Chapter 20 ‘Truthful shame’
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'Why did I do that!?'

Ignavus was laid curled in his bed. Trying his best to forget what had happened the day before. 

It was only after he had calm down did he realise how childish he was acting. The embarrassment threatened to drown him.

'I can't believe I said such childish things'

Ignavus was acting like a child. He knew he had changed, but to go so far as to seek comfort like that... was nothing short of embarrassing. To make matters worse, Marie had been understanding. She comforted him. 

'It did feel nice though...'

With that thought, Ignavus sat up and started smashing his head against the pillow repeatedly.

'What am I thinking!?'

A light knock sounded, and the door opened.

"What are you doing my lady?"(M)

"Just... waking myself up for once, haha"(I)

As the nervous laugh left his mouth, Marie sent him a questioning glance.

"Okay then..."(M)

"Anyways, I have some good news! Today you will get to leave the house for a bit!"(M)

Ignavus's face lit up as soon as he heard the news.

'Wait... knowing them I shouldn't get my hopes up.'

Regaining control of his facial expressions and letting out a fake cough. He asked a very important question,

"What is the occasion?"(I)

"Well... that's not really my place to say, but I am sure you'll be excited!"(M)

To say Ignavus was a bit excited was an understatement. Ever since coming here, he had only ever been allowed to leave whenever they were training. For Marie to mention this particular excursion, it must mean that it was truly something special. Either that, or she was just messing with him, again. Hopefully the former. Maybe, if he was really lucky, he wouldn't have to do training today!

"Let's quickly head to the bath and get you all cleaned up. After you finish your training, you can then go and enjoy yourself."(M)

Marie had extinguished his hopes with a cold bucket of reality.

'I guess I was too hopeful...'

"Marie... about the shower, can I try by myself...?"(I)

"My lady, are we really going to have to do this again?"(M)

"No, I was just asking because..."(I)

'I want a little private time where I can pretend to have some dignity'

"Are you still embarrassed about yesterday?"(M)

'She didn't have to bring that up!'

"E-Embarrassed?! I have nothing to be embarrassed about!"(I)

Ignavus could feel the blood rushing to his face. He knew he wasn't being very convincing.

"Don't start spouting such nonsense-!"(I)

Feeling the golden bracelets reacting to his choice of words. A thought flashed through his mind.

'How is that even a bad word...'



Marie glanced at his twitching body before lifting him up.

"Glad to see your back to yourself my lady, but you know I won't allow it"(M)

With those final remarks, she picked his body and headed off to the baths.



Teen was sure something important was happening, at the very least her father had been called to meet with the queen yesterday. A once in a lifetime kind of thing from what she knew.

"Tee! dad's calling!"

"I told you to stop with the dumb name!"(T)

Her idiot of a brother had picked up that name from the crazy talking tree. Running out of their room and down the stairs, she ignores the weird feeling building up in her gut. It felt like something strange was going to happen. She just couldn't place what it was.

'Hopefully it's not mom's surprise dinner...'

Remembering that thing still gave her nightmares.

Arriving at the bottom of the steps, she spotted her brother. She shot him a glare as she spoke,

"Call me that one more time and I'll-!"(T)

Her words died in her throat as she finally noticed her mother standing beside her brother.

"What did I tell you about threatening your brother! I thought we had an agreement! NO violence for a week!"


"No buts. You are banned from leaving the house for a week! When your father is done with you come to my room immediately!"

'He-he set me up!!'

Her brother was grinning ear to ear as their mother laid into her.

"And you! What did I tell you about provoking your sister! Same punishment!"

"You will both stay here until you learn to get along!"

With those last words her mom left covered in flames.

After waiting for their mom to be out of ear shot, she turned to her brother.

"Great going Gol! Now were both going to get an ear full. Mom was already in a bad mood with dad's sudden summoning, did you see the colour of her flame! I hope your happy. "(T)

"Y-yea, well whatever"(G)

They both started walking towards their father's main study.

Seeing the door slightly open, they took a peek inside. He wasn't there yet again.

"Why does he always do this? Summon us then disappear into thin air!"(G)

"Stop complaining, I'm sure he has his reasons"(T)

'It is pretty annoying though...'


They had been waiting for close to three hours at the door. A lot of time had been wasted.

"Hey! what are you doing?!"(T)

Her brother had started walking up to their father's desk.

"Just a little curious. Come on, aren't you bored? If we're lucky maybe we can find out what dad's meeting with the queen was about..."(G)

"Get back here before we get into more trouble!"(T)

Teen knew her brother well. He wasn't going to listen and sure enough, he made a mocking face before saying.

"Why don't you come and stop me?"(G)

'Why is he like this!'

Despite thinking this Teen didn't move to stop him. She moved to get a closer look on the now unguarded desk.

'A small peek shouldn't hurt anyone... right?'

The feeling of a hand landing on her shoulder startled her.

"There you kids are"(A)

Before Teen could process what was happening flames covered her sight.

They opened to reveal a forest. A massive vast one.

"Where, where are we?!"(G)

Her brother's confused shout rang in her ear.

"Okay kids! I have a task for you."(A)

Their father pulled out a small smooth blue pebble.

"I need you kids to help escort a very important guest to our home. This pebble will guide you home. The redder it gets the closer you are. It's as simple as that! Any questions?"(A)


"We can't-"(T)

Cutting both of them off, he spoke, 

"None? Great! Good luck!"(A)

He then disappeared again.

'This is definitely punishment for trying to steal a glance at his desk...'

Feeling depressed, Teen curled into a ball on the floor.

'I should have known better...'