057: Ding! Firing range
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Of course, five Gelatinous Cubes make for a lot of xp at Jessica and James's level, and it pushes me over with the constant stream of xp I get from my share of xp from the zillions of people I've buffed
beating minor encounters. We all level up.

Tenth is a big level for me. That favored class bonus of extra JP finally pays out so I have 40 points to spend rather than the usual thirty, and the oath system gives me a bonus feat at this level. Oh yes, and I get a new type from Attuned Mysticism.

For my feats, I take Extra JP netting me an extra ten Job Points for Freelancer, and Bonded Mind (a teamwork feat that sets me up for Share Spells later, but is otherwise redundant with other things I can do). For my points, I progress spellcasting, take Starflight from the Vortex Dragon (lets me travel through space, between planets and even stars), Immunity to Temporal Magic (from a theoretical young, drunk, degenerate Time Flayer; despite the name, it works on any time-based effect, not just magic - if someone actually builds a time machine, going back and killing me before I ascend won't do anything now), Magic Immunity (from a theoretical young degenerate Dragonbone Golem - makes me immune to magic of any kind, whether it allows SR or not), and Well of Miracles from the Primarcane template (gives me half my caster level in bonus spheres talents, and lets me change those - and any other spheres magic talents I have - out on a daily basis). For Attuned Mysticism, I take Fey (the Fallen Fey sphere has a talent that lets me make others be treated as the fey type - and I can grab that from Well of Miracles, letting me apply buffs to anyone). I have been wanting to get my familiar Minnie on the mega buff train, and now I can.

I now have sixth level spells as well, so I update everyone's buffs. Energy Immunity is now available, so we can safely go for a swim in lava if we want. Of course, I also give Minnie an update; she gets all my buffs, and Attuned Mysticism means she gets the extra kickers too. Including bonus feats, enough of which can get something very close to full Spheres casting with nearly all talents, making her able to fill basically any party role. And I can copy her at will. And for the important (to me) stuff, one can turn into a ring and use Limited Wish for whatever. Huh. Instant army. And someone will need to keep the ooze population down… I’ll need to get that set up once the town has a budget for it.

For now, though, we grab one of the ooze corpses and head back to the police station to turn in the body cameras and the body. Case solved, it's a very wild animal like thing.

Of course, we still have to sell that to the chief.

"Ah, the Jones twins, I hear you got a break in the tunnel rats' case?" So… the chief is an equal opportunity bad mouther. Good to know.

"Yeah. We can pass this off to Fish and Wildlife, or maybe the army. A bunch of some really strange and nasty critter in the sewers, and we got the body cam video for it," James takes the lead.

"You expect me to believe there's an animal that dangerous in the sewers?" The chief seems like he doesn't believe us, but then again, that's understandable, and he's been like that every time I've had to deal with him.

Jessica's turn, apparently, "We're leaving taxonomy to the eggheads. It's a strange one, I've never seen anything like it. The cameras were damaged in the fight with the five that attacked us - which we killed - but we're pretty sure there's more.  They're big and aggressive, we just happen to be friends with Chris here, and he lets us play with the fun toys, some of which he's selling to the military."

The chief pauses, "You’re took military grade hardware into the sewers?"

Jessica and James glance at me, a quick question written on their faces. I chuckle, "Not everything is practical enough for the kind of mass production the armed forces need, but it's all fun and I'm willing to let the two fire a few rounds on an outdoor range to demo."

James smiles, "Oh yes, you'll enjoy that. And when you see what these things do, keep in mind that the critters we're talking about took multiple hits to take down."

"And you got this on video?"

Jessica silently hands over the body cameras, and the chief looks at the ruined cases for a moment, "If things got that bad, how are you OK?"

Jessica pulls out a pocket knife, and slices her own arm open… and the chief just stares as the wound heals right back up. "Chris lets us play with the REALLY nice toys. And we kept a corpse for the eggheads to look at."

The chief hmphs, pulls the data disk out of one of the units, and fast forwards through it until he gets to the fight, backs up slightly, and watches the entire thing in slow motion, up until the point where the lenses shatter. He then repeats with the other two, his face expressionless the entire time.

He then gets up from behind his desk, grabs his coat, and starts walking out the door, bringing his hand back, cupping it, and waving forward over his shoulder. He shouts at his assistant as he walks past: "Heading to the outdoor range."

Jessica and James follow, dragging me along. We all pile into one of the marked cars, and drive to a hilly area outside of town.  When he stops, we see a big wooden covered porch with a rail on one side, looking over a big flat field with a bunch of stands, and a hillside beyond. It's a pretty good firing range. There's no way a normal bullet is getting through a hill, so it's a good backstop. What we're using today won't either, not that aim matters for area spells. We seem to be the only ones here.

The chief spends few words: "Show me."

James pulls out a wand of lightning bolt, points and speaks… and the bolt of lightning proceeds from the wand, causing  the target to explode into splinters and leaves a scorch mark on the hill behind. Jessica uses a wand of Fireball, and the little red bead turns into a giant ball of fire at exactly the spot she wanted, reducing the four targets she fit in the circle to ash.  Just for completion, I use a wand of Flame Strike, and cheat slightly with Divine Providence to maximize most of the dice: The result is a searing column of Divine Fire that doesn't even leave ash behind, just a slightly lower spot on the ground where the top few inches were vaporized.

The chief blinks for a few minutes as the smoke clears. His first words? "Those are smaller than my flashlight, and look like drumsticks. You must be a nightmare for the TSA."

Yes, I'm enchanting standard wooden drumsticks to make wands. They're obviously directional, about the right size already, wood is one of the preferred materials for wands, and they look nice. And yeah, this would give the TSA nightmares. There is a solution for that, however: Cantrips are at-will, and Detect Magic is one, so all they have to do is hire someone with magic to screen for magic … and my worshippers are currently the most common kind… that's going to be fun. They'll also need to start watching for leaded pouches, but I'm pretty sure they'd look at those after they went through the X-Ray machine anyway, as lead tends to block X-Rays. So that just leaves the Magic Aura spell… hmm. I'll need to think about how to handle that one.  But at least I'm not handing these out. And it's not like anyone else can make the good ones. Yet.

I can be honest on this one: "Yes, there's a reason why I am only selling to the feds for now. Those are impractical for most use, though."

"How so?  Looked easy." The chief isn't a fool.

James answers, "They require a certain mindset and knowledge of … Chris, do you really have to call the principles 'magic'? ... to direct.  Here, you watched us, try it," James hands one of the wands to the chief.

The chief points it downrange and repeats the activation words we used in sequence… to no effect, of course.

"Hmph," the chief tosses the wand back, "Fine. I'll flag the nature freaks and let them know to come loaded for tanks."

James pauses, "Don't you mean bear?"


As they start to leave, I hang back.

Jessica notices, "Not riding with us?"

"Nah. It's faster to fly. I'll see you there."

I take off, and before I am outside of my hearing range, the chief comments, "She's a real security nightmare, isn't she?"

James answers: "HE is a nice guy, but yeah, security teams couldn't do anything about him anyway. Abyss, the army couldn't. He soaked a bazooka to the chest and was barely scratched, and has only gotten tougher since."

"So if she goes rogue, we need to pop a nuke in her face?"

Jessica seems annoyed with the chief, "Won't happen. HE is a nice GUY, and that Jane Doe we had cremated is HIS first corpse. Even if you manage it, killing HIM just gets HIM angry."

James adds, "But he'll forgive messing with himself more easily than messing with those he considers family…" the conversation fades as I get out of range.