Chapter 192. Voodoo Queen
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From the very beginning of the battle, Roger had no intention of going head-to-head with Aurora and the others.

He knows his own strengths and understands their weaknesses. Although he also longs for a hearty battle, the more important thing is to kill the enemy and protect himself!

The continuous pursuit magnified the anxiety in the hearts of Joseph and others, so when Roger finally showed his gesture, it completely detonated their emotions.

The two used the method of stimulating potential at the same time, Joseph was okay, but Aurora was desperate.

The combat power she displayed now is probably much stronger than in her normal state.

Facing such an enemy, even if Roger can win, he will definitely pay a heavy price in the end.

Killing Aurora doesn't mean the end of everything.

Roger guessed that he was trapped in the cursed land, and he was seriously injured to deal with the next unknown battle and escape.

The odds of him surviving and getting out would be very low. What he should do is to kill the opponent at the least cost.

He is a witcher. Not a samurai or a brain dead Protagonist of a third rated novel.

Procrastinating, procrastinating to the end of the state of the two of Aurora, rather than a so-called fair fight.

Seeing Aurora chasing into the bushes, without any hesitation, Joseph picked up his cane, turned around, and ran away.

He no longer wants to participate in the next battle, since Aurora is willing to fight, let them fight to the death.

As long as he returns to the core area, he can reorganize his staff and even apply for stronger combat power.

After rushing a certain distance... A cold snort came from above his head.

"Where do you want to go?"

Joseph desperately wanted to explode, but there was a void in his body, followed by a chill on his neck.

While the world was spinning, he saw the fountain of blood gushing out of his body, and the young man with a calm face holding a sword in both hands.

At the last moment when his sight disappeared, a trace of regret welled up in his heart.

"After all, I still didn't make it, mother, I let you down."

Shaking the blood off the sword, Roger turned around.

In the distance. Aurora's body rushed towards him in a violent posture, but as the distance got closer, her aura became weaker and weaker.

When she was ten meters closer to Roger, faint cracks appeared on her face.


Aurora let out a desperate roar, but first the bone staff in her hand disintegrated, and then the cracks on his body became bigger and bigger.

Until the end, the originally suppressed injury broke out completely.

"I can not be reconciled! I am a witch at the Waxing Moon level, you are just a despicable and incompetent witcher!"

"I won't fail, how could I fail? I still want to be a Full Moon Witch."

"Even to the Dawn!"



She was answered with a clean thrust from Roger.

The tip of the sword pierced Aurora's eyebrows and pierced through the back of his head.

The witch's wailing stopped abruptly.

Roger withdrew the steel sword in his hand calmly.

"That's how Mansu was killed by me."

"The same as you!"


The next moment, the accumulated damage and the force of backlash erupted, Aurora was blown to pieces, and there was not even much blood in the shriveled body.

Putting his sword back into its sheath, Roger simply cleaned the battlefield, quietly hid his whereabouts, and rushed in the direction Joseph had fled just now.

If you didn't guess wrong, you should reach the core area of ​​the whole place by climbing over this mountain.

There, there may be an opportunity to leave.

But what Roger didn't know was that when Aurora died, there was a heart-piercing scream from somewhere in the real world.


"Elder sister!"

Julian clutched her chest tightly, the pain in her heart was so intense.

This special pain made her realize that the woman she had been bullying had died.

"What happened? Isn't she in the cursed land?"

"Who killed her?"

"Who is it?!"

"Miss Julian!"

Hearing the voice from the room, a witch knocked on the door, but what they saw was Julian with blood oozing from her eyes.

"Prepare the car, I'm going to the cursed land!"

Julian jumped off the bed naked, but at this moment, there was a burst of footsteps downstairs, and a witch walked to the door and said in a deep voice.

"Miss Julian, the teacher asks you to go to her immediately!"

Internally, everyone in the Voodoo Society calls the Voodoo Queen their teacher.

"Miss Julian, we..."

"Go to the teacher!"

Julian wiped off the blood on her face, "Send someone to the cursed land, there should be something wrong there, Aurora is dead."

"Go to Joseph and ask what happened? That woman shouldn't be so stupid as to explore the edge of the cursed land, and then provoke the monsters in it?"

After a moment of hesitation, Julian added.

"If Joseph is also dead, concentrate all your strength to seal off the core area, and don't allow any creatures to approach before I go."

"At the same time, no one is allowed to leave!"

While talking, she walked out, the night covered her body with a layer of veil, and when she reached the door, she already had an extra set of black and white clothes.

When Julian went downstairs, the car was ready. She got in the car and came to the gate of a luxurious manor in the dark.

After getting out of the car and walking to the main entrance, a woman greeted her on her own initiative.

"Wait a moment, the teacher is receiving distinguished guests."


Facing this woman, Julian seemed very restrained.

"Sean. A real big shot sent by the Hunter Guild."

"Is he here to warn us?"

Julian's pupils shrank slightly, and the woman on the opposite side nodded slightly when she heard the words.

"It's ridiculous. They can't do anything with powerful spellcasters. Can they only use us now?"

Julian sneered.

"The matter is a foregone conclusion. The departure of the spellcaster is inevitable. Only relying on the support of the bloodlines, the Hunter's Guild has existed in name only."

The woman opposite sighed.

"The real result still needs to wait for the choice of the blood hunter family. After all, ordinary demon hunters can only be regarded as cannon fodder and a burden to them."

"If they also become independent."

"The Hunter Guild..."


There was a sound in the distance, and the two of them shut their mouths knowingly, stepped back quietly, and stood in a dark corner.

"Bon voyage, Mr. Sean."

A moving voice came.

"I hope that the next time we meet, I can see you as the Full Moon witch."

"I Must."

The car started and the sound faded away.

In the dark night, a tall figure walked slowly, and the two of Julian stepped out of the shadows and lowered their heads.


"Come with me."

Julian raised her head and looked at the indescribably beautiful woman in front of her, the famous voodoo queen, Cassandra.

She is the most beautiful woman in the whole Bordeaux region.

This is not a compliment, but the consensus of everyone who has met Cassandra.