10. Making of a Queen I
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The smell of wood and the acrid stench of booze pervades the air. The clamor and ruckus of adventurers are familiar yet unfamiliar at the same time. The same dissonance since my arrival in this world rings true in my heart.

With steady steps, I continue forward, the clanging of my boots echoing in the wild atmosphere of the guild establishment earning a few gazes from the onlookers both staff and adventurers.

Following behind me is Sofalia carrying the Basilisk Skin Bag full of our loot.

The Adventurer’s Guild.

They are a staple to the world of Vanaheim. They provide various services such as buying loot and more. If I have a merchant contract, I can sell these things at a premium, but selling to the Guild is not a loss either.

“How much for this?” I ask the clerk, while I point to the bag Sofalia is carrying.

Sofalia lets go of the bag, and its weight is now off her shoulders, she feels much more relaxed. The Basilisk Leather Bag lands on the wooden floor with an audible thump creating a wooden creaking noise.

“C-can you wait, sir?” The female clerk stutters as she inspects the contents of our loot.

This is a first for me. So many of the people of the Vanaheim I know lack an expression, and in a sense cannot express an emotion. But the clerk in front of me is different. She expresses shock at the sight of our loot.

“I can wait.”

The clerk runs behind the counter and ought to get her superior to deal with our matters.

“Hey, pretty lady… Where did you get all of that loot?” A hooligan approaches Sofalia, and I give him a side glance with an adjusted amount of Killing Intent in my eyes, I signal for him to not bother us.

Sofalia’s gaze remains on me. Since exiting Underdark, she has been staring at me for some time.

I ignore her.

When the clerk returns, she is with another man. Burly, strong, and judging by his attire, and calloused fists, he must be a monk or in possession of another fist-related Legacy.

“I see,” The burly man introduces himself. “My name is Yrlo. I am the Guild Master of Fendra Adventurer’s Guild Branch. The two of you are strong. Where did the two of you come from?”

“Underdark,” I shortly reply, to which I receive a doubtful gaze instead. “My name is Van, a wanderer, I am only passing by the Guild to acquire your services. I will need the gold, and also manpower…”

Yrlo glances at the bag of items and looks back at us. “We need to talk in the details then, shall we?”

He leads us deeper into the establishment, into his very own office. I and Sofalia sit in our respective chairs. The Basilisk Bag remains by our side, with Sofalia keeping watch over it.

“So, what kind of manpower do you want? Adventurers are expensive, you know? Unlike mercenaries, we charge at a premium.” Yrlo shiftily smiles, to which I only give him a nod.

In my place, it is Sofalia who then addresses the Guild Master. “Let me introduce myself. I am Sofalia Din Blumend. I have come to recruit Adventurers to a new Order of Knights I have recently preordained.”

She reveals her Royal Crest to Yrlo earning a gasp from the latter.

“You must be kidding me…”

His surprise is understandable as this is too unprecedented. For me, there is nothing wrong with this as back in the Vanaheim I know, recruiting Adventurers to a military campaign is a normal occurrence.

As I lack social experience, I have difficulties on going along with other players, thus I end up organizing my campaigns’ workforce from the NPCs and other AI-operated Players which while inferior to the creme-de-la-creme of real players, still work wonders.

I can still recall vividly my argument with Sofalia about building this army after Underdark.


Back then in the Underdark.

“Army!? What are you talking about?” Sofalia expresses her rage at the mention of her building an army. “My people need me, not an army! It is of utter importance we return to the capital! Now! I have been gone for so long!”

He shakes his head in disagreement. “You will need the army. Civil War is imminent. I am going to put you on the Blumend throne, and to do that, you will need an army.”

“My father is on his deathbed, and he needs me. He needs an advisor, I need an advisor, that’s why I went to the White Peaks to find Arkruff. Now that you are in his place, you shall do as I command! It is your job to give advice, and not order me around!” Sofalia’s emotions explode with anger.

She doesn’t want the training. She doesn’t want the army either. However, she has played along so far, and this is what irritates her.

“I am desperate, and you overstepping your bounds just makes me more desperate! I didn’t complain since Umchaka Forest, and the Underdark, because there is no harm done… yet! But an army?”

Sofalia cannot have an army.

It will create unrest for Blumend. For her, she doesn’t want there to be any more bloodshed. She firmly believes that with Arkruff’s help, Blumend’s turmoil will calm down somehow. But that is too naïve of her. She knows it too.

Sofalia’s wishful thinking is blameless. Her thinking is not wrong. But it will not just work. 

“Trust me as you do trust Kruff… You will need an army…” 

No government policy or political work can help Blumend anymore.

I know because I have been there.


“Guild Master Yrlo. I have confidence that there are Adventurers who wish for a far more stable life. Sofalia can offer that. But then… Other kinds of Adventurers pursue something different— like strength… That, I can guarantee…” I tell him that we will be a better boss than him which is insulting, but Yrlo simply receives it like a breeze.

Yrlo slants back on his chair and squints his eyes. “No, I cannot let you poach my people.”

I sarcastically remark. “They are not even your people. They are Adventurers, free as a bird, and they are not your employees. These freelancers who call themselves Adventurers have no sense of belonging. I can just talk to them, and ignore you entirely, but here I am… bothering you… Think, Guild Master… Think for your benefit.”

I only speak the truth. Adventurers like most Players value freedom a great deal. If they want to settle somewhere, it is up to them. The Adventurer’s Guild has something that the Adventurers want, thus they affiliate themselves with this organization.

But as an organization, the Adventurer’s Guild is more of a public mediator instead of a private contractor like the Merchant Guild.

“You only need to allow me to recruit inside the establishment,” I add.

Yrlo shakes his head in disapproval. “And what do I get out of this? Some pocket change. I admit it your loot is worth a lot, but I can earn more from the patronage of my adventurers.”

“Do not get me wrong, you will not get a cent out of me.” My words send the Guild Master in a shade of fury, but before he can even express his anger, I add. “Tell me your Legacy, and I will tell you possible Legacy Pathways you can take.” I show him a perfunctory smile.

Yrlo’s quiet does not last for long as greed dyes his eyes with its glimmer. “I am a Monk…”

The Monk Class is Tier 5, which means he needs a Tier 6. I quickly think of possible pathways for him.

“I suggest two different pathways: Champion or Ascetic. Now, choose.” I don’t waste time and simply go straight into business.

Yrlo gulps at the prospect of increasing his strength. Power means everything to this world, so he doesn't have much choice except to bite.

Meanwhile, my mind wanders on the various walkthroughs in my head for Vanaheim’s classes. As an AI Bot, it is within my purview to know every data involving Vanaheim so my knowing walkthroughs are not strange at all.

“I choose Champion…” Yrlo takes out a Soul Binding Contract, a very expensive magical contract worth more than the loot I and Sofalia have. “I am warning you, if you are lying, this contract might kill you…” He playfully adds.

I give him a nod of approval. “Good choice. This contract is threatening enough. Now, listen well. The Quest for Champion is you being undefeated in the Arena for a hundred consecutive times through a single duel. You must fight with your specialization, with you, I guess it is your fist. I also took the same Legacy pathway while specializing in a sword.”

“Huh? Then it must be true… If you don’t mind, what is your Legacy?” He curiously asks.

I keep mum and maintain a cool face. Though this world doesn’t have a concept of levels, and tiers, I prefer to be on the safer side. “Now, it is time for you to fulfill your end of the bargain.”

“How do you want to do it?” Yrlo asks.

“Just let me borrow the whole Guild Establishment for a day. I will have you do something for me first— spread a rumor that someone is selling information about several Legacy Pathways. After that, I, we… will do our recruitment…” I glance at Sofalia seeking her approval.

She gives me a meek nod, and I nod back.