Chapter 2 ‘In the face of greatness👍’
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Lieutenant Colonel Ignavus was truly a man to admire. At least, that's what White believed after following him for so many years. His character and values had become clearer and clearer to her. He didn't discriminate against her for being born amongst the Rat Folk, remarking that "all of them are equally worthless." It was why she was so excited to be promoted to first lieutenant under his leadership. It was everything she expected and more.

She yearned for challenge and excitement, believing the lieutenant colonel was of a similar heart. She would often see him trembling in excitement right before any battles took place. She respected the self-control he demonstrated, knowing more than anything that he wished to jump right into the battle headfirst.

Their next battle was going to be their hardest, but White felt like she was prepared for it. She knew it was unlikely that she would live through this one, but that thought alone didn't fault her determination. Being the last first lieutenant under Lieutenant Colonel Ignavus, she had her mission and her pride; that alone was reason enough to charge with her head held high.

The enemy they had the potential to face was a being shrouded in myths and legends. The infamous Yalery. Most of its abilities remain unknown or are highly disputed. It is said that the Yalery flew high, raising mountains from the sea and creating the very land on which they walked, battling beasts that had awoken due to their disturbance of the perceived natural order. Though she bet those were just tall tales, at least for her sake, she hoped so.

The only universally agreed-upon ability it possesses is the ability to influence any creature's actions. It is said the Yalery possesses a form so alluring that creatures bend to its will by mere suggestion.

'Hopefully the wards cast by the mages protect us from the worst of it, or better yet, we catch them completely off guard so the thing doesn't use it'

The creature was believed to have fallen dormant after its many adventures just 100 years ago. Something had woken it up, resulting in it marching the land again, causing mischief.

'That is putting it lightly'

White chuckled to herself.

This 'invasion' was nothing more than a bunch of mindless beasts following the Yalery command and searching for its approval. The creature is rumoured to bestow gifts that can change one's destiny. Creating multiple monsters that still plague the land today. Demons and monsters seemed to be affected by this strange allure from the Yalery the most, causing the demons to follow it. Which led to many sage mages theorising a heritage connection.

The goal of the creature remained unknown to every intelligent race. It did not seem to need to eat, sleep, or do anything one would expect from a living being, but whatever it was trying to accomplish seemingly required it to occupy the territory of the intelligent races, causing a massive war.

White has really begun to wonder if army command really expected them to take down this monster of legend. She understood they thought highly of their abilities, but at the end of the day, they were just mortals. Wasn't this just asking a bit too much? Maybe they can try talking with the monster and making a plea? What can we really do in front of a god?




The warband, which was a mix of demons and monsters, finished up setting camp. It was rather spartan, but (???) didn't mind in the slightest because she was over the moon with joy. After so long, she had finally found what she was looking for. A proper heir to continue her adventures with!! The mere thought of that was almost enough to set her off to go grab them, but she controlled herself. The preparations were not complete. A spell like this is delicate.

Footsteps were heard arriving from outside her tent.

'Those incompetent leeches finally found my precious; I guess they were actually good for something'

She continued to sit in complete silence for 5 minutes, her golden eyes flashing, just to make the guard feel uncomfortable before leaving the tent without acknowledging his presence.

"Mistress, we have spotted the approaching army." (D)

The demon spoke in a gruff voice as he struggled to keep stride with the towering creature.

The creature turned its head towards the sky and stared at the bird that had just flew away. The demon followed her gaze, spotting nothing but choosing not to comment. He had learned better by now. Instead, he looked back towards the creature in time to spot the beautiful smile that had adorned its face.

"Tell the others to go get some rest. I will be tending to this matter." (???)

"As you wish, Mistress.” (D)

The entire environment began to dance. The magic in the air bent and distorted, all-in accordance with the whims of a single being. Gaining character and sentience in manners one would think impossible. Then suddenly, it appeared as though time had frozen for a fraction of a second as the creature stretched its golden batlike wings. Its legs are bent, making its entire body adopt the jumping position. 

The ground glowed a golden hue as large amounts of magic were used to reinforce it. A sonic boom was generated as the creature finally took off from the ground. Leaving the exhausted troops in a brief state of disorientation. (???) felt the spell finally settling in place.

'Mother is on the way, my dear precious little girl!!'

She thought with a smile as she soared through the sky, parting clouds.