painful way felt so good, she wanted him to make her feel more of it. To bring her more pain.

The Madam could not understand what was happening to her and why she felt so good from this abuse, but all her attempts to think the situation through dispersed as the lust clouded her mind as something brewed and boiled inside her with every smack of his strong palm on her ass cheek and every pinch of her nipples.

"AAAAAH!" She screamed with her whole might, not from the pain, not from the anger, but pure pleasure.

After her outburst, Vernon ceased his abuse of her burning red ass and stuffed his hand into her panties, which brought another moan out of her mouth.

"Look at you, slut," said Vernon, taking his hand out of her panties and raising it in front of her, showing his drenched in her juices sticky fingers. "Are you enjoying it? Enjoying my punishment."

"YES?!" She hissed gazing into his firm emotionless eyes, both answering and questioning as if not knowing what was the right answer.

"Slut! No matter what I do, you enjoy it. Then I will enjoy myself."

Vernon shoved her down again and yanked her panties away. Then he pushed down his own pants before slamming his hard cock into her from the back, filling her to the root in one swift move.

No foreplay, no usual tender kisses, and cuddling. He just stuffed his full length inside her in one go so hard she was pressed into the armchair making her scream harder than before. With her eyes rolling into the back of her head and her mouth open wide in a scream, white light flashes in her mind sending her to some distant land for a split moment before roughly hurling her back into her body that felt a sudden emptiness from her pussy as the cock left her tunnel. 

Vernon pulled out of her almost entirely, leaving only his head kissing the entrance of her cunt, before slamming it back in with force, loudly slapping his pelvis against her ass cheeks.

He fucked her hard and brutally, abusing her innards with his hard-as-steel tool, which felt so much bigger than usual. So much thicker, that she felt being spread and ripped as if she was a virgin once again. And she felt good from it. In fact, it never felt this good before in her whole life. 

With every pistoning move as he fully filled her after almost entirely leaving her slick tunnel, she felt him bang at the entrance of her cervix, bringing a hot feeling of lust and pleasure into her very core at their every crushing connection.

Hard smacks of his pelvis against the red burning skin of her abused butt brought more pain and more wicked feelings of pleasure. Every thrust he delivered with such force that the clap of their bodies rattled the room, she reflexively met with her push back, impaling herself on his big cock even harder. After every thrust, her lust grew only stronger. She wanted him deeper, wanted it harder. 

She kept meeting his every slam with her own ass as her hunger grew only stronger until he suddenly pinched her clitoris sending a wave of pain and pleasure coursing through her body so strong she lost her mind. A tsunami of pleasure just blew her mind away as the jet streams of liquids sprayed over her legs, armchair, and floor under them. 

Her vision was flushed with white light again, blinding her for a moment before she awoke to a strange light feeling of flying in the clouds as if her mind left her body entirely. She vaguely noticed what was going on with her body. The abuse of her slick hole continued apparently as she felt kept being fucked, but it was a distant feeling as if someone lightly knocked at the door behind her instead of banging into her cunt. She understood that she kept feeling one orgasm after another, yet here in this state, it was so distant as if it happened to someone else. Someone behind that door with knocking coming from it. Instead of immense pleasure, she felt euphoric and happy, with tranquility filling her very soul as if she was in heaven. Could she really be in heaven?

At that time her rationality finally cleared to a degree that she could put a few thoughts together.

How is this so good? Why did she like this so much? Why was he like that? Was he angry? Because she acted in front of guests hugging her husband? Was he jealous? Was he like this out of possessiveness? Was it an attempt to claim her as his? Was he finally going to take her as his own and kill that trash husband of hers? 

Thoughts started to swirl in her head.

But his eyes. This gaze was so unlike the tender, worshiping gaze she always received from him. She did not feel Vernon's love, care, and worship in them. She did not feel any possessiveness either.

They were cold. Heartless. Foreign. As if it was someone else. Some stranger pretending to be Vernon. Some unknown person forced himself inside her, took her, and used her as a thing…

And she liked it. Liked it so much that she wanted more. 

But this was wrong!

Does she want to stop? Make this pleasure go away once and for all?

Was this only a one-time thing? She would never feel this again?

A real Vernon could not give her such pleasure, nor could her worthless husband. Only this stranger could.

So if she stops, will this stranger disappear after he has his way with her? 

Will she ever feel like this again?

Would she lose this feeling forever once this stranger walks away?

No! She must have more! She must get as much pleasure from him to last her a lifetime. More! She needed more!

"Moooore!" She screamed out loud to a man that slammed his cock into her cunt with his full force.

More? I want more? Just because I want this stranger would give me what I want? 


I must give something back. 

Anything! Anything, just don't let him stop! I would do anything he wished. Just give me more!

"Whoever you are! Don't stop! Harder. Fuck me harder! I. WANT. MORE!" Screamed Madam in some kind of trance.


"Moooore!" Screamed the woman in Noah's hands as he pummeled her ass with his hips with full force.

/Bitch I am at the limits here, what else do you want?!/ He screamed in his mind.

/Ugy! Did you get what we needed?/

/Almost./ Answered Ugy's voice in his head.

/What are you doing there?/ Screamed Noah.

/I am mixing in suggestive thoughts into her mind, to make her give us what we need on her own./

/I am barely holding here. Can't you just break into her mind?/

/It's not so easy. Breaking into her mind and searching through her memory would take even more time and it's too dangerous. She might break before we get what we need.

/Fuck! Be more suggestive then!/ Said Noah.

/Make her concentrate more then! A woman asked you to do her harder. So do her harder!/ Answered Ugy with annoyance in his voice.

/Damn it!/ Barked in his mind, Noah.

Suddenly he stalled his movement and changed the grip of his hands, moving his palm from the woman's hips where he held her so that he could pull her hard against himself when he slammed into her, grabbing her thighs under her butt. Then he put force to his hands and in one swift move lifted her entire body up by the tights that he gripped.

With her body in the air and her legs lifted up almost to her breast, madam leaned on Noah's chest with her ass hanging down, while his cock lodged deeply into the hole, filling her even more than before finally breaking through her last defenses and fucking her cervix. 

Once she was in the air Noah leaned back to not let her fall and changed his grip again. He entwined his hand over her lifted-up legs and grabbed the back of her head, locking both her legs and hands with his arms.

In this position, with the madam fully captured and unable to move a limb, Noah, with his cock standing tall as a mast of a ship, started to lift her up and then slam her down on his pole, piercing her so deep as she never had been before.

Her eyes finally rolled back and her mouth hung open with her lifeless tongue lolling to the side as the spit streamed over her cheek and onto her jumping up and down breasts.

Her never-ending orgasm slammed her mind in waves crushing her consciousness into dust where she could not even understand what was happening.

/Ugy!/ Screamed Noah in his mind as he kept polling the woman in his hands, feeling that he was reaching his own orgasm that he felt was so huge he might lose himself. His skill on the same wavelength connected their minds to the same thing making their thoughts and feelings synchronize, which brought the pleasure and euphoria that the woman felt back to him as well.

/Done!/ Answered Ugy, finally lifting Noah's concern and a long-awaited release has followed.

As the madam felt deep in her subconscious the coming of her lover's release he breathed in full lungs of air.

Shudder and tremble spread through her body as she felt the huge jet of cum flying through the engorged dick lodged deep inside her abused cunt, which made the cock vibrate as a pipe of water under pressure.

Then she felt the hot as molten steel liquid flush her insides, almost burning her, yet bringing new levels of heaven as the pleasure overwhelmed her.

Both Noah and the woman in his hands roared to the sky making air shudder from their scream.

As Noah finally spurted the last of his cum, his hands unconsciously weakened the grip and the woman's limp body slid listlessly down from his hands, falling down dead on the floor.



Literally dead.

As Noah stood on his shaking legs heaving with a deep breath, while watching the woman's limp body with his glazed eyes something clicked in his mind and his eyes suddenly regained their rationality

"Ugy, what the hell? She's not breathing!"

/Well that's because she is dead according to your minimap./ Answered Ugy with a deadpan voice.

Noah glanced at the small screen of the minimap in the corner of his view and was astonished. The dot that showed a healthy human presence beside him just a few moments ago now showed only the presence of a dead body.

"What the fuck?!" Screamed Noah in shock.