Chapter 229. Attraction
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In the early morning of the second day, Roger opened his eyes and saw a beautiful face lying beside the pillow. After practicing last night, he was absolutely sure of one thing.

Hathaway's body did undergo some changes.

Could it be the so-called second...?

"Good morning Roger."

Hathaway opened her eyes.

"You are different from last time."

"It seems that my task is not bad." Roger grinned. should have been overfulfilled.

Through in-depth communication, Hathaway also discovered the changes in Roger.

"It's only been a long time, and you have already entered the Transcendence realm, it's amazing."

Hathaway was also a little envious.

The promotion of psychic media is much more difficult than other professions, and sometimes the accumulation of experience and the capture of spirituality are more important.

In addition, this career is too dependent on talent.

Turning on the phone, there was a series of SMS bombardment from Henrik. Roger always felt that this guy seemed to be probing for something.

Is it Ingmar?

After dialing the phone, Henrik's complaints were naturally unavoidable. After a brief explanation, after breakfast, Roger and Hathaway came to the exchange meeting.

The meeting was held on an artificial island near the port.

The entire island was blocked, and only qualified personnel could board the island by boat. Although Roger, Hathaway's assistant, was not a psychic, he also boarded the island.

The entire island is lined with trees, and the place where they hold the exchange meeting is a private estate near the center of the island.

Unexpectedly, there were so many people participating. By the time the two of Roger arrived at the manor, many seats had already been taken up.

The exchange meeting as a psychic medium is not as serious as an academic seminar, and there are no so-called conference halls and lecture rooms.

The atmosphere of the whole manor is relaxed and free.

It can even be a bit noisy and confusing for those who don't know.

Young men and women gathered in groups of three or four, some were talking loudly, and some were explaining specific usage skills.

One of them opened Roger's eyes to the application of the spiritual whip.

It consumes less energy, but its tenacity and power have skyrocketed. This guy obviously put in a lot of hard work in this regard.

And he even started working on other weapons.

There are also enchanting techniques that explain spiritual weapons, and so on. After an exchange meeting, you will definitely get a lot of improvement.

"Don't demon hunters have similar communication?" Roger asked curiously.

"Yes, it's just that before entering the Transcendence realm, the communication is more about the skills of using weapons and the experience of dealing with different monsters."

"After entering the Transcendence realm, if you awaken the corresponding bloodline and become a blood hunter, it is said that only then will you have the opportunity to participate in the real exchange meeting for demon hunters."

"The training method of the demon hunter who awakened the special bloodline is completely different from that of ordinary hunters. Proper communication will inspire each other."

"Many times powerful psychics also have the opportunity to participate in such exchanges."

Hathaway explained.

"What should we do next?"

"Find a place to sit. Then, play cards."

Roger said calmly.

Hathaway's delicate face froze.

"Sit down and play cards? We need no introductions..."

Roger waved his hand.

"There are still three days left. As you said, if you tell everyone that this thing is used for divination, no one will believe it. Let everyone accept it first."

Roger found a fairly open place and dragged the single sofa to the table.

"Believe me, in a place where the academic atmosphere is strong and boring theoretical knowledge is explained everywhere, Gwent card will definitely arouse everyone's interest."

"Crack clap clap!"

Roger put four decks of cards on the table.

"Don't think too much, there is only one task for you next, and that is to familiarize yourself with the four camps, and then, concentrate on defeating me!"

Roger laughed.

"Some people lost their armor and weapon last night, and they lost badly."

Hathaway was successfully aroused, so she didn't need to do divination. She directly chose the Scoia'tael she used last night, and Roger was naturally Nilfgaard.

The two opened up their battles and soon started playing.

In this place full of psychics communicating, the two of them devoted themselves to the Gwent card. They played many rounds back and forth throughout the morning without anyone paying attention.

Hathaway has accumulated more and more experience, and both sides have victories and losses. Although the rules of Gwent cards seem simple, there are many changes in playing.

And from a balance point of view, the Gwent card after the magic modification of the hunter's cabin has almost reached the limit of balance.

This is something that could not be done in the previous game anyway.

Gradually, Hathaway even forgot about the task of the exchange meeting, round after round, after a quick bite of food at noon, she dragged Roger to start the battle again.

It was a break at noon, and there was no one at the exchange meeting. The two of them were playing as if no one was around. At this moment, a thin man walked over slowly.

He was wearing a pair of thick glasses, and his expression on his face was a bit rigid. He was just strolling around, but when he walked near the two of Roger and Hathaway, he suddenly saw the gorgeous cards on the table.

"Huh? There are spiritual fluctuations?"

"Looks like a game."

Terry adjusted his heavy glasses, "It's really extravagant to integrate psionic energy into cards and make it into a game!"

Materials capable of storing psionic energy are scarce, and making a deck of cards and keeping them stable is even more difficult.

Seeing someone approaching, Roger didn't make a sound. Throughout the morning, there were a few people who occasionally came to watch, but most of them just took a few glances and left.

The last time he played Gwent heartily was in the last world, and at this time, he saw something that only existed in the game being reproduced in the real world.

This kind of illusion wrapped in reality made Roger intoxicated, and also aroused his addiction to cards.

Sure enough, the Gwent card and the witcher are the best match.

When the round was over, Roger secured the victory at the last moment with a wonderful counter-kill, and reshuffled the cards, but at this moment, a cautious voice suddenly came from beside him.

"What game are you playing?"

Roger raised his head, and the man wearing thick glasses was still standing beside him, with some eagerness in his eyes.

"Gwent card. A psionic game of our own making."

Roger smiled and extended the invitation.

"Gwent Card?"

"Hey, that's great. My name is Terry, let me try."

Terry is gearing up.

"Let me explain the rules to you."

Although he had already looked around at the side, Terry still asked patiently.

Ten minutes later, he started the first game of Gwent in his life.

Game after game, after an hour, when the break time ended, the number of people in the exchange meeting gradually increased, and Terry almost forgot his purpose of coming here.

There are only unit cards, special cards, weather cards, and various complex combinations in my mind.

"You guys are geniuses!"

Terry stood up and took out the phone in his pocket.

"This is the best game in the world, and I feel like my psychic powers are alive."

"I want to inform everyone that everyone must have a copy of the Gwent card!"