Chapter 7 ‘Getting the old hands dirty👍’
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If most were told to describe Marie, they would say she was an extremely positive outgoing demon, which she generally was when it came to things that didn't involve her Mistress. She had what most would call an obsession with serving her Mistress. A rather unhealthy obsession that one would find difficult to trace. No task was too great for one if asked by her Mistress. That same demon, though, was currently beyond happy.

Marie was excited. If one were to ask her why, the answer would be simple. Her Mistress' heir was brought home. The child had finally reached an age where her Mistress believed she needed more social interaction. She always knew her Mistress had an heir somewhere from the conversations she had overheard when she spoke with her sister. She never revealed the location of the child despite endless pestering from her sister on the topic, though from what she could gather, it was Yalery tradition to hide away the children until a certain age. She very rarely talked about the child, but when she did, she always had a longing expression on her face.

Her Mistress had been awake for 4 years only after the incident concerning her family, but she felt as if she had known her, her entire life. She was assigned to her Mistress as her personal maid by her sister, who had been ruling in her stead. The main reasons were to help her Mistress tame her temper, quell her boredom, and help her grow a value of mortals. Her Mistress's sister had entrusted her with a rather large responsibility before disappearing to sleep.

Marie felt she was successful in doing her duty for about three years until her Mistress suddenly decided to invade the neighbouring countries under the pretence that she was looking for a warrior powerful enough to battle her. She even had the demons construct a large colosseum in order to battle any demon willing to fight her while still looking for powerful enemies outside.

'My Mistress can be naive sometimes...'

No creature with a sound mind would challenge her willingly.

Maire had initially felt defeated until she realised that her Mistress didn't plan on doing anything personally so as to not disturb the balance of power. Only command the millions of demons eager to fight for her sake, like some sort of game.

'I really did fail teaching her the value of mortal life...'

Thinking about her failings was starting to get her down.

'That's still a work in progress! I can still turn this around!'

Now that the heir was here, her Mistress would likely end the war she started and hyperfocus on the child.

'That's right! The child has bought me much-needed time'

Finally arriving at the room assigned to the child, she herself prepared to escort the child to bathe.

'If I am right, the child should still be asleep'

After a light knock on the door, she began opening the door. 

The sound of sheets tearing, followed by a crash, could be heard.

A little cute girl could be seen covered in sheets, naked as the day she was born.

'Would be cuter if I didn't have to clean up this mess she made'

She gazed at the state of the room.

'Are those the new sheets I just imported?'

Marie started to feel a little angry before quickly calming herself.

'Never mind, those can be easily replaced'


'This room is completely destroyed!! When the Mistress told me she lacked proper etiquette training, she never told me it was this bad! Why'd she have to wreak everything!?'

Calming down, she remembered her plan.

'No worries, though, I have come prepared!'

Keeping her formal tone, she ignored the state of the room and introduced herself.

'Like the Mistress said, she doesn't look at all willing to comply'

Marie continued talking.

"The Mistress has instructed me to use any reasonable methods to see this done." (M)

'Please don't make this harder than it needs to be for the both of us. I don't want to use such underhanded methods.

Seeing the little lady grin arrogantly, she couldn't help but let out a sigh.

Appearing behind the lady, she made a grab for her tail.

'The Mistress told me this should be her weak spot, and judging by her reaction, it is'

After her short chat with the lady, she started carrying her.

'I need to first draw up a bath and scrub her until she is clean enough to be presented before my Mistress properly'

Marie had to fight her lady every step of the way in the process of getting her ready. First, she refused to enter the baths, stating she doesn't need a shower, and after arguing with Marie for 5 minutes, she was 'convinced' to enter of her own accord by Marie making grabbing motions with her hands towards her tail. While in the shower, she refused help despite not being able to reach her wings or touch her tail for more than a couple of seconds. This resulted in Marie holding her down, then yanking her tail, making her completely limp, before proceeding to scrub her down.

Second, after Marie thought of being kind and giving her time to cool down, she refused to comply when it came to wearing the nice silk dress. Remarking, "I am not a little girl! And you can't make me dress like one!!"

This resulted in another bout. The lady looked devastated and like she was on the brink of tears after being finally forced to wear it.

'Why does she keep resisting if she knows the end result is the same? It's getting kind of sad...'

The only part of the process she didn't fight was when they were styling her hair. She kept staring at her reflection like he had never seen it before.

Once all is done, they were standing in front of the throne room's white, giant doors.

"We have arrived, my lady." (M)