Chapter Two
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"I'm not tired, why am I going to bed?!" Xall'minnon sat up and stretched elegantly, her eyes far too bright and energetic to be considered tired.

She crawled out of bed and hurried to the bathroom and inspected herself, feeling a tad narcissistic as she gazed at herself admiringly in the mirror.

"Is it Cole's fascination with beauty really that overpowering? Now I like beauty so much as well..." Xall'minnon hummed and sorted through her memories and an elegant black shirt and dark skinny jeans appeared on her body alongside a pair of black shoes.

"I'm still too drained to use the shadows, well whatever. Walking is also interesting in it's own way." Xall'minnon left her room, the door locking behind her as she headed to the elevator.

She hadn't been in bed for long, not even half an hour before she decided she was bored of it, so when she entered the hotel's reception area again, she greeted the receptionist again with a smile.

"Hi Camille." Xall'minnon waved lightly at her and approached the front desk again with a smile, the same receptionist from before looked up and saw her approaching.

"Um good morning again Mina?" Although Xall'minnon gave her a card, she couldn't forget her name at all. Of course, it wasn't her True Name, but one she chose at random.

"Morning, nice weather out today isn't it? Um, actually no it's still dark out. So what fun things are there to do here?" Xall'minnon eyes looked into Camille's own with palpable anticipation.

"Fun things? Do you mean like nightclubs and bars? I don't think anything else would be open at this time." Camille answered after a moment, not sure what the beautiful and exotic woman in front of her considered fun.

"Hm? Well I guess? Sounds interesting enough for me. Thanks Camille, can I tip you?" Xall'minnon spoke and then asked the last question as a bit of an afterthought.

"No need, I'm just doing my job, it's not standard procedure to get a tip for small things." Camille didn't refuse for any other reason than the fact Mina could easily look up the information online instead of asking her.

"Oh? Okay." Xall'minnon didn't dwell on her refusal, she didn't mind at all. Not everyone was comfortable with easily given things, thinking there were strings attached, and with Xall'minnon's nature, she might add conditions for the hell of it.

"It's kind of chilly? Yesterday was... I forgot. Seems I can't remember everything from Cole's life, or I just don't care?" Xall'minnon fished a phone from her pocket that wasn't there a moment ago, and a driver's license.

"I want a car." Her words were soft, but her fingers had already begun tapping away trying to find a car she liked, and after a few minutes of searching, she finally found one she liked, an all black 2024 Maserati MC20.

"It's so stylish, and cool!" Without much hesitation, sort of similar to when Cole received a ton of resources for free in a game and simply splurged, a car's frame flickered into existence, and then the interior and exterior were quickly generated in front of her.

Getting into the brand new car, Xall'minnon briefly contemplated her current self. She seemed to be nearly omniscient, all powerful, and able to create and do almost anything, the only thing that restrained her was herself.

If a human gained such an ability, they may show off or try for world domination, but a demon's own interests were naturally more important to themselves, and she couldn't care about the world, only about her own desires.

The butterfly doors opened and revealed the pristine interior of the supercar. Getting in and pulling the door closed, Xall'minnon started the car excitedly and drove forward naturally, a pleased smile on her face.

"This is nice, I think I'll head to a bar?" Going to a bar was something Cole hadn't done before, so she couldn't use his previous experience as a reference.

"Well, drinking isn't all that, but it should be fun." Xall'minnon chuckled and drove towards the Niistio on her phone's map.

When she pulled over and slowed down, the sound of the car's engine drew plenty of eyes, and seeing the sleek black sports slow and come to a stop, the surrounding people couldn't help but stare.

"I know my car is nice, but to see everyone staring shows my choice was excellent." Nodding to herself, Xall'minnon took her phone and recreated the card she'd used to pay in the hotel, then created a small black purse and put them all inside.

When she opened the door, the air outside was warmer than the interior of her car, she got out of her car elegantly, her movements looking extremely well practiced and neat.

The eyes that fell on her made her curious, she couldn't help but wonder what people thought as they looked at her. She could know almost anything she wanted in the world, but not the thoughts of a person.

Looking around, when her sickly yellow and poison green irises met someone's eyes, they'd look away with a flushed face, which she understood. 

Demons were fascinating, and she doubted she'd find an ugly demon, maybe even finding a mediocre demon would be a stretch, most demons weren't not out of beautiful of vanity, but because beauty was something they pursued.

"You can enter Miss." The person at the door came to Xall'minnon and spoke softly, and only then did she realize looking at the sign that the bar was also a nightclub.

"Oh? I'm not imposing am I?" Xall'minnon asked with a look of confusion, the line by the entrance wasn't long, but it also had at least seven people waiting in it.

"Not at all, not at all." The man replied quickly, his face smiling but he couldn't help but marvel at the woman in front of him.

When the black supercar with the Maserati brand in front, he thought it would be a guy and was jealous of the extremely good looking car, but when the exotic and gorgeous looking caramel skinned beauty stepped out, he couldn't maintain his jealousy.

"Oh, then thank you." Xall'minnon said lightly, the man's fascination with her completely normal in her eyes, she was beautiful and she didn't mind being looked at, it just proved she was in fact beautiful.

Of course, she had no interest in the man and simply nodded spoke to dismiss him when she entered the building, she looked around the entrance and nodded, the lighting and ambiance was done well in her opinion.

The door guy seemed to want to follow her, but he was on his shift and couldn't, so he could only look regretfully at her departing back, wishing he wasn't working so he could try his luck.

Xall'minnon looked around and then focused her eyes on a timid looking girl ordering drinks, and her lips curled into a predatory grin.

"I won't be bored tonight." Xall'minnon slowly approached the girl who seemed out of place, her body tensed and not at all relaxed, yet her determined expression amused Xall'minnon.


"Good morning, get me whatever she's having, I'll pay for the both of us." A soft and sweet voice tickled Abigail's ears and a slender and beautiful woman who looked about her age and was a little taller than her looked at her and smiled invitingly. 

"No need, I'll just pa-" Abigail didn't want a stranger to pay for herself, but the woman's strangely colored yellow and green eyes glittered as she looked at her as if she were amusing.

"I won't drug you or anything darling, just enjoy." She handed over a card and the bartender handed both of them their drinks, Abigail realized this woman still paid for her drink.

"Um thank you?" Abigail thought the woman would say more, but instead of speaking, the woman sipped the drink and turned and walked away, her graceful curves that were neither too thick nor too thin swaying as she left.

Abigail took a deep breath to calm her racing nerves and hurried back to her classmates. She didn't have much interaction with them in their classes, but she wasn't excluded and so she couldn't help attending their party, as for what it was for she was uncertain.

"Abigail, I thought you got lost getting a drink, or maybe you just left." Although majority of her classmates weren't involved enough to bother her, apparently the boy Leah liked invited Abigail, and she felt personally offended and decided to make troubles for Abigail throughout the night.

"No, I found it." Abigail didn't want to get into anything, and she found the whole situation ridiculous. Oliver didn't like her, nor did she like him, it was just a girl thinking too much about something.

"Calm down Leah, Abigail's back isn't she?" Although Oliver spoke up for her, Abigail didn't feel any good will towards him, his words would only infuriate Leah who was already bitter.

"Back for what? She's the most plain person ever, I doubt any person in here would even look at her." Leah grumbled loud enough for her classmates to her, and Oliver only stifled a laugh.

"Leah, don't be rude." Abigail took a deep breath while Oliver 'chided' Leah, but didn't refute her words, she didn't dress up nor wear make up, so she did appear to look plain in regards to everyone else who had dolled themselves up.

"What? It's true." Leah felt that Oliver's attention was wasted on someone she felt was inferior to herself, and Oliver's reprimanding words only annoyed her further.

"Abigail darling, you ran off before I could find a spot, do you mind if I sit here?" A smooth and silky voice immediately caused everyone to fall into a brief daze as an exotic looking woman approached the table holding a glass of wine, her eyes on Abigail.

"Huh?" Abigail remembered the beauty that had paid for their drinks, but didn't expect the other party to approach her again nor did she remember giving the other party her name, at the time she simply felt she was just lucky to get a free drink when the other party left without saying anything, but her face heated up when she heard the other party call herself darling.

"Do you mind if I sit here darling?" The woman slid into the empty seat next to Abigail, the sweet scent wafted over and filled Abigail's nose, not overpoweringly sweet, but it left her wishing she could just inhale the scent for a while.

"Good morning." Her words to everyone else seemed purely perfunctory, but none of them said anything because she had barely looked at them from when she arrived to when she sat down.

"Um, ahem Abigail, who's your friend?" Oliver smiled and asked, ignoring the glare Leah sent his way and stared at the sculpted face of the woman sitting besides Abigail, a girl he wouldn't interact with normally.

"You can call me Mina." The soft and warm breath tickled Abigail's ears and she couldn't help but turn and froze when she found herself staring into the dual colored irises gazing back at herself with fascination.

"Um, Mina, my name is Olive-" Abigail wanted to scoff at his actions. He encouraged Leah previously and as soon as someone better looking turned up, he threw her aside as well, but Mina spoke before he could finish.

"That's nice, I'm not here for you though." Her words were still light, but the disregard in them were as scathing as if she'd yelled, from the moment she had appeared until now, she only had Abigail in her eyes.

"Who are you? This is a class gathering, and you're being rude to us as a guest? Is this how your friends are Abigail?" Leah's mocking voice came, and Abigail finally saw Mina's eyes leave her own.

"My name is Mina, as for being a guest, I guess I am. I apologize for my rude words, I'm honestly not interested in either of you, please don't take offense." Then Mina turned her eyes back to Abigail.

"Abigail, you have such a lovely name, it's really fitting." Mina said without minding the glares of the other college students, her gentle words tickling Abigail's ears.

"What's so good about her? Is she someone you called so you wouldn't be embarrassed, look at you and look at her, you're not even at the same level, how could she be your friend, she doesn't even know your name a-!" Leah scolded and Abigail felt a bit of anger within herself building.

"Don't be angry darling, it's fine, take a deep breath." Mina then sipped her wine and looked at Leah with an expressionless look that made her words stop in her throat.

"From what I've seen, you've troubled Abigail repeatedly, do you have a bias against her? She's so adorable, how can you use such harsh words?" Mina then frowned and a soft clicking sound came from within her chest, far too low for others to hear, but Abigail who was closest to her heard it vaguely.

"I do not want to hear you speak again, silence is golden." Mina's voice was light and still so charming even if the words weren't, but Leah shivered and couldn't help but spill her drink on herself, her eyes averted as she trembled.

"What do you want to do now?" Mina asked with a look of curiosity on her face, and Abigail could somehow feel, no matter what she proposed, Mina would accompany her.

"I want t-to get another drink." Abigail caught herself in time, nearly being swept up in those green and yellow eyes looking at her as if she were something valuable and amazing.

"Let's go darling." Mina took Abigail's hand and pulled her along gently to the bar once again, never looking back at the other classmates, and Abigail realized it wasn't out of spite, they simply were never in her considerations.

"How did you know my name? I didn't tell you." Abigail gathered her courage and finally asked a question. Mina paused and then turned and stared into Abigail's eyes with a look of helplessness.

"I saw someone so interesting I had to know who she was, and so I got her information. Don't worry though darling, I won't hurt a hair on your pretty head, if you feel uncomfortable you can leave at any time." Mina's words were shocking enough to Abigail, in less than five minutes, Mina had gotten information on herself, and she didn't seem like she intended to force her, and although Mina could be lying, Abigail felt she was being truthful enough.

"Here, have a seat, you don't seem to have eaten. Order what you want, I'm paying." Mina led Abigail to a table and then sat across from her, her words light but filled with a sense of force that Abigail sat down before she realized what had happened.

"Don't be so nervous, relax and pick whatever. I won't try to trick you or anything, nor will there be some unspeakable drugs in the food, I'll have a bite of whatever you order if you wish." Abigail stared at Mina who seemed so gentle yet at the same time so forceful she couldn't say no, and found Mina's eyes staring into her own with that same interested look.