Chapter 17 ‘Sister Sibling’
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Cura gazed at the child nestled in her arms.

'Her mana circuits were long overdue'

Cura couldn't help but smile at her niece.

'Such a little ball of energy with no sense of mind'

Who would, in their right mind, antagonise her?

'Only children are allowed to act with such regard...'

Cura couldn't help herself with an opportunity presented before her.

She started properly examining the child laid before her. Poking her nose, stroking her tail and caressing her hair.

'If she were awake, she would have resisted so much. She'd probably start crying again after begrudgingly excepting...'

'She's truly her mother's daughter...'

A light chackle escaped her mouth.

'Speaking of her...'

Cura got up with Navy still in her hands. Her gaze scanned the room before she let out a sigh.

'That silly bird is going to be her familiar. I should probably take him along'

Cura's tail curled out from behind her before wrapping around the large bird.

'My little niece really seems to care for this odd familiar'

Her niece at first, seemed timid and cute, until she asked her to do something simple. Putting on cute clothes. She refused and then cursed her out. Demonstrating her very colourful vocabulary. Her niece seems to have a somewhat... aggressive personality. Her soft side only reappeared when the odd bird took one of her bracelets.

'Such a tiny thing shouldn't even use adult words.'

Cura gazed at the two golden bracelets around her niece's wrists.

'And she never will again'

Cura walked out of the dressing room with her baggage.

'Oh right, I was lost' 


<Golden Queen>

The warm water submerged most of her body. The queen was still enjoying her bath, she couldn't remember the last felt as relaxed as this. 

The sound of the giant bathroom doors opening filled her ears.

"So, this is where you are?"(C)

Cura took a quick glance around.

"Is this the all so important business you had to take care of?"(C)

Cura shot her a teasing smile.

The corners of the queen's mouth peaked upwards, yet her eyes remained cold.

"Sister, you have the worst of timings"(G.Q)

"Mind if I join you?"(C)

The queen gestured to the opposite side of the bath.

"Not going to just invite yourself? Has someone finally learned manners?"(G.Q)

Cura was already undressed with a tiny naked girl in her hands. Her intentions were obvious.

"No need to be so cold sister. It's not like you still have the right to be mad at me."(C)

Cura got in the large bath and took a sit. Making sure the tiny body on her lap still had its head above water.

Silence consumed the room as both their bodies basked in the warm water.

The queen was the one to break the silence.

"How don't I?"(G.Q)

"I merely locked you up for your own good. You didn't notify me my niece had come of home age. It's almost like you hoped I'd would sleep throughout her formative years... Such a notion just saddens me."(C)

The queen remained silent for a short minute.

"What I decided to do is of none of your concern sister. You shouldn't have meddled. You shouldn't have opened her circuits, that was for me to decide"(G.Q)

"It is if you plan on threatening the natural order and what's the harm of a little girl having some mana?"(C)

The words spoken seemed to hang in the air. Filling it with tension.

Time passed.

Seconds passed.

With it, the atmosphere appeared to start cooling down.

"She's quite the unruly child I must say, too much energy flowing through her bones"(C)

"Is that so?"(G.Q)

"Truly, she has no respect or shame. She made use of very colourful language and cried when punished for it, I believe... this isn't any new information for you?"(C)

An amused snort left the queen.

"Certainly not. I have just recently started discipling her. It is no surprise she is a brat."(G.Q)

"I may have a solution to your little problem"(C)

"Oh? What do you propose?"(G.Q)

"The lower races"(C)

A frown made its way on the queen's face.

'What does she possibly think mingling with the lower races will achieve?'

The queen knew her sister was trying to come up with some ploy to force an interact with their kind. She wanted to make her value them enough so that she wouldn't wake up one day and decide to kill them all.

"Come on, don't make that face. It's not for you, it's for Navy. She needs people around her age to play around with. It will help with her restlessness."(C)

The queen knew her sister would suggest something dumb when she mentioned the lower races, she just didn't think it would be this dumb.

'Knowing her... if I don't make arrangements, she'll probably take matters into her own hand...'

"I'll consider it."(G.Q)

"Come on! Her only friend is that odd bird familiar of yours! It's a miracle she isn't completely socially inept!"(C)

The movement caused by Cura seemed to finally start to wake Navy.

'It appears I must have another chat about her attitude...'



Ignavus woke up surrounded in warm water and confused.

'I got to stop losing consciousness...'

Memories started to flow into his mind.

'Aunt- The Yalery did something to me...'

His back and wings felt lighter while his tail felt more in control. His body felt great.

A tapping on his horn made him look up. A beautiful smiling face blocked his view.

Dread filled him as his heart started to beat rapidly.

The eyes of the face looked up. Ignavus followed their destination.

"I have been informed of your recent behaviour towards your aunt, who you met for the first time today"(G.Q)

'What are we doing here? Why is mo- it here?'

"Don't give the kid a hard time. It was all in good fun, Right Navy?"(C)


'Something feels off...'

'What's wrong with me?'