Ex Ch 12 – A journey to defeat the God of Death
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Hello everyone!

I'm sorry about Monday. I was ill and couldn't update a new chapter. But I'll give you this freebie to compensate (kind of). I'll publish the real chapter later today.


The four heroes reach the place where the dark ritual is taking place. There, a hooded person is chanting a sinister melody, forbidden words in an already dead language.

“...Hann irus maldy fur…”

The heroes get close to the hooded figure. Then, he stops the chanting and looks at the heroes one by one.

“So you’re the famous heroes?” The hooded figure pauses, assessing them. “Hmm… You don’t seem like much.” He says before continuing with the chant.

The woman warrior, in front of the three other heroes, raises her giant axe, pointing it at the hooded figure, and shouts in response.

“You’re right. We came here to defeat you, the evil apostle of the God of Death!”

“Hah! You, puny mortals, came to defeat me? Me!? I’m the God of Death’s chosen!” The hooded figure raises his arms and a dark whirlpool appears between the two. “You can’t kill me, I rule over death!”

“So what if we can’t kill you? We just need to vanish you from existence, your soul included! We’ll first destroy you, and then go find your god, kill him, and end the war between the living and the dead once and for all!”

“You dare come here and put all the blame on me? It’s you who invaded this dungeon and destroyed my minions! Now, it’s time to take revenge! I’ll feed on you tasty sweet souls and use them to feed my eternal legions! You’ll soon be part of your enemy’s forces! Hahahaha!”

The dark whirlpool grows as the hooded figure laughs. The warrior woman clenches her fists, and the other heroes take battle positions.

“Now, raise, my strongest minion. Raise once again, champion of the past eras! The time to show your prowess has come! Go! Go and slaughter the champions of the current era! Hahaha!”

From the dark pool, a giant skeletal arm appears, followed by another. Then, they grab the whirlpool's edge and the creature pushes itself out of the darkness. A skull with freezing blue fire inside the eye sockets emerges, and the massive body of the skeleton giant soon follows.


“Keep them busy. I must finish the ritual to resurrect our god.”

The hooded figure resumes his chanting as the giant skeleton rushes at the hero team. They’re about to clash when…

“Nooooooo! No, no, no, no, NO!” The warrior woman shouts. “This isn’t how it’s supposed to go! We’re the good guys trying to save the world from your evil plans, and not the invaders of your dungeon!”

The hooded figure scratches his head awkwardly. “Ahaha… sorry, sorry. I’m too used to playing it the other way around… I forgot the proper lines.”

“...It’s fine. Everyone, let’s repeat the scene from the start.”



The heroes enter once again the same room, decorated with skulls and candles. Then, the same scene repeats, until…

“NO! Not like this! You need to be more evil! You need to instill fear in the audience.”

“But I thought I was quite evil like this…”

“Not enough, let’s repeat it once again!”



“No! Again, this isn’t good. Can’t you properly say your lines without adding unnecessary stuff!?”

“What? But I said everything you asked!”

“This is what you say, but can you stop talking about the ‘tasty sweet souls’, please? It was ok the other times, but this time you said it thrice in the same phrase!”

“Is that so? It’s the habit of saying it all the time…”

“From the start, once again!”



“Nooooooo! We’ll repeat yet again. Come on, Baldy! I know you can do it properly, so let’s focus on the dialogue, ok?”

The hooded figure raises his hood and reveals a tall and handsome man, with bright blue eyes and extremely pale skin.

“Oh, come on! I nailed it this time!” He complains but gets ignored. ‘Why did I have to agree to do this… It was a big error.’ He thinks.

“He’s right, Barbarian. We’re tired too. Can you stop complaining so we can move on? It’s hard to be cool when doing the same thing again and again… Even I can get tired of interpreting my character in the same scene.”

“Wizardess, we can’t keep repeating this indefinitely, can’t you tell her to stop? You’re the only one who she listens to...”

“I’m sorry, Druid, but we all agreed she would be in charge of this. Though I’m tired of this too.”

“Yeah, I’m in charge, so I decide how everything must go and when we need to repeat the scene. So, everyone, get ready for another try!”


This was the first filming day of ‘A journey to defeat the God of Death’, a series about four heroes who fought against the God of Death, the most powerful necromancer. It featured a group of four friends who liked to roleplay together and the special guest who played the role of the evil undead characters.