An Expansive Harem
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"Both Cocksleeve," you order your wives, making them freeze in place. "Both of you, lean over the bed with your asses out, looking back at me." They're already naked, so you just admire their bare asses, fingers running along the supple flesh. You push your way easily into both their minds, your cock twitching as you implant the latest order. "Masochismo," you say, causing no immediately obvious response in either of their minds, but immediately making them both pant with anticipation, their eyes smoldering with lust as they look back at you, lips softly parted.

The command will make them still intensely aroused from being hit - even heighten the effect a bit, mix in some pleasure - but it will also make them experience pain close to what a normal woman would experience. Neither Meg nor Dany have ever been normal women, but they should be able to fill in the blanks decently, you figure. For a long second or two, you keep groping their ass cheeks... then you bring down a pair of spankings on them.

Both women squeak in surprise, eyes widening, their bodies faintly twitching. "That, that hurt," Dany says, shock dripping from her voice, her eyes wide.

"Yeah," is your succinct reply. "I've made it so that when I or your sister hit you, you'll actually experience pain, in addition to the arousal and pleasure." You massage their ass cheeks for a moment, wondering if either will offer an actual complaint. Meg's the more likely to, but she doesn't, ultimately. "No problems? Good." You bring down another pair of smacks on their asses.

You can't so much as leave a pink mark on their bare flesh, of course. Still, they let out these little squirming gasps. "You're allowed to move again," you tell them, wanting to see how their bodies react, how they move when they're given freedom but still masochists - and the answer is, they push their asses up towards you, inviting and round spheres, soft and pale flesh that asks you to strike it even more. You bring down another strike on either of their asses, your cock throbbing in your pants, threatening to burst free at any moment as you look down at them from that position.

A few more spankings become a dozen, and then you start to shift their bodies around. You don't stop, don't even pull out your cock, despite your body's rampaging desires. You slap their faces, their tits, watch them shiver in ecstasy and all but drool in pleasure as they get smacked around like that. You wind up fucking Dany as you swat Meg's cunt and clit, making your first wife's clone shiver in pleasure, her fingers clawing into the bed as she bites her lower lip. This is probably the most intense pain she's ever experienced in her life, after all. Maybe not Dany's.

"Thank me for making you experience pain like this," you order them both, as you continue to roughly pound at Dany, grabbing her hair and yanking her up by it, making her wince and gasp in pain. You're unconcerned about it - you know she's enjoying herself, and you can't do any actual damage.

"Thank you, Master!" Both of them chorus the words together, their voices strained from their respective pains. You increase your pace inside Dany, doing your level best to just ram her absolutely fucking senseless. She sputters at the mix of pleasure and pain, straining to come but not actually quite able to, thanks to your power.

"Thank you for making us your masochistic sex slaves," Meg adds, actually drooling a little as she does so.

"I'm so happy, Master," Dany adds, in a soft, almost exultant tone, her voice hitching as you yank on her hair and send a fresh bit of pain through her body. "May this humble, masochistic slave-wife, please, come, Master?"

"Come," you order them both, your voice firm, and you exult in the sensations of her wet sex clamping down on your dick, squeezing and groping and grinding your length inside her. You hold yourself deep within her, closing your eyes and drinking in the sensations. One hand yanks on her hair intermittently, enjoying the way she hisses even in the midst of her orgasm, while the other just yanks on Meg's clit, roughly pinching and twisting it, making her gurgle, spitting up drool onto the bed beneath her as she gets roughly mistreated like that.

The moment Dany's done coming, you pull out, half-tossing her down to the bed, sending her roughly smacking against the mattress beneath her, panting in place as you ram right into her sister-slave's pussy.

"You love it, don't you?" You demand of Meg, yanking her by the hair, enjoying as she winces and gasps. You know she has super strength, but she still lets you painfully manhandle her - that's how deep her love and submission towards you is. "Meg?"

"Yes, Masterrrr," she moans out, panting as you fuck into her. Saliva dribbles down her chin, her expression one of pleasure and confusion both mixed together in a ridiculous, intoxicating brew. She's not used to this at all, the sense of pleasure mixing together with pain to really fry her brain. "I love it, I love you, Master. My body's, yours," she adds, pumping her hips back against you as best she can, a certain competitive glint in her eyes as she looks over at Dany, who's just panting on the bed.

"Who's in charge of this family?"

"You, Master," both girls gasp out, instantly, unhesitatingly.

"We're your legal and obedient slaves, ha, happy to get, fuh, fucked," Meg says, hissing and gasping as you draw her nearer to orgasm.

You're absently spanking Dany's ass, not giving her nearly the rough treatment you were just giving Meg - but as you do so, Dany hefts her butt up into the air, making your palm start to collide with her cunt, with her clit, making her jerk and spasm in pleasure and pain as she seeks even more pain. "Come, both of you," you order, enjoying as the two engage in spastic twitches of pleasure, Meg's cunt gripping your dick and just... squeezing. Trying to wring an orgasm out of you.

You switch between the two again and again, roughly fucking them absolutely senseless. Sometimes you leave them to edge for long minutes, unable to come; others, you mix swats to the clit with orders to orgasm, making them both jerk wildly in ecstasy and pain, mixing together in a way that's no doubt messing with their heads. You lose track of time as you just enjoy yourself, enjoy them, until at last you're so exhausted you can't do any more.

It's only then that you say "Back to normal." Instantly, both women's posture shifts. Where they held their bodies awkwardly to hide aches, there's no hint of pain at all, as they curl up next to you and dotingly kiss at your neck, rub their tits into your side, silently declare themselves to have absolutely loved what you just did, that it was all totally fine with them.

"I love you so much, Thomas," Dany says.

"I love you even more," Meg counters, her voice husky with lust.

* * *

You get a little... rougher, with both Meg and Dany, over the next few weeks. It's a consequence of their lack of limits - it just encourages you to go further and further, rather than being satisfied with what you've got. With the latest new addition, the masochistic lust both women now share at your command, some part of you worries that you're starting to go too far, so you turn back on Dany's base personality while Meg is taking care of Celeste.

Dany just stretches herself on the couch, resting her head in your lap, closing her eyes, oblivious to the fact that she's wearing nothing but a collar and lingerie. Your fingers gingerly stroke through her hair, as you start to explain to her what's happened over the past year. All the modifications you've made to her thinking. All the alternate personalities. The fact that she's got a daughter, a "twin sister," a slave contract. You actually show her a copy of it, letting her read through it. Seeing her response, the way her lips part, her whole body faintly trembling with arousal as she reads, the wet swallow that she makes.

"I wanted to ask you because you're the person I trust most in the world, Dany. Obviously... let's call her 'current Dany' is fine with this whole situation, but... am I doing what you would have wanted? Or have I wound up going too far?"

"Can you... let me see those memories?" Dany asks. "It's hard to say, just from the outside."

"I've been reading her journal, making her and Meg write honestly in it - you enjoy it, if that's what you're worried about."

She just quietly nods. "It sounds really sexy, Master," she says, wiggling a bit in place, nuzzling her cheek against your cock. "Honestly, my only problem is that you deleted my fetish for exactly this sort of thing, the part of me that craved to be... completely deleted." She shivers softly as she says it.

"Let me unlock those memories, then. See if you still feel the same way." You reach inside her mind, playing with it gently, and it takes no time at all for her to shudder at the flood of memories, humming quietly as she sorts through them, a gentle smile on her lips.

"It's good, Thomas. It's wonderful, even. I'm happy with everything you've done," she says, kissing your thigh. She takes your cock into her mouth, starting to bob, faintly moaning at your taste, at the fact that the inside of her mouth has been turned into an erogenous zone. You just close your eyes and lean back, letting her work you over like that. When she's done, you put her Back to Normal, and just enjoy your horny slave-wife as she happily bounces on your cock, deeply aroused by getting to "relearn" everything she'd been through. At some point, Meg comes out with Celeste, and you wind up switching off between her and Dany a few times.

* * *

You've just managed to get Celeste back to sleep, as you gingerly lay her down in her bed. "Master," comes Meg's voice, your second wife now having the hints of a baby bump. There's a certain insistent note to her voice, but it's not sexual (or at least, not entirely so) - you leave Celeste alone, going to her side, quietly closing the door behind you.

"What is it?" You ask Meg.

"I have selected three possible candidates to become additional slaves, Master," she says. She's excited as she says it, rushing the words out like she can barely contain herself. "I've tried my best to select girls who represent a gamut of possibilities, and who have been honest about their interests and identity. May I please show you them?"

"Sure," you say. "Show me what you have."


She zips away, producing her laptop, currently displaying a small photo album - this is the first image of three, by the number at the bottom. It displays a girl you're pretty sure is younger than you, in a shot from a beach or pool. She has lovely brown hair done back, a nice body with some curves to it (though no competition for your wives).

"This is Glittergold," she says. "She's twenty-one, and interested in becoming a teacher. She's got a rare genetic disorder that keeps her from having kids, and she fantasizes about mind control a lot. When I mentioned that you already had one child that you made me raise as my own, she seemed particularly excited and interested." She raises Celeste as her own because she is her own, in the same way that Meg is your wife, but you don't bother to correct her on that. She thinks Celeste is her niece right now. "I believe that she would be very helpful around the house, particularly with the children. You could effectively make her our babysitter and sex slave, and I don't think there would be significant resistance."


She clicks the next button, displaying the image of a girl with dyed purple hair, piercings, and a lightly punk vibe, with multiple ear piercings. It's hard to get an exact reading on her age just from the image alone. The image is particularly risque, displaying her in bra and panties.

"This is XOXO. She's currently a lesbian, so I had only tangential contact with her in the past, but she did recently suggest that she wished she was bisexual or even straight. She's only twenty-three, but has had seven bad relationships with other women, mostly owing to the lack of initiative on the part of her partners - she's very naturally submissive, I can tell." By the way she says it, you think that's because she's been dominant with her and found her completely compliant. "I started seeing if she'd be interested in extensive mind control, and she seemed to find the idea of being forcibly made attracted to a man quite erotic. I'm not entirely certain what her limits would be with a man, but with a woman, she seems to have few or even none, so once she was made attracted to you, she would be putty in your hands. There is obviously the pleasure of fucking a woman straight, I think."


The final picture is of a rather thin woman, older than the other two. She has long, dark hair that's a little stringy, with bags under her eyes. She doesn't seem to be in the greatest health - in other photos you can see her ribs a bit too clearly.

"This is LastDitchLover. She's a former model, and currently a coke addict who's barely subsisting. She fantasizes about a great number of things in terms of mind control, particularly, of course, getting rid of her cocaine addiction. Her total lack of control over her life at pleasant owing to the addiction makes her particularly willing to accept an outside third party's control. She'd be willing to become your masochistic foot stool/sex slave if it meant no longer being addicted to cocaine. I explicitly asked her as much," she adds, a certain note of delight. "Would you like one of them? Or all three, of course..."

You reach for the laptop, clicking back and forth between the three girls on display. Part of you makes some tiny noise of complaint - aren't you going a bit far? You've already made your wives into sex slaves, willing masochists, so much more, and you're thinking of getting more of them. Getting confirmation from Dany that she really would have liked this, before you did anything... doesn't actually seem to have entirely silenced that nagging voice.

As one psychologist once put it, though: "Guilt is not a wild thing. It is not a wolf that patrols its territory, forever suspicious and alert. It is more like the family dog who barks at the strange but not the familiar and can be trained in any case." If you keep going, you know for a fact these feelings will subside in due time.

You asked Danylynn about how she would have felt, early on, about what you've done to her - she was more than happy with it, even intensely aroused by all the specifics. You're having fun, and you aren't hurting anyone, unless you count making Meg and Dany into masochists. You're just... feeling anxious, you guess, because the novelty of that particular area. Before then, you'd never actually hurt your wives. They wouldn't be hurt if you took out an anti-material rifle and shot them in the head, so you could be as dominant and sadistic as you pleased without concern. Now that there is an actual pain element, those same tendencies are making you feel guilty.

It can be solved with more aftercare. Ask them about how they felt about being smacked around and feeling pleasure and pain all at once. Having them tell you what their favorite and least favorite parts are. Reviewing their journals after you use that particular mod - or just dialing back its use, if none of that works. Feeling guilty about it to the point of changing up your relationship would be an overreaction.

Megaera waits patiently, simply staring at you in silence as you look down at the screen and make a final decision on your relationship with her and Dany. You consider each girl, both visually and by what she's described. "I want to read your chat logs with them, or email exchanges, or however it is you tested the waters. But if you've been honest, then I want all three. You did good, picking them out," you tell her, patting her head. "As a reward," you say, gently taking the laptop out of her hands, "come." She immediately moans in place, eyelashes fluttering.

* * *

The first girl you actually meet is LastDitchLover - or Helen Hunter, which is her actual name. Megaera accompanies you as you find her already seated at the restaurant; she looks up at you with a haggard expression, looking like she hasn't slept in days. Literally, since she's a coke user. "You're hot, at least," she mumbles, half to herself, letting out a long sigh.

"Helen, right?" She nods. "I'm Thomas," you say. "This is my wife, Megaera - I believe the two of you were chatting?" She only nods, her eyelashes fluttering as she struggles not to simply fall forward onto the table. "Before I do anything else, there is one thing I have to do first," you say, as you sit down. Megaera follows you into the seat. "I need you to agree to keep quiet about my powers, and my home life. It was Meg's idea to start looking for other girls, but I really don't want things around the house to get messed up."

"Sure," she agrees, lazily. You reach into her mind, starting off with securing yourself. It feels a little bad, but she did just consent - and the command not to mention anything about your mind control or your wives slips in like into molasses. It's more like your wives when they're asleep, than your wives when they're completely nonresisting. Her eyes flutter open and shut in an erratic sequence, her gaze spinning forward and back, like a camera zooming in and out without any effect.

It's been a long time since you used your ability on an actually resisting target. You feel just a bit lightheaded for a moment, like you stood up after lying down for hours, but the sensation vanishes in a few short seconds. "Alright. Now, as I recall, you stated that you'd be willing to become my masochistic foot stool/sex slave, if it meant that you wouldn't be addicted to cocaine any more?"

She nods. "Yeah." It's more a bark than a lazy response, now, a certain glower in her gaze as if she was annoyed at you wasting her time like this.

"Are you..." You pause. "High right now?"

"Haven't done it since Monday-" it's Wednesday now, "-so I feel like a sack of shit. Lucky I even managed to drag myself out here. When's the-" she stops speaking suddenly, and there's a widening to her eyes as she realizes she can't talk about your powers in a public setting like this. Her hands go to her throat, to her mouth, her breathing becoming faster with anxious fear.

"You agreed to keep that private," you tell her. "I'm going to help you recover from the experience of the crash," you note. You push the command into her mind. Every low that's currently being experienced due to her withdrawal from cocaine is forcibly muted. You're not sure how effective it will actually be, since a lot of the reason for the experience is biochemical in nature. Can your power refresh the depleted dopamine reserves of somebody who's been using?

Helen stutters herself upright, blinking rapidly like you just splashed cold water in her face. "Holy shit, it fucking works. I mean... agh, got a headache," she says, pressing her palm against her head.

"You alright?" You ask, as she grits her teeth and clenches her eyes shut.

"Nnn, fuck," she grunts out. A few seconds later, she finally seems to calm down. "Okay, it's... the throbbing's less. This is... the best I've felt while not high in... years," she admits.

"Excellent," Meg says, smiling brightly. "Since Master has removed your cocaine addiction, you won't mind becoming his masochistic foot stool/sex slave, yes?"

Helen just lets out a shuddering sigh, nodding rapidly. "Yeah. Yeah. Master? Should I call you that now?"

She's... not particularly attractive at the moment, to be honest. She's thin as a rake and still looks like she could use a good wash. "Sure. I'll monitor your progress and help you with any further withdrawal symptoms. And make sure you don't want to take any coke ever again. While that happens... well, you can enjoy being my slave. Afterwards, we can talk about continuing, if you want."

"Yes, Master." She smiles as she speaks, bright and warm. You get the impression she came here more out of desperation than anything else, and the fact that it actually worked is an incredibly pleasant surprise.

* * *

Dany immediately falls in love with Helen when you bring her home. Oh, not in the literal sense - Dany still only has eyes for you - but in the figurative one. She helps Helen detox in the mundane ways, offering her tasty snacks, helping her wash her hair, and doing dozens of other little things, her maternal, sweet demeanor helping Helen fall into a comfortable pattern.

You do wind up having to perform fairly regular "maintenance" on Helen, to keep her withdrawal symptoms down. Each such event coincides with a minor headache, but it quickly fades, with no lingering effects.


It takes maybe a week before Helen's filled out enough - started to look good enough - that you feel comfortable actually having sex with her. No longer is she the emaciated coke addict, but the slender model, and it's instantly easy to see how she could succeed as one. With her makeup done, her body properly cared for, she looks positively beautiful, and has a good sense of style as well, picking out clothes that really make her slim body pop.

Meg's currently bobbing up and down your cock, her lips tight around your dick. You agreed that she could come as much as she could manage during sex with you, for as long as it took you to actually fuck Helen. It was both a reward for her, and a way for you to keep in mind the fact that you actually should fuck Helen. That was part of the original idea, after all.

Helen comes out of the bathroom, followed shortly by Dany, who's wearing nothing but a smile and her collar. Helen's gotten very well accustomed to your wives' nudity around the house (with a bit of nudging assistance from you), so it doesn't even bother her, nor does seeing Meg currently sucking you off, frantically moaning as she tries to get herself off the rest of the way.

"Master," Helen says, making your gaze lazily go up to her - a hand on Meg's head reminds her that she actually does need to keep sucking. "Thank you so much for this. I feel incredible, and it's - really kind of you, to help an addict like me out." She looks down at where Meg is bobbing up and down, your slave-wife noisily moaning as she tries to bring herself off, some hint of trepidation in her expression before she quickly erupts in ecstasy, moaning around your length, her juices dripping down her inner thighs as she comes. "Am... I not attractive to you, Master? I understand your twin slaves are very beautiful, but..." she plays with the collar you bought her a bit, fingers trailing along it. "I wasn't just on the MCBB looking for help with coke, if that's what you're worried about."

You grab Meg by the hair, yanking her off your cock. She lets out this soft noise of distress, knowing that her week of good times is at an end. You reach over into Helen's mind, making a couple minor adjustments there - she'll be particularly horny and sensitive with you, and find fellatio as pleasurable as vaginal sex. Her mind has that same syrupy stick to it, as you impress the thoughts, and you stand up. "If you want it so bad, you can get down on your knees and suck me off." Your wives have really acclimated you to being much more dominant than you ever used to be.

"Yes, Master," she says, her eyelashes fluttering, a sharp intake of breath and a color to her cheeks as she slides down to her knees in front of you. She moans in surprise as your spit-slick cock works its way into her mouth, easily fitting into her throat without any adjustments from you. She lets out a soft sigh around your length, her eyes looking up at you warmly, her hands sliding up and down your thighs as she just smiles up at you. It takes maybe a minute of bobbing for her to come, but of course, your endurance is through the roof (since Meg has been sucking and fucking you nonstop this last week), so you just take hold of her ponytail and start to fuck her face.

Her hands hike up her skirt, and she slips her fingers inside her panties, frantically masturbating as she's pumped up and down your cock.

Dany wears an uncertain expression, somewhat displeased with the sight in front of her, but unwilling to say it. "Dany. What's the problem?"

"O-oh, sorry, Master," she says, bowing her head low. "I think I... feel jealous of my new sister-slave. I just... I'm sorry, I've never felt jealous of Meg, since we're basically the same person, but with Helen, it almost feels like you're cheating."

Helen tries to pull off your cock, maybe out of concern for Dany's feelings, but you just reach into your wife's mind, ramming in the thought that she won't feel jealous of any of her co-slaves. She outranks them all in your heart, anyway. (Except Meg, who she's tied with, because they're different takes on the same woman.)

"Oh. It's gone now. Thank you, Master," Dany says, bowing her head slightly, smiling down at Helen. "Are you enjoying yourself?" Helen nods around your cock, making Dany giggle softly, a twinkle in her eyes. "I'm happy. Your life is going to be so much better now that you're Thomas's slave. He's a very caring Master, he'll make sure you're happy no matter what he does to you."

Helen orgasms at that, moaning around your cock as she does so.

* * *

Like Meg, Helen has little real life outside your home. Coke destroyed her relationship network, and she hasn't been gainfully employed in over a year. What few possessions she has, she brings over to your quite spacious home. With Meg and Helen both around now, you never have to wait for somebody to put little baby Celeste to sleep before you can fuck them - you can always just find Helen and ram yourself inside her.

Naturally, Helen's on the pill, something you used your power to make sure she followed through on. Even if she does decide to stick around, you don't want her pregnant before she's actually made that decision, and before she doesn't require fairly frequent applications of your power to make it so she doesn't lie in bed as an anxious mess, feel depression, cravings, and whatever else.

You have Helen bent over the bed, admiring her slim body. Even if she's filled out a little, she has a model's physique, that slenderness still present, a lithe profile. Your wives are both curvy beauties, with full tits and equally full asses, so the contrast is sharp, and quite appealing. Your fingers grip Helen's hips tight as you just ram your cock deep inside her, making her moan and pant with pleasure. "Thank you, Master," she says, sounding almost on the verge of tears. "Thank you for fixing me, for making me your slave, Master," she notes, swallowing wetly as the words leave her throat. "It's so wonderful."

Meg is behind you, fingers trailing across your skin, nibbling on your earlobe as she whispers. "I did a good job, didn't I, Master? I found a good new slave for you, righ-"

"Come," you order Meg, silencing her as she orgasms, moaning into your ear as her body clings and grasps your own, her hard nipples scraping across your bare skin, her hot breaths tickling your neck, your cheek, your ears. "And you're welcome, Helen," you tell her, giving her tight ass a quick squeeze before getting right back to ramming into her.

* * *

It's maybe a month into Helen's rehabilitation before you arrange a meetup with your next potential slave - Glittergold. XOXO is asking for something that feels like you want to let her percolate in it. You don't want it to just be a brief flight of fancy. Glittergold, on the other hand, seems to be entirely self-motivated in her interest in mind control. Her actual name is Juliette Carmine, and she's practically bouncing in her seat as you meet her at the cafe, her eyes wild with excitement. She seems to consider hopping up from her seat to greet you, but you sit down before she actually can. "Juliette. I'm Thomas, this is Meg."

"Hi Thomas, Meg," Juliette says. "You're really..." she trails off, glancing around with a conspiratorial look, "able to do that kind of thing, to people's heads?"

"Yes," you tell her.

"Meg says you made her think of your kid with your other slave as if it was her own? That's so wonderful. Um. Did she mention that I...?"

"Can't have kids? Yes. Don't worry, I wouldn't be interested in impregnating you right off the bat anyway."

"Huh? Why?" She looks down at herself as if there were no imaginable reason that you wouldn't want to impregnate her other than that she wasn't pretty enough.

"You're twenty-one, and we've only just met," you tell her, and she lets out a little laugh.

"Oh, okay, that makes sense. Well, it doesn't matter anyway!" She claps her hands excitedly. "Can you do it now? Show it off?"

"I'll make it so you can't speak about my powers or my home life first, before we do anything else." She nods rapidly, giddily accepting it. There's a certain slurping feeling as you push the thought into her mouth. "Done."

"Is it? So I can't say-" she cuts off there, and she smiles brilliantly, her mouth trying to work but just pausing each time she does it. "That's so cool." Her hands go to the side of her head. "Oh man. I'm totally under your spell already, and I don't even know your last name."

"It's Meier. Would you care to come to my home? There's Meg and her sister Dany, plus a new slave, Helen, who Meg recruited off MCBB. I don't know if she'll stay around for good."

"We've only just met and you're already trying to get me to come home with you so you can-" the fact that she stops speaking there tells you all you need to know about the direction her mind's going. "Yes! That sounds great! Do you want me to move my stuff out of my dorm room?"

"...not just yet," you tell her.

* * *

One advantage of Juliette's overwhelming, bubbly enthusiasm is that you feel absolutely no hesitation in forcing her to get down on her knees pretty much two seconds after you introduce her to Helen. You just take a firm grip on her ponytail, make it so she'll love fellatio as much as regular sex (and make her enjoy regular sex a good deal more too), and just start to ram your cock into her mouth. She gags and sputters immediately on your dick hitting the back of her throat, her eyes widening, tears starting to get produced in her mouth, and you pull your cock out of there. "Sorry," she breathes out. "Sorry, Master!" She corrects, quickly. "I've never, um, done it before!" She swallows wetly.

You push into her mind that her gag reflex won't activate when it's your cock in her throat, and you push her right back down, making her moan in pleasure and delight as she gets facefucked like that. Her hand slides down between her thighs, and she starts to strip, showing off more and more of her body as you use her mouth and throat for your personal sexual pleasure. Helen watches with some heat to her cheeks, a certain note of surprise to her expression. Meg radiates smug delight, proud that she managed to pick out such a great slave for you to use to your heart's content.

Something occurs to you, and you decide to test it out verbally. "Since I can't knock you up anyway," you tell Juliette, making her eyes flick up to you as she moans around your cock, "I was thinking I'd just use your mouth, and leave you a virgin down there." She moans at the mere thought of that kind of treatment, orgasming around your dick as her eyes roll up, her whole body twitching in ecstasy as a powerful orgasm rushes through her. "You like that idea, huh?" You grunt out, as she glugs wetly on your dick. "You really are a horny little slut." You're interrupted by the sound of Celeste's crying. "Meg, go check on Celeste real quick, give her some breastmilk if she needs it."

"Yes, Master," Megaera agrees. She moves slowly over to the bedroom - by which you mean, at normal human pace.

You just ram your cock entirely down Juliette's throat before speaking up. "Neither of you can talk about anything that goes on inside this house with people outside it," you tell them. "Or write about it, or otherwise communicate. Just like how you can't talk about my powers, you won't be able to do that."

"Of course, Master," Helen says, with a docile lowering of her head, "I wouldn't want to violate your privacy, and I'm very thankful for what you've done for me."

There's a smile in Juliette's tear-streaked eyes as she raises her hands in a double thumbs-up, even as you hold her down on your dick, choking her on your cock.

"Thanks, but it's not my privacy I'm worried about. It's my wives." You enjoy as Juliette orgasms beneath you again, the moan of her throat vibrating through your cock, but you peel her off so she can breathe, and you can get a bit of sense. "See, Dany - my other slave-wife - is actually Astra." Both women blink in shock at that, seeming not to believe you. "Meg, come here, full speed." Meg zips in, Celeste currently attach to her breast, and both Helen and Juliette stare at her, awe in their gaze. "Don't worry, I married her first, then got her consent to mind control her. Just like with you two."

"Nine years into our relationship, he finally tells us about his mind control powers..." Meg sighs at all the wasted time. "All because he found some fetish books we'd bought online."

"Right. So now you know, and I can enjoy both my slave-wives in all the myriad ways I haven't been, for the past little while." You ram your dick right back down Juliette's throat, choking her on your cock, enjoying as she sputters and drools on your length, a dumbfounded smile on her lips. "Is it sexier, knowing that the man who mind controlled you, is also the one who made the most powerful superhero in the world his personal property?" Helen and Juliette both nod without even thinking, and you explode right down Juliette's throat a moment later.

* * *

Juliette is much more aggressively enthusiastic than Helen is. Helen seems to naturally fall into a submissive and docile role, treating you like an employer, waiting to be called upon. If you order her to do something, she unambiguously enjoys it - but Juliette is the one who will start rubbing herself against you, panting a bit as she says things like, "Master, I have to go to school in an hour, so if you want to use my body, you have to do it now," or "Master, I have to go to school in two minutes, so if you want to use my body, you have to order me not to go to school, ruining my life for the sake of your sexual pleasure." (You don't do the latter, no matter how often she asks.) It means Juliette gets a lot more of your cock - focused entirely on her mouth and throat for the time being, leaving her a technical virgin even as you make her constantly come buckets.

Juliette's presence also frees up Meg's time quite a bit. Rather than needing to remain on-hand to watch over Celeste, Juliette can use the breastmilk that the twins are constantly pumping out with a pump just-in-case (both her and Meg are lactating by this point) to feed the baby. Part of that time is, naturally, spent sucking you off, fucking you, being in one alternate personality or another, but, you do give her just a bit of a nudge to take up some interests outside of the home.

She eventually settles on military history, visiting museums on the subject, going to watch reenactments, and building up a decent library of books on the subject. You're just glad she's actually doing something beyond you. As submissive as both she and Dany are, Dany has friends and work and interests outside of the home, while Meg has been constrained to it pretty much since the moment she came into the family.

* * *

You've had Meg remain in contact with the last of the potential girls, XOXO - or, Cheryl Jefferson, or CJ as she often goes by - lightly over the entire time you've spent with Juliette and Helen. You wanted to absolutely confirm that she was really interested in changing up her sexuality, and she's remained quite steadfast in that assumption. The last little chatting between CJ and Meg included the moneyshot of, "honestly, i'd rather be str8 than gay. guys are much more aggressive and dominant, ykwim?"

Leaving aside her declarations of male sexuality based on nothing but ignorance, it leaves little doubt in your mind that her feelings at the moment are going to stick around unless you do something about them one way or the other.

CJ is absolutely, unerringly focused on Meg the moment the two of you meet her in the restaurant. Her eyes wander across Meg's body with naked lust, her throat bobbing as she swallows a little. She gives the occasional, momentary, fleeting gaze your way, but it's obvious that she thinks Meg is a 10/10 knockout (making her objectively correct) and wants to get in all the staring she can.

"Meg tells me you'd be willing to have your sexuality changed?" You prompt CJ, making her blink rapidly, turning her gaze your way.

"Oh. Um. Yeah. Unless your wife would be willing to just enslave me." There's a certain intensity to the words.

"I don't have any sexual interest in other women," Meg replies, then leans her head against your shoulder. "Only my husband," she explains, with an upward curl of her lips.

"Oh. That's too bad," CJ says. She swallows as if she's just realized she's in front of another human being and saliva is pooling in her mouth. "So. How's this work?"

"According to your discussions with Meg, you would be very interested in becoming a sex slave, is that correct?" She nods quite quickly.

"I mean, to a woman," she adds.

"And if to... become a sex slave, it was necessary to become straight, or bisexual?"

"Then I'd do that. I mean, women, they, you know, even the dommes are all touchy-feely. And I couldn't find a mind controlling one anyway. Assuming you really are one."

"The first thing I'll do is make it so you can't mention things about my powers or my home life. The second thing will be to make you bisexual. The third thing, if you want it, will be to make you my slave. How does that sound to you?"

"Yes, please," she says, and you take a deep breath before pushing into her mind.

The moment she's made bisexual, her eyes flick from Meg over to you, running along your arms, your face, your hair. She licks her lips excitedly. "Can you take off your top? I want to see what a man's chest looks like now."

"We're in a restaurant, CJ," Megaera points out, just the faintest note of irritation.

"Oh, right." She swallows. "Um. Okay. Yes, I'll become your slave, make me your slave." You quietly insert the thought into her mind, now that you have her explicit consent, and it goes in easily.

* * *

You gently wrap the collar around CJ's neck, and she trembles a bit as you do so, her nipples hard and perky. Her eyelashes flutter rapidly, her breath a bit shallow as she stands before you, completely naked. You haven't stripped at all in the time she's been here, and her lips work at the air to finally plead for you to show her your body. "Please, Master, let me see your naked body, I've never seen a man's naked body when I'm attracted to him, and you're really hot."

You finally give in, unbuttoning your top, enjoying the naked, wide-eyed lust with which she stares at your increasingly bare chest. Her gaze runs across it, her breathing irregular and heated as you finally pull off your top, leaving yourself naked from the waist up. You can see her gently tremble in place with anticipation. Meg quietly curls up behind you, perching her chin on your shoulder, fingertips trailing across your bare chest in a pattern that's meant to tease CJ as much as you. "Let me, let me touch, Master," CJ pants out, her fingers reaching forward to join Meg's on your chest. You let her, starting to pull down your pants, until your cock finally pops out.

Her eyes seem to almost pop out a moment later, the thick wetness in her throat seemingly audible in the open air, and she immediately twists around, placing her hands firmly on the bed. "Fuck me, Master! Take my cherry for real! I already lost my hymen to toys, but now I'll get a man's cock! I'll get taught to love dick, like every woman should!" There's a frantic note to her words as she speaks, her lust wild and naked. "I'm your mind-controlled bisexual slave slut, teach me that cock is so much better than-" She squeals as you simply slam yourself to the base inside her, making her squeal in ecstasy, her eyes rolling up.

"It feels that good, huh?" You ask, a teasing note to your voice as you grip her by the hips and just start to fuck into her. She nods dumbly, a bit of saliva splashing out of her mouth. You barely upped her sensitivity, certainly not enough to explain this - is it the mind control? The novelty of feeling a real cock? Something else entirely? You can't be sure, but you let your finger slide around her body, seeking out her clit and beginning to gently brush against it. "By the way, you know Meg?" She pants and nods rapidly, obviously knowing Meg. "She mention her twin sister?"

"Yesh, Mashter," she slurs out, before coming hard on your cock, going cross-eyed with pleasure as she does so, her whole body twitching spastically beneath you, her cunt squeezing taut on your cock.

"Her twin sister is Astra," you tell her. "You'll never be able to tell that to a person outside of this home for as long as you live, whether or not you choose to remain my 'bisexual slave slut,' got it?" She nods rapidly, her eyelashes fluttering, drool slipping out of her mouth and splashing down onto the bed in increasingly copious quantities. Your pace inside her just accelerates, your fingers getting firmer in their grip on her naked body.

"I, love, cock," she pants out, as she comes down. "I love, Master's, cock. Forget pussy! I love dick! I'm a fucking horny bi sex slave, but all my co-slaves are straight so I'll be an obedient fuckbunny for Master who, never thinks of, anything else, but his cock!" Her cheeks are red, her nipples hard, her expression wild with unrepentant lust as she drools her juices all over your length. She's got a certain mania to her lust that you didn't honestly expect, and are pretty sure you didn't put there.

Juliette comes in at some point, giving the orgasming, twitching form of CJ only a cursory glance. "Celeste is asleep again, Master," she says, in a soft voice. "Is your new slave doing well? You can make me please you with my mouth again if she's not." There's a certain delight as she says those words, her tongue flashing along her upper lip as she contemplates having her face and throat used, and it makes your cock twitch wildly inside of CJ.

"She's doing great. Very enthusiastic. Reminds me of you, but hornier," you tell her, making Meg laugh a little, nibbling at your neck. You reach for one of CJ's pigtails, pulling her up by it, making her face Juliette. "I haven't let her experience the wonder of PIV sex yet, CJ. Tell her how great it is."

"Ish great," CJ says, with a little delirious note to her voice. "Cock is so good! Pussy sucks, dildos sucks, masturbating sucks, I want to get fucked by Master's cock!"

Juliette pants at that, her fingers sliding down to her sex, and she starts to masturbate to the sight before her. Meg's quite visibly pregnant by this point - she's only a month or so from giving birth - and after she comes for the first time, her gaze goes to her belly. Not with lust, but with something more affectionate, hopeful. She wants to be a mother very dearly, and this is the closest she'll ever get.

"Tell me you want me to knock you up," you order CJ.

"Breed me, make this former lesbian into a mother," CJ says, in a delirious tone of voice. You made sure she was actually on the pill before you started fucking her raw, but it feels so good, hearing those words from her. "This is what my pussy was made for, getting fucked by a hard cock!" She squeals in pleasure as she comes, hard, on your cock once more, and you let go inside her.