Book 1 – Chapter 7
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The forest blurs around me, I cast a glance over my shoulder to see blonde hair fluttering in the wind.

Speeding up, I try to outrun my pursuer, despite knowing she’s probably faster than me while in my human form.

Looking over my shoulder again, she’s gone, but I know she’s around, no doubt using the trees.

Coming onto a clearing I stop, looking around, but finding nothing.

A brush of the wind caresses my neck, making me whirl around, but yet again finding nothing.

Laughter echoes around me, and I find myself smiling at the joy emanating from her.

Arms sneak around my waist, rooting me in place as a puff of air tickles my ear. “Got you.” I can hear the smugness in her voice, the smirk no doubt plastered on her face.

Turning around I come face to face with vibrant amber eyes, glinting with mirth and mischief.

“Oh no.” I say dramatically. “The big bad vampire has caught me, whatever am I to do.” I finish with a smirk, my face only centimetres from hers. Eyes flicker to my lips, and I find myself mirroring her eye movement.

There’s no more words, only actions.

Cold lips caresses mine, soft, yet with an underlying hardness. Her arms squeeze, tightening the hold she has on me as I snake my hands around her neck and into her hair. Rising to the tip of my toes to gain better access to those tantalising lips.

Feeling her lips curl into a smile, yet again I find myself mirroring her movement, blocking out our surroundings.

There’s a hint of an iron taste as her tongue pries my lips open, but I find myself not minding it at all, the memory of her draining the mountain lion making me groan, setting off a chain reaction as heat pools in the bottom of my stomach.

A hiss breaks my day dreaming, as I find myself staring into coal black eyes, knowing she smelt it.

Just a second later the smell of her arousal hits me, making me growl.

My back is pushed against the bark of a tree before I can blink, her hands having moved from my hips to my ass, cupping it and squeezing.

“Easy there, tiger.” I whisper as I break off the kiss, yet quickly diving in for a peck to assure her nothing’s wrong. “You haven’t even taken me on a date yet.” I smirk, and she throws her head back in laughter. “I remember you saying the next date was on you.” She winks at me, making me grin.

She looks over my shoulder, and I follow her eyes to see my white wings unfurled, making me blink. I don’t even know when that happened.

“Can I feel them?” She asks, and I bring one wing forwards, like I’m extending my hand.

A shiver runs through my entire body as her cold fingers touch my wings, it’s a completely new experience, and I imagine it’s how a cat feels when their fur is stroked.

“Are you purring?” I’m broken out of my blissful state, looking into smug eyes. “Aww, you were, my kitten.” She teases, and I growl playfully at her, enveloping my wings around us as I pull her body back into mine. “Don’t worry, I won’t let anyone know you’re a big softie.” She smirks, an expression I find myself mirroring. “Speak for yourself, Miss Ice Queen.”

An hour could have passed, or only a few seconds, as we stare into each other's eyes. We’ve barely known one another for more than a couple of weeks, but the connection is unquestionable. I know we have to work for it to become a true bond, it doesn’t just happen upon first look like the stories.

“Come on, let’s get you home and fed.”

“Trying to fatten me up before you eat me, Hale?”

“You wish I was eating you, McGrath.” She quips back, making me sputter, and her laugh.

“You do know I don’t need food to survive, right?” I ask as we’re arriving back at my house, and she quirks an eyebrow. “I don’t need any form of sustenance to live, but I’m not sure why. I don’t exactly come with an instruction manual.”

That gets a chuckle out of my blonde, and we enter through the veranda. I start heading up to my bedroom, but I don’t feel her following. Halfway up the stairs I throw a look over my shoulder. “Coming?”

Before I can blink we’re in my bedroom, making me giggle. “Eager, are we? Easy tiger, tonight I just want to feel your arms wrapped around me.”

We shortly find ourselves under the covers of my bed, her cold body soothing, like the fresh side of a pillow.

Turning around, bright amber eyes meet my own, and I peck her lips. “You better be here when I wake up.” I glare playfully, and she nuzzles into my neck.

If I forgot to mention I don’t need to sleep, it was absolutely not on purpose.