Third Arc (Fallen Heart) – 236. Will You Be My Queen?
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Third Arc (Fallen Heart) - 236. Will You Be My Queen?
The golden hues of twilight streamed through the window, casting a warm glow that gently illuminated the corridor they walked in. As Rose's steps came to a halt, her gaze became fixed on a distant point outside, a point that held memories woven into its very fabric.
Angel, attuned to her every shift in demeanor, turned to face her, concern etched onto his features. "What's wrong?" His voice was a soothing balm.
Rose's eyes remained on the iron fence of the hunting ground that lay beyond the window's frame. She regarded it with a mixture of nostalgia and contemplation, her thoughts a cascade of memories that threatened to overwhelm her. "I never thought," she began softly, her words carrying a hint of surprise, "that the man who saved me that night has become my husband."
The weight of her revelation hung in the air, a testament to the unforeseen twists and turns that life had taken them on. In her gaze, there was a blend of emotions—a convergence of gratitude, wonder, and a touch of incredulity. She was standing at the juncture of past and present, her heart divided between the girl who had been rescued and the woman who stood now.
Angel regarded her with a tenderness that mirrored his understanding of the depths of her feelings. "Fate has its own way of weaving stories, doesn't it?" His voice held a soft resonance, a calm affirmation that sought to ease the currents of emotion that stirred within her.
Rose nodded, a small smile curving her lips as she continued to gaze outside. "Indeed, it does." She was lost in thought, the memories of that night playing like a film reel in her mind—the darkness, the danger, and the mysterious savior who had appeared to shield her from harm's way.
Angel mused, his voice carrying a trace of contemplation. "Yet, I wonder, do you regret it? Meeting me that night?"
"No, meeting you and becoming your wife... is the best thing that happened in my life," Rose spoke, her voice carrying a melody of sincerity that resonated in the air between them. Her words bore the truth of a journey marked by unexpected twists and profound discoveries.
Angel, his fingers as gentle as the breeze that brushed against them, caressed Rose's cheek with an affection that spoke volumes. His touch held a tenderness that transcended spoken language, an expression of the love that had grown and flourished between them through trials and tribulations. "And you've brought immeasurable light into mine," he responded, his voice a velvet murmur that seemed to carry a promise of eternal devotion.
Angel's words shifted to a topic of practicality. "After we return to Euphorion," he began, his fingers tracing the contours of her features with a gentleness that mirrored his demeanor, "you must get ready for your coronation."
"Coronation?" Rose's voice carried a tinge of confusion, her eyebrows knitting together as she searched Angel's eyes for clarity.
Angel's lips curved into a soft smile, a glint of amusement twinkling in his gaze. "Yes," he affirmed, "I need a wife, but Euphorion also needs a queen."
The words hung in the air, a blend of surprise and realization filling Rose's eyes. She had never imagined herself standing at the threshold of queenship, her destiny interwoven with the future of Euphorion. It was as if the whims of fate had cast her into a role she hadn't anticipated, a role that would require her to navigate the complexities of leadership alongside her role as Angel's partner.
The atmosphere was charged with an almost tangible tension as Rose's voice fell silent, leaving behind a trace of blushing warmth on her cheeks. Her gaze, a medley of emotions, flickered between vulnerability and anticipation, mirroring the delicate balance of emotions that swirled within her.
Angel sensed the weight of the moment. With a tenderness that mirrored the soft caress of a breeze, he lifted her hand to his lips. His kiss was a gentle press of warmth against her skin, an unspoken reassurance that transcended words. It was a gesture that affirmed their connection, a silent promise that their bond was unbreakable.
As the echoes of that kiss lingered in the air, Angel's voice, a soothing melody, filled the space around them. "Rose Ambrosia Heart... no, Rose Ambrosia Moonfall, will you be the Queen of Euphorion and rule with me?" His words were spoken with a gentleness that carried the weight of a question, a question that held the promise of a future interwoven with shared responsibilities and aspirations.

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